Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Large scaffolding monitoring measures and emergency plans

In scaffolding facilities, large scaffoldings of 20 meters and above and full house red scaffolding of 6.5 meters and above are often encountered, and such scaffolding is characterized by high and large features, and is erected due to its high and large features. There are easy to be neglected aspects in the use of demolition and daily management, which is likely to cause large safety accidents. To ensure the smooth construction of large-scale scaffolding projects, the project is listed as a key preventive monitoring project. This measure is used for heights over 20 meters. Large scaffolding and 6.5-meter full red scaffolding, hereinafter referred to as large-scale scaffolding monitoring measures and emergency plans.

I. Organizational leadership

The project department shall set up a production safety leading group with the project manager as the team leader. The deputy manager in charge of technology and the deputy manager in charge of safety will lead the technicians, safety officers, construction workers and shelf monitors to perform their duties and safety duties separately, and implement the Ministry of Construction. The spirit of special governance activities. In the construction, the occurrence of falling accidents in high places will be carried out, and the rate of minor injuries will be controlled within one thousandth, so that the project can be successfully completed and the purpose of safe construction can be achieved.

Second, the hazard foresight

Cause of falling from a height

1) When the shelf is operated, the seat belt is not in accordance with the regulations;

2) Large scaffolding, vertical nets, flat nets, and flat screens are not tightly closed;

3) The material of the pedal is not strong enough and suddenly breaks;

4) When the high-altitude operation moves the position, the tower is empty and unstable;

5) When working in a high place, a falling object or the like is caused by an object that is moved due to improper standing or an operation error. Main reasons: 1 The operator lacks the safety technical knowledge of high-level operation; 2 The safety facilities and equipment that fall from the height are not perfect.

Cause of object striking

1) In high-altitude work, objects such as tool parts, bricks, and wooden blocks fall from heights and hurt people;

2) Artificially throwing waste and murdering people;

3) Demolition of scaffolding operations, such as fasteners, steel pipes falling and wounding.

Causes of scaffold collapse

1) The center of gravity of the scaffold is offset, the foundation is soft and not compact, and the wooden mat is not covered as required, and the overall instability collapses.

2) The number of scaffolding and building knots is insufficient, and the over-area or tie-down is not strong;

3) Safety technology design has not been carried out before construction, and the design is defective or not constructed and used according to the design plan;

4) The shelf structure of the high-rise building is too high and too large, and the additional load is increased. The inspection after the completion of the installation is not serious.

Third, organizational protection measures

1) The deputy manager responsible for production of the project department is responsible for the safety management of large scaffolding.

2) The technician responsible for the technical department of the project department is responsible for the safety technical guidance and technical disclosure of large scaffolding.

3) The safety department of the project department is responsible for the safety supervision and inspection of large scaffolding.

4) The data department responsible for safety information of the project department cooperates with the engineering technician, is responsible for the deformation monitoring of large scaffolding, and makes monitoring records.

5) The technicians, construction workers, safety officers and shelf monitors of the project department are responsible for the stratified segmentation acceptance of large-scale scaffolding, and the data officer is responsible for the acceptance record.

6) The technicians of the project department should fully understand the structural design and technical requirements of the large scaffolding, and regularly observe and predict the hidden dangers that may exist in the construction work to develop preventive measures and solve technical problems.

7) The entry personnel must carry out safety education and training. The shelf workers must be certified to work and the project department security officer is responsible for implementation.

8) One level gauge and one theodolite are responsible for the detection and daily observation of large scaffolding.

9) Adhere to the targeted safety technology before the operation and the pre-class safety activities, especially the safety protection measures during the construction and the division of work requirements are detailed, clear and reasonable, and the technical measures are given to each operator and have a record.

10) Safety protection facilities and safety warning signs shall be set at the construction site, and no special person shall be responsible for the movement and removal.

Fourth, security technology protection measures

1) Construction workers must wear safety helmets and wear safety helmet belts when entering the construction site. Safety belts should be worn at high places, high hanging and low use, and it is strictly forbidden to work after drinking.

2) Install protective railings and closed safety nets around the scaffolding, and tie the flat nets with the layers.

3) The Raje rod point of the large scaffolding, the arrangement of the anchor point is required to meet the standard and design requirements, and the tie rod is set along the height of the frame to ensure the stability of the scaffold.

4) It is necessary to implement responsibility and daily inspection and maintenance, focusing on the inspection of frame changes, various supports and the force of connection with the structure.

5) In the process of supporting and dismantling operations, it is necessary to carry out the work in strict accordance with the regulations, and the construction plan and work order shall not be changed without authorization. The changes must be reported to the technical department for approval.

6) After the scaffolding is completed, it shall be applied for acceptance in layers and sections, and it shall not be accepted and shall not be delivered for use.

7) Conscientiously carry out the demolition sequence of large-scale scaffolding, apply for the project department before and after dismantling, and after the project department approves, send technical personnel to the site to supervise the demolition, first divide the operation area, set a fence around or erect warning signs, and the ground should be directed by a special person. Non-professionals are included.

8) Remove the scaffolding. The operator must wear a safety helmet and wear a seat belt.

9) The order of demolition of scaffolding should follow the principle of first disassembling, then disassembling, and then disassembling, that is, first removing the railing, scaffolding, scissors, and bracing, then removing the small crossbar, large crossbar, and pole. Wait, follow the principle of one step and one clear, and it is forbidden to remove them at the same time.

V. Construction safety system

1) The project department holds a production meeting every Monday, and arranges safety measures and targets at the same time when arranging production tasks. The key points of safety work should be mentioned in the parts that are prone to major accidents and taken seriously.

2) The third-level safety education of the entry personnel, the special operation personnel shall be certified by the project department security personnel to carry out education and inspection verification documents.

3) Daily pre-class safety activities, the construction staff is responsible for organizing the work content of the day, according to the work content, the technician is responsible for the technical measures, the operation division requirements are detailed, clear and reasonable, and the protective measures are implemented.

Sixth, emergency treatment measures

1) The project department will prepare an emergency rescue plan for building production safety accidents, establish a rescue organization, and implement rescue equipment.

2) Under the premise of safety first and prevention-oriented in the operation of large-scale scaffolding, adhere to the principle of combining self-help, self-rescue and project department rescue in the event of safety accidents and emergencies, and implement the principle of unified command and grading responsibility.

3) Production accidents that may occur during large scaffolding operations:

1 height falls 2 objects hit 3 frame collapse

4) Emergency Rescue Leading Group

The head of the project department for large-scale scaffolding is the head of the emergency rescue team;

The project technician of the large scaffolding operation is the deputy leader of the emergency rescue team;

The project security officer of the large scaffolding operation is a member of the emergency rescue team;

All personnel working on large scaffolding are emergency rescue personnel.

5) Responsibility of the emergency rescue leading group

In the event of a security incident or emergency, the rescue team leader unified command, report to the rescue team of the project department in the first time, and report to 119, 110, 120 in time, request social assistance, and organize command personnel to enter the rescue work.

In the event of a security incident or an emergency, the deputy team leader of the rescue team unanimously coordinated the suspension of the ongoing high-level operations, and the personnel were evacuated to a safe location in time.

In the event of a security incident or a sudden incident, the rescue team members quickly concentrated, obey the team leader's arrangement, organized the rescue according to the division of responsibilities and regular drills, and carried out artificial first aid to the injured person to reduce the speed of injury.

Protect the scene of the accident, protect the evidence of the scene of the accident, and report the accident and cooperate with the accident investigation.

After the project department or the company emergency rescue team arrived, they immediately reported to the leader of the leading group and obeyed the unified command of the company's emergency rescue team.


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