Work report > conclusion report

Cooperative learning report

Proposal of a subject experiment and research

As an important basic subject of compulsory education, Elementary Mathematics is not only to impart some preliminary mathematics knowledge to students, but also to develop students' thinking ability, cultivate innovative consciousness, practical ability and improve interest in learning mathematics, and develop good study habits. The historical responsibility. In the traditional classroom mode of mathematics classroom teaching, there is a phenomenon of neglecting the process of knowledge, neglecting the goal of affective teaching, and ignoring the subjective status of students. Under the circumstance of traditional concepts, the teacher has intentionally or unintentionally strengthened the dependence of students on teachers. As a result, students' interest in learning is not high, the burden of learning is too heavy, and the lack of exploration spirit and innovation consciousness is caused. At the same time, in today's rapid development of science and technology, we can see that any large scientific research and experiment, any large project construction, can not be done by one person alone, it requires collective wisdom and cooperation, cooperation spirit and ability. The cultivation of the school is increasingly valued by the majority of educators. How to explore a teaching path that is suitable for students' vivid development and is conducive to the students' innovative spirit, practical ability and cooperation quality, has become a new topic that educators have to face in the new era. . Therefore, we decided to carry out the study of "Study on the Cooperative Learning of the National Primary Mathematics Group" in the teaching of the mathematics classroom of the National Elementary School, so that the teaching process is truly based on the students' independent activities, exerting the main role of the students, and exploring the individuality of the students. The cooperation explores the organic combination, mobilizes the enthusiasm of all students, and promotes the coordinated development of students' subjectivity, creativity, practical ability, cooperation awareness, and communication quality. There are three main reasons:

The need of the new curriculum: group cooperative learning is to transform the current classroom teaching mode with knowledge base, teacher center and teaching and instilling as the main features, so that the teaching process is truly based on the students' independent activities and active exploration. And a variety of subjective activities to promote their subjective spirit, practical ability and multi-faceted quality development; at the same time, to achieve a fundamental change in the traditional classroom teaching process, to revitalize the true vitality of classroom teaching. Good interpersonal relationship can promote the improvement of students' cognitive state, emotion and behavior at three different levels of learning mental state. Group cooperative learning creates an opportunity for students to actively interact in the classroom. It has a great effect on students' good interpersonal relationships, developing a good sense of cooperation in communication, and fostering cooperation skills.

The need to improve classroom efficiency: multi-directional communication, in addition to teacher-student discussion, allowing students to learn from each other, which is conducive to the formation of a positive classroom atmosphere, is conducive to the communication of various types of information, is conducive to mutual learning and mutual learning among students. It is conducive to the development of students' thinking. Regardless of potential or difference, we deeply understand that they are all educational resources that need to be developed and utilized. The more classes there are, the more teams need to work together. The group study not only expands the time and space of classroom teaching, but also strengthens the individualization of teaching. Because of the team's sincere cooperation, the classroom will no longer have a corner that has been left out or forgotten, and the effectiveness can be improved. At the same time, the two-way communication between teachers and students has become a multi-directional exchange between teachers and students and students, forming a network of three-dimensional communication.

The need for student development: Students are the main body of learning. In a democratic and open educational environment, the potential and differences of students' resilience are surprising. This requires students to have more time for activities in a shorter classroom time, including hands-on operation and mutual communication, mutual inspiration, and exploration of innovation time, and group cooperation learning has better resolved this contradiction. In this case, the mutual care and mutual trust of teachers and students is combined. Students will not simply regard the teacher as a strict supervisor, nor will they regard the score as a stick. To enable students to explore, learn from each other and gradually cultivate their exploration spirit and innovative consciousness in a harmonious atmosphere. Any mental work that gives people the joy of success will always receive the results of developing students' abilities. Therefore, we should take the research of the subject as an opportunity to explore a scientific learning and guidance model, comprehensively improve our teaching level and teaching efficiency, and further promote the reform of education and teaching in our town.

The purpose of the second subject experiment and research

1. Through the implementation of group cooperation learning, students can find ways to cooperate and master the basic methods of cooperation.

2. Through group cooperation learning, change the teacher's teaching philosophy and explore new teaching methods.

3. Through group cooperation learning, strive to reflect the new curriculum concept, and cultivate students' sense of cooperation and subject consciousness.

4. Integrate experiments and research through cooperative learning and teaching evaluation, and create a platform for teachers to participate in cooperative learning and evaluate students.

The significance of the three subjects experiment and research

Communication and cooperation are important driving forces for the survival of human society. Facing the arrival of the knowledge economy and the rapid development of high technology, the 21st century society with more fierce competition and cooperation consciousness is the important consciousness of talents in the 21st century. Therefore, in the wave of basic education reform, the implementation of classroom teaching with group cooperative learning as the main channel, exploring the group cooperative learning and the development of primary school students' quality, its practical significance is very obvious. This subject research is also a useful exploration for the ways and means of implementing innovative education in classroom teaching, the teaching of teachers and students in group cooperative learning, group cooperative learning and the promotion of primary school socialization.

Four subject experiments and researchers

1. Huagou Town Researcher: Team Leader Jia Meizhong

Main members Wang Junfeng Jia Xueyan Chen Xiurong Gao Chunyan

2. Division of labor between experiments and researchers

Wang Junfeng's theoretical research, material finishing, results accumulation, experiment and research report writing

Jia Xueyan's group cooperates to learn classroom experiment and daily material accumulation

Chen Xiurong's group collaborates to learn classroom experiments and daily material accumulation

Gao Chunyan's team collaborates to learn the data collection and collection in classroom teaching experiments

Five subject experiment and research methods

1. Strengthen theoretical study.

Through the examination of newspapers and periodicals, online search, etc., collect information on the cooperative learning of the group, research content, internalization and absorption, and make theoretical preparations for the implementation of group cooperative learning.
2. Theory guides practice.

In the subject experiment and research, we have adopted the methods of side research, side experiment, side summarization, and side propagation. As the first batch of experimental and research teachers, the experimental teachers practice boldly in teaching, pay attention to timely rethinking and summarizing experience, and timely summarize the experience and pass it on to the second batch of experimental teachers, so that the second batch of teachers can fully understand the group cooperation. Learning, let more teachers participate in the subject experiment and research.

6. Contents of the subject experiment and research

1. Establish a effective study group.

Scientifically establishing a study group is the key to success. 1 According to the principle of heterogeneous grouping of students in the same class, four students of different genders, different grades and different abilities are arranged according to the table before and after, so that they can be discussed at any time. 2 On the basis of extensive mobilization, students are selected to have strong organizational skills, responsible, and students with good academic performance as team leaders, responsible for organizing and leading the discussion activities of the whole group. 3 mobilize and train the whole class to conduct group discussion and encourage each student to participate actively, actively explore, and strive to be a discoverer and innovator in the discussion, pay special attention to the underachievers, overcome self-esteem, study seriously, and be bold. Speaking, really become the master of learning. 4 Request the team leader in time to improve their organization and leadership.

2. The teaching process program of the group cooperative learning.
After repeated practice and argumentation, our research group summed up the teaching process of group cooperative learning suitable for classroom teaching: creating a cooperative atmosphere - clarifying the cooperation goal - guiding the cooperation process - reporting the cooperation results - evaluating the cooperation results.

3. In the experiment and research on the integration of group cooperative learning and teaching evaluation, the following points are emphasized: 1 In the evaluation attitude, the premise of respecting the personality of students is premised. 2 In the evaluation content, both the results of the students' learning and the efforts of the students are encouraged. 3 From the perspective of evaluation, standing on the height of students. 4 In the evaluation criteria, the individual vertical comparison is the main one. 5 In the fairness of evaluation, let students have the confidence to develop. 6 In the evaluation method, take the teacher evaluation, student self-evaluation, student mutual evaluation, parent evaluation, growth record bag and so on.

Seven subjects experiment and research steps and processes

The first step: We establish a group cooperative learning mechanism by cultivating the awareness of student group cooperative learning.

The second step: At the same time of summarizing and reforming the first step, we creatively construct a classroom teaching process model of “group cooperative learning”.

The third step: using the "group cooperative learning" classroom teaching process model, the experimental and research on the expansion of the group cooperative learning has been improved, and satisfactory results have been achieved.

The fourth step: On the basis of perfecting the group cooperative learning model, we carried out research and experiment on the integration of group cooperative learning and teaching evaluation, and deepened the teaching mode of group cooperative learning.

Step 5: We held a summary of the experiment and research of the subject and the research results of the group's cooperative learning, and wrote a summary of the work and research of the subject experiment and research report.

The results of eight subject experiments and research.

1. The group cooperative learning experiment promotes the improvement of students' evaluation ability and regulates the students' learning behavior.

Through experiments, not only improve the students' academic performance, reduce the extracurricular burden of students, correct the students' attitude towards mathematics, cultivate their good learning behavior, and they are active in the classroom, answer questions positively, social practice, investigation The ability is enhanced, the classroom atmosphere is active, and the personality has changed a lot.

Below is a survey of learning behaviors conducted by our third-grade mathematics experiment class taught by Chen Xiurong:

Effective Questionnaire Learning Mathematical Attitudes % Ability to Collaborate with Learning and Evaluation % Responsiveness to answer questions % Evaluate the ability of others
I like to generally don’t like to be willing to cooperate and evaluate. I am generally not willing to cooperate and evaluate positively. I am generally not active and willing to be generally unhappy.

Pretest 94.7 19 58.3 38.9 2.8 60.2 21.1 18.7 53.3 15.2 31.5 52.6 28.5 18.9
After the test 97.3 19 76.3 23.7 0 84.2 15.8 0 75.6 24.4 0 81.6 15.4 3
The difference is 0 18 -15.2 -2.8 24 -5.3 -18.7 42.3 16 -31.5 29 -13.1 -15.9

It can be seen from the above table: The group cooperative learning experiment is conducive to the overall development of students, is conducive to improving students' enthusiasm for answering questions, and is conducive to improving students' ability to participate in teaching evaluation.

2. Create a classroom teaching atmosphere for group cooperative learning, which is conducive to the development of students' non-intellectual factors.

Interest is the best teacher. The group cooperative learning has created a best teaching atmosphere for the classroom by adopting the group discussion, the knowledge learned and the combination of social investigation and practice, which greatly stimulates students to learn mathematics knowledge. Interest has cultivated students' various abilities. The following is a rigorous questionnaire survey conducted by Jia Xueyan before and during the experiment. Some data obtained.


Number of groups interested in collaborative learning% Ability to participate in social surveys % Social practice operating capacity % Evaluation in teaching %
Interested in general, not interested, generally not happy, generally unskilled, generally unwilling to experiment before 28 57.9 21.1 21 31.5 50 18.5 28.9 31.6 34.5 65.8 28.9 5.3
In the experiment 28 84.2 15.8 0 81.6 15.4 3 54.9 36.8 8.3 81.6 18.4 0

It can be seen from the above comparison data that the students' interest in learning has changed significantly in the experiment, and the social survey, practical ability, and evaluation of teaching have been greatly improved. The specific performance is that the classroom atmosphere is active in the experiment. Students are quick-thinking and can ask questions proactively. There are more and more students who like to work in small groups, and the various interests and abilities of students have been greatly improved.

3. The group cooperates to learn the multilateral mutual assistance that is conducive to teaching, so that each student has the opportunity to participate in equal participation.

Group collaborative learning increases the opportunities for individuals and individuals, individuals and groups, groups and groups, and students and teachers to communicate. Students have more opportunities to perform than simple group learning. The following is a comparison table between the experimental teacher Wang Junfeng and the teacher in the control class:

Class Experimental Class Control Class Teaching Method Group Cooperative Learning Try Teaching Method Teaching Content Cuboid and Cube Surface Area Cuboid and Cube Surface Area Teacher Direct Teaching Time 10 minutes 22 minutes Student Speaker Number 23 People 16 People Discussion Time 10 minutes 0
Classroom homework completed textbook exercises and improved sexual problems completed "do one thing" and textbook exercises to do the correct rate of 95% 83%

It can be seen that: Teacher Wang Junfeng pays great attention to the students' active participation in the process of knowledge formation, so that they can acquire knowledge in the dynamic, hands-on, brain-moving, unity and cooperation, and learn from each other's strengths.

4. Group-based collaborative learning helps to accommodate individual differences in students and enables each student to have a successful experience.

Group cooperative learning is an organic combination of teacher-student interaction, mutual evaluation and individual guidance and individual evaluation. It guides students' individual differences as a positive educational resource to make it possible for top students to “eat well” and middle-aged students to eat well. "The stratification effect of the "eaten" of the late students is conducive to the development of students' individuality, so that every student can experience the joy of success.

5. Group cooperative learning is conducive to the improvement of teaching quality.

The following is a comparison of the statistics of Wang Junfeng's teacher and the control class.


Don't teach

After the experiment
The first semester of the 2002-2003 school year, the first semester of the 2004-2005 school year, the final semester, the per-capital examination, the pass rate, the excellent rate, the per-capital rate, the pass rate, the excellent rate, the experimental group, the cooperative study, 71.4 84.5%, 63.4%, 89.1, 93.3%, 73.3%
The teaching method of the control class 72.2 91.6% 66.7% 80.8 88.3% 45.7%

It can be seen from the above table that the use of group cooperative learning teaching methods is of great benefit to improving the quality of teaching and improving the efficiency of classroom teaching.

6. The classroom teaching process model of group cooperative learning was constructed in the experiment.

In experiments and research, we continue to sum up experience and inherit the results of the experiment. Based on the actual situation of our town and the actual situation of the students, after repeated argumentation and practice, with the efforts of all the experimental teachers, we have summed up a set of classroom teaching process models suitable for the cooperative study of the mathematics team of our town.

Yan Na: The teaching strategy of cooperative learning, the research report of the developmental teaching laboratory of the main education Wang Tan: "On the theoretical basis of cooperative learning", Education Review 1994. 4
Zhang Bin: "On Cooperative Learning and Its Impact on Students' Behaviors and Attitudes", Educational Theory and Practice 1999
Zeng Lingpeng: "National Mathematics Teaching and Evaluation" 2003.10
Yin Zongyi, Zhang Meiling: "Harmony, Cooperation, Development" 2003. 5
Tian Jianfen: Analysis of Cooperative Learning

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