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Teacher reading 500 words

Teacher reading experience 500 words one:

When I read the article "Beautiful Female Teacher", I will be so moved.
When others read carefully, it is easiest to understand the answers in the questions. How can I read all the time? It turns out that I just read and read, and I understand it a bit strange.
I read this article and I was touched by the story of Mr. Zhou Lanlan who risked his life and saved all the children. At that time, at 2:28 pm on May 12, Teacher Zhou knew that the earthquake had occurred at this time. The first time he warned the child: "Run outside the door, children!" As a result, this trick worked well and ran out for a while. More than 30 children, more than 10 children left, but the child was panicked and disobedient. Teacher Zhou came up with the second move, seriously warning the child, she also handed a child, and finally several children followed. come out. Teacher Zhou felt that the house was falling down and the tiles were broken. Zhou teacher was still insisting and made the third move. He immediately ran back to the school and quickly rescued the two children from the door, but what happened to the last child? Do it? The teacher was unwilling to let the child have an accident. She still used the great power to rescue the last child. 52 children have been saved safely.
The teacher's love is so great, not only the mother loves greatness, but the teacher's love is also beautiful. The love between the teachers and students in the world is also remembered in our hearts.

Teacher reading experience 500 words two:

Book, this good friend has been with me for many years, always encouraging me and giving me confidence.
I have a wide range of books, comics, novels, compositions, celebrities, famous quotes.
Comics, although adults don't allow us to watch comics, fear that it will affect our learning. But it also enriches our imagination all the time. Walking on the road, seeing a disabled person, will think of his previous difficult things, and imagine how his future will develop. Moreover, in the ten minutes of class, we look at the comics, relax our mood, open our belly from time to time, and laugh at the next lesson.
Writing a book can help primary school students. At home, after finishing homework, seeing a document as a good word, a good sentence in a document. A good sentence is written in the mind, saved, and when written, they always emerge from my mind.
When you read the book "Celebrity Quotes," you will always feel that you are talking to a very noble person. What impressed me most in "Celebrity Quotes" is that books are the world's nutrition. Yes, we are like the flowers of the motherland, we need nutrition every time. If there is not enough nutrition, we will wither. Wither.
In this way, how important books are! Reading well. Read a good book and let us have enough nutrition all the time!

Teacher reading experience 500 words three:

During this winter vacation, I read the book "I want to be a good boy" with my mother.
This book mainly talks about the story of the protagonist Jin Ling and her father, mother, classmate, teacher and the senior high school entrance examination.
After reading this book, I know the advantages of many good children. I know all kinds of good behaviors from Jinling. For example: helping people, caring for animals, caring for classmates... These golden bells have done it. For example, in the "Last Children's Day", Jin Ling cares about classmates, "I can raise silkworms", Jin Ling loves animals, "Award-winning professional households" glory for mothers, "teacher is sick" cares about teachers... I think Jinling is worth learning for us. Compared with her, I feel that I am not doing enough. However, I am confident that I will do as well as her. It is good to start from scratch, such as: 1. Close the faucet 2 when washing your hands. Watering the small trees and grasses downstairs regularly. The students have the difficulty to actively help 4 to see someone fall, help to help ..., as long as I persevere, I can definitely catch the golden bell.
After reading this book, I also know that being a man is full of love and knows how to think for others all the time. For example: 1. When you are happy, others are sad, you have to comfort her. 2. Being accidentally broken your things, you have to understand him. These golden bells are doing very well, and I am determined to do the same with her.
I really like this book. The protagonist in love is that she let me know how important a good child is. Finally, I wish Jinling a good grade.

Teacher reading experience 500 words four:

The book "Love Education" was just a look at the plot to write a book, and later I discovered that this is really a good book. Why is it a good book? First, the book portrays a living figure, such as: Carona, who is loved, De Rossi, the arrogant Nobis, the frivolous Franti and so on. Each of them has a distinct personality: for example, from the chapter of "Large and Magnificent Characters", Carona is a brave and generous person. He has the courage to take the mistakes that are not his own, and let the teacher forgive those who have made mistakes. From "My Peer in the Same Subject", it can be seen that Colle is a diligent and capable person. He studied for the things in his father's restaurant and took care of his mother. De Rossi is not only learning well but also a kind person, as can be seen from the second paragraph of the "Prisoner No. 7" chapter. There are many good, capable and upright people like Carona, Kordi and De Rossi.
However, the author has also created many characters with bad character in the book. Such as the arrogant Nobis, I do not know the shameful Franti and some vanity Voltini. Among them, Franti was very ignorant, and finally he was expelled from the school; his mother came to the school to plead for him, and he still smiled at the side; if anyone fell down, he would gloat. Such people in the text in stark contrast with those who are kind and honest, gave us a negative textbook.
After reading "Education of Love", I discovered that love is actually around us, but few people will find it. In fact, love is often reflected in small things: before going out in winter, my mother puts on a scarf for me; when I come back from outside, my parents hand a glass of water; when the exam is not tested, my parents encourage me; when the students start to go downhill, the teacher reminds us, etc. Just in our lives. Only when you are good at discovering "love" can you discover the beauty of life!

Teacher reading experience 500 words five:

The story of this book is composed of a young and beautiful Milan teacher and a bad boy of six. The bad boy is mischievous, and the teacher Mi is a stylish, gentle and understanding teacher. They interpret this one after another interesting. A touching story.
The bad boy is the five-class H4 fat cat, rabbit baggage, bean sprouts, Mickey Mouse, who is in the class, do not know how to learn. Under the leadership of Mr. Mi, H4's learning attitude is correct, let us look, Look teacher.
Teacher Mi is dealing with the fight.
Six and six played in the park and were arrested by the police. They insisted on catching the police station. Teacher Mi arrived in time to say that they were practicing boxing. After the law and order went, Ms. Mi asked them why they were fighting. They said in unison: "This is Our privacy, can you not say?" Mi teacher will not pursue: "The boy fights very often, will there be a few children can tell?" Then he will grow up.
The two classes that had just been played were still in the back, and they were like brothers.
Teacher Mi is making up at the office.
Ms. Mi’s makeup in the office caused a lot of controversy. Ms. Mi did not think so. She said: “Pre-class makeup is to give students a clean and tidy image and respect for the students.” She also told the office’s teacher Ma. "You are still sick and still in class, so that this is not only easy to spread to students, but also taking classes, and your mood is not good, it will affect the classroom atmosphere."
When I read this book, I was attracted by the plot, and I was attracted by the teacher. Nowadays, there are too few good teachers like this, and there are only a handful! He respects students. He believes that the status of students and teachers is equal. Such teachers are rare. Teacher Mi is really a good teacher who loves others. According to the book, M. Teacher’s educational philosophy of “taking human care first” is that only teachers with “human care in the first place” can teach outstanding students!

Teacher reading experience 500 words six:

By studying the "Chinese Little Teachers' Professional Ethics", I realized that if you want to adapt your thoughts to the needs of society, you must have knowledge, and this requires learning. Similarly, people's ideas need to be updated, improve their moral standards, and learn more. Strengthening theoretical study is a necessary method for teachers' professional ethics.
First of all, teachers must carefully study political theory and establish a correct outlook on life. Without learning theory, it is impossible to understand society scientifically, comprehensively and profoundly, and to understand the correct relationship between people, so it is impossible to form a correct science. The outlook on life and the world view. We cannot be determined to educate, and we will not hesitate to rebel. In the spirit of perseverance, we will overcome all difficulties on the road ahead and work hard for the people’s education. Secondly, teachers should learn the theory of educational science, enrich the knowledge of science and culture, and master the skills of teaching and educating people. Teachers can learn the theory of education, master the rules of education, and act according to the laws of education in order to better fulfill the duties of teaching and educating people. This is a requirement of teachers' professional ethics. At the same time, through the study of educational theory, teachers can further clarify their dominant position in education and teaching, and play an important role in the physical and mental development of students. This will enable teachers to further strictly demand themselves and strengthen professional ethics. Teachers should also learn a wealth of scientific and cultural knowledge. Only by extensively studying relevant natural sciences and social science knowledge can teachers understand and transform the world's tasks and understand society and life from various relationships and connections. Only in this way can we truly educate people in the process of teaching.
Secondly, teachers should be diligent in practice, enhance emotional experience, and improve their moral cultivation. Educational practice is also the purpose and destination of teachers' professional ethics. The purpose of teacher's moral cultivation is to form a good teacher's moral quality and improve teachers' practical ability. Teachers should not only distinguish between right and wrong through theoretical study, but more importantly, they should ask the body to practice and use these cognitions to guide their actions and cultivate their good conduct. As Mr. Cai Yuanpei, a famous educator in China, pointed out, morality is not a matter of memorizing a few maxims, and it is important to implement it.
Educational practice is the source of understanding of the correct concept of teacher's morality. Only in the practice of education can we correctly understand the various interests and moral relationships in educational activities in order to cultivate the quality of our teachers' morality. Educational practice is still the driving force for the continuous cultivation of teachers' professional ethics. The moral quality of teachers is not a matter of time, but it is constantly explored in the practice of education, constantly understanding, continuous improvement, and continuous improvement.

Teacher reading experience 500 words seven:

From small to large, there have been many teachers who have taught me. I have found a tireless shadow from them, found the shadow of diligence and study, and found the shadow of good education. This is a warm picture, how beautiful it is. These are all given by the teacher, thanks to the dear and respectable teacher!
During the summer vacation, I read you again, the teacher--"Thanksgiving Teacher". What impressed me the most is "Student's Salvation, Daughter's Lost", which mainly tells: The incident occurred at the moment of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. A teacher is leading fifty-nine students in the class to participate in the event. The auditorium suddenly swayed, and he immediately realized that the earthquake had occurred and immediately greeted the students hiding under the chair.
A few minutes passed and the earthquake passed. In this way, fifty-nine students were miraculously saved, but the teacher, in order to save the students, his hands were stained with hard cement, which made people feel distressed. At this time, he rushed to the direction of the school. It was because the ruins of the two teaching buildings of the school pressed down a thousand students. The teacher was very anxious, and his baby daughter was also in the ruins. At the beginning, his daughter was only injured in the foot. Due to the lack of large crane machinery, it was temporarily unable to rescue. Later, due to lack of timely assistance, her daughter eventually left him. Every time I go through the ruins of my daughter's trap, when I go to rescue the students, I feel a huge heartache. This teacher gave up her daughter for the students. It is really great, it is great.
When the daughter's body was "smashed" out, this strong and sturdy man, when he witnessed the daughter's body, suddenly lost control, burst into tears, and grieves, causing tears in the surrounding people.
He is Liu Ning, the class teacher of the first class of Beichuan County No. 1 Middle School, a teacher who rescued his own students but never lost his daughter!
On the occasion of the disaster, he saved 59 fresh lives with calmness and intellect; after the disaster, he rescued others in the process of scrambling for the second, and his daughter was unfortunately killed. Liu Ning, his name is deeply imprinted in our hearts!
Reading and reading, I remembered you - teacher. At noon that day, we were seriously writing homework, and the principal suddenly came in from the front door and talked about things at the desk. From the voice of your conversation, we can clearly hear that the principal said to you: "Let the second class and our class go to class together." But you are determined not to, she said: "There are too many students, you can't have a class." They are all taken care of, which is not conducive to their study." We also shook our heads when listening, and I did not agree. The principal's teacher finally couldn't help but looked at us and had no choice but to go. After the principal left, the Chinese teacher said to us: "In fact, I don't want to work together. I just hope that I can pay more attention to each of you and let you develop better." We listened to this sentence, and there is something in my heart that can't be said. Moving! This is you, teacher! .
This is you, teacher! You are the most true, the best, the most beautiful seed. After you plant in our heart, it sprouts, blossoms the flower of love, and bears the fruit of wisdom, and our life will enter a new world of difference. Thank you, teacher!

Teacher reading experience 500 words eight:

The book is like the inconspicuous little stone, because of their collision, you can spark; like a little fire, you can light a candle; the so-called candle can illuminate a bright road, so that we can bravely advance
In the sentences of each clause, there are many mysteries, such as the fable of destructive encouragement. This story leads us to eager to harvest, but to have nothing. If we want to harvest, we must wait patiently.
After reading this, I reminded me of another fable, waiting for the rabbit. This story tells us that no matter what you do, you can't sit still and want to gain something. You have to pay some sweat and effort.
Reading is not a sweep; reading is not doing every story of every book to record our path, it will be our enlightenment for the future.

Teacher reading experience 500 words nine:

This book introduces: Helen lost his eyesight for nine months because of hearing, and fell into the darkness of blindness and hoarseness. Since then, her parents have obeyed her. She loved her and developed her personality, selfishness, love of care, and revenge. When she was six years old, her parents invited her to a tutor, Sullivan, who changed her bad habits under the teacher's strict education. The teacher taught her literacy by hand-spelling spelling, and taught her to spell the sentence with a card. Later she learned. The blind version of the textbook, she worked hard until the textbooks were worn out. After she has mastered a lot of words, she wants to talk. This requires her to experience countless pains and sufferings before she can learn. When the cat and dog are called, she touches their throats. When the relatives sing, they touch the neck... One day, one hand is stuck on the throat, the other hand presses the lips, making some fuzzy sounds, and then finally speaks. Helen is a good example for me to study. She is hardworking, brave and tenacious, and me? Is an only child, self-willed, self-sufficient in the store, I have to buy something I have to buy, good things have to let me first, I do not want to modify the homework, I do not want to modify the place where the endorsement is unskilled, ask for a reminder Learning as a task.
In the middle school and the university, I was fortunate to have Sally’s teacher accompanying her to attend the class. The teacher explained something she wrote down. Teacher Sally Wen wrote the difficult points of each lesson in her hands, and the other basic knowledge relied on her own efforts. She mastered the English, French, German, Latin, and Greek languages ​​with amazing perseverance and graduated from Harvard University's Decleffe College with honors. I really envy her. She traveled all over the United States and around the world to give speeches and raise funds for people with disabilities, and dedicated her life to the welfare and education of the blind.
This book vividly reproduces Helen's courage and tenacity. Diligence and benevolence and justice, these beautiful spirits are inspiring and passionate. In the future, I will study hard, keep making progress, and be a useful person.

Teacher reading experience 500 words ten:

My mother bought me a book titled "Education of Love." I finished the whole book in 3 days.
This book is a good book to teach people how to behave. The content is in the form of a diary, telling the story of the growth of a little boy named Amico, and recording what he saw and heard in school, family, and society within a year. There are many small partners in it. Although some are poor, some are rich, some are disabled, some are backward, but Amico never cares, has a good time with them, and is educated from happiness.
I like all the little characters in the book, such as Karen, a good-natured Karon, a good-looking Delosi, a strong and diligent Siddi, a funny little stonemason, the son of a grocery store owner, Carofei, and with extraordinary perseverance. The filthy little blacksmith Bolaxi... writes about the education and enlightenment of the elders to the children. We must always have a courageous and sincere heart, love the motherland, love the people, and sympathize with all the misfortunes and sufferings of the people. .
I really like the "New Teacher", especially the words that the new teacher said: "I love you, I hope you like me too! I don't want to blame and punish any of you, I believe you will make me feel I am grateful, I will be proud of having these students!" I hope that I can meet a teacher who is as caring as the book.
After reading this book, I feel like I am immersed in the ocean of love. Love is a bunch of sunshine in the dark, as long as you are willing to pay, you get amazing harvest.

Teacher reading experience 500 words eleven:

The book is our eternal friend of mankind. I love reading, because I can get a lot of happiness and a lot of knowledge from the book.
Today, I want to recommend a good book to my classmates. Everyone sees it! This is the education of love that I have in my hands. It is a famous children's classics that are spread around the world. It is time-consuming by the Italian writer Amicis. It was completed in the last ten years. This is a diary novel that records the fourth-grade life of elementary school student An Like for nine months.
Love runs through the whole novel, and in the most ordinary words, it incorporates the greatest loves in the world: the love of teachers, the love of parents, the love of children, the love of classmates... Every love is not earth-shattering, but It is touching and thought-provoking. And the whole novel is written in the eyes of a primary school student. I believe that the students can read it, because the whole book tells 100 stories related to children in the simplest language: "Children who smoke windows" "The squad leader", "Gratefulness", etc., there is the chivalrous move of Anlike's good friend Karon, and the squad leader Dai Luxi's help is a pleasure; there is also the arrogance of Novos; Simple and cute "Little Stonemason", the strong Closing...
Little Amico and the people around him are pursuing a world of perfection and love. It is no wonder that Mr. Xia Zunzun translated the book while crying. He made a wish at that time and must translate the novel. "Not only for the children, but also for parents and teachers to read, let the adults like him, flow some moving tears."
Just after entering the third grade, the teacher recommended this book to me. When I picked up the book, I was deeply touched by the story in the book. The story of love that has been remembered so far, it makes me understand how to love partners, love teachers, love parents, love everyone around me. In short, "Love Education" made me understand what is true love! Classmates, hurry up and come to read this book, I believe you will love it!

Teacher reading experience 500 words twelve:

During the winter vacation, I read an article in "Selected Works of Time". The name of the article is "Teacher, I believe that the stone will bloom."
The article tells the story of a girl named Dialect who was rejected by many schools because of her innate mental retardation. Later, she met the teacher of the village and went to the village. The dialect's academic performance is not good, and the students called her a fool to make her feel inferior. However, a sentence in the class "I believe that the stone will bloom", but because of the flowers on the volcanic rock of Teacher Zhao, the attitude of the students' words is changed. Later, the dialect became a fairy tale writer. She talked about the past. She is very grateful to Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao asked her and her classmates to think that as long as they work hard, nothing is impossible.
This story made me think a lot. In our class, there are indeed a few students who are not very good at learning. We have all laughed at them like those of our classmates. The words "fool" and "idiot" seem to belong to them. And why have we thought about their feelings? The results are not good, they have been a blow to them, the parents scolded, but also cast a shadow in their hearts, the ridicule of the classmates is to push them to the abyss. Maybe they also thought about working hard, but they lacked self-confidence, encouragement and help. In fact, they also have a clever mind, a lively character, a love of beauty, the desire of some friends. They don't like the words, they also want to have the right to step on the podium, with the appreciation of the teacher, the envy of the classmates, and the happy time between the partners. "As long as you work hard, nothing is impossible." We must work hard with them, and the dream will be realized!

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