Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Travel agency security accident emergency plan

First, strengthen the leadership of tourism safety work, set up a tourism safety work leading group, the corporate legal representative or general manager as the team leader, clear the specific responsibilities of each department and the specific responsibility of each part of the team operation.

Second, establish and improve the rules and regulations for tourism safety management. Identify safety responsibilities and implement safety management responsibilities to each department, each position, and each employee.

Third, handle travel agency liability insurance. When organizing a group, it is recommended that tourists apply for personal accident insurance. Personal accident insurance for group tour guides.

4. Formulate emergency measures for the prevention and handling of tourism safety accidents. It should include: fire safety prevention and treatment emergency measures; public security case prevention and treatment measures; traffic accident prevention and treatment measures; food poisoning prevention and treatment measures; public health emergency treatment measures.

Fifth, strengthen the education and training of employees' travel safety knowledge. Popularize safety common sense and improve safety skills. For newly recruited employees, they must undergo safety training and be qualified before they can be employed.

6. The fire evacuation passages of the travel agency's business premises are smooth, the facilities and equipment are in good condition and effective, and the relevant regulations are met. Adhere to regular safety inspections and eliminate unsafe hidden dangers in a timely manner.

7. Travel agencies organize tourism activities. The means of transportation for renting and using must have legal operating procedures, sign a standard lease contract, and must not hire "black cars." When arranging tourist activities, carefully consider the factors that may affect safety, develop a careful itinerary plan, and take care to avoid the driver being fatigued.

8. During the tour of tourists, the tour guides must take up the responsibility. Before the tour, they should give the tourists the necessary safety knowledge and precautionary measures to remind visitors to pay attention to their own safety and self-protection. In places where safety accidents are prone to occur, the tourists are reminded in time and they are not allowed to leave the group without authorization.

IX. There must be a complete handover procedure for the passenger's baggage, clear responsibility, and prevent damage and loss.

X. Accident handling

All accidents involving the personal and property safety of tourists are tourism safety accidents. Travel safety accidents are divided into four levels: minor, general, major and mega accidents:

1. A minor accident refers to an accident caused by a minor injury or economic loss of less than 10,000 yuan;

2. A general accident refers to a serious injury or economic loss of 10,000 to 100,000 yuan caused by an accident;

3. A major accident is one in which an accident causes a tourist to die or a tourist is seriously injured or disabled, or an economic loss is between 100,000 yuan and 1 million yuan;

4. A major accident is one in which an accident has caused more than one death to the tourist or the economic loss is more than 1 million yuan, or the nature is particularly serious and has a significant impact.

In the event of a safety incident, the relevant personnel at the site shall immediately report to the unit and the local tourism administrative department. Travel agencies should adhere to the principle of first aid, immediately send people to the scene, organize rescue work, protect the scene of the accident, and minimize the loss of life and property of tourists; after receiving reports of general, major and mega-security incidents, the Municipal Tourism Administration will Report to the Municipal People's Government as soon as possible, and report to the Provincial Tourism Bureau within 2 hours of receiving the report.

Before the accident handling department personnel enter the accident site, if the physical evidence is required for the on-site rescue work, marking should be made to protect the objective integrity of the accident site.

In case of casualties, medical personnel should be organized immediately for rescue and timely report to the local health department.

After the casualty accident, the travel agency shall, in the timely organization of the ambulance, check the team name, nationality, name, gender, age, passport number, and insurance status at home and abroad of the casualty and register. In case of death, attention should be paid to protecting the remains and remains of the victims. Baggage and articles at the scene of the accident must be carefully cleaned and protected, and registered on a case-by-case basis.

If there are overseas tourists among the casualties, the travel agency shall promptly report to the Municipal Tourism Administration and the foreign affairs department after checking the casualties, and notify the overseas travel agency in time.

In the process of dealing with casualties, the travel agency should work with the relevant departments to carefully handle the reception of the injured family, the remains of the victims and the relics, and other after-care work, and contact the relevant departments to provide relevant certificates for the disabled or the families of the casualties. file.

Travel agencies should coordinate with relevant departments to properly handle the compensation for casualties.

After the accident is handled, the travel agency should carefully summarize the lessons learned, establish accident files, and further improve and strengthen safety management measures to prevent similar accidents from happening again.

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