Work report > conclusion report

Language report

Hai'an County National Education Research Project “Experiment and Research on Chinese Language Teaching Activities”
Concluding Report
Background and meaning
1. Alienation of the function of the language subject.
If the basic question of philosophy is "what is man", then the first thing that must be answered in the study of language education should be "what language is." To put it simply, language is a communication tool that people have in order to participate in social life. It is a spiritual food that makes people's thoughts rich and emotional. Learning Chinese is not only the inheritance of the spiritual wealth of the predecessors, but also the understanding of real life. However, whenever we talk about Chinese teaching, it often makes people feel bad. The language in reality has long lost her original spirituality and beauty, and has become a slave to the test. It has become a means for parents and teachers to achieve a certain purpose. It has become a heavy burden of schoolwork and has become a cold domestication and empty dogma... the specific teaching situation, it is tedious analysis, rote memorization and problem-solving training. Teaching research is often unconventional and pleasing to the pursuit of teaching methods, but it ignores the origin of language learning - how children should learn language.
2, mechanical, closed, boring, utilitarian, oppressive - the emergence of various drawbacks of traditional Chinese teaching.
For a long time, the atmosphere of the Chinese language classroom has been dull and lacks vitality. Teaching is about language and language, from text to text, language and life are separated, and knowledge and spirit are opposite. Paying attention to the study of knowledge, but neglecting activities and life; paying attention to the teaching of teachers, but depriving students of exploration and innovation; paying attention to results, but lightening the process; pursuing the return of test scores, but neglecting the improvement of overall quality . For students, it is really a "language language, it is a headache!" This fierce contradiction forces us to calmly reflect on the language classroom, we must find a language teaching suitable for children as soon as possible.
3. The call of the era for Chinese teaching.
Living in a knowledge-based economy, people are no longer slaves to words, nor can they be satisfied with the difficult language of the study, but with an active quality and a strong spirit of self-expression, with the ability to continue learning and the ability to survive. We can actively interact with people through language, broaden our development space, and apply language to various specific life situations. Language is not only a means of enjoying material life, but also a core component of the individual's spiritual world. Based on the requirements of this era, we must transform existing language learning.
4. A solid theoretical foundation.
Activity teaching has a solid and extensive academic foundation, and its supporting theory is mainly the "activity-development" theory proposed by the former Soviet Union Leon. Rousseau's "Nature Education Theory" puts forward the idea of ​​"experiencing real life, making senses become rational guides, and cultivating children's interest in learning and discovery." Pestalo's "teaching should adapt to nature, the development of head, heart and hands harmoniously, emphasizing human sensory activities and intuitive teaching." Dewey believes that "development is not just the meaning of getting something from the mind. It is the development of experience and the development of experience that is really needed. The intermediary of development is activity." Vygotsky et al. - Personality theory. In addition, China's "situational teaching experiment" "national small language self-study counseling experiment" and other Chinese teaching reforms also provide a reliable practical basis for activity teaching.

The purpose of the research is to use "initiative" and "comprehensiveness" as the starting point of knowledge. Based on the characteristics of the language subject and the theory of activity promotion and development, we describe the language activity teaching "in the process of Chinese teaching, the design is practical and educational. Creative student activity, creating a relaxed and democratic teaching atmosphere, expanding learning time and space, inspiring students to actively participate, practice, explore, and innovate as the basic characteristics, and improve the language literacy of students through a rich language practice activities." . Establish the following research objectives:
Operational objectives:
1. Starting from the children's development needs and the nature of language learning, establish a comprehensive concept of language teaching.
2. Exploring from practice, grasping the essential connotation of "activity" from the concept, and improving the concept of teaching and students.
3. Construct a language activity teaching paradigm based on “activity-generation”.
4. Explore the “activity mode” suitable for children to learn Chinese, so that active teaching becomes an operable teaching method.
5. Create a system of comprehensive activities of small and medium-sized languages ​​with school-based characteristics.
development Goals:
1. Enable each child to construct language in a lively, diverse, and exploratory activity. To enable individuals with different abilities to develop as they should in the language learning activities and enjoy the fun of the language.
2. On the basis of handling the relationship between “double base” and ability, knowledge and affection, effectively improve the quality of children's language learning.
3. Promote teachers to actively transform their curriculum concepts and improve their teaching ability during the experiment, especially to form a student-centered professional awareness.

research content
1. The expansion and deepening of the objectives of the curriculum is the core of teaching activities, the soul of teaching reform, and therefore has a guiding function. It is necessary to think about teaching problems from the target level.
Activity teaching establishes a new concept of children. Students are no longer passively accepting the "container" of knowledge, but actively constructing the life of the language. Chinese language teaching is not only an activity to learn Chinese knowledge and skills, but also a process of developing language literacy through language learning to form a vivid personality and a sound personality. Therefore, its target connotation has been amplified. The article you are browsing is organized, and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source.
The meaning of activity teaching is that teaching is a process and is generative. Language teaching itself has a rich development value, not just the grasp of language knowledge and skills. If you create more colorful learning scenarios and activity vectors for students, such as our experiments on “pre-study guidance”, “group dialogue”, “comprehensive practice” and “experience expression” during the experiment, it is also obvious in the active classroom. Enhance the tension of the teaching itself.
Based on this, we have constructed the target system of language activity teaching:
Basic goals: developmental goals such as ideological education, basic knowledge and skills: communication skills, thinking quality, learning methods, information literacy, innovative spirit, etc. We require teachers to construct teaching objectives from these two clues in preparing lessons: from the perspective of teaching content Refining the basic goals; tapping the development goals from the teaching process and the children's learning style.
2. The basic concept of constructing a language activity teaching model for constructing a language activity teaching model:
Teaching is an open process: focusing on conversational classroom activities, including preparatory learning activities before class, and practice extension activities after class.
Classroom is the link, bridge, and not all: Classroom is a dialogue and symbiosis place for children with different experience bases. It is a platform for sharing results, sharing experiences and communicating emotions. It has the planning function of learning ideas, the meaning of the display of learning achievements and the research role of learning difficulties.
Open pre-study – open classroom interaction – open and expansive practice Pre-class preparation: Teaching must be based on adequate individual learning, but limited classrooms are difficult to provide enough independent learning time. Therefore, we should vigorously develop pre-course resources and guide students to carry out a variety of preparatory activities. This not only lays a solid foundation for classroom learning, but also a good opportunity for students to understand the language and learn to learn. Different students can design their own learning according to their own language level and unique experience. This process mainly includes reading texts, collecting writing materials and other subject knowledge related to the text, seeking life experiences that match the texts, and sorting out the prep notes.

About classroom interaction: Classroom teaching is the process of bilateral interaction and cooperation between teachers and students. Language activity teaching is a process in which students form active participation, cultivate scientific attitude, cooperative spirit and generate distinct personality in the process of constructing language. The classroom is based on the students' "reading expectations", closely combined with the foundation of the pre-study, and the dialogue activities around the questions. Therefore, in the middle and upper grade reading teaching, we have designed such a section: show the results of the preview - exchange questions - study the key points, difficult paragraphs under the teacher's organization - negotiate practice.
About after-school practice: The textbook is just a carrier, or a growing point. In the course of the experiment, we asked the experimental teachers to closely combine the teaching materials and the students' experience, integrate the extended reading features of our school, and carry out a variety of comprehensive activities. In this way, the classroom will be extended, the teaching materials will be enlarged, and students will be led to learn the vivid and interesting language in a broad life.
3, the exploration of language activity teaching strategy Activity-oriented teaching is not only a teaching concept, but also a specific teaching method. Through experimental research, we explored the following activity strategies.
Preview guide strategy: Preview provides a relaxed space for students to read independently. This is not only conducive to adapting to the multi-intelligence of students, but also to cultivating self-learning ability. It is also an active measure to make full use of individual resources of students. Paying attention to the preparatory study is an important manifestation of the implementation of the principle of “learning first and then teaching”. The experimental class began to develop the habits from the lower grades. Since the third grade, more systematic guidance has been given to the preparations, and each student has a special preparation book. From reading the texts to reading the texts, from reading to gaining, to reading doubts, step by step, spiraling up, and finally achieving the ability to learn Chinese. Specifically, the research content of this strategy includes: the development of gradual pre-requisite resources for preview guidance: cooperative resources, information resources preview and display strategy: After experiencing adequate preparation, students are engaged in classroom life with strong performance desires. It is necessary to create a stage for display and a platform for communication. This not only enables students to gain a sense of accomplishment, but also enables students to learn from each other and inspire each other, to appreciate others and respect others from the National Assembly. The specific steps are: second reading three, one question, one question dialogue strategy: teaching is the coupling of teachers and students' multilateral experience. Teachers should encourage students to express doubts or confusions in the process of self-study, combine their own understanding of teaching materials, guide students to screen topics, and guide students to study the key points and difficulties in the text. Can take personal self-study - group cooperation - large group exchanges, etc. Teaching around the problem is both the main theme of teaching and the main part of the classroom.
Practical experience strategy: Activity teaching follows the principle of “activity-development” and “doing middle school”. It uses various forms of activities to liberate children's limbs and break the boring and vitality of traditional teaching. According to different learning content and language training requirements, students are provided with a variety of activities, mobilizing students' hands, mouth, eyes, ears, nose, brain and other senses to coordinate and participate in language learning. For example: operating experimental activities, game performances, singing and painting activities, observing appreciation activities, discussing debate activities, etc.
Language Reengineering Strategy: All activities must reflect the purpose of promoting children's language development. They must carry out practical activities such as listening, speaking, reading and writing around the core of "language", such as: poetry, imagination, graphic diary Design campus warnings, study and report reports, etc.
4. Design and implementation of language comprehensive activities The development and implementation of comprehensive language activities is one of the key points of this topic. It aims to broaden students' language learning pathways and increase the tension of language disciplines. Combined with the extended reading features of the school, we conducted a “special reading” exploration and established the following design ideas: linkage with textbooks, connection with classrooms, integration with life, and integration with comprehensive practice activities.

Implementation phase
1. Project development stage
In 1998, we participated in the “Second Seminar on National Activity Teaching” held in Qingdao, and observed the novelty and unique language teaching. At the same time, we feel that there are many drawbacks in our teaching, such as suppressing the subject, single form, and thin function. As a result, the idea of ​​reconstructing Chinese teaching with active thinking has been produced, and it has been consciously tried in its own teaching. In the same year, the experts of the Provincial Experimental Small Acceptance Group and the West Field Elementary School teachers who came to observe the lectures gave us a high evaluation after class and enhanced our research confidence.
2. The initial stage of the project
In 2000, this project was established as a county-level teaching and research project. Under my invitation, some junior teachers were happy to participate in the research. Activity teaching was first carried out in the lower grade language classroom, and it quickly changed significantly. In this process, we have made our language teaching goals more broad. Liu Jinxia, ​​Zhou Zhihua, Li Jinhong and other teachers used the activity-designed Chinese class to generate a good response in the young teachers' teaching competition and various public teaching.
3. Implementation exploration stage
From 2001 to 2002, with the advancement of experiments to the middle and upper grades, our understanding of the meaning of “activities” is constantly deepening. From the lower grades to pursue the diversity of forms, to the higher grade research reading development, and gradually formed the "pre-study class - classroom interaction - expand practice" language activity teaching mode.
4. Summary reflection stage
In 2003, we reviewed and improved the experimental research in the previous stage. President Wang Shifu and Director Wang Ya, who have rich experience in teaching and research, put forward valuable opinions and helped us overcome the impetuousness and superficiality in the research. In the end, we summarized the key areas of “Language Activity Teaching Research”: goal connotation, preview guidance, classroom interaction, and integrated learning.

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