Fan Wen Daquan > Experience

Kindergarten learning experience

Part 1: The experience of kindergarten teachers' business learning

I learned the importance of early childhood education through a semester business theory study. Now I talk about my own learning experience through my personal learning experience:
Early childhood education needs to create opportunities and conditions conducive to the development of young children. Through the creation of children's independent activities, it promotes the development of young children. In education and teaching activities, it focuses on creating various conditions and environment to pave the way for children in the enlightenment stage and fully discover them. Imagination, creativity... lay a solid foundation for future growth.
Secondly, the educational content of kindergartens is comprehensive, enlightening, and the content of each field is mutually infiltrated, which promotes the development of children's emotions, attitudes, abilities, knowledge and skills from different angles. In the future work, I will formulate practical work plans and implement them flexibly according to the "Guidelines for the Guidance of Kindergarten Education" and the actual situation of the children in this class. Finally, through study, I deeply realized that early childhood education must adhere to the principle of combining education and education. In the education work of kindergartens, the principle of combining education and teaching shows the important difference between kindergarten education and other education, and also shows the kindergarten education itself. Unique characteristics. Therefore, I should improve my cultural standards, evaluate the educational behavior of myself or others through various educational activities, exchange ideas, learn from each other's strengths, improve the quality of education, and promote the development of young children.

Chapter 2:

Through my garden to observe the teaching and research activities of his school, I have the following experience:
1. When designing the lesson plan, the teacher can use the matching strategy of the picture book guiding strategy to help the child understand the story and the key words according to the child's age characteristics and the characteristics of the book. Through the game and hands-on operation, the child can experience the happiness brought by reading.
2. Through this teaching activity, I feel that the teacher's design activities are very clear, so that the progress of the whole process reflects the combination of collective and individual, static and dynamic. Young children have good study routines, can listen carefully, answer questions actively, and live without chaos. Teachers can notice many details in the course of activities, such as sitting posture, activity requirements, and random education.
3, in the language activities can use the norm, the correct language to lead the child, in the details can pay attention to the speed of speech, intonation, eye contact, etc., know to pass the core knowledge of the book to the child.
4. The activities that I was deeply impressed by this observation activity include the "Decomposition and Combination of 3" by Professor Nong Ai Kindergarten Guo Hongmei. The habits of young children are better, including the tone of the children's speech, and the teacher through storytelling. The method allows the introduction of the course, which is more suitable for the age characteristics of the middle school children. In particular, the use of teaching aids to make children's perceptions, to help children analyze, more intuitive, easy to understand children. Ning Ai Kindergarten Li Jiangting's "Sweet Fruits", teachers can boldly design activities, innovative ideas, and created a breakthrough for such activities.
This teaching and research activity has taught me a lot of knowledge and a lot of insights. At the same time, it also opened up and broadened the way for my future work.

Part 3: Kindergarten teachers go out to learn and experience

Arranged by the head of the school, I and the senior class teacher Chen were honored to have an opportunity to study abroad! Since I entered the society, I have benefited from studying for the first time.
At 9 o'clock in the morning we arrived at the learning base - xx Kindergarten. Since the 9:30 public course began and was explained by the teachers of the park, we first visited the environment and class structure of the park.
The kindergarten is still quite large, the classrooms and bedrooms are separate and there is plenty of room for children to move. The classroom decoration is particularly beautiful, like a happy children's world! Hanging the ornaments that the teacher personally made, and the teaching corners around the walls with the teacher's arrangement.
Beginning classes, teachers from different kindergartens have been seated behind the children. Under the leadership of the teacher, the children politely greeted the teacher of his garden!
The first lesson: the music event "Little Squirrel March", the goal of this class is:
1 recognize and perceive the beauty of music,
2 Feel the breath of music through the rhythm!
3 motivate young children to play music, such as: clapping hands, lame!
I think the good place in this class is that children will find their own way of playing and slap the clever use of their own way to master the music! The fly in the ointment is that the initiative and classroom teaching of young children are not very active and passive.
The second lesson: the mathematics activity "Knowing the Calendar", the teaching objectives of this lesson are:
1 Know the type of calendar. Such as: desk calendar, wall calendar, wall calendar, etc.
2 Know how many months in a year, and more than a month in a week.
3 How many days are there in a week, and what is the day of the week?
4 know the word baby: calendar, year, month, day, Monday to Sunday.
The classroom teaching is very active, the children actively raise their hands, master the teaching content of the class, the teacher's unique way of class, and the tone of the tone has reached the goal of deep teaching with children. However, one thing is that the teacher in the class is not very clear about the process of the class, and does not have a good cooperation with the class teacher and class teacher. Although the classroom atmosphere is very active, some words are too exaggerated. Such as: Oh, my Tianla, you are really amazing!
After a thing, a long wisdom. Through this outing, I learned that a perfect class needs to be prepared quite well, the class process is quite familiar, and the process of this class will not be broken because of a little bit of things. Teachers should cooperate with each other and how the teacher should mobilize the classroom atmosphere when appropriate, so that the class can reach its climax and purpose.
Promote strengths and circumvent weaknesses, learn to understand, learn to master the advantages of her people! Use her good place to make up for the shortcomings in my class, thank you for this learning opportunity!

Part 4: Experience in learning and learning in kindergartens

I went to Shanghai to study and learned a lot of things and benefited a lot. The first day we went was to arrange a visit to Hongkou Kindergarten. The biggest advantage of Hongkou Kindergarten is the corner. This is very helpful for us, because our kindergarten is now also making corners, but for the concept of the corner, our teachers are not very clear, and this visit has given us a lot. Inspired. Their corners are very close to life, and you can learn a lot during play. For example, the corners of their pastry shops are really for children to operate on their own, because they integrate adult life elements, that is, they need to work to make money, but to buy things that others make, they need to earn money from their own work. In exchange for. This kind of corner is very good, children don't get bored, they have new ways to play every day, they can also experience hard work, they can learn to manage money from an early age, and their ability to think is constantly improving during play, because they want I want to strategy to sell my own products, but also to come up with new products to give buyers a new feeling. Their corners are not only beautiful, but also can be seen in the way of playing, some of them are placed in the material that looks inconspicuous, and there are hidden secrets in it; some materials are placed, we can’t see the gameplay, we need teachers. The introduction will understand. Most of their young children don't play the corners of the teacher's mind, but they want to play. I remember that the head of the garden introduced one of their children’s play in the corner of the lace area. The head of the garden asked him to pinch the last cut. He didn’t do it like many children, but he just cut it in his own way. That paragraph was taken over and better than the painting, indicating that the young children are not only playing, but also brainstorming. Their large-scale children are also grouped into weather maps and current events every day. This is worthy of our attention, so that children's visions can be broadened, and children's interest in observing and caring about things around them can be cultivated. The 2nd Kindergarten visited is very different from the first one, because the second is based on the picture book. The biggest feeling of entering is that the reading atmosphere is very strong, and there are some different pictures on the wall. Young children go to say and let young children learn knowledge while reading.
On the 2nd and 3rd days, we listened to lectures and lectures. It makes me feel that the development of their children's language is very good. I was amazed at the teacher's design of the event, the setting of questions, and the grasp of the class. For example, Ying Cai’s picture book “Xiaowei Forward” is a class about the origin of life. This is a lesson we dare not attend, afraid of the setting of the link and the doubts of the parents. However, the teacher designed the event very interesting, especially the increase of background music, which has a finishing touch to the whole event. At this event, a child said: The baby was born by the mother. If I encountered such an unexpected situation in the classroom, I would definitely be confused. I would like to explain this question, but the teacher can handle it very well. After taking the child's words, they will not be entangled. This will not only respond to the child, but also the problem will not be pursued in the deeper aspects. It is easier for the child to grasp the knowledge points of this activity. I also admire a special event design, which is "Uncle Xiong's Birthday". I want to go to this activity and I will definitely become a language class, telling the children that they are happy when they give help. But the teacher skillfully designed a space-awareness activity, which is very clever. The whole activity is dominated by games, which fully reflects that the teacher is the leader in the teaching activities, and the child is the main body. In general, my biggest feeling in the show class is the teacher's unique analysis and excavation of the textbook. This kind of professional research is not a one-off event. This kind of spirit is more worthy of our study.
This lecture is also very exciting, which makes me feel that teachers use the picture book to cultivate children's emotions instead of pure cognitive education. In particular, Professor Mei Zihan's speech, he did not tell us how the picture book is, but let us understand how to mine the information in the story. At the beginning of his speech, he said that he would change the name of the picture book to a picture book. Although the words are very simple, I feel that he is very patriotic because the picture book is the name of the Japanese. The whole lecture made me feel that my child's childhood can't be accompanied by a picture book. Although the picture book has only a few words and expensive prices, his beautiful picture brings the child a pleasing enjoyment. In particular, emotional education has benefited children for life. Everyone wants to cultivate a child who has a feeling of romance and cherish. The picture book gives the child the feelings and love that are not in life.
The child's world is colorful. As the child's enlightenment teacher, we have a great responsibility. Therefore, we must constantly motivate ourselves to learn knowledge and teach them more knowledge. We must cherish every learning opportunity and take good care of it. Our progress is the progress of the children. As the saying goes, there are no children who can't teach, only teachers who can't teach, we must improve our teaching standards in continuous learning.

Part 5: Kindergarten teacher learning teacher morality

I have been engaged in early childhood education for more than half a year, and I have experienced countless trivial things. It is these trivial things that have exercised my ability in all aspects and cultivated myself to be careful and attention to detail. But trivial and ordinary, but a sacred mission, because we are facing children, every trivial can be linked to the child's health, safety, growth and happiness! Over the past six months, I have faced children, ignorant, confused, overwhelmed, panic, anxious, and happy with the sense of accomplishment and accomplishment. In general, I love my children from the heart, but there is no better way and professional theory to guide my work. Love children is something that hens can do, so to truly love children, we must constantly learn the morality of teachers and teachers, and continue to learn and enrich our professional theoretical knowledge, in order to truly benefit children throughout their lives.
It has been more than a month since I came to the Wanfeng Kindergarten to report the new kindergarten’s experience in the first half of the kindergarten. It is inevitable that everything will start from scratch. However, the culture of kindergartens is rich and colorful. This is not the case. Our kindergarten has recently carried out the learning activities of teachers and teachers. Through studying, I not only love children more, but also know how to love. It turns out that the teacher's language, movements, attitudes and scientific methods of education are the spiritual features of the true teacher's morality.
The teacher's language has a great influence on children. Many children like to imitate in early childhood. If the teacher's language is uncivilized, the children will follow suit. Some children will also bring uncivilized language home. It is bound to make parents feel our teachers. Not being cultivated, so that the impression of our teachers is greatly reduced; teachers' criticism of the child's tone and manner is also very important. If it is too heavy, it may determine the fate and happiness of the child's life, because if the child accepts improper criticism, it will form a feeling of inferiority, no Self-confidence, think about how serious the consequences are.
The teacher's civilized action behavior is also a behavioral factor that affects the child. The child and the teacher get along with each other, and the behavior is determined by the environment. Teachers should guide their children's daily life with decent language and action behavior. Over time, children will also form a code of conduct for civilization. Let the children gain the respect and love of the people around them, thus enhancing their self-confidence. If every child can do this, then the teacher’s move can be said to create harmony for society.
Attitude is everything, no matter what you do, attitude is very important, in life, and in work. Since it is a job, it is necessary to love and dedication, to use professional ethics standards to demand oneself, to be careful, patient, and love children with care, to have a strong sense of responsibility, in order to reflect the value of work.
Of course, it is not enough to love children blindly. It is possible for children to grow scientifically and healthily. Our teachers should learn more about education theory, improve their professional skills, and master scientific education methods in order to be targeted.

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