Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Radiation accident emergency treatment plan

First, the purpose

X-rays penetrate the human body to produce certain biological effects. If the dose is too large or the contact time is too long, it will cause a certain degree of damage to the human body. Therefore, in order to ensure radiation safety, this plan is specially formulated.

Second, emergency organization and responsibilities

The hospital established the Radiation Protection Leading Group and the Hospital Radiological Accident Emergency Organization. The responsibilities of the Radiation Incident Emergency Organization are as follows:

Fully responsible for the unified coordination of emergency response to hospital radiation incidents;

Responsible for coordinating the work of radiology protection in various departments;

Regularly organize radiation workers to learn emergency response knowledge of radiation events;

Organize emergency rescue for radiation incidents and report to relevant departments.

Third, radiation management

Regular self-inspection and monitoring system

Under the leadership of the hospital radiation protection leading group, the designated person will check the ray warning signs and safety indicators of each place once a week, otherwise it will be replaced in time; the radiation equipment monitoring will be carried out once a year; Personal dose monitoring, establish a centralized collection of personal dose files; conduct management review of radiation protection safety of radiation equipment for the current year in the last quarter of each year, formulate work plans and targets for the next year, and propose improvement measures for existing contents; The health checkup of the staff will be arranged once a year, and the health records will be established and centralized and unified. The radiation protection knowledge and related laws and regulations will be arranged every two years from the radiation staff; in the provincial health department, the health law enforcement supervision team and the provincial environmental protection bureau. Under the leadership, according to the size of the radiation dose and the length of service, the organization is concerned with the health care leave or recuperation of the staff.

Radiological event reporting system

1. If the personal radiation dose exceeds the standard, it should immediately report to the hospital radiation protection leading group and the team leader, arrange for the over-standard personnel to leave the post, analyze the reasons, and classify the treatment.

2. Departments and individuals who have incurred or discovered radiation accidents must report to the Medical Services Department immediately.

3. The hospital must immediately report to the environmental protection department and the health administrative department of Wenjiang District.

Fourth, emergency disposal measures

1. If the ray device fails, immediately turn off the power to the device and report it to the radiation protection leading group. Contact: Pan Sheng. Contact number: 80926356.

2. In the event of an accident of over-dose exposure, the hospital shall promptly arrange for the person to be examined to undergo medical examination or to be treated at a designated medical institution, and to take emergency safety measures for the source of the danger.

3. If the radioactive source leaks, is lost, or is stolen, the first discoverer should immediately report to the hospital security department or the total duty.

4. After a radiation accident, the hospital should immediately organize a member of the radiation protection leading group to discuss, fill out the "radiation accident report card", and report it to the competent department.

V. Safeguard measures

1. Registration appointment personnel should warmly receive patients and their families, carefully introduce the inspection process, patiently explain the problems they care about, and inform them that the x-ray penetration of the human body will produce certain biological effects, which will cause a certain degree of damage to the human body, but It is generated only when the power of the x-ray generator is turned on. Like the visible light, when the switch is turned off, there is no residual of the radiation. The benefit of the inspection far exceeds the risk of damage, and our radiologists and technicians have accepted Strict training will use a minimum exposure dose and a minimum exposure range to obtain a diagnostic image; the patient is reminded to pay attention to the safety of personal property during the radiology waiting period.

2, photo technicians or doctors must pass the radiological professional training before they can carry out clinical operations, should be very familiar with the machine being operated; for the operation of the remote diagnostic bed or the frame robot arm, the operating procedures should be strictly observed, and pay close attention The movement of the machine and the patient's condition; must be familiar with the emergency stop switch of each machine, and can make judgments on the emergency situation. In operation, attention must be paid to the protection of sensitive parts of patients and the protection of family members. In principle, it is not necessary to accompany them during the examination. It is necessary for the caregiver to wear lead clothing protection. It is absolutely forbidden for people to stay and prevent unnecessary exposure. If in doubt, consult the department head immediately.

3. Ensure that all radiation workers regularly participate in the training and fully understand the radiation protection laws and regulations and related knowledge. Members of the hospital's radiation protection leading group check once a week whether the radiation protection warning signs and radiation safety indicators are working properly, whether the personal dose monitors are properly worn, and whether the doors and windows of the premises are not closed. The contact number of the members of the Radiation Protection Leading Group must be kept open at all times.

4. The responsible department should regularly check the limit switches, lock parts and movements of each machine, especially with electric stepping equipment such as diagnostic bed, robot arm, frame, etc., to prevent accidental failure of the machine. Regular inspection of the tube sleeve, high-voltage cable and high-voltage easy-breaking parts to prevent high-voltage electric shock accidents. Strengthen daily maintenance. If you find any doubts, please report to the Section Director immediately and contact the General Services Section for maintenance.

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