Secretarial knowledge > Emergency plan

Kindergarten earthquake emergency plan

Kindergartens are densely populated places. Because young children are still young and have low ability to make public emergencies such as earthquake disasters, kindergartens often become the most affected places. According to the actual situation of the park, combined with the requirements of the compilation guide for the earthquake emergency plan of the Chinese small school in Quanzhou, the earthquake emergency plan of the park was prepared.

First, the general

Emergency command organization

The emergency command of the kindergarten set up the emergency commander and the on-site emergency command. The emergency commander was appointed by the director Xu Honghong, and the on-site emergency command was served by Liao Shufeng, deputy director. When the original commander or the on-site commander could not reach the scene, Xu Zhenzhen was the director of the mission to serve as the commander.

Responsibilities of the emergency commander: responsible for organizing the implementation of the emergency plan; responsible for issuing information to initiate or cancel emergency operations; opening an on-site command organization; informing the local government and higher authorities of the emergency rescue action plan, and proposing specific requirements for support.

Responsibilities of the on-site command: Fully responsible for the organization and command work of the emergency rescue site; responsible for timely reporting the on-site work to the general command, ensuring that the on-site operations are coordinated with the command of the general command; when an emergency occurs during the evacuation process, such as stepping on Pressure, etc., immediately organize rescue work and report to the general headquarters.

In addition, the headquarters also has several working groups.

Establishment of the principle of earthquake emergency evacuation and rescue

In accordance with the principle of “unified command, rapid response, implementation of measures, evacuation and order, and ensuring completeness”, the earthquake emergency evacuation and rescue of teachers and students will be carried out.

Evacuation and emergency evacuation

1. When the danger occurs, the director of Xu Honghong issues an evacuation order;

2. The principal responsible person of the office, Lin Shanshui, informed the evacuation method;

3. The number of evacuated personnel, all teachers and students and visiting personnel;

4. The power supply should be cut off in time to prevent secondary disasters from occurring during the evacuation process;

5. Scientifically design evacuation routes and try to avoid secondary disasters caused by panic;

6. Be considerate of the group that needs special care.

7. Make all the teachers and students familiar with the relevant information about evacuation, and determine in advance the methods for notifying the evacuation of teachers and students, the main or alternate assembly points, evacuation routes and the procedures for checking all personnel. There is a detailed list of visitors to the park, and the kindergarten teacher Yu Wang is responsible for its safety.

Draw a schematic diagram of the student evacuation plan for the emergency evacuation route, the designated position of the faculty and staff for the emergency evacuation, and the allocation plan for the temporary evacuation site, and set the relevant signs. Ensure adequate lighting at night for safe escape. Set indicators in the school to let teachers and students identify the direction of escape.

Self-help and mutual rescue

1. Designate Lin Shanshui as the medical rescue commander, establish a unified command of the rescue work; ensure the emergency care of the seriously injured and coordinate with the hospital.

2. Through the education of teachers and opening special lectures, teach students the common sense of self-help and mutual rescue work.

Emergency response

1. When a person is trapped, pay attention to saving physical strength and waiting for rescue. There are many ways to preserve your physical strength. If you don't move, you don't need to consume physical strength, and it is not conducive to physical continuity. The trapped person is trapped in a small area for a long time, and the legs and feet cannot be stretched freely. If the blood is not flowing for a long time, the blood will not flow smoothly, and the body will be numb and lose consciousness. At this time, the trapped person should exercise the body properly, massage or frequency, rhythmic activities are conducive to the maintenance of body functions. Trying to speak and shouting will consume physical strength. When the trapped person asks for help, he should use various ways to make sounds, such as knocking stones, blowing whistle, and clapping the palm. The trapped people under the rubble, it is best to chat with each other to avoid falling asleep. Because the air under the ruins is turbid and sparse, it is easy to wake up.

2. The fire after the earthquake is even more terrible. Therefore, when evacuating, first turn off the liquefied gas switch to eliminate the fire source. Whenever possible, try to turn off the gas main switch.

Second, the matters needing attention

Shock time and method

According to the historical earthquake cases, the large earthquakes affecting our city are generally affected by the earthquakes in the sea and the earthquakes in Taiwan. There are few direct earthquakes. Students should wait for 60 seconds to calm down and wait for 60 seconds. Evacuation routes are evacuated to emergency evacuation shelters. Do not jump off the building or jump out of the window.

Emergency suspension in different areas

Regardless of whether there are forecasts or warnings, after a devastating earthquake has occurred in the area or in the vicinity, the leading group should immediately rush to the post and quickly organize the school to rescue and rescue the disaster under the unified organization of the superior.

1. Personnel in the classroom:

Be calm and don't panic. After hearing the alarm, the class teacher or the class teacher will organize the students to quickly hurry up or head to the top to avoid the body. The body should be lying down or kneeling to make the body as low as possible, hiding at the bottom of the table or the corner to protect the body and avoid being shackled. Close to the window, do not jump off the building and jump windows.

2, teach outdoor staff:

Students outside the classroom should go to empty places, use their hands on their heads to prevent bedding, avoid buildings and wires; students on the playground feel that the earthquake is coming, stay calm and stand in the open air. The ground can be, can't run around, and can't hide in the building.

3. Dining staff:

When dining in the restaurant, when the earthquake is coming, the closemen can run to the open space, and the rest of the staff can reach the dining table and chair or lean against the corner as much as possible. Do not stand in the center of the restaurant.

4. Sleeping staff:

If there is an earthquake when you are sleeping in a dormitory, you should immediately drill under the bed when you feel up and down. You can also stand on the corner of the wall, avoid drilling into the closet or standing in the middle of the dormitory, and don’t rush out of the dormitory. Calm mentality, waiting for the ground to vibrate for 60 seconds, evacuated to the playground of the kindergarten playground in an orderly and fast manner. When you flee, pay attention to using a soft object such as a pillow on your head.

In order to prevent the key from being unlocked, the school unified the door lock and assigned the key to each teacher.

5. Teachers should promptly go to their respective positions to check the situation of earthquakes according to the prior division of labor. If any improper measures are taken, they should be corrected in time.

6. Students should, under the leadership of the teacher, act together to move the tables and chairs to facilitate shock absorption; keep a certain distance from the external walls and windows to avoid injury when the outer wall collapses or the glass breaks; avoid the indoor suspension Keep a certain passage to facilitate emergency evacuation at the time of the earthquake; arrange the students who are young or weak or disabled in a place convenient for suspension or evacuation, and evacuate as soon as possible.

7. In order to prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters, Lin Shanshui teacher is responsible for cutting off the power supply for the first time, Teacher Lin Yuwang and the teacher in the dormitory are responsible for shutting down the gas.

Special attention should be paid to emergency evacuation

According to the location of each class, emergency evacuation should be done:

1. The student will be evacuated on the spot. After hearing the alarm again, each class can immediately evacuate in accordance with the emergency evacuation route pre-defined by the kindergarten.

2. Evacuation order and route: The personnel are evacuated at the same time in two steps, and are quickly transferred to the emergency evacuation and evacuation site in advance according to the evacuation route established by the kindergarten.

3. Strictly emphasize the need to evacuate quickly according to evacuation routes. Do not rush to avoid collisions, crowding, and injury.

4, in the event of disaster, do not jump off the building.

5. The teacher is responsible for directing the evacuation of the students and is not allowed to leave the post.

6. There must be a teacher command at each stairway and corner.

7, in the process of evacuation, with a two-handed head or school bag, book head, to prevent being shackled.

8. Avoid buildings and wires as much as possible during the evacuation.

9. After each class reaches the safe area, it is necessary to quickly stand in accordance with the allocated area and then kneel down to protect the head. The teacher quickly organized the number of personnel to be counted and summarized it and reported it to the general headquarters.

Self-help and mutual rescue

After evacuation, personnel should be organized immediately to carry out self-help and mutual rescue work after the earthquake. Carry out on-site ambulance work with rescue personnel as the main content, and transfer the injured personnel to the nearby ambulance station for rescue. Special attention should be paid to the rescue of students trapped and buried due to buildings collapsed by the earthquake.

Post-disaster treatment:

1. The director of the disaster should immediately report the situation of the school to the higher authorities, including casualties and property losses.

2. Strengthen the ambulance and protection of important facilities, equipment and articles, strengthen the on-duty duty and patrol on campus, and prevent various criminal activities.

3. Actively assist the local government to do a good job in the ideological propaganda and education of teachers and students, eliminate panic, stabilize the people, quickly restore normal order, and fully safeguard social security and stability.

Third, organize the implementation of drills

According to the earthquake emergency plan, an emergency drill plan was prepared and simulated combat training was conducted. On the one hand, it can promote the familiarity between teachers and students, improve the ability of earthquake emergency response, and on the other hand, test the operability of the plan. The exercise plan should include the following aspects:

1. The specific time range of the drill;

2. The classes, the number of participants, the evacuation route of each class, the evacuation time, and the specific person in charge of each class;

3. Determination of the safe area and indications for evacuation to the safe area;

4. Determine the specific person in charge at each floor, stairway, and corner of the stairs;

5. Identify the inspectors at each floor to prevent someone from staying in the classroom;

6. Formulate plans for various types of emergencies. Such as sudden accidents such as stamping accidents and secondary disasters.

After the drill is completed, summarize the results according to the drill, find out the deficiencies, and constantly revise and improve the plan to make the plan more operable.

2019 Kindergarten Earthquake Emergency Plan Fanwen Expand Reading--Methods and Precautions for Emergency Plan Writing:

Methods and precautions for emergency plan writing:

In general, the format of the contingency plan includes the following items:

First, the emergency plan title

There are three main types of titles: one is the scope of application + the cause + the language, such as the "National Communications Security Emergency Plan", "The XX City Flood Disaster Relief Emergency Plan"; the second is the deadline + cause + language, such as "XX The implementation plan for the minimum purchase price of mid-late rice in the middle of the year; the third is the cause + language, such as the "power supply accident emergency plan."

In addition, the overall plan should indicate the word “overall” in the title, such as “the overall emergency plan for public emergencies in XX City”; if it is necessary to limit the level of public emergencies involved in the plan, it should be prompted in the title, such as “National Emergency Plan for Disposal of Heavy and Extraordinary Forest Fires” and “Emergency Plan for Disaster Relief for Natural Disasters in XX Province”; trial plans often indicate the words “trial” after the title, plus parentheses, such as “Chemical Safety Accidents” emergency plan".

Second, the emergency plan directory

Includes first and second ordinal numbers and subtitles. The overall plan and other plans with more provisions need to be added to the catalogue to show its basic outline and serve as a guide.

Third, the emergency plan text

Fundamental contents

There are the following items:

purpose. That is to say, the expected effect of the plan is mostly written. There are two ways to write: one is to use the sentence formula for "..., to formulate this plan"; the second is to directly use a set of moving phrase to describe, such as "effective prevention, timely control and elimination of public health emergencies and their harm To guide and standardize the emergency response of various public health emergencies, minimize the harm to public health caused by public health emergencies, and protect the public's physical and mental health and life safety.

Working principle. Such as people-oriented, standardized according to law, clear responsibilities, unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, block and block, block-based, resource integration, information sharing, *science, timely response, decisive measures, peacetime and warfare, military-civilian integration, public participation, etc. . Be realistic and grasp the key points.

Basis for preparation. That is to say, the relevant laws and regulations, the files of the higher authorities, and other conditions on which the plan is based. Use "based. Sometimes the basis for compilation is combined with the purpose.

status quo. Briefly describe the current status and trends of public emergencies. For example, the “Overarching Plan for Public Emergencies in XX City” has divided 34 types of 13 major categories and 13 categories of major accidents in XX City, summarizing “mainly unnatural factors, many types of disasters, heavy losses, large impacts, and even It is characterized by strong hair and difficult disposal, and it has made "meteorological disasters such as strong winds and dust storms, dense fog, snow and ice, heavy rainfall and lightning". It will still be the main natural disaster of XX cities. Environmental disasters, geological disasters, earthquakes, information Comprehensive accidents in special places such as disasters, large underground spaces, super high-rise buildings, urban industrialized disasters and major hazards, and infectious disease epidemics will be the main potential disasters.

Scope of application. Identify the various types of public emergencies that apply to the plan. For example, “this plan is applicable to geological disasters related to geological processes such as mountain collapse, landslides, earth-rock flow, ground collapse caused by natural factors or human activities that endanger people’s lives and property.”

Organization and responsibilities. Defining the organization of leadership, command, and daily work, as well as their responsibilities and permissions; taking the whole process of emergency reverberation as the main line, using a chart to describe the organizational system framework consisting of competent departments, coordination departments, and participating units; The emergency linkage mechanism of the units, the military, and the armed police.

Forecast, early warning. Including information monitoring and reporting, early warning, forecasting and early warning support systems, early warning levels and release. Among them, according to their severity and urgency, they can be divided into general, heavier, severe and particularly serious four-level warning, which are represented by blue, yellow, orange and red in turn.

Emergency response. Including grading reverberation, information sharing and processing, command and coordination, news reporting, emergency termination, etc. Among them, according to the controllability, severity and scope of influence, in principle, the corresponding plan can be started according to the general, large, major and special major four levels.

Late disposal. Explain the resettlement and compensation of personnel, compensation for materials and labor, post-disaster reconstruction, pollutant collection, on-site clean-up and disposal, etc.; clarify the procedures and requirements for social assistance; explain the duties and tasks of insurance institutions, and investigate the contractor and audit Program.

safety measures. Including communications and information, on-site rescue and engineering rescue equipment, emergency teams, transportation, medical and health, public security, materials, funding, social mobilization, technology and other safeguards. It is necessary to make overall arrangements and implement them.

Promotion, training and exercises. Announce relevant plans, alarm calls, etc., widely publicize emergency laws and regulations and common sense of prevention, risk avoidance, self-help, mutual rescue, disaster reduction; clarify the requirements before and during regular training; explain the team, content, scope, location, frequency of exercises , organization, evaluation and summary.

Definitions and descriptions of nouns, abbreviations, and codes. Includes public event categories, levels, and corresponding indicator definitions, and harmonize coding standards such as information technology, action plans, and related terms.

The overall plan and the special plan list. That is, the catalogue of other plans matching the plan.

Plan management. Clear the plan for revision, improvement, filing, review and update, as well as other methods, methods and contractors. For example, “This plan is managed by the National Defense Office and is responsible for organizing the evaluation of the plan. The plan is reviewed once every five years and revised accordingly. The river basin management agencies, flood control and drought control agencies of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government According to this plan, the contingency plan for flood control and drought relief in the relevant rivers, regions and key projects will be formulated, "National Flood Control and Drought Relief Emergency Plan".

Supervision and inspection and rewards and punishments. Clearly supervise the main body, supervise and inspect the whole process of the implementation of the plan; clarify the reward and punishment plan, write the basis and main provisions of the reward and punishment.

Formulation and interpretation. Indicate the full name or standardization of the organization that formulates and interprets the plan, and label the contact person and telephone number.

Implementation time. At the end of the writing "this plan has been implemented since the date of publication" and so on.

Most of the above contents are stated in the overall plan, and the special projects and other plans are subject to actual needs.

The main plan of the emergency plan

There are the following:

Partial. It applies to plans with more articles. The full text is divided into several parts, each part is a level. The first part is the general rule, outline the purpose, working principle, basis of preparation, status quo, scope of application, etc.; the middle part is the sub-rule, specifying the relevant plan; the last part is the supplementary rule, definition and description of the term, abbreviation and code , the overall plan and special pre-record list, plan management, supervision and inspection and rewards and punishments, formulation and interpretation, implementation time, etc. to supplement. In each part, it is divided step by step, and the hierarchical ordinal number is “1.”, “1.1”, “1.1.1”, etc., and the first and second ordinal numbers are followed by subtitles. The national plan and the provincial overall plan basically adopt this type of writing.

Chapter style. It applies to plans with more articles. The full text is divided into chapters by chapter. The first chapter is the general rule, the middle chapters are the sub-rules, and the last chapter is the supplementary rule. Each chapter is divided into several sections, and each number is consecutively numbered, which is called the "chapter break". The ordinal number of the article can be arranged in the form of "first article" or "-,". Under the article, money, items, and items can be set, and the number is not edited. The item is written as "", and the item is written as "1." The "Shandong Province's Emergency Response Plan for Disaster Prevention Floods" adopts this method of writing. The full text is divided into 11 chapters, and each chapter is divided into several sections, sections, items, and items.

Article style. It applies to scenarios with fewer provisions. There are two ways to write: one is the foreword + the article. The first paragraph begins with a clause from the second paragraph. For example, the first paragraph of the National Emergency Plan for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza aims to “prevent, control and eradicate highly pathogenic avian influenza in a timely and effective manner to ensure the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry and the health and safety of the people. The Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the Republic, prescribing the premise of this plan, from the second paragraph, six articles on “infection report”, “infection confirmation”, “infection classification”, “emergency command system and department division”, “control measures” The "guarantee measures" are explained. The second is the Chen Chuan. That is to say, from the first paragraph, a number of articles, up to the last paragraph, and the use of the official document "one," "", "1.", "" four-order ordinal, this method is common in units, major events and other plans use.

IV. Emergency plan appendix

Including the special plans belonging to the overall plan, other important plans related to the plan, relevant institutions and personnel address books. If there are appendices to the plan, it will be written in turn after the text.

V. Emergency plan name

Generally written in the lower right of the text.

Sixth, the emergency plan date

Write more on the bottom right of the name.

Need to explain, the name and date of some plans are written directly below the title, which is the caption. In addition, the plan is generally issued or issued through official documents. The official documents and dates have been stated in the official documents, so some plans are no longer individually named and dated.

Preparing the plan is a very important task, and we should pay attention to the following points: First, be realistic. Under the premise of meeting the party's and state's policies, policies, and plans of higher authorities, based on the characteristics of the region, the unit, and the public emergencies of the event, we will formulate practical and effective plans to ensure that problems are obtained and used. It’s ok, it works. Second, innovation. We must have the courage to reform, rely on forward thinking, focus on content openness, and attach importance to institutional innovation, especially in the area of ​​social resources and power integration and utilization. Third, strict. In terms of content, we strive to cover comprehensive, focused and closely related; in terms of structure, the framework is reasonable, the project is complete, and the connection is natural; in language, the word end, the word stability, and the sentence are perfect. Fourth, in order. There are specific procedures for the preparation of the plan, the establishment of the plan preparation team, the risk analysis and capability assessment, the drafting plan, the review and release of the plan, and the implementation of the plan. Each link has its own specific content and requirements. It can be said that the strict program is an important guarantee for the scientific and standardized plan.

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