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College students' social etiquette experience

College students' social etiquette experience :

Etiquette is a process of expressing respect and respect in a person's interpersonal communication in a certain and customary way, involving dressing, communication, communication, emotional intelligence and so on. From the perspective of personal cultivation, etiquette can be said to be an external manifestation of a person's inner self-cultivation and quality. From the perspective of communication, etiquette can be said to be an art, a form of communication or a method of communication applicable in interpersonal communication. It is a customary practice of showing respect and friendship in interpersonal communication. From the perspective of communication, etiquette can be said to be the skill of communicating with each other in interpersonal communication. Social etiquette can be roughly divided into personal etiquette, public etiquette, communication etiquette, Unicom etiquette, entertainment etiquette, party etiquette, dining etiquette. Etiquette is an important means of shaping the image. In social activities. Conversation pays attention to etiquette; can become civilized; manners can be elegant; manners can be generous; behaviors can be beautiful, as long as the etiquette, things will do just right. In short, when a person pays attention to etiquette, they can become full of charm. In the social etiquette class of this semester, I learned a lot in the class of personal etiquette, and talked about the details of sitting, walking, posture, and standing. I am a person who is not very good-looking. My mother reminded me that a girl should not walk outside, but the size should be smaller. I am embarrassed. I don’t know how to walk. The teacher said How can I not go outside the eight-character method, huh, that is, there are frictions on the two side knees, although I am still not used to it, but I will insist on it, let my image be better, so that I will be more confident, come on!
Self-cultivation refers to some beautiful qualities and qualities that a person has, including a person's appearance, speech, behavior and other aspects. At the same time, the cultivation and improvement of cultivation requires a long-term and gradual process that requires us to be in daily life. Accumulation. Good-natured, modest and easy-going, understanding tolerance, enthusiasm and sincerity, honesty and trustworthiness, personal cultivation should have. In the classroom, Teacher Deng shared some of her personal life experiences with us. She has made a good example for us to understand the tolerance of personal cultivation. As a wife, she can understand her husband's difficulties in her brothers and deal with her relationship with tolerance. As a mother, she can understand the fun and hobbies of a child and be able to use her way to make her children happy. With happiness, she uses her understanding to educate her children's growth; as a daughter, she can understand her parents' love and concern for her, so that her actions have influenced her parents' acceptance and recognition of her husband; as a sister, she can Understand my sister's mind and reality, and do her best to help her sister. True understanding and tolerance are the basis of emotional communication and a bridge to better interpersonal relationships.
Politeness is a code of conduct that people respect and respect each other when they interact. It embodies the fashion and moral standards of the times and the cultural level and civilization of people. The basic requirements for people to communicate with each other are: sincerity, humility, kindness and measurement, and treating others with "sincerity in the middle and outside." Politeness is the external manifestation of a person when he is treated as a person. It expresses modesty and respect for others through polite language and polite behavior. In daily work and life, courtesy is expressed in people's manners, instruments, and language. It is expressed in the norms and procedures of the service and in the attitude toward the guests. A smile, a jealousy, a "hello", a "sorry", these are concrete manifestations of politeness. Good education and good moral quality are the foundation of politeness. Politeness should be natural among educated people. Therefore, as college students, we should consciously cultivate and train our good politeness habits, and lay a solid foundation for future study and work.
College students are a group with a high level of knowledge. In today's Chinese society, they are already intellectuals. They are also the leaders and pillars of China's development tomorrow. On the moral level, they should put forward higher requirements in terms of etiquette. Therefore, social etiquette education is conducive to the establishment of good interpersonal relationship between college students and others, the formation of a harmonious psychological atmosphere, and promote the physical and mental health of college students; social etiquette education is conducive to promoting the socialization of college students and improve the social psychological endurance; social etiquette education is conducive to Carrying out ideological and moral education for college students and improving ideological and moral quality; social etiquette education is conducive to educating college students on humanities knowledge and improving the humanities quality of college students; social ethics and teaching are conducive to strengthening college students' civilized behavior, improving the quality of civilization, and promoting the building of socialist spiritual civilization. . Therefore, we should pay attention to the influence and significance of social etiquette on us. We can look at Professor Jin Zhengkun's lecture on social etiquette.
As a college student, we must know that it is difficult to walk around the world with rudeness, and it is necessary to learn rituals, to be ceremonial, to be ceremonial, to be polite, and to be polite at all times.

College students' social etiquette experience 2:

Social etiquette is a norm of behavior in people's interactions. People in their daily lives are always inseparable from social etiquette. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, people's exchanges have increased, and social etiquette has increasingly highlighted its urgency, necessity and importance. In particular, the cadres of the government mainly deal with people and work as human beings. In work and communication, they should pay more attention to courtesy and courtesy. They should be dignified, humble and embarrassed, civilized and polite, and maintain a good image of quality and self-cultivation.
Practice has proved that the instrument is neat and tidy, dignified and decent, talks about civilization, pays attention to social etiquette, and is also an effective means of doing a good job. If you are visiting a visitor, the people will come to reflect the problem to you, and your behavior will be inappropriate, the speech will be rude, and you will be absent-minded. There will be a lack of trust, which will arouse the resentment of the visitors, and may even turn against the enemy and disappoint. If the visitor reflects the situation, you are polite, warm, and patient, and will give you a feeling of trust, making people feel full of joy and satisfaction. The same is to receive visitors, do not pay attention to social etiquette, do not pay attention to courtesy etiquette, there will be two very different effects.
After the reform and opening up, people's social interactions have increased, and social etiquette has become more important. In order to adapt to this new situation, the workplace of the institution is in great need of a courtesy etiquette atmosphere. As the "main body" of the work of the organs, the staff of the organs must do their daily work effectively, and it is urgent to pay attention to three aspects:
First, update the concept and adapt to the situation. Understanding the etiquette of the institution is an important aspect of social etiquette. It clearly states the relationship between social etiquette and the cadres of the government, and correctly understands the philosophy of teaching etiquette and etiquette in the daily work of the institution, thus improving the consciousness of paying attention to etiquette. .
Second, the internal quality, the image of the outside tree. Appearance civilization is a reflection of inner civilization. To cultivate good etiquette, we must have inner quality of civilization. Every job done by the staff of the agency reflects the quality of a person's quality and represents the image of the government. Therefore, each agency staff should seriously study the basic knowledge of social etiquette, strengthen their self-cultivation, and cultivate noble sentiments and good habits. Pay attention to your appearance, speak civilized words, do civilized things, dress dignified and tidy, behave in a civilized manner, and maintain a good image with inner qualities and appearance civilization.
Third, consciously develop and pay attention to actual results. Good etiquette quality, civilized behavior, can not be improved and cultivated overnight, but to start from the usual, start from scratch. If you pick up a phone call, you should first say, "Hello! Please..." This kind and amiable words will give you a warm and warm feeling. The staff of the agency should not only pay attention to etiquette etiquette, pay attention to professional etiquette, but also pay attention to family etiquette, pay attention to the cultivation of family virtues, and use family virtues to promote the expansion of court etiquette work. Family etiquette is an important part of social etiquette. It should be based on family virtues. Each member can consciously respect and respect each other, respect each other, be civilized, be polite, be disciplined, and live in harmony. As long as we persist in paying attention to actual results, we can start from the usual time and start from scratch, and we will become an office worker who is very popular among the people.

College students' social etiquette experience:

On the evening of November 26th, we studied the first class of student cadre training in the academic lecture hall. The momentum was really huge, and the large academic lecture hall was filled with people. Suddenly realized that there is no difference between him and ordinary people, more is just the aura of the head - student cadres. And that night I realized that the light had many people!
I was fortunate enough to listen to Mr. Xiaobo’s knowledge of social etiquette in the evening, which is a great benefit. Here are some deep feelings.
Etiquette is a bright pearl in the traditional Chinese virtue treasures, the essence of ancient Chinese culture. In the state of etiquette, it should be a ceremonial people. Knowing the book, treating people with courtesy, should be the basic quality of contemporary college students!
In the big environment of society, socialization is inevitable, and how to get along with others and even get along well is an art worth learning. Through this class, I realized that when communicating with people on a daily basis, the tone must be appropriate, and the occasions vary from person to person. As a student cadre, when it comes to work, attitude must be rigorous and correct; work must be bold and simple. In this way, we can win the trust and admire of the students. In life, to get along with friends, it is time to put down the shelves of student cadres. That is, the work is vigorous and vigorous, and life is amiable.
In terms of etiquette, we are required to have a conscious experience in real life. As far as dressing is concerned, when I first entered the university, my face was childish, and my youth was full of curiosity and embarrassment about the university. At this point, the dress may be simple or even childish, and in the sophomore year, the ministers, school sisters, and seniors in the so-called big-name staff should dress in the air. For formal occasions, if you are holding a school-wide event, it is necessary to wear formal attire to highlight the formal and serious attitude of the work.
When listening to Xiaobo’s lecture, the audience kept quiet and the mobile phone was muted. The students listened very carefully and respected the classmates present. It was also a respect for the teachers. As a student cadre, we must also understand the transformation of identity and the improvement of quality.
After listening to the first lesson of training, I not only increased my knowledge about social etiquette, but also gained a deeper understanding of student cadres and benefited a lot!

College students' social etiquette experience:

As everyone knows, China has always been a state of ceremonies and a cultural power. Thousands of years of splendid culture have cultivated the noble morality of the Chinese nation and formed a complete set of etiquette systems. In social life, people often regard etiquette as a manifestation of a national spiritual outlook and cohesion. As a descendant of the new era, the descendants of the Yellow Emperor should carry forward this outstanding cultural tradition and give priority to etiquette. Whether it is from the appearance of dress, or talk and behave, we must be appropriate.
From an early age, our parents and teachers gave us an enlightenment education, telling us what is polite and what is rude, how to make people like it, for example: see elders acquaintances to say hello, such as the table can not gorge, such as Clothes should be neat and clean. If you go to someone else's room, you must first knock on the door before entering the door. If you don't knock on the door, you will be rude and so on. Over time, these things have gradually become our daily habits. After entering the university, I have more opportunities to get in touch with all kinds of people and things. To be honest, I started to take college social etiquette and didn't know what to learn. I thought it was just a matter of ordinary politeness, but I also knew that learning it would not be meaningless. The results confirm the importance of learning it. I have benefited a lot from it. Social etiquette has taught me how to build good relationships with others, create a harmonious atmosphere, and promote each other's physical and mental health. Any social event is inseparable from etiquette. The progress of mankind and the progress of social life have made people increasingly need etiquette to regulate their lives.
Social etiquette refers to the basic qualities, communicative competence, etc. that people have in the process of interpersonal communication. The role of social play in the interpersonal interactions of today's society is increasingly important. Through social interaction, people can communicate with each other, build deep friendships, and gain support and help. Through social interaction, people can communicate with each other and help the success of their careers. When a person lives in a society, to make others respect themselves, they must first learn to respect others. Mastering the standard social etiquette can create a harmonious and harmonious atmosphere for communication, and establish, maintain and improve interpersonal relationships.
I started with dress etiquette. The image of a person is very important. It can be said that it is an important part of his first impression. Dressing is an art, a culture, a "language", and at the same time, it is also respect for others. Everyone has a need to be respected. Obviously, if you are embarrassed and your image is not good, others will first veto you and are more likely to be angry. On the contrary, the neat dress is not only pleasing to the eye, but also to achieve the satisfaction of respect, so as to obtain pleasure, expand the scope of communication, and gain more people to love, thus achieving the harmony of the relationship between people. Let's take the interview dress. The decoration is essential for the ladies, but don't be too gorgeous, too dazzling. If you go to the interview, I think there are very few opportunities. Because you are coming to work, be solemn, don't give people a feeling of floating. I don't think it's too good to make up. At the very least, I need to make some light makeup. This is also a way of respecting others. Think about whether the whole cleanliness of dressing makes others look very comfortable! If you want an old farmer and a suit and a person to negotiate with you, are you going to choose the suit and suit!
For speech etiquette, civility and courtesy makes your conversation more interesting, elegant, and contagious; a person's conversation often reflects his character, cultivation, and civilized qualities. Therefore, when talking, first of all, the two sides should face each other, listen to each other, can't have an arrogant behavior, such as reading a book, reading a newspaper, yawning, etc.; otherwise, it will give people an impression of being absent-minded, arrogant and unreasonable. Of course, in addition to the posture of speech, language is also a social tool, a medium and symbol for people to express their will, thoughts and feelings, and a reflection of one's moral sentiments and cultural literacy. In dealing with others, if you can be polite and talkative, you will leave a good impression; on the contrary, if you are full of swearing words, even bad words hurt people, it will be offensive. Language civilization seems simple, but it is not easy to be true. This requires us to learn more and strengthen our cultivation, so that the fine tradition of the Chinese nation's "state of ceremonies" can be further promoted.
Let's talk about etiquette. Elegant manners, free and easy manner, are often envied and praised. People often say that "the station has a standing position, sitting and sitting." When standing, the body should be perpendicular to the ground, with the center of gravity on the palms of the two forefoot, chest, head, abdomen, shoulders relaxed, arms hanging naturally or in front of the body, eyes looking flat, smiling. Don't hold your head, slant your waist, bend your legs, etc. Especially in some formal occasions, don't put your hands in your trouser pockets or cross your chest, don't do subconsciously do some small movements, which is not only cautious, It gives people a sense of lack of self-confidence, and it also has a solemnity of disregard. Sitting is also a static style; dignified and beautiful sitting will give people a sense of elegance and natural beauty. The correct sitting position should be: straight back and shoulders relaxed. Women should be close together on both knees, while male knees can be separated, generally no more than shoulder width. Hands are naturally placed on the knees or on the armrests of the chair. In formal occasions, when you are seated, you should be gentle and gentle. The seat should be dignified and steady. Do not slam and squat, making the table and chairs squeak, causing a sultry atmosphere. Regardless of the sitting position, the upper body should be kept right, as the ancients said, "sit as a bell." If you stick to this, then no matter how you change your posture, you will be beautiful and natural. Walking and walking are the main actions in people's lives. Walking is a dynamic beauty. The correct walking posture is: light and steady, the chest is quite strong, the head is to be lifted, the shoulders are relaxed, the eyes are flat, the smile is smiling, and the arms are naturally placed. These are an important part of the etiquette course. We may not be able to achieve such perfection in real life, but know that these etiquettes are an inevitable requirement of social interaction.
These rituals are silent languages ​​in society, and are external manifestations of personal character, quality, taste, literacy, spiritual world and living habits. Since I did not practice in the actual situation only through theoretical study, I can't imagine the actual situation of each etiquette. There are many places we need to learn about social etiquette. We should constantly improve ourselves and enrich ourselves. People should create a harmonious interpersonal environment while creating a beautiful physical environment. The meaning of life lies in continuous creation and progress. At the same time, you should also express, appreciate and develop yourself in complex interpersonal relationships and enjoy endless fun.
Etiquette is comfortable, pleasant, and warm. Etiquette is not only a noble dress, but also a warm heart-fitting dress!

College students' social etiquette experience:

At present, everyone has started to learn the "civilization etiquette" activities, and they have learned through elective courses, and feel a lot of gains. Some things that are not noticed at ordinary times will become a key factor in personal success or failure. Personal etiquette has a very important realistic meaning. First of all, strengthening personal etiquette helps to improve personal qualities and reflect their own values. Secondly, strengthening personal etiquette helps to promote interpersonal communication and create a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, so learning social etiquette is very necessary.
Modern society is increasingly focusing on personal instrumentation and how socializing treats others. Personal instrumentation issues are not only about your self-confidence, but also about your work. Once you become an employee of a company, your personal image may represent the image of the company at any time. At this time, if there is a problem with the personal meter, both the individual and the enterprise will suffer losses, either tangible or intangible. The size of the loss is not necessarily the same.
Some small things in life also require us to know the necessary social etiquette. When the man is on the first floor and the woman is behind, this will avoid the woman's excessive thoughts and unnecessary embarrassment. Another example is that in an official venue, men wear suits, tie, and shoes. And the color of the clothes on the body should not exceed three. Things seem simple, but it is inevitable that they will be forgotten. So we should pay attention to etiquette all the time. When you are in a meeting or a class, you can't talk to show respect for the participants and teachers. This is what everyone knows. One more thing, when you want to cough on this occasion, it is best to go out and cough and come in again. It is a misunderstanding. These small details are sometimes the determining factor for success or failure. For example, a female graduate is applying for secretarial work, but the reason for not accepting him is that her hair is dyed red. The examiner believes that as a secretarial work, it is necessary to pay attention to the external image. The secretarial work should be calm, and he is not a good choice. It can be seen that success or failure lies in "one hair room"!
So I think that "social etiquette" is something that our college students must do, and it has nothing to do with our team.

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