Fan Wen Daquan > Experience

Sales skills training experience

Sales skills training experience :

In just a few days, the training time is over, and I will return to my respective jobs. I will see the scenes of these days in my mind, and I will feel deeply in these days and get exercise again. And grow up. Originally during the National Day holiday, I said that I didn’t want to go to the heart, and I came with the attitude of being safe. Teacher Jiang said that young people should do what they should do instead of what they want to do. Learning, growing up, and exercising ourselves are things we should do. Although we are very tired and tired, we have to endure the hardships of the flesh and blood, but we feel that we have gained a lot. So, this is a very meaningful National Day.
Let me share with you my feelings:
1. Communication is very important and is the beginning of communication. How to achieve effective communication - take the initiative!
Communication between people is critical and more important on the road to marketing. To sell first, we must sell ourselves out. Unfamiliar teammates come together from all directions. We need to actively communicate and integrate into the team as soon as possible, let everyone remember you, remember the industry you have done, and leave it for everyone. Under the deep impression, so the relationship needs to take the initiative.
2. Learn to adapt to the environment. Adapt to everything in the shortest possible time, integrate into the group and integrate into your team. We are also the same in normal times. To adapt to the big social environment, the environment can't adapt to you! Convergence on one side of one's own strong personality and the subjective consciousness is too strong, taking care of the overall situation, the survival of the fittest, and the discomfort of elimination!
3. The biggest enemy is yourself. This is the feeling that I gave to me after two high-altitude trainings. Some difficulties are made by myself. In fact, it is not so difficult to really do it. Just defeat yourself and believe that you can do it. You must do it! If you don’t try it, you know you can’t do it.
4. The potential of people is unlimited. People's potential needs to be constantly explored, cherish every opportunity to challenge themselves, do not limit themselves to a certain extent, and think that many things can't be done. Thesis writing should be adventurous and dare to try things that you never dared to do. You will find that you are no worse than others! You are also very good!
5. Re-recognize sales. I can talk and talk is the key.
Sales are the fastest way to help you grow.
Sales are the most golden career in the future.
Sales are a symbol of elegance and quality of life.
Sell----self, sale----values.
The art of speaking is to speak and talk. Our customers have different types and different ways of doing things, so we have to learn to be flexible and not to be the same. First analyze the type of personality the customer is, and then use the appropriate coping style.
6, you must learn to empathize. This is the feeling that the “Leader Style” simulation gives me. I also personally experienced the burden on the shoulders of the leader. There are so many responsibilities and so many invisible pressures! The height of the station is different, and the angle of the problem is different. In fact, we should understand each other. As employees should think about her in the perspective of leadership, think about the company. The company has developed well, and the treatment of employees will naturally be better.
So: we have to raise our personal goals to the company's goals;
We must raise our personal ideals to the ideals of the company;
We must raise the value of the individual to the value of the company;
We have to raise the meaning of the individual to the meaning of the company!
7. The goal of the thought report should be clear. Why is the execution not strong? Because the goal is not clear, we must establish clear goals, long-term, short-term, and near-term. To be specific, quantified. Written on paper, the brain must constantly repeat this number, to transcend it, the goal is to transcend, not to complete.
8. The importance of execution. Execution is the process of turning "thinking" into "reality." If you think about it, it’s good to say it. If you don’t implement it, there will be no result. It only produces garbage of thought. In a team, whoever moves first, who has more execution, who can become a leader. The speed of implementation is directly related to the level of business benefits. So we have to do it efficiently.
The result is advanced, self-retirement; the result is first, the reason is second;
Speed ​​first, perfect second; serious first, smart second;
Decide first, success or failure; lock the target and focus on repetition.
9. Survive within eight hours and seek development beyond eight hours. It’s very embarrassing to say it here, and I haven’t cherished it for a lot of time. God gives everyone the same time, why some people are excellent, some people are mediocre, the gap is very big in just a few years, our brain is too lazy. Therefore, we must cherish the time and do something meaningful. When we are young, we will be tired and tired. When we are old, we can have a happy and happy old age.
10. Be optimistic and face difficulties and be brave enough to challenge! Take every difficulty as a good opportunity to exercise yourself. If we all think this way, all the problems are not problems, and naturally it will be solved. Therefore, we must not be afraid, Fan Wen refers to the network to go forward! Look at the difficulties like this:
Frustration = passbook pressure = dynamic obstacle = favorite, one point of cultivation, one point of harvest. When you can dream, don't give up on dreams.
In short, this training has taught me a lot, I have learned a lot and have grown a lot. I hope that I can use all of these theories in my work and life, remind myself and encourage myself! Keep moving forward!

Sales skills training experience two:

With an empty cup of mind, I was fortunate to participate in the training of marketing knowledge and business skills training organized by Anhui Salt Industry. In the course of this training, professors from the Huizhou Business College gave a detailed introduction to marketing techniques and customer relationship management, and some of them were highlighted, including strategies in marketing techniques, how to open up the market, and how to Increase sales. There is also the establishment and maintenance of customer relationships. And with a large number of vivid case teaching, practical and operational, using interactive and on-site questions and answers, vivid and easy to understand, relaxation, so that we can learn more methods and skills in easy learning. The training was highly praised and recognized by everyone. Here is the training, I will briefly talk about my experience.
First, self-confidence + sincerity + heart + cooperation
Confidence is the driving force for people to do things. Confidence is a force. Encourage yourself when you start your work every day. We must use a kind of win-minded attitude to face customers and consumers. We must sell ourselves before we sell products. We must have confidence in ourselves. We can sell our products to customers only if we sell ourselves to customers. Everything must be sincere. The mentality is the basic requirement for deciding one to do things. We must hold a sincere heart, treat customers with sincerity, treat colleagues, and only then, others will respect you and treat you as a friend. product. The business representative is the image of the company. The embodiment of the company's quality is the hub of the connected enterprise and society, consumers and distributors. Trust is the guarantee of your business. Everything is learned, and you should develop diligent thinking and be good at summing up sales experience. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, but also for those who are interested. As a salesman, every change of the customer must be understood, and every detail should be grasped to be a constant improvement. Sales rely on cooperation, can not be separated from the wise decision of the leadership, can not be separated from the company's operations, can not be separated from the support of various departments. In a word, patient and meticulous, touched.
Second, sales + market + strategy A good product, we must have a good market, a good marketing strategy. At the same time, the construction of the Internet is the master of selling products, letting you master all the related matters of the products. The development market needs to enhance friendship with customers, familiarize with customers' business conditions, improve their own management and management, and better sell products to customers. A good marketing strategy is prepared, and there are plans to help customers better sell products, make suggestions for customers, package products, and do promotional activities. Let the customer feel that you are a sincere person and a reliable person. The bond between us and our customers is the guarantee of trust.
Through this training, I have benefited a lot and really realized the importance and necessity of marketing skills and customer relationship in my work. We must maintain a positive attitude, be confident, responsible, be open-minded, enterprising, be persevering, be grateful, be more than ordinary, and pursue excellence.

Sales skills training experience three:

Most sales people don't ask the right type of question, even if they have prepared the problem before they make a sales call, most people don't prepare in advance, and the sales person needs to understand the customer's purchase process. The salesperson then needs to match their sales process to the customer's purchase process. After doing this, when they agreed on the most viable solution, the sales staff began to get in touch with the customer.
Planning to sell phones Most companies today lack a well-defined sales process. There are very few documented sales practices that give customers a strong commitment. Therefore, the salesperson did not plan to sell the phone correctly.
For example, each call should end with some kind of commitment that the customer agrees to do something that will advance the sales process.
Asking the right questions Most sales people don't ask the right type of questions, even if they prepared the questions before they made a sales call, most people didn't prepare in advance. The bad influence of questioning skills is huge. This can lead to delays and objections, poor presentations that provide incorrect solutions, no difference from competitors, and resistance to sales opportunities.
Business Mind If you want to help your customers become more successful, you need to understand how the business typically works, how your customer's industry works, how your customers achieve their market goals, and how your company's products can help them better. Serve their own customers. Without business skills, you will never have the credibility you need to sell.
It is important to actively listen to active listening. Professionals often miss important clues and information because they are always talking about themselves and their products. More importantly, close your mouth and let the customer speak. Sales Skills Training Experience shared that you should lead the conversation, then listen and properly absorb and absorb, we understand what many customers really need, so that you can correctly position your product.
Proposing a meaningful solution Most salespeople claim that this is their best skill. In fact, as a manager, we tend to hire people who can talk. In reality, when it comes to doing presentations, quality is far more important than quantity. When salespeople focus on previously agreed requirements and focus on presenting specific solutions, they rarely fail.
Getting promises If you really think about this, the only reason to hire a salesperson is to get the customer's promise. However, when asked about this issue, most salespeople admit that this is its weakest skill. Research shows that nearly two-thirds of salespeople fail to demand commitments in sales calls. Any effective sales training program must have a reliable solution to this problem.
It's important to manage your emotional salespeople to explain to themselves the reasons for their successes and failures. Form a style that treats adversity as temporary and independent, building psychological resistance, emotional resilience and patience in order to get up from setbacks and be proactive at the right time.

Sales skills training experience four:

Thanks to the company for giving us a platform to learn and thank the leaders for their opportunities for progress. I am very happy to participate in this "Store Sales Skills" training course. After this training, I have a more comprehensive understanding of sales in my mind, and at the same time, I have an unprecedented breakthrough in sales theory. I believe that I will not only copy the sales ideas I have learned from the store staff but also learn from them. The theory is applied to practice. Below I mainly talk about the learning experience during the training.
First of all, Mr. Wang Yanguang's explanations are profound and humorous, and he has set aside the problems in the past sales.
Teacher Wang speaks about the industry: sales are the most glorious and secure job in the world, and income is unstable to have high income. Through the six-pulse sword step to explain each step, each case is so profound, so that I can more clearly grasp how to deal with the problems encountered in the work and strictly require that I repeat the simple things in the future work, repeat The things that persist in doing, stick to the things that are happy to do.
Teacher Wang said: During the study period, I understand that regardless of any job, I must establish the values ​​of the industry from the ideological point of view, establish the belief of loving work, and spare no effort to fight for performance. Only by correcting the mentality can we stand the test of being rejected by customers.
Teacher Wang speaks the image: Mastering “image and standardization” through learning makes me understand from the personal image to the product image to the store image that the management store should play the role of visual, auditory and text to increase the added value of the product. Competitive.
Teacher Wang tells the skill: quote the painful sales method from the problem of discovery → manufacturing problem → enlarge the problem → solve the problem to tell the customer purchase is the key to seeing how we put our thoughts into the head of the customer and put the customer's money into it. Our pockets.
Through training, I am determined to improve myself and drive the team from the following aspects: First, I must study the theoretical knowledge carefully, so that it can be applied and applied. Secondly, strive to become a builder of excellent teams to enhance the operational capabilities of the store and promote the performance of the store. Then promote on-site education, training activities, enhance the ability of store staff, improve mentality, and promote the achievement of store business objectives.
Thanks to the company for this training, giving everyone a rare learning opportunity!
Thanks to Teacher Wang Yanguang, not only has it brought us marketing knowledge, but also gave us a model of work. After this training, I feel that the harvest is not small. Unlike all previous trainings, this training is mainly conducted in a question-based, responsive, and team-based manner. From 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, the live atmosphere is active. Vivid and vivid teaching of Lenovo culture, sales skills, and problems that may be encountered in peacetime, let us deeply feel the profound and superb appeal of Lenovo culture. In this training, we learned the monopoly from Jiu County. The exchanges of the shop's peers made me realize that we want to do a good job of sales and improve the sales level of the store staff. There is still a lot of knowledge to learn.
First of all, in the corporate culture, we must always keep in line with the Lenovo culture, earnestly and profoundly learn the Lenovo culture, keep up with Lenovo's cultural development, and create our own culture by combining ourselves in the company, so that we can establish our own banner. .
Again, we need to increase the training of sales skills. Through this study, we are more aware of the importance of sales skills. We will increase the training intensity. According to the total post of Lenovo's speech, we will sum up a set of practical words, and all sales personnel will learn and apply. In practice. And timely carry out the sales personnel to simulate drills, start the FAB rule, carefully study and apply; find their own shortcomings, and constantly improve the sales staff's business level and order success rate.
The study of professional knowledge is like the “researcher station counter” that teacher Wang Zhifang said. Sometimes we encounter professional knowledge and cannot answer. In this way, the customer feels psychologically "unprofessional" salesperson. Really make yourself a professional salesperson. Increase the chances of our order.
Training of personnel quality: We pay attention to the mental outlook of the personnel and constantly mention the quality of the personnel. We firmly believe that only high-quality people will get the customer's recognition, and there will be more repeat customers. We always reflect our “timely, professional, sincere and passionate” to build our own brand.
In the management of the company, we strive to build a united team. In the future development, we will continue to learn to improve and innovate. Only in this way can we become invincible in the fierce competition, and we are confident to upgrade ourselves in the circle of Lenovo and become a true Lenovo.

Sales skills training experience five:

Thanks to the company for giving us a platform to learn and thank the leaders for their opportunities for progress. I am very happy to participate in this "Store Sales Skills" training course. After this training, I have a more comprehensive understanding of sales in my mind, and at the same time, I have an unprecedented breakthrough in sales theory. I believe that I will not only copy the sales ideas I have learned from the store staff but also learn from them. The theory is applied to practice. Below I mainly talk about the learning experience during the training.
First of all, Mr. Wang Yanguang's explanations are profound and humorous, and he has set aside the problems in the past sales.
Teacher Wang speaks about the industry: sales are the most glorious and secure job in the world, and income is unstable to have high income. Through the six-pulse sword step to explain each step, each case is so profound, so that I can more clearly grasp how to deal with the problems encountered in the work and strictly require that I repeat the simple things in the future work, repeat The things that persist in doing, stick to the things that are happy to do.
Teacher Wang said: During the study period, I understand that regardless of any job, I must establish the values ​​of the industry from the ideological point of view, establish the belief of loving work, and spare no effort to fight for performance. Only by correcting the mentality, can we stand the test of being rejected by the customer. Teacher Wang speaks the image: Learning to master the "image and standardization" allows me to clearly understand from the personal image to the product image to the store image that the management store should play a visual The role of hearing, writing, etc., strive to increase the added value of goods to make them competitive.
Teacher Wang tells the skill: quote the painful sales method from the problem of discovery → manufacturing problem → enlarge the problem → solve the problem to tell the customer purchase is the key to seeing how we put our thoughts into the head of the customer and put the customer's money into it. Our pockets.
Through training, I am determined to improve myself and drive the team from the following aspects: First, I must study the theoretical knowledge carefully, so that it can be applied and applied. Secondly, strive to become a builder of excellent teams to enhance the operational capabilities of the store and promote the performance of the store. Then promote on-site education, training activities, enhance the ability of store staff, improve mentality, and promote the achievement of store business objectives.
Thanks to the company for this training, giving everyone a rare learning opportunity!
Thanks to Teacher Wang Yanguang, not only has it brought us marketing knowledge, but also gave us a model of work.
I wish the company a prosperous day!

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