Fan Wen Daquan > Experience

Judicial experience for the people

Part 1: Court Judicial Experience for the People

"People's judges are the people", using the simplest words, it shows the essential attributes of all judicial practice activities of the people's judges. People-oriented, law enforcement for the people, fair justice, and safeguarding the people's rights and interests are the fundamental starting point and the foothold of the trial work. "People's judges for the people" should run through the entire process of judicial trials and be reflected in all aspects of judicial trials. Practice has proved that as long as the "people's judges are the people", all kinds of policies, methods and methods will work. Once the "people's judges are the people", the policies, methods and methods will always run into the wall. "People's judges are the people" is a systematic methodology for doing a good job in the courts. Only by the height of "people's judges as the people", adhering to the scientific development concept and basing on the people's line can we effectively meet the judicial needs of the people.
Adhere to the quality of the team and carry out the "training of soldiers" for the people. In line with the principle of “what to learn and what to add”, the work focuses on the trial execution, administrative management, and logistics support, and the weak links are targeted at the “big training and skill competition”. This year, online office knowledge training, file management training, judges' mental health lectures, research and publicity writing training, safe driving skills training, handling of hot and difficult issues, commentary, forensic skills contest, clerk business competition, mediation expert evaluation, execution We can evaluate the ten businesses, and promote the school with “race”. “Forcing” the police to tap the potential inward, guide the officers to become talents, and build a high-quality judge with political firmness, professional proficiency, integrity and efficiency, and the party is assured and the people are satisfied. The team lays a solid foundation for serving the people and serving the parties.
Adhere to perfect management and grasp the trial, and implement the "three cases" project for the people. Law enforcement and handling cases is the most important task in the work of the people's courts. The "people's judges are the people" is ultimately embodied in fair and efficient justice. Performing trial functions to grasp quality products, implementing justice for the people, fine-tuning, standardizing management, grasping accuracy, further improving the performance management assessment mechanism, strengthening the dynamic management of trial execution, timely discovering and correcting deviations in work, and ensuring that along the "justice The road of justice and united efforts for the people is moving forward. To implement the "Three Zeros and Three Cases" project, that is, to complete the "iron case, fine case, and harmonious case", to achieve "zero wrong case, zero complaint, zero petition", "high, fast, good, provincial" trial execution case, comprehensive Safeguard the legitimate rights of the people and timely realize the people's winning rights and interests.
Adhere to the style of building a tree and enhance the feelings of the people for the people. Judges should abide by "neutrality and cautiousness", but they do not exclude judges from being sentimental and caring, especially the judges. They have deep feelings for the party and the people, and they all have a feeling for the party and the people. light. Judges should not ignore the hardships of the people, but should increase their feelings for the people. Carry out the activities of “walking thousands of villages and tens of thousands of households”, implementing the “department visit”, returning visits after the case, opening the door and sincerely receiving the “three-visit” mechanism for people to petition, listening to the voice of the people, understanding the suffering of the people, and actually serving the people. The people solve their own problems. Adhere to the popular line of judicial work, rely on the strength of the people's people to supervise and correct the privileged thoughts and tricks existing in certain judges, and educate and guide the police to organically unite the "justice" and "for the people" in the judicial direction. The "case" and "things" are organically unified. For cases involving people's livelihood, we must quickly and quickly review and establish a professional style of people's judges' honesty, efficiency and pragmatism.
Adhere to the administration of justice for the stability of the people and promote social harmony for the people. Under the background of building a socialist harmonious society, it is of great significance to carry out the "People's Judges for the People" theme. It is necessary to combine the activities of “helping thousands of enterprises, walking thousands of villages, visiting ten thousand households, and serving three guarantees” uniformly implemented by the Shandong Provincial Political and Legal Committee to continuously meet the judicial needs of the society, especially the grassroots, and help resolve various legal problems encountered under the financial crisis. Maintain social stability and enhance social harmony. Give play to the advantages of sending a court to build a convenient litigation network, and set up a “holiday mobile court” to go deep into the fields, enter the village, patrol the case, open the court, mediate on the spot, resolve the contradiction at the grassroots level, and eliminate the bud in the busy season. The state is fully committed to maintaining the stability and harmony of the rural society and practicing the service tenet of "people's judges as the people" with practical actions.

Part 2: For the people's justice, start from scratch

In 20xx, I was fortunate enough to be a part of the court system. With the pursuit of fairness and justice, I began my court career. From the moment I put on the uniform, I became inseparable from the responsibility. In the grassroots courts, the most direct and close contact with the people of the people is the ordinary people who encounter disputes to seek judicial relief. It is also in the process of contacting them that I sincerely understand the people's courts and people. The word "people" in the judges bears the heavy sustenance and ardent expectations of the people. Today, China is firmly moving toward a society ruled by law. It is in the process of social transformation and interest restructuring. It is also at the forefront of various contradictions and disputes. In this moment of rapid change and contradictions and disputes, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Party Congress Guided by the scientific outlook on development, grasping the overall requirements of “armed with scientific theories, with a global vision, good at grasping the law, and with an innovative spirit” and the specific objectives of “optimizing the knowledge structure, improving the overall quality, and enhancing the innovation ability” will undoubtedly give The trial work of the court has injected new vitality. How to deepen the work of learning party organization and better promote the "two leading" overall situation? How to strengthen and improve civil trial work under the "three supremacy" guiding ideology? How to better serve the people's justice and meet the new demands and new expectations of the people's people for the work of the people's courts? How to really be a good judge? It is a question that every court person needs to ponder at the moment.
Pursuing faith, fairness and justice demonstrate the spirit of law
Sukradi said that the law must be believed, otherwise it would be in vain. As a judge, only with the reverence of the law and the legal spirit of fairness and justice, can the practice of the law be carried out and the spirit of the law be proclaimed in order to maximize the interests of the people. However, faith is not an empty talk, not a synonym, not a mirage, but requires each of our courts to treat each party seriously, handle each case fairly, and perform its duties with sincerity and enthusiasm. There is such a person by my side. More than ten years of trial front-line positions and years of grassroots work experience have tempered her hard-working, quietly cultivated character and will, and created her selfless dedication and unwavering ideals and beliefs. Her pride and lofty ideals for handling cases and being close to the people. She has no earth-shattering feats, no brave words, no profound meanings, but she has shown the era of the people's judges in practical actions in the ordinary post of grassroots judges for ten years. And the lofty image, with a full-fledged bloodline to write a song of "judicial for the people" dedication, she is the vice president of the Rugao Court of the Rugao People's Court Chen Hao. Since 2019, Chen Hao has handled more than 1,250 cases, with a rate of 89.8%. He has been ranked in the top five in the number of cases in the Ruyi court for two consecutive years. He has been rated as a outstanding civil servant for two consecutive years and has been rated as an advanced worker of the court for many times. Case-handling advanced individuals, trial pacesetters, mediation pacesetters, integrity model soldiers, and May 1st squadrons. What kind of power is accompanying her meticulousness in the law enforcement? What is the power to accompany her pursuit of fairness and justice? What kind of strength is accompanying her unremitting efforts for the administration of justice for the people? It is her most noble, deepest and deepest belief in the law.
Adhere to learning, determined to innovate trial practice
At present, we are in a new era of great change, major adjustment, and great development. On the road of the rule of law, new situations and new problems are constantly emerging. We are faced with not only opportunities but also challenges. However, the rule of law is not a destination that can be declared final, nor will it be the end of history. It must require a large number of meticulous micro-level institutional changes, adjustments, innovations, derivatives and developments. In this process, learning and innovation essential. How to solve the problem of many people and fewer cases? How to solve the difficulty of delivery and difficult implementation? How to achieve the case? How to thoroughly resolve contradictions and disputes in the practice of trials and safeguard the fairness and justice of the law? Ma Xiwu, a court judge on horseback, Chen Yanping, a judge's mother, and Guo Zhushan, a people's judge who went deep into the work of the people... These civilian judges who are bitter and heart-felt with the people of the people have demonstrated the overall situation of contemporary people's judges with practical actions. The spirit of law enforcement for the people, practicing the three supreme and the outstanding example of the socialist rule of law concept, proves to us that only diligent study, good thinking, and constantly innovative trial mode can better promote the "two first" overall situation, In order to continuously promote the progress of the rule of law. Therefore, under the new situation, we must build a learning platform, innovate learning forms, enrich learning content, continuously expand the breadth and depth of learning, and be diligent in learning, good at thinking, and innovative trial ideas; The strong atmosphere of learning and continuous learning, firmly establish the advanced concept of all-member party organization learning and party members' lifelong learning, and insist on being a meticulous organizer, active promoter and conscious practitioner of learning-type party organization construction, giving full play to the main role and maintaining The trial is fair and equitable; it must be based on reality, conform to the development of the times, actively explore the characteristics and laws of organizational learning under the new situation, adopt effective ways to expand the content and methods of innovative learning, and regard learning as a realm and a fashion. , a kind of consciousness, a kind of responsibility, firmly establish the concept of lifelong learning, use the enthusiasm for practicing the scientific development concept, the enthusiasm for innovation of the trial concept, and the patience of the people’s justice for one hundred percent, in exchange for the people A hundred percent confidence and satisfaction in the trial.
Hold the "conscience" and practice the judiciary for the people wholeheartedly
Western legal maxims have clouds, and law is the minimum morality. There is a general rule in any law. These general rules are based on conscience and embody a basic concept of dealing fairly and rationally with the relationship between people and people and society. Law is the materialization of conscience. It resorts to rationality, efficiency, and a set of external restraint mechanisms. However, precisely because the law always absorbs the complex experience of society in a rational way, it also means that the law cannot be presented in the form of conscience. Perhaps we are confused by the Zhao Zuohai case, the Peng Yu case, the Xiaoyue Yue incident, the Deng Jinjie incident... and also the melancholy of these imprisoned people, the sentimentality of these passers-by, the coldness of these deportees, and the chilling The loopholes in the law sigh, but what makes us happy is that more people refuse to indifference to call true love, and more people hold the conscience in their hearts. As a judge, we know that when we know that Germany is not enough to restrain behavior, we must use the law to defend justice, make the law more efficient, let the law resolve the contradiction more equitably, and let the law with conscience as the soul have more Strong practical ability. For a judge, the higher level of conscience is to abide by the professional ethics of judges; it is to advocate all truth, goodness, beauty, and to attack all false, evil, and ugly; it is the virtue of regular repair, often thinking about greed. I often feel self-disciplined, consciously resist the erosion of all kinds of temptations and all kinds of bad thoughts, withstand the test of various risks, and consciously achieve "self-respect, self-examination, self-policing, self-motivation", "Chenchu, cautious, cautious, cautious It is to use the peace of mind to "name", to the "bit" with indifferent heart, to "right" to the "right", to the "right" with awe; to truly be a serviceman who serves the people wholeheartedly, with care Thinking about things, doing things with heart, doing things with the heart, doing things, doing good things, doing practical things, sincerely serving the people; just doing their duty, no regrets, writing a magnificent life song with youth, defending the sacred dignity of law with action; Always paying attention to the promise of the soul, always pursuing the conviction of the judiciary for the people, always outlines the feelings of the people with justice and love.
I often ask myself, on the road of life, how can we not regret resentment because of inaction, and not be ashamed of being idle? How can I be a good judge on the road to justice? How can we hear every case fairly and fairly? How to achieve the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly? The answer is that, wearing a black robe, the soul pursues justice; the golden law is blown, and the red dust sets the balance of conscience. Any temptation to smother the material desires, the fragrance of the evil spirits, and always depicting the judge's image with selflessness and dedication. Let us carry forward the spirit of hard work, which is particularly hard-working, especially patient, especially capable of fighting and special dedication. We will improve ourselves in the process of teaching and learning, hone ourselves in the process of learning and doing it, and implement it in depth. The scientific concept of development has taken the lead in building a well-off society in an all-round way and taking the lead in basically realizing the struggle for modernization! Strive for the trial of the people's court! Strive for the rule of law in the Republic!

Chapter 3: Judicial Experience for the People

General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out: The interests of the people are no small matter, and the construction of a harmonious society must start with solving the most concerned, most direct and most realistic interests of the people, and do more good and practical things for the people. This is an inevitable requirement for adhering to the people-centered principle, and an inevitable requirement for persisting in development for the people, development relying on the people, and development achievements shared by the people. The people's court shoulders the sacred mission of maintaining stability, serving the overall situation, cracking down on crimes, mediating social contradictions, resolving civil disputes, and promoting social stability and harmony. All the work of the people's court must be based on the realization and maintenance of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. It is necessary to closely focus on the overall situation of ensuring stability, safeguarding people's livelihood and ensuring development, and consciously adhering to the guiding ideology of "the party's cause is supreme, the interests of the people are supreme, and the constitutional law is supreme" to promote the level of work science development.
In the new historical period, the basic contradiction in judicial trials is to meet the growing judicial needs of the people. First of all, we must clarify the new needs and new expectations of the people's people for judicial trials. Second, we must clarify the gap between the judicial work and the people's requirements, and highlight the problems.
With the continuous development and improvement of the rule of law in China, the areas involved in judicial trials highlight the issue of people's livelihood, not only to protect the rights of people, property, marriage and family, but also to protect the political rights of citizens; not only to protect basic living rights, but also to protect basic living rights. Protect the rights of citizens to develop. Where the Constitution and the law set and protect the rights of citizens, where judicial protection is involved, its breadth and depth are closely related to the interest rates of the people. When seeking judicial protection, citizens not only require judicial justice, but also require judicial efficiency and efficiency; not only requires substantive justice but also requires fairness; not only requires justice to be clean, but also requires the judiciary to be civilized, not only requires the interests to be effectively protected, but also requires The judiciary must be open and fully exercise the power of supervision and the right to know. In short, the awareness and requirements for the protection of civil rights are increasing, and the requirements and expectations for judicial protection are getting higher and higher.
Judging from the judicial trial itself, judicial ability, system and many other aspects still do not adapt to the new situation and new tasks. To change this status quo, we need a longer-term development process. What is the banner of this development process? It will determine the direction and results of the development of the judicial trial, who we rely on, and who decides the driving force for the development of judicial work. General Secretary Hu Jintao said: Maintaining the interests of the people is the party's fundamental purpose and requirements, and it is also the purpose of doing a good job in political and legal work. The political and legal work is good or bad, and ultimately depends on the people's satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This important exposition points to the fundamental criteria for testing judicial trials, which means that the judicial trials are done well and the people have the final say. Therefore, how to develop judicial trials, we must also count on the people, benefit the people, and rely on the people for development. First, we must not be separated from the people's people. We must not only broaden the channels of supervision, but also let the people exercise full supervision and right to know. We must let the people participate in the exercise of judicial power and solve it in the language of the people, the feelings of the people and the way the people can accept. Judicial needs of the people. Second, we must face the grassroots and face the countryside, and cover the judicial protection to the marginalized people to ensure social fairness and justice. Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "80% of China's population is in rural areas. Is Chinese society stable? Whether China's economy can develop or not depends on whether rural areas can develop and whether peasant life is better. China's coordinated development is urban-rural integration. Development, the scientific development of judicial work should focus on providing high-quality judicial protection for the interests of rural peasants. Only by promoting the harmonious development of society can we fundamentally solve social stability and realize the value and purpose of justice. Third, we must effectively improve judicial capacity and To achieve justice for the people, we must improve the overall quality of the team, especially to enhance the closeness of the people, to be sympathetic to the feelings of the people, to learn to unite the people and the people to unite, and to jointly safeguard the ability of one party to work together. We must make great efforts to resolve the injustice of justice, incorruptibility, inefficiency, and rude style. The problem is to win the trust of the people with excellent style, excellent nature, and good judicial protection, and truly guarantee the rights of the people to be the masters of the country.

Part 4: Judicial experience for the people

Emancipating the mind is the essential requirement of the party's ideological line, a great magic weapon for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and an important magic weapon for us to deal with various new situations and new problems on the road ahead, remove obstacles and lead development. The achievements and progress we have achieved in the past have benefited from the continuous liberation of ideas; the goal and task of completing the new stage need to continue to emancipate the mind. In the new round of emancipation of ideology, how the people's courts can elucidate their ideological activities, update their judicial concepts, innovate judicial mechanisms, and demonstrate their talents in building a harmonious society.
First, adhering to the judiciary for the people is the purpose and core of the people's court to emancipate the mind. The people's court is the judicial organ of the state and conducts trial activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws. The trial work has strict legal procedures and must be carried out in strict accordance with the law. Then, is it necessary for the people's courts engaged in trial work to emancipate their minds? The answer is yes. The ultimate goal of the trial work is to justice and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. However, due to the late start of the rule of law in China, there are many imperfections in the legal system, legal norms, legal application, judicial institution setting, trial mode, trial management, judge selection, and judge evaluation. These imperfect places have directly affected the judicial justice and the realization of the judiciary for the people, and we urgently need to improve and improve them. To solve these problems, only by emancipating the mind, updating the concept, investigating and researching, scientific practice, and bold exploration can we achieve the intended purpose. Then how can we really emancipate our minds? The people's courts must emancipate their minds in their work, and must closely follow the main line of "judicial for the people." We are the people's democratic dictatorship and all power comes from the people. The judicial power in the hands of the people's judges is also given by the people. It is necessary to use the right to the people, to run the case well, and to solve the problems for the people, that is, the judiciary must serve the people. Deviating from this main line, the judiciary deviates from the correct political direction and deviates from its fundamental purpose. This is not allowed by the party and the people, and the practice proves that it will not work. The people's courts' emancipation of the mind does not adhere to the guiding principle of "judicial for the people", which will lead to ignorance of the law, illegal work, trampling on the law, and seriously undermining the dignity of the law. In the activities of emancipating the minds of previous years, some courts did not think according to the situation and characteristics of the work of the people's courts. They believed that emancipating the mind was to dare to do more fees and income, and many people's courts also started companies, participated in operations, and produced various kinds of economy. Disputes seriously deviate from the nature and requirements of the people's courts, seriously undermining the image of the people's courts and the authority of the judiciary. These heavy lessons deserve our deep thought. We must focus on the main line of "judicial for the people" and combine the "dare to dare to dare to do" and "legal, scientific, and responsible" advocated in emancipation of the mind, and be responsible and solidly in a legal and scientific scale. Get it done and stand the test of the people and the test of history. This is the real emancipation of the people's court.
Second, adhering to judicial justice is the focus of the people's courts' emancipation of the mind. Judicial justice is the core and essence of the judiciary, and it is also the ultimate pursuit of the judiciary. It is also the premise and necessity of the judiciary for the people. Only by realizing judicial justice can it be possible to realize the fairness and justice of the whole society, build a harmonious society and benefit the people. In these years, the People's Court has always been committed to the continuous pursuit of judicial justice, and has achieved gratifying results by practicing judicial justice from multiple angles, in multiple forms and at multiple levels. The accuracy rate of trials in the people's courts, the rate of litigation of the parties, and the trust of the parties in the people's courts have been continuously improved. However, it is undeniable that the current level of judicial justice of the people's courts is not far behind the requirements of the party and the people, and there are still many factors that affect and restrict judicial justice. We must take this opportunity of emancipating the mind to discuss the various factors that affect judicial justice, and emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, and constantly explore the law of trial work in line with the requirements of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; establish the concept of judicial justice, and invest more The determination, courage and energy to solve the problems affecting the realization of judicial justice, do everything possible to solve the problem of restricting judicial justice, truly realize judicial justice and justice for the people, and realize the real purpose of emancipating the mind. We must carry out the emancipation and ideology discussion activities, overcome the old-fashioned thinking in judicial trial activities, strengthen the awareness of reform and innovation; overcome self-satisfaction and conservative thinking, enhance the crisis awareness; overcome narrow and closed ideas, enhance openness and consciousness; overcome one-sided development ideas, establish Scientific development awareness. In these aspects, the ideological liberation results will be implemented in the trial practice. We must closely focus on the main line of justice for the people, use the concepts of science, development, openness, innovation, and the people to understand the law, and give the times in the interpretation and application of the law. The concept of value makes the application of law more sensible and reasonable, so that there is truth in the law and truth in the law. It is really doing the case, resolving the contradictions, so that every case can stand the test of history. The evaluation of the people is to continuously improve the efficiency of the judiciary. "A late justice is not just." It is necessary to minimize the litigation and litigation costs of the parties; it is necessary to strengthen the mediation and coordination work in the litigation, so that it is referred to as the Eastern Judicial The mediation system of flowers is more open and colorful in resolving contradictions, harmonious litigation, and building a harmonious society; it is to provide high-quality and civilized services to the parties, and to effectively protect the litigant rights of the parties, especially those in a weak position, and provide them with A more convenient and civilized litigation environment, respecting their personality, listening to their voices and making them available justice. This is what we want to emancipate our minds.
Third, in-depth judicial reform is a concrete measure for the people's courts to emancipate their minds. As mentioned above, since the construction of democracy and the rule of law in China started late, there are still many imperfections in the design of the judicial system and the judicial system. These places have severely restricted the judicial organs from exercising judicial power independently and affecting judicial justice. Civilization and authority, which hinder the process of democracy and the rule of law in our country, must be reformed. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also proposed: deepening the reform of the judicial system, optimizing the allocation of judicial powers, standardizing judicial behavior, and building a fair, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system to ensure that judicial organs and procuratorial organs exercise judicial power and procuratorial power independently and impartially according to law. right. We carry out the discussion activities on emancipating the mind, and serve the judicial reform of the current people's courts, which is reflected in the strength and achievements of judicial reform. At present, the courts at all levels in our district should focus on seven aspects of reforms such as the trial committee, case filing, level jurisdiction, trial supervision, implementation, case management and quality assessment system, and judge assistant system. Gradually improve the case jurisdiction system in the reform, avoid outside interference, ensure the people's courts to exercise judicial power independently according to law; highlight the characteristics of the highest trial organization of the judicial committee, promote the professional construction of the trial committee; improve the convenience measures, timely and accurately file cases, and prevent abuse of the right to appeal To waste judicial resources; establish and improve the supervision and evaluation mechanism of cases, improve the quality and efficiency of trials and implementation, and improve the credibility of the judiciary. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the reform, we must grasp the principles, directions, standards and priorities of the reform. In the reform, we must uphold the leadership of the party, proceed from the national conditions of our country, proceed from the actual situation of our district, and be active, steady, and gradual in accordance with the Constitution and laws; reform must reflect the will of the people, reflect the wishes of the people, encourage people to participate, and listen to the voice of the people. Must take the initiative to accept people's supervision and judgment. In short, it is necessary to reform, optimize judicial power, standardize judicial behavior, and construct a trial work mechanism that conforms to the actual work of the courts in our district, conforms to the laws of the judiciary, conforms to the interests and aspirations of the people, and satisfies the judicial needs of the people as much as possible, so that the people Full of confidence in justice.
Fourth, strengthening team building is an important guarantee for the people's courts to emancipate their minds. Emancipating the mind and building the team are complementary. Only by constantly emancipating the mind can we seek truth from facts and objectively understand the current situation of the people's court team; we can break the old frame of arranging seniority, not seeking merit, but seeking nothing, being comfortable with the status quo, and building a self-sufficient framework, establishing a viable team building mechanism and improving the team. Ideological and political work, strengthen and improve the education and training mechanism for judges, establish and improve a system of clean and honest punishment for education, supervision, and punishment, improve the selection and use mechanism of the team, form a capable person, and let the person who wants the job have the opportunity to The person of the officer has a stage, and the person who does the job has a place. Young cadres with both ability and morality and potential for development will stand out, fully inspire the vitality of the team, and improve the ideological and political, professional culture and moral cultivation of the team. Only by emancipating the mind can we maintain and carry forward the in-depth practice, investigation and research, truth-seeking and pragmatic, and the fine tradition of justice of the referee; we can resolutely oppose the shackles of the door, the ugly face, the raw, the horizontal, the cold, the hard, the stall, and the team. It has stronger cohesiveness and combat effectiveness, gains the trust and support of the people, and promotes judicial justice and the realization of the judiciary for the people. When the team is well-built, the team's thinking will be more active, the quality of the police will be higher, and the students will be able to learn actively, use their brains, and accept new things, new ideas, and new ideas. This will help us emancipate our minds. After all, emancipating the mind is a long-term self-reform of the subjective world. Emancipating the mind will always accompany our entire process of transforming the objective world. To deepen and emancipate the mind in a long-term manner, it is necessary to strengthen team building as a guarantee.

Chapter 5: Judicial Experience for the People

General Secretary Hu Jin-Tao pointed out in his report "Highly Holding the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Struggling for a New Victory in Building a Well-off Society in an All-round Way": "Strengthen the implementation of the Constitution and laws, and uphold the equality of citizens before the law, and maintain Social fairness and justice, safeguarding the unity, dignity and authority of the socialist legal system." As an important part of the socialist rule of law, the judiciary is an important line of defense for maintaining social fairness and justice. "Fair justice, united for the people" as the guiding principle for the current and future work of the people's courts is a unified whole of organic relations, reflecting the people's, scientific and authoritative nature of the judiciary. Justice is the fundamental requirement of judicial work; for the people, it is the essential feature of the people's justice. Today's China is full of vigor and vitality, and is firmly moving toward a society ruled by law. In the process of interest restructuring in the stage of social transformation, it is particularly important to establish a sound, fair, efficient and authoritative trial system. It is about the people's heart, the image of the party and the government, and the society. Stability is related to the interests of the people and to the direction and progress of the socialist rule of law.
As Dworkin described in his immortal masterpiece, The Legal Empire: the capital of the legal empire is the court, and the judges, the princes of the empire. Today, we, working in the people's courts, are a kind of glory. Behind our ordinary work is a lofty cause and a sacred mission. Being with glory is the responsibility! The people are the biggest beneficiaries of judicial justice, and the people are the biggest victims of judicial injustice. In our country, the people are the masters of the country! The people establish the courts not to build a magnificent capital of the empire; the people give judges independent jurisdiction, and they are not honored for the honor of judges. If you can't use the law of your hands to strike the strongest voice of the era of fairness and justice, if you can't let the law shine in real life with the fire of faith, the court and the judge will lose the value of existence in today's great era.
Dean Xiao Yang once said that "one heart for the people" is the spiritual pillar of fair justice. Once this pillar collapses, the judge will become a prisoner of self-interest, and the judiciary will become an accomplice of the offender. Serving the people and being responsible to the people is the fundamental purpose of the judiciary. The majority of the judges should always adhere to the guiding principle of "just justice, wholeheartedly for the people", and always take the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the eternal value pursuit and moral bottom line of judicial work.
Heaven sees me and my people, and God listens to me and my people. Justice and justice, and one heart for the people. To realize the most fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, we have no hesitation! Judicial for the people is not a propaganda slogan that is decorated with fascination. We need to use cash and sweat to cash. Seizing the opportunity and meeting the challenge is the responsibility of the people's courts. The situation is for the people, the power is used by the people, and the interests of the people are the sacred mission of the people's judges!
Implementing the judiciary for the people is the key to doing your own job. A noble cause begins with ordinary efforts. A wise man once said that it is not easy to do a simple thing, and it is not extraordinary to do an ordinary thing. Judicature for the people is to slacken the ordinary and even trivial work day after day; the judiciary is for the people, that is, in a single case, for the fair and meticulous work. It is this mundane effort that is precisely this bit of justice that embodies the establishment of lofty socialism in the new era.

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