Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

School emergency evacuation drill plan

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the important thinking of the "Scientific Outlook on Development", we must adhere to the all-round development and harmonious development of education. Adhere to earthquake prevention and disaster reduction and education and teaching together, and implement the work principle of “prevention first, combining defense and rescue”. We will implement the spirit of the superior archives, vigorously carry out publicity and education activities on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, further improve the earthquake emergency evacuation and rescue work, and strive to build a harmonious campus.

Second, the target task

Improve the ability to respond, so that the earthquake is not chaotic, not panic, scientific decision-making, rapid action, strong disposal, and minimize casualties. The specific task is: receive the signal to perform the protective action as fast as possible. Receive signals to evacuate to the designated safe location in an orderly manner as quickly as possible.

Third, evacuation objects: attached to all the teachers and students

Fourth, the drill time: the second class on the afternoon of March 16, 2019

V. Exercise content

Scenario simulation: The teachers and students in the school are in the classroom and encounter unexpected accidents. A total of 2 exercises, the first for the earthquake evacuation drill, the second for the fire evacuation drill. After the first drill, they returned to their classrooms in order, and the second drill started five minutes later.

Sixth, the specific implementation process

1. Prepare for the week before the official drill:

The school organizes all teachers and students to learn about earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and popularize the contents of the "Question and Answer on Safety and Prevention of Earthquake Disaster Reduction".

In the prominent position of the school, use propaganda posters, posters and other forms to increase publicity, further improve the awareness of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction of teachers and students throughout the school, and clearly define the significance of the drill.

2. The drill is carried out in two steps:

Preparation: Leave 5 sidewalks per shift, and pass through the classroom.

The first step: let the students drill down to the desk in time. Action essentials:

At the beginning, the teacher shouted: "Attention, the earthquake! Drill into the bottom of the table." The student quickly moved the stool to the side of the desk, then bent his knees and squats, while using his hands to protect his head and quickly drilled to the bottom of the desk; While the teacher opened the classroom door, he checked the students and then drilled down to the desk.

Step 2: Withdraw to safety.

After about a minute, the teacher shouted: “Withdraw in order!” The student quickly drilled out of the desk and put the stool back in place.

Students are evacuated from the front and rear doors in order of advance arrangement, and a single queue is required for withdrawal. Responsible for implementation: class teacher or teacher

3. The day before the official drill.

The school principal will mobilize the deployment and raise the precautions. Safety should emphasize:

1 When you are on the ground, you should pay attention to protect your head and eyes so as not to be hurt by the desk and chair.

2 The overall requirement for evacuation is “safe, orderly, and fast”, and the first is to ensure “safe and orderly”. During the evacuation process, especially at the stairway, students are not allowed to push, pull or squeeze each other.

3 The entire drill process should be kept intense and serious, and it is not allowed to be jealous or playful.

Order: Teachers and students should be unified to obey orders, the first order said that the earthquake occurred, requiring local shock absorbers; the second order indicated that the earthquake had passed and required safe evacuation. Students return to their classrooms.

4. Formal drill

In-situ shock absorbers:

After hearing the first order, in accordance with the requirements of the above-mentioned action requirements, the teacher quickly directed the students to squat at the desk under the desk.

Safe evacuation:

After hearing the second whistle, the students lined up under the leadership of the teacher and evacuated safely and orderly to the designated location.

7. Safe evacuation routes for each class:

Each class is evacuated from the front and rear doors of the classroom

South Building Student evacuation route:

There are 5 classrooms on the 1st floor from east to west, which are East 1--East 5 classrooms; 2nd--4th floors are 9 classrooms from east to west, respectively, called East 1--East 9 classrooms. For example: 1.1 classroom is the first classroom on the east side of the first floor, we call it the East 1 classroom.

1st floor: East 1, East 2 classroom students evacuate from the south entrance hall to the south gate; East 3 classrooms from the middle entrance hall to the south gate to evacuate; East 4, East 5 classrooms from the west gate to the south gate to evacuate.

2-4th floor: East 1, East 2, East 3 classroom students from the east stairs to the first floor to the south gate evacuation.

2-4th floor: East 4 East 5 East 6 classroom students evacuate from the middle staircase to the first floor and walk south gate.

2-4th floor: East 7, East 8, East 9 teacher students evacuate from the west staircase to the first floor and walk south gate

Middle floor student evacuation route:

1-3F: East 1 classroom students walk east, and follow the corridor northward from the north hall of the east building to the east.

1-3F: East 2, East 3 classroom students go down the stairs from the middle east side, and evacuate from the south gate along the east side of the 1st floor lobby.

1-3F: Students from East 3 and East 4 classrooms descend from the middle west staircase and evacuate from the south gate along the west side of the 1st floor lobby.

4th floor: West 1, West 2 classroom students go down the stairs from the middle west side, and evacuate from the south gate along the east side of the 1st floor lobby.

North Building Student evacuation route:

Kindergarten West 1, West 2, West 3 classroom students evacuated from the west gate; East 1, East 2 classroom students evacuated from the East Gate Classroom students evacuate from the west side staircase to the first floor and walk south gate.

Student safe evacuation location:

The students from the South Building quickly evacuated from the east, middle and west gates of Lounanmen to the south of the playground.

1. The class withdrawn from the east staircase is on the east side of the playground, and the order from east to west is

2. The classes in which the stairs are withdrawn are arranged in order, from east to west. The order is

3. The classes on the west side of the stairs are arranged in order, from east to west. The order is

Director Fu Fuxia here coordinated the class teacher to organize good students.

4. The students in the middle building are quickly evacuated to the south of the playground in the south side of the school's east building. The order from east to west is

Director Teng Jian is here to coordinate the class teacher to organize students.

5. The fourth-grade students of the North Building quickly passed through the west side of the No. 2 and No. 3 teaching buildings and were evacuated to the west side of the south side of the playground. The order from the west to the east was

Director Wu Zhongling organizes students here

6. Kindergarten freshmen, sophomores, and middle school students quickly evacuated to the north and south roads outside the school after the school building, and Qin Yusheng was organized here. The second and third class students quickly evacuated to the school after the school building. At the office. Organized by Director Liu Xuemei here.

7. The two teachers who organize the student order in each class wait for the students to withdraw from the classroom, follow the student team to the safe zone, the class teacher is responsible for counting the number of students; Qin Yingdi is responsible for the student order from the east teaching building to the playground; Director Wang Changzeng is responsible for teaching The student order entering the playground on the west side of the building; Chairman Cui Zhixiang is responsible for the student order entering the playground from the South Building; Liu Huade, Wang Xiuli and Yuan Chonghai are responsible for supervising the entire drill process.

Eight, the specific arrangements of teachers during the drill:

Class arrangement by teacher:

1.1 Lu Xiuyan Wu Xiu 1.2 Zhao Xiuyun Bi Xiuqin 1.3 Wang Hong Qin Xiurong

1.4 Cui Chenghua Yao Kun 1.5 Cao Aijie Zhang Yufeng 1.6 Yu Hongmei Qin Xuehui

1.7 Qin Yuxi Liu Xuemei 1.8 Xu Yan Yu Shucai 1.9 Li Xiuzhen Zhang Ningning

1.10 Ma Lili Teng Weidong 1.11 Tao Guizhen Han Yunxia 1.12 Li Shuxia Liu Hongxiang

2.1 Wang Li Teng Shaoying 2.2 Gao Yuan Liu Kunlun 2.3 Qi Surong Jiang Wenhua

2.4 Jia Weiqin Dong Lingling 2.5 Zhao Yulan Chang Liangliang 2.6 Cui Aiqun Chen Hua

2.7 Li Youchang Wang Xiumei 2.8 Wang Shuhua Ai Chunxiao 2.9 Zhao Huijuan Sun Xiuzhen

2.10 Cao Yunchang Gao Qingfen

3.1 Liu Hailian Li Yuzhen 3.2 Tang Mei Teng Chuanguo 3.3 Qin Haixiao Feng Lei

3.4 Li Hong Meng Chao 3.5 Liu Yanying Zhao Lanqin 3.6 Zhang Guilian Zhang Ling

3.7 Liu Liping Zhou Aijuan

4.1 Liu Fengqin Yuan Zhaofang 4.2 Wang Chunyan Gao Guochen4.3 Liu Guixia Zhao Guihua

4.4 Hao Yongxin Chen Yanyan 4.5 Xiao Xiaofang Zhang Ruifeng 4.6 Qin Xiuxia Zhang Qilai

4.7 Feng Wei Zhou Ruirong

5.1 Cheng Yanjie Jia Junhua 5.2 Hao Xiuli Wang Ling 5.3 Liu Xiaoyu Wang Longyuan

5.4 Feng Xiuying Guo Ruiqin 5.5 Fu Chunxiang Zhao Zhongping 5.6 Zhang Yuxiang Li Jinxiang

5.7 Wang Shumin Zheng Shasha

6.1 Zhao Xiuzhi Sun Hong 6.2 Liu Guimei Jiang Lehu 6.3 Pan Deliang Li Yuzhen

6.4 He Yongming Zhang Limin 6.5 Zhang Mei Liu Huiqin 6.6 Wang Ailing Ling Yanyan

6.7 Zhang Jie Liu Shufang

Kindergarten: The teacher of Qin Yusheng arranges the teacher himself.

When the students are required to evacuate, the two teachers rely on the division of labor to work together, one is leading in front of the team, and one is behind the team to prevent crowding and leakage.

Teacher arrangements for nursing students in the corridor:

South Gate East Gate: 1st and 2nd Floor Stairs: Wang Chunyan 3rd and 4th Stairs Turning: Qin Xiaoyan

South Building Middle Gate: 1st, 2nd Floor Stairs Turning: Zhang Lingling 3rd and 4th Stairs Turning: Cui Quan

South Gate West Gate: 1, 2 Stairs Turning: Hujiaxin 3rd and 4th Stairs Turning: Xu Hongji

South Gate West Gate: Liu Zhengquan South Building Middle Gate: Xu Hong

South Gate East Gate: Wu Hongliang

Middle Building East Stairs: 1st and 2nd Floor Stairs: Teng Jianping 3rd and 4th Stairs Turning: Zhao Jianhui

West Building West Staircase: 1st and 2nd Floor Stairs: Chen Qili 3rd and 4th Stairs Turning: Wang Yongliang

North Gate of the Middle Building: South Gate of Wang Qingyuan Middle Building: Cui Bin

North Tower West Stairs: 1st and 2nd Floor Stairs: Jiang Xiufen 3rd and 4th Stairs Turning: Zhong Jingling

North Gate West Gate: West Gate of North Hall of Nest Cuixiang East Building: Xu Xiuling

Stairs on the north side of the East Building: Turns on the 2nd and 3rd floors: Liu Ruichuan 1, 2nd Floor Stairs: Liu Baoli

Responsibilities of the exercise teacher: On time, remind students to evacuate in an orderly manner, avoid falling and trampling accidents, and ensure the safety of teachers and students.

Logistics, ambulance team:

Team leader: Hao Chengjie

Group members: Liu Meihua, Wang Xiaohong, Zhang Yulin

Responsibilities: Responsible for the preparation of the corresponding items, emergency rescue for injured teachers and students.

Broadcast Signal Group: Broadcast commander responsible for signals and related matters.

Team leader: Qu Yanwei, member: All physical education teachers. Signaled by the order of the leader of the drill leadership team.

Signalman's Responsibilities: The school leaders announced that the exercise began, and Xu Hong blew the whistle. After the other signal officers heard the whistle, they blew together and stopped for 30 seconds. After 1 minute, the second whistle was blown by Teacher Xu Hong, and the other signallers blew together again for 30 seconds.

Security team:

Team leader: Huang Yongfeng

Member: Security personnel

Responsibilities: 1. All vehicles are prohibited from passing during the exercise. 2. Clear the vehicles on both sides of the school gate before the start of the drill so that the students can evacuate to the area.

9. After the drill ended, the classes were brought back according to the escape route.

X. Relevant matters needing attention

1. Before the exercise, the class teacher is required to emphasize safety first, and must be carried out under the premise of safety first.

2, the drill must be based on the password, organized and disciplined.

3. The teacher can leave the post after the student has been evacuated during the drill.

4. The purpose of the drill is to further enhance the awareness of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction of teachers and students and improve the ability of earthquake emergency response, which will be used as a regular work of the school. At this point, the teacher must explain clearly to the students, so as to avoid misinformation such as “the earthquake will occur in our province” in the parents and the society.

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