Fan Wen Daquan > Experience

Service etiquette training experience

Part 1: Experience after service etiquette training

This afternoon, our company has a lively and benefiting service etiquette class - hosted by Manager Z of International Property Services.
Service etiquette refers to the art of communication when a service person contacts or provides services to a customer. From this concept alone, this is a very easy thing to do, but it is quite difficult to use it in practice.
From the lecture of Manager Huang, I think that the most let me combine theory with practice is the four principles of service etiquette and how to impress customers, let me understand the "role" played by property service companies.
First, the principle of smile; for service companies, "smile" is always the most "basis" for customers or owners to feel the property service. I remember one time, one owner said to the front desk assistant of our property service center, "Your smile and enthusiasm make us feel valued and loved." After listening to this sentence, I have been remembering for a long time - a sincere smile, let us pull closer to the "distance" of the owner, it will be a "harmonious" picture.
Second, how to impress customers:
1. Solving the problem; When the industry mainly solves the problem, our property service enterprises should grasp the key issue in the first time and proceed from the main contradiction of "problem", so as to get the key to solve the root cause of the problem. For example, some owners' homes sometimes use electricity to overload during the renovation, and the electric gate will automatically trip, in which case it will be powered off. However, when the engineer appears in the owner's home for the first time and restores the electricity, the owner will show a satisfactory smile.
Therefore, it can solve the problems raised by the owners and make the owners aware of the necessity of property services.
2, the details of humanization; z-cell is a combination of self-energy and humanization. From being a member of a property service company, we must always reflect the humanity of the details. We must meet the owners and customers from all walks of life to be polite and courteous. We must pay attention to the human culture and environmental sanitation of the community, so that the owners and customers can feel it. "Hotel-style commissioned agency services".
3, the service is fast; the main consulting or problem to be solved, not only have patience, the most important thing is to solve the problem of the owner in time. For example, if the owner reflects the entrance to the door to install the "cat's eye", it will eventually be handled in the quickest way.
In general, as long as we want the most sincere heart to think about the interests of the owners, then the owners will be satisfied with the service; then, z will be a harmonious community.

Part 2: Service etiquette training experience essay

As the saying goes: "If you don't study rituals, you don't have to stand." Etiquette is not just wearing a hat, but a university that involves dealing with people. Nowadays, competition in all walks of life is becoming more and more fierce, and similar products are more and more diversified. Customers are not only buying the goods themselves, but “the attitude of the staff and the related services” are now selected by the customers. The new standard, in this context, to enhance the company's image, standardize service requirements, and improve customer satisfaction is an important part of the company's culture and system construction. Through this training, I was deeply touched and clarified the superficial understanding and vague ideas of civilized etiquette in the past, which made me understand the meaning of etiquette in a real sense, that is, the service personnel in the workplace, through speech, manners, behavior, etc. Respect and friendly behavioral norms and practices for customers. To put it simply, the etiquette norms and work art that service personnel apply in the workplace are a full manifestation of a kind of internal conservation.
Each employee is a corporate image spokesperson. The influence of the company's image determines the company's development and survival, and enhances the personal qualities of each employee to enhance the company's reputation. As a high-end star hotel, not only has a high-end brand, Shuya's environment, but also has high-quality and good service. The premise of these services is to give the guests a good first impression, a good first impression. It started with the etiquette of the first time guests. It should be said that every employee of our company knows the most basic etiquette etiquette, but in the actual operation process, some details are ignored. We should insist on “three to” and “three voices”: the specific is “customer arrives, smiles, Honor to "and" come to ask questions, ask for answers, and send voices." To take the initiative to welcome customers, smile service; should make customers feel your warm welcome to him, and so that customers make a good impression on you, and promote the success of the two sides. Maintain a good spirit; learn to leave unpleasant emotions at work, keep plenty of energy, and make your work at the best.
Through morning study and training, I was deeply aware that etiquette is reflected in details and details. And the importance of various etiquette etiquette, from a personal point of view; to help improve the individual's self-cultivation; to help people beautify themselves, to beautify their lives; to help people's social interactions, to improve people's interpersonal relationships; From the perspective, it can beautify the corporate image, improve customer satisfaction and reputation, and ultimately achieve the purpose of improving the economic and social benefits of the enterprise. In the past, I always thought that my service attitude was already very good. Through learning, I still feel that there are still some gaps. For example, I don’t have enough mastery of various etiquettes. I have more or less the idea of ​​“doing the system according to the system and the service attitude is correct”. . After studying, I will be stricter to ask myself to do better and better service.
Although the service etiquette study in the morning is over, the purpose of learning is far from ending. On the contrary, I think it should be the beginning of the combination of study and work. As a manager of “Yangyangtian International Hotel”, we should use a good appearance and spirit to shape the hotel's good brand image, so that our etiquette and good service can make a good impression on customers. . To effectively regulate service behavior, it is necessary to follow the etiquette of learning to demand and strive to standardize their service behavior. Standardize, formalize, smile to listen to the needs of customers, patiently answer customer requests, face a job with a healthy attitude, and use good grooming and mental outlook to shape the hotel. Serve the brand image and reflect the value of its service while providing customers with quality service!

Chapter 3: Service etiquette training experience

Service etiquette is a code of conduct and practice that the service personnel show respect and friendliness to customers through words, manners, behaviors, etc. in the workplace. Simply put, it is the etiquette norms and work art that service personnel apply in the workplace.
Through this training, I have gained a lot and felt profound. Xx International Manager Huang gave us a very rich content. Whether it is for my work or for my life, I have new inspiration and understanding. Let me re-examine myself, improve myself, teach me how to regulate myself and become A true service person.
Service etiquette, seemingly simple, in fact, otherwise, as Manager Huang said is the art of communication that service personnel should abide by in contact with customers or provide services. It is a matter of learning. Manager Huang said that we used to say that the customer is God. It should be changed to the customer as a friend. Because God only obeys God, and for friends, you will think about him everywhere. This is the satisfaction and surprise of our golden key. That is to say, we are really sincere to the guests, not mechanically operated like a robot. In this way, the guests will not realize our sincerity and enthusiasm, so to impress the customers, we must do what Huang said: solve the problem, cash in Commitment, escort handling, detailed humanization, fast service, external consultation, and tangible products are reassuring. These are all very important. If we can do this, we will definitely satisfy our customers. There is also the principle of transposition that Manager Huang said. If you want to look at the problem from the standpoint of the guests, you will think about what kind of service is satisfactory. We will have a sense of service and serve the guests wholeheartedly. When a guest gives us advice or dissatisfaction, we should not treat it as a trouble and blame it. We should regard it as an opportunity to improve service levels and respond positively. This is the principle of opportunity that Huang Manager said. .
Smile, no matter what the occasion is popular. Especially as a service person, learning to smile is the first and necessary. Manager Huang said that the principle of smile is an international etiquette, which must be done by the service personnel. It must be learned to smile, smile makes people feel comfortable, and smile can make up for some mistakes in the work. However, in addition to the courtesy of our guests, the most important thing for our service staff is to solve the problem for the guests. Therefore, what Huang Manager said is “smile service is a table, problem solving is rational, and the table is true!” is very reasonable.
I feel very fortunate to be able to attend this class of Huang Manager. This class is profound and has a stimulating effect on my work and life. I taught me how to be a real service person, to face the guests with a smile, to solve problems for the guests with enthusiasm and sincerity, and to become an excellent service staff.

Part 4: xx International Property Consultancy Company Service Etiquette Knowledge Training--Learning Experience

According to the property company's employee training work plan, at 14:30 pm on October 21, 20xx, in the conference room on the second floor of the sales center, the property service etiquette was given by Mr. Huang, senior manager of xx International Property Consultancy Company. Knowledge training courses. Mainly explained: the basic etiquette and principles of property services; and the importance of service etiquette knowledge in the management and service of the property.
Through this study and training, I have benefited a lot and gained a lot. At the same time, I have fully realized that in my daily work, I constantly learn to improve my work ability and knowledge level, and correct my work attitude and service awareness. It is of great significance to enhance the self-confidence and job responsibility of the work.
In terms of learning and harvesting: In the classroom, Mr. Huang talked about the five principles of service awareness and the good working attitude and the importance of etiquette knowledge in daily work and life. I quoted these etiquette common sense and developed good personal habits and work images. ,has great significance. It correctly guides us how to set our own work mentality, establish correct work values ​​and positive work attitude, and clarify the work goals in our hearts. In the lecture, I told that the work skills, the image and the work attitude are the biggest differences between the enterprises. It also makes me fully understand the sentence of "doing things seriously, doing things right, doing things well." The intrinsic meaning.
In terms of study and work advice:
In the first class, you can intersperse some interactive games to enhance the learning environment, enhance the students' interest in learning, actively participate in interaction, experience and exchange of work and study, and gradually cultivate the spirit of teamwork among employees in various departments. Trusted work partnership. In the past, some training courses were just theoretical lectures. There was not much practical experience, and it was impossible to deepen the impression of learning. It was easy to become dull and boring, and even caused a "learning" mentality.
2 After the work, some cultural and sports activities, such as sports games, can be carried out appropriately, which can not only improve the physical and mental health of employees, but also enrich the leisure life, and relieve the busy and intense work mood.
3 Departments should work together to communicate and communicate with each other. When encountering work problems, they should jointly seek solutions, support each other, understand and assist each other, do a good job of internal unity, enhance cohesiveness, and improve work consensus. The work was carried out smoothly.
4 To cultivate a management team with high service level and superior work skills, we should first strictly control the recruitment of human resources. Secondly, the management talents with outstanding characteristics, excellent management quality and rich work experience are selected, and some targeted professional trainings are regularly carried out on the basis of "passing, helping and bringing". Once again, establish a model, encourage it, take the lead in model, and enhance the awareness of professional competition, in order to gradually improve the overall quality, work skills and service level of employees in various positions.
Self-perception: After learning the above knowledge, I deeply realized that in the future work, I must learn to make full use of these basic common sense, constantly improve my work skills, service level and efficiency, pay attention to personal Work image, develop good habits, correct your work attitude and service awareness, and work hard and with your heart. Involve in the relationship of mutual love and teamwork with the employees of the company, actively assist the leaders and departments at all levels to do all the daily work, ensure the quality of our service work and the economic benefits of the company, and jointly create a vibrant civilization. The comfortable and harmonious working and living environment will jointly push the environmental construction and service management work level of our Golden Bay Community to a new level and move towards a new milestone.

Chapter 5: Summary of service etiquette training experience

Service is a topic of increasing concern in every industry. It should be said that every employee of our hotel knows the most basic etiquette etiquette, but in the specific service work, we are not forgetting the etiquette etiquette, that is, the etiquette etiquette is not in place. Or can't be clearly expressed. Through this training, I was deeply touched, which made me understand the meaning of etiquette in a real sense. Etiquette is a kind of behavioral norm that should be respectful and friendly in the process of interpersonal relationship and social interaction. It is an inherent conservation of human beings. Full expression.
I think the purpose of this training etiquette is to make yourself a person who is welcomed by others----foreigners call business etiquette "business diplomacy." I remember that in the university, the etiquette teacher often said three words to us, the first sentence: "The world will not change because of you": to adapt to others, not to try to change others. Don't just say "no" to people in non-principal matters. Don't impose your own ideas and opinions on others. Being kind too much is sometimes a kind of injury. Therefore, we should do it: courageously face life, smart life, all existence is reasonable, only reasonable can exist. Don't try to change everything you can't understand, because no matter how hard you try, it still exists, because the world won't change because of you. The life of art, the art of communication: the way to treat people.
In business etiquette, there are two basic principles: one is to position the position, and the other is to correct the attitude. The so-called "what position to think about what position" is what is the identity to do what is appropriate for the identity. For example, it is necessary to distinguish between superiors and subordinates, elders and juniors, masters and guests, and so on. What to do, what to say, what to do, in order to achieve good communication.
As a hotel service staff, we must strictly regulate our own words and deeds. In the future work, we will listen to customers' calls, patiently answer customer requests, and face our customers with a healthy attitude. Face your work with a healthy attitude, and use a good grooming and mental outlook to shape the hotel's good service brand image, so that our etiquette etiquette and good service can leave a good impression on new and old customers. Strive to be an excellent hotel service staff!

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