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Middle school language report

Author: Xuehai Bing, Jiangsu Province, the fourth Chinese small teaching and research topics research topic name based on constructivism Chinese teaching task units of the network environment in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, the first secondary school host of topics Xuehai Bing

Abstract: Based on the current situation of Chinese teaching and the Chinese teaching environment, this topic combines Chinese teaching, network environment and constructivism to try to understand the basic principles and important characteristics of constructivist middle school Chinese teaching based on network environment. And the teaching model and its implementation methods to investigate and explore, in order to seek improved strategies for Chinese teaching in middle schools. With the help of research methods and reflective practice, the moderators have gradually extracted the "three-in-one" after five experiments of pure text, special website, problem-driven, inquiry-oriented and discovery construction. The language teaching mode combining self-inquiry and collaborative inquiry, and presenting the structural characteristics of the teaching model and some basic principles about the teaching design of the model. On this basis, the subject experimenter believes that the organic integration of subject curriculum, online carrier and construction theory is the main breakthrough of modern Chinese teaching and reform, and is the commanding height of future Chinese education.
Keywords: Internet environment, constructivism, middle school Chinese teaching, the topic
1. Background of the research of the subject The status quo of Chinese teaching in middle schools is summarized as “teachers are difficult to teach, students are difficult to learn, exams are difficult to test, and grades are declining”. Some people summarize them as “re-educational light learning, re-sense lightness, heavy left and right, There are even more generalizations, but no matter how general, it shows that there are important issues in the middle school of Chinese teaching that can not be ignored, such as rigid concepts, outdated models and inefficient. We only have a correct understanding of the important characteristics of the ambiguity of the language subject, the long-term nature of the cycle, and the comprehensiveness of the content. Only when we correctly face the modern characteristics of the Chinese language discipline in the current environment, such as rich resources, diverse ideas, and diverse carriers, can we teach well. The language also allows students to learn Chinese.
With the advent of the information society, online media has become the basic environment for people in today's society to learn and live. It will inevitably bring about the scientific and technologicalization of modern Chinese education. This is the law of development of education. Whether it is from the richness of online language resources and the personalization of online language learning, or from the potential effects of non-classroom time on the Internet, the Chinese language teaching has come to face the modern With the traditional situation. However, the fact that Chinese language teaching in middle school is formed for various reasons seems to reject the arrival of the era of science and technology. It is superstitious that the language is the tradition of "the art of enlightenment"; on the other hand, some people have deified the role of science and technology in language, thinking that Technology is omnipotent, ignoring the basic truth that human beings are animals of thought. In the face of two extreme understandings derived from the high-tech represented by the Internet, our language has encountered unprecedented problems and loss.
In this context, we began to seek a fit between the Internet, which is an important achievement of modern science and technology, and the language that is the important carrier of the humanistic spirit. We try to explore the use of the Internet environment to improve the teaching of middle school Chinese. Road,
At the stage of the construction of the project four years ago, the research on this issue in the middle school Chinese language teaching community was still in its infancy, especially when it was realized that there must be less integration research. At that time, the basic situation was that the understanding of the network environment, constructivism, research learning and language teaching was still basically isolated. The best researchers paid more attention to the necessity of the two-way integration between the three. Some achievements. At that time, the focus of research was threefold: one was the basic characteristics of online teaching, the universal model and the teaching design, the other was the constructivist learning environment, learning characteristics, teaching design and teaching mode, and the third was the theory of research learning in the Chinese language. Construction and practical exploration. The representative figures in the theoretical building are Zhu Zhiting, He Kekang and Huo Yiping. After the exploration of the integration of information technology and subject curriculum entered a stage, some people began to construct the theory of constructivism as the guiding ideology and theoretical basis of these practices, so the three began to merge. The problem is also obvious, that is, the specific practice of the integration of subject curriculum and other factors is lacking, and the role of theoretical integration is not clear. What are the main characteristics, basic models and teaching design of online language teaching under the guidance of constructivism? Whether it has its uniqueness, what role it plays in improving current language teaching, and so on. From this, the subject experiment seeks integration and innovation, trying to obtain some strategies that are conducive to contemporary Chinese teaching.
2. The significance of the research The research of this subject is based on the internal relationship between the network environment and Chinese teaching, introducing the network into Chinese teaching, studying the scientific coupling of information science and Chinese teaching, improving the modernization of Chinese teaching, and improving students' information literacy. Cultivate builders who adapt to modern social life; introduce research-based learning into Chinese teaching, cultivate students' self-learning, study language interest, improve students' ability of research-based learning, and adapt to the needs of lifelong learning; introduce constructivism into Chinese teaching and train students The spirit of cooperation, innovation and the interpersonal skills of the online society enhance the humanity of Chinese teaching.
Second, the definition of the basic concept of the subject The research of this subject is based on the Internet, carrying out research-based learning at the same time as classroom teaching, fully embodying the principle of independent construction of constructivist theory. Before and during the implementation of the project, I have defined some basic concepts of this topic, which is conducive to the smooth and scientific development of the topic.
1. Network Environment In the research of this topic, the network environment refers to various network technologies that constitute the organic factors of the teaching environment, including the network itself and the network-based guestbook, chat room, BBS, E-mail and later. The rise of BLOG, etc.; on the other hand, the use of network technology to create a teaching environment or the background on which teaching is based. In addition to the above technical and contextual significance, the network environment also has a background meaning as a culture of the times. To put it bluntly, the prevailing Internet technology has created a prevailing online culture, and the Internet environment is the air of the Internet age. This subject experiment mainly relies on the Internet and campus network to implement teaching activities.
2. Chinese teaching In the research of this subject, the concept of "teaching" has been given new connotations in both teaching and learning. Among them, "teaching" does not exclude the teaching behavior that teachers must carry out, but it should be more understood as the guidance and participation of teachers; "learning" does not exclude the basic indoctrination that students must accept, but should be more understood as self-study of students. And research. This kind of language teaching is more represented by the equal exchange and common exploration between teachers and students, and is always subject to the network environment.
3. In the traditional Chinese language teaching, "classroom" is the main activity position of both teachers and students, generally refers to the classroom; in the research of this topic, the extension of "classroom" has expanded, and the connotation has also changed. It is carried out using the network environment. The sum of time and space in teaching. In general, this "classroom" is in an online classroom or an electronic reading room, or even on the Internet, on a special website or BBS, the so-called "network class." The actual classroom is built on the Internet, and there are virtual classrooms on the Internet. This is the dual meaning of the online classroom.
4. Chinese research study Research study refers to the interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary comprehensive learning method based on subject research, while the language research study has both the research method of the subject research and the research method of the learning process of the work. Learning, that is to say, it has both "seeking truth"-style inquiry, "question-seeking"-style inquiry, as well as "taste"-style inquiry focusing on the cultivation and accumulation of language sense. As a classroom study, Chinese research learning has three characteristics: subjectivity, research and development, and full-featured. That is, students actively explore and actively seek knowledge; use research findings as the main learning method, and discover regular skills through research, texts and society are the research objects; for all students, all members participate, but the content of learning will be personalized. This topic focuses on the study of language research from the textbooks, and it is a language activity with the Internet as the main teaching environment under the guidance of constructivism.

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5. The "virtual" in the learning environment of "virtual and real" is relative to "real". “Real” refers to face-to-face communication, and “virtual” refers to the virtual learning environment formed by the Internet. The learning environment of “virtual and real” has physical and human characteristics. The physics is embodied in computer equipment that needs to connect to the world to learn resources through the Internet through a certain telecommunications technology; learners use these devices to query relevant information and communicate with other people. Humanity is reflected in the fact that teachers scientifically organize all kinds of information, transform them into effective resources for language learning, and promote students' development by stimulating students' self-learning teaching models and strategies. This topic studies Chinese language teaching activities based on the network environment, but does not rule out the real environment in which human interaction in the process of network application or teaching is located. Many teaching activities are carried out simultaneously in the network environment and the real environment.
Broadly speaking, all the language teaching activities that use the Internet technology in the middle school Chinese classroom teaching process can be called “the middle school language teaching based on the network environment”, whether it is publishing the teaching content through the webpage, and e-mailing with students. Communicate, deliver video information over the Internet, share a lecture-style lesson to another classroom, or use information processing styles based on web information resources, or language-based research-based learning, etc. Middle school language teaching in the network environment."
In short, the study of constructivist middle school Chinese teaching in the network environment is firstly to introduce the constructivist theory into the experimental research of the Chinese subject teaching, and secondly to experiment and infiltrate and develop the Chinese teaching concept and teaching method in the network environment. The possibility. It is an experimental subject combining theoretical exploration with teaching practice. In other words, this is an experiment to explore the influence and role of the learning environment and resources on human-centered, individual-oriented Chinese language teaching.
Third, the theoretical basis and condition analysis of the subject research
1. The theoretical basis of the subject research is a new cognitive theory. Constructivism believes that human understanding is not derived from reality itself, but from the interaction between subject and object. The constructivist view of learning and the concept of teaching are the main theoretical support of this topic. Constructivism believes that any knowledge is the rationalization of personal experience, and teaching is the process by which students actively construct knowledge. In this process, students must be the center, respect the individual differences of students, allow for the creation of multiple creations, and focus on the interactive way of learning. The constructivist learning theory and the constructivist learning environment have their own teaching modes and teaching methods. Constructivist teaching methods, such as scaffolding, anchored teaching, and random access to teaching, are quite different from traditional Chinese teaching in terms of comprehension, teaching, and reading. It can be said that the constructivist education theory contributes to the "disorder of chaos" in Chinese teaching. Under the guidance of constructivist theory, create a teaching situation as close as possible to the student's reality, give full play to the subjective position of students in learning activities, further mobilize students' values, attitudes and emotions, and play their positive role in learning. Promote students to find problems and solve problems in exploration and coordination, and finally achieve the purpose of constructing Chinese knowledge and forming language literacy.
2. Conditional analysis of subject research From the development of Chinese teaching, the Internet as the most dynamic and valuable media in the information society must infiltrate into the field of education. The dynamic language teaching can not only refuse this media but must also take this modern development. road. From the perspective of changes in learning styles, many problems brought about by research-based learning are ineffective to teachers and libraries. It is a practical need for students to explore the answers in a broader world. From the perspective of the hardware of the experimental hardware, our school has a well-run campus network and multimedia classrooms, and is connected to the Internet. The hard and soft environment of the regional network and the WAN are constantly updated and updated with the development of technology, which can guarantee the experiment. Always on the parallel track of network development. From the perspective of his own practice, the subject's teaching ability is strong, the use of modern media is strong, and the relevant theories are well understood. Before the application of the topic, the exploration of this aspect has been started more frequently. Some research results have seen many academics. The publication has successfully opened this subject presentation class to the national counterparts.
Fourth, the objectives and content of the research
1. The research on the target network environment and the role of constructivism in Chinese teaching in middle school. The basic law and practice of constructivism middle school Chinese teaching under the network environment
2. The research on the network environment adapts to the function presentation and characteristics of middle school Chinese teaching. The general principles and basic characteristics of constructivist middle school Chinese teaching under the network environment. How to construct the basic mode and teaching method of constructivism middle school Chinese teaching under the network environment Carrying out constructivist reading and writing teaching under the road environment. 5. Research methods in order to solve the problem of “less slow and low fees” in traditional Chinese teaching, organize educational practices with plans based on constructivist theory and network operation principles, and strengthen Infiltration of constructivist learning theory in the network environment, trying to change the status quo of Chinese teaching, improve the quality of Chinese teaching, and achieve the ultimate goal of education. Throughout the subject research, my basic ideas can be expressed as follows: use existing theories to observe teaching practice, construct experimental programs, explore internal laws, and then form rational understanding or intra-disciplinary theory, then examine practices and guide practice. . Specifically, I mainly used several research methods such as investigation and research methods, reflective practice methods and literature research methods.
1. In the initial stage of the investigation and research project experiment, the investigation method is mainly used. The survey mainly points to the following three aspects: the survey of learners' status - the basic means and carrier of current language learning, the basic methods and efficiency of learning, and especially the investigation of the status quo and effects of learning through the use of the network environment. Survey of the teaching staff - the basic means and carrier of the current Chinese teaching, the basic mode and efficiency of teaching, especially focusing on the investigation of malpractice, improvement of ideas and the use of measures. Based on the possibility and necessity of Chinese language teaching innovation in the network environment - the construction and application environment of the school network, the mastery of the theory and practice of teachers in the network teaching, the acceptance of the network intervention by students and parents in the regular teaching Attitude survey. In the investigation and research, pay attention to the flexible use of the corresponding survey methods to investigate and analyze according to the actual situation. Since the subject is the host's own two classes, the conditions for conducting individual interviews are better, not only can be carried out at any time, but also the number of interviews is on demand, and it is easy to obtain real situations; interviews with colleagues and parents are often Also used as a questionnaire method. In order to comprehensively and deeply understand the status quo and foundation of the development of this topic, it is a feasible method to conduct a questionnaire survey within the scope of the experiment. The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide a basis for improving the strategy for teaching experiments. The analysis of the status quo is only a means. In the final stage of the topic, the initial survey was compared with the latest online reading survey analysis conducted by the Chinese media. In a certain sense, the experimental significance and value of the subject were explained. After the investigation and research, detailed analysis of the first-hand information must be carried out to determine the specific implementation of the entire experiment. In the course of the experiment, each research topic or relatively independent test phase must be carefully implemented. Only in this way can we ensure the smooth development of the next step.

2. Rethinking the practice method and reflecting on the practice method is a research method developed on the basis of the action research method. In the research of this subject, the basic idea of ​​using reflection practice method is to: determine sub-topics according to the needs of the subject, form hypotheses, construct research plans, and thoroughly understand the pre-plans from the aspects of academic conditions and theory, and carry out research on rigorous and meticulous research. In the process of research, the feedback is continuously adjusted according to the feedback information, and the two purposes of moderate theoretical summarization and theoretical improvement of practical work are achieved through simultaneous evidence and speculation. The schemes and hypotheses of the reflective experimental method come from the actual practice of education, and are tested and perfected in practice, and then used to guide educational research and practical work. The starting point for rethinking the practice method is to investigate and summarize the educational practice, construct the theoretical framework under the guidance of relevant theories, and then carry out evaluation and reflection adjustment in the implementation, improve the theory and plan of the research, and further practice and reflect, the whole research is a cycle The process of spiraling up. Each cycle consists of four interrelated and mutually constrained links: construction, implementation, evaluation, and reflection. The “reflexion” aspect is mainly to analyze various phenomena in the process of project implementation and research, and to think critically based on feedback information. It includes three levels: researchers, experimental teachers, and common reflection. The researchers' reflections are on finding problems and general conclusions, and making adjustments and revisions to the research plan when necessary. The reflection of experimental teachers is to reflect on the gap between their own behavior and design requirements, and to further reconstruct their own experience, pursuing the rationalization and theorization of educational activities. On the basis of reflection, further improve the design plan, and then start a new round of research after deep thinking. Therefore, reflection is the end of a cycle, and it is the beginning of a new cycle, in an intermediary state. In this subject, I am both a researcher and an experimental teacher, so both rational thinking and practical reflection operations are undertaken by myself. Although the requirements for my theoretical reserve and reflective attribution are higher, the communication between the two levels is reduced. The possible misunderstanding is conducive to the smooth and rapid development of the subject.
3. In the beginning and research process of the research of this subject, the literature research method has already had rich research results based on the teaching ideas, teaching strategies, teaching design and teaching evaluation of the network. Similarly, the theoretical thinking and practice of constructivism based on theoretical thinking has accumulated valuable experience. In the face of these documents, I have carefully studied and analyzed in detail. On the basis of clarifying the basic theories and main problems, I have sorted out some opinions that are valuable for this topic and can be used as reference for research. However, I also found that the direct integration of the two with the Chinese language teaching in middle school, especially the combination of Chinese research and learning, is not very full of thinking and exploration, so I set out the basic rules and main existence of Chinese teaching. The problem is further clarified. First, research is carried out on the literature and literature, and the regularity and guiding things that can be studied in the subject are sought. I use the literature research method to organize up to hundreds of articles in the search for network and educational theory, network and constructivism, online and research learning, online and language teaching, internet and reading teaching, and On the one hand, the Internet and writing teaching and other topics, on the one hand, do literature review research, on the one hand, do the subject refinement and seek the basis of research work, do a full theoretical reserve and preparatory work for the smooth development of this topic, from which Some valuable wealth directly beneficial to the development of this topic.
6. Practice and Exploration of Subject Research——Taking Internet Reading Teaching as an Example When research-based learning has just been used as a comprehensive practical activity course, I found in my own exploration that it pursues independent learning, cooperation and communication, etc. The ideal realm is the basic connotation or basic idea of ​​the constructivist view of learning. Since my interest in the Internet was growing day by day, it was natural to think about the various benefits of the Internet and constructivist learning and research-based learning. I found that the fit between the three is truly natural. In my thinking and practice, constructivist theory and the Internet are organically combined. The result is that in a learning environment based on constructivist theory, the Internet becomes a tool for students to explore, experience, construct, talk, and think. They can build new knowledge in the process of interacting with outside information based on existing experience. In the following, we will take reading teaching as an example to talk about the development of the subject and the exploration process of reflection practice. The experimental subjects in this exploration process were the second-class students enrolled in 1999 and the high-class students enrolled in 2002. The experiment lasted among the two students, and there was a stage of integration transition. The second session of the students before the continuation stage was omitted, and only the clues about exploring development were stated.
Reading is a universally human behavior. Reading activities are dialogues and exchanges between readers and texts. The "intersubjectivity" theory strongly advocated by Husserl's phenomenology emphasizes that people and texts are a kind of mutual subject, mutual interpretation and mutual communication. In the reading activity, the text communicates with the reading subject and the creative subject, and then creates a collision of the soul and a question and answer of the soul between the two "subjects". Under the impact of the Internet culture, reading as one of the three cornerstones of traditional education in human society is undergoing "a powerful fission"! Reading in the context of online culture not only has a negligible impact on traditional text reading, but also poses new problems and challenges for classroom reading teaching that has long been plagued by “time-consuming and inefficient” classroom reading. The interactive nature of the reading process based on web-based text reading, the openness of the reading environment and the richness of reading content, as well as the powerful real-time two-way interactive function of online reading, form a synchronic feature of online reading consumption and production.
Text-based online reading teaching phase. At this stage, the author often recommends the best resources found in the online reading process to students, and organizes students to browse the Internet. These boutique resources are mainly online literature, online reviews of classic works, and texts with a stylish or current nature. Some traces of the first batch of experimental subjects were also kept on the author's personal homepage, but the relevant articles in the two tables were re-edited as needed later when organizing research study. Because the local Internet service was still in its infancy, the campus network began to have a prototype. Parents and schools also had a wait-and-see attitude toward students' contact with the Internet. Therefore, the main intention was to stimulate students’ enthusiasm for the Internet and the network. The acceptance of the road resources made them realize that the world has become a visible small village on the Internet. This village has everything to offer. In particular, the extensive reading of online literature made the experimental subjects almost familiar with all the well-known writers and their works on the Internet. They even produced a sense of superiority with extraordinary reading experience among their peers. They really like this online reading class.
The reflection on this stage is mainly concentrated on the following aspects: whether network reading is a necessary reading form, whether traditional print media reading requires supplementation of online reading, and what kind of relationship between online reading and traditional reading methods; What kind of online reading is active and efficient, what kind of online reading is required for Chinese teaching, and how online reading can effectively intervene in traditional Chinese teaching without going into form. In order to solve these problems, the author began to introduce research learning into the network reading, trying to improve the efficiency of the use of the network and the efficiency of language teaching.
The online reading teaching stage based on the special website. This is a phase of online research learning. At the beginning of this stage, the author's understanding of online application teaching is relatively mechanical and biased. The main manifestation is that the network is used as a platform for traditional Chinese language teaching, and data is moved. The display should be written on the textbook. On the screen, the searched network resources that should be digested and absorbed are also simply integrated and then hanged under one topic. Such a simple learning website is also born, because the WEB complex that concentrates on the same subject resources also links two BBSs based on the campus network and the Internet for students to discuss. When teaching the Qing essay "Five Tombstones" and other articles, the author used this kind of online teaching method. At that time, the author had naively thought that these things could be taken on the Internet and students could learn independently. In fact, the author did not use it as a resource for students to discuss, but to use it as a script for teaching. The author not only did not feel that it was labor-saving, but felt that it took several times of time and energy, and the learning atmosphere and learning effect of the students were no better than the traditional classroom teaching. Some students obviously lost the motivation to think, the pressure of learning and the motivation. Vitality.
The online reading teaching based on the special website is no longer purely readable, nor is it pure text reading, but has the nature of the special discussion or the possibility of inquiry learning. However, the static web page is slow to update, and it is not very convenient for the fresh resources to be poured. Moreover, the limited space of the BBS and the speech review system make the communication not present in an instant state, which affects the implementation of research learning to some extent. But more importantly, the author's understanding of language learning based on the Internet environment still stays at a relatively backward level. It just uses the Internet as a relying rendering tool and does not give full play to its openness and interactivity. The combination of network capabilities and human mobility has, to some extent, left the network in isolation and isolation.
Problem-based online reading instructional phase. Networking for teaching should also be used in conjunction with other media tools for teaching, requiring instructional strategies and instructional design. After understanding this point, the first step of the author's design is to solve the problem of online teaching, so that the students' learning is not only satisfied with browsing the content of the special website prepared by the teacher or the online resources that the students themselves search for, but mainly the main Focus on thinking about the problem and discussing and communicating. When I was teaching the "Tolerance", I took the practice that the teacher asked the students to ask questions about the subjects they had studied. After screening, the important questions were sent to the forum of the personal homepage. These questions are discussed and discussed. In the online teaching process of this lesson, I have designed six major questions such as “How many philosophical images should I master in this paper?” The students’ discussion is very active and active, and the discussion of the questions is deeper and even more fresh and unique. Insights. The most important thing is that almost all students are actively involved in the discussion, especially the students who rarely speak very often show the courage to invest, and the learning effect is very good. Many students have shown their approval and desire for this type of learning. The involvement of the problem-based approach has made online reading teaching finally alive, and it has become vivid and lively.
The involvement of the problem makes the students have something to learn and have a path to follow. Together with the extensiveness of participation and speech, the immediacy of communication and feedback, it arouses the interest of students. This is the order brought by the Internet for reading teaching. The pleasant side of people. But at the same time, the author is thinking about other related questions. Is this class just a simple conversion of space and medium? In the previous experiments, the use of network resources and the construction of thematic websites can be the intervention of this kind of problem. The organic component of online teaching, if so integrated, what kind of mode it will operate and so on. Seeking integration to tap the potential of the network environment for Chinese teaching, such thinking has led the author to look beyond the horizon, and the author has found new experimental points under the enlightenment of "existing education."
A web-based teaching phase based on inquiry. The introduction of the WebQuest model is an important means for me to integrate experimental results and save the subject experiment into the plateau phenomenon. WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which all or most of the information used by students comes from the Internet. This kind of learning mode, which is guided by the teacher in the network environment and drives the students to conduct self-exploration with certain tasks, only from the definition of the model, it has included some problems that I have thought about, pointing to the network, pointing to the Resources, pointing to the topic, point to inquiry. A standard form of WebQuest instructional design includes seven parts: introduction, task description, related resources, process description, study suggestions, evaluation methods and communication summary. The first three elements are the activity premise, and the process description and learning suggestions are inquiry learning. The key to evaluation is the measurement and feedback of goals and processes. The situation creation and learning tasks in the traditional classroom teaching can be more detailed and vividly described and presented here. The establishment of the learning resource module solves the validity of the research on the subject of massive information and special websites, and the establishment and exploration of the learning theme. The process setting ensures that the learning subject is not interfered by the network redundant information and noise. The evaluation and summarization is conducive to the students' re-cognition and scientific reorganization of the constructed knowledge, which can guide the new subject research. The author's "WebQuest Case Design" and teaching practice of "Bao Yu Biao" followed this teaching concept, which not only solved the problems in the early stage of the experiment, but also pushed the experiment to a new stage. The research of the subject entered the dark and clear New realm.
For this stage of experiment, my reflection mainly focuses on two aspects, which has been explained in the reflection section of "WebQuest Case Design" of "Bao Yu Biao", which is to be quoted again as a necessary ladder for exploration. . First of all, problem awareness is often the most lacking for students. The “question reminder” link is based on the need to stimulate students to “know their difficulties”. It is conducive to stimulating students' problem awareness. However, this kind of prompt is easy to make this open teaching return to the old path of taking the students' nose. The original intention of the students' self-learning and the process of meaning construction may be diluted or even eliminated. The second point is whether this class or the design-level features of this inquiry stage can generate a high-level stage for the expansion of the extra-curricular reading concept, namely the Internet-based WebQuest form stratified inquiry reading program. If the grade is designed according to the sequence of "the demonstration of the high-level design, the promotion of the second-level emphasis on inquiry, and the high-level emphasis on the autonomy of inquiry", can this "set-up" process show a complete inquiry reading? Self-directed learning under the guidance of process and constructivism.
Based on the discovery and construction of the network reading teaching phase. Regarding discovery learning, Bruner pointed out that "all forms of knowledge acquired by one's own mind" can be called discovery learning. However, discovery learning in schools is not limited to the discovery of the unknown world, but more importantly, it guides students to “rediscover” human cultural knowledge by their own strength. The essence is to reorganize or transform the phenomenon so that people can transcend phenomena and recombine, thus gaining new insights, including seeking the right structure and meaning. In short, in Bruner's view, learning is under school conditions. To guide children to explore a regular way of learning from the superficial phenomena of what they see. The discovery in this sense has something in common with the self-construction of constructivism. From discovery to construction in exploration, it has become my inevitable choice.
The constructivist teaching model is student-centered. It plays the role of organizer, instructor, helper and facilitator in the whole teaching process. It uses the elements of learning environment such as situation, collaboration and conversation to give full play to students' initiative and enthusiasm. And the spirit of initiative, and ultimately achieve the purpose of enabling students to effectively realize the meaning of the current knowledge. In this model, students are the active constructors of the meaning of knowledge; teachers are the organizers, instructors, helpers and facilitators of the construction process; the knowledge provided by the textbooks is no longer the content taught by the teachers, but Students actively construct the meaning of meaning; the media is no longer a means and method to help teachers to impart knowledge, but to create context, collaborative learning and conversational communication, that is, cognitive tools for students to actively learn and collaboratively explore.
In the course of the experiment, the author tries to use the three main modes of scaffolding, anchoring and random access learning in the constructivist teaching mode, insisting on promoting discovery through openness, discovering and promoting construction, and constructing and promoting generation to generate the concept of promoting development. Open, discover, construct, generate and develop as several stages of research-based learning, and at the same time use it as a stage of constructive meaning of independent learning in high school, trying to form under the support of two key links of discovery and construction. Two cycles inside and outside, thus developing online reading teaching at a higher level. The author's "Teaching Design Case of Baochao Chuhui" under the network environment is such an attempt under the guidance of constructivist teaching theory. Although the external circulation of this subject is not included, it has a distinct layering with the online learning of the previous stage of Baoyu Bout, which is both exemplary and inspiring for students to study and study "Dream of Red Mansions" in high school. Sexuality has laid a solid foundation for students to study "Dream of Red Mansions" in the future. The author believes that this is a relatively successful attempt. This attempt goes beyond the theoretical statement of the constructivist teaching model in a certain sense.
VII. Results of the research The duration of this topic is relatively long, so the actual experimental subjects span two sessions during the experiment. The experimental time is the second half of the previous round of students and the first half of the next round of students. time. It can be said that some aspects of the experiment actually have two batches of experimental objects. The biggest difference between the two batches of experimental objects is not two groups of people, but two batches of people belonging to different development periods of the Internet. This kind of research object brings many influences that the experiment design did not conceive at the beginning of the experiment, which has advantages and disadvantages. The object of the experiment has changed, but the experiment implementer has not changed, I have been the moderator of the experiment. However, in different stages of exploration, the experience value of the experiment host has changed, and the tools and even the theory of the experiment have undergone great improvement and progress. Therefore, the whole experiment is also a host from exploration to conclusion to re-exploration. process. In a sense, the results of this experimental study are more universal or a dynamic result for both the student and the teacher.
The student's situation after the experiment has significantly improved the psychology of language learning. It is the strongest characteristic of students after the development of online language teaching. Whether it is the guidance at the beginning of the experiment, the need for inquiry afterwards, or even the conscious input of the experiment, the motivation, interest, emotion and will of the language learning after the students enter the online world have changed significantly. Not only did the students read the online literature recommended by the teachers, but they also started their long and happy web surfing. They almost followed every step of the development of online literature and took a look at the famous online writers. Work. They have shown an unwavering perseverance for reading, and they are very committed to appreciating and criticizing the online information they are interested in. The most important thing is that they can combine the in-class and out-of-class readings to make up for the shortcomings and form a good situation of consciously improving the language literacy. Because of the need of bursting, they have become accustomed to free speech, whether it is a post or a topic post has a very amazing number, in the forum discussed by the author in the class discussion, the traces of their speech have flooded, and even developed It’s the point of pointing the way to the words and galloping forums. The high quality of many students' posts is really impressive, especially the enthusiasm and input of the second experimental subjects. This is still possible in the BBS, Passboy and their personal homepages and forums hosted by the author. To.
The significant improvement of language learning ability is also one of the strong characteristics of students after the development of online language teaching. The language learning ability in the narrow sense mainly includes reading and listening ability, comprehension and analysis ability, evaluation and appreciation ability, imagination and creativity. After forging through online language teaching, students' ability in these aspects has been significantly improved. In the case and practice of "Thunderstorm: Research Literacy Appreciation Course Practice in the Internet Environment" hosted by the author, the students' understanding and analysis ability is well reflected. Because of the ability to understand and analyze the accumulation of fusion, there have been many valuable research topics, such as "The Study of Female Images in Thunderstorm" and "The Truth of Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping" "From the sighs to see the character", "Thunderstorm" theme history and review" and so on. This can not be achieved in the general language class, only the constructivist Chinese reading teaching in the network environment can be realized. The improvement of evaluation and appreciation ability is even more troublesome, but the students have seen more on the Internet, and have more to write, more exchanges, and more discussion. The insightful evaluations that come out are not to be underestimated. In the school-based course "Internet Literature Reading and Writing" hosted by the author, we organized an exchange report, focusing on the theme of "How to correctly treat online literature". The novelty, maturity and profoundness of students' thoughts make the number from the whole country A hundred experts who participated in the event were all shocked.
After the experiment, the teacher's condition teaching concept and the change of vision are the most important characteristics of teachers after the development of online language teaching. The traditional teaching mode is teacher-centered. Teachers use lectures, blackboards and various media as teaching means and methods to impart knowledge to students; students passively accept the knowledge imparted by teachers. After learning and practicing constructivist teaching theory in online teaching, the author has doubts about the traditional educational concept, showing rebellion and criticism. In daily teaching, teachers are more and more respectful of students as the main body of learning, and they regard themselves as the main body of teaching. Throughout the teaching event, the teacher appears as a participant, leader, instructor, and collaborator, making the student's self-construction a real existence. In the national observation class "How to correctly treat online literature", in addition to completing the necessary compulsory work such as guidance and help, the author did not intervene but actually let go, and the subjective position of the students was fully reflected. They fully affirmed this and thought that the students in front of the stage were terrific, and the teachers behind the scenes were not as great. It is precisely because of this fundamental change in the concept that the author's teaching vision and rational tentacles can be extended to a broader space, providing a possibility for further improvement.
The acquisition of teaching ability and art is also one of the main characteristics of teachers after the development of online language teaching. As a young and middle-aged teacher who has been deeply influenced by traditional educational concepts and traditional Chinese teaching ideas, the author's teaching ability is basically able to meet the needs of the original educational goals and teaching models. However, after accepting the new educational concept, the author deeply felt that both the cognitive ability of teaching, the design ability, the operation ability, and the monitoring and evaluation ability have been greatly improved. Among the research topics hosted by the author, such as the "Baoyuchuhuihui" and "Baoyu beaten" teaching, the teaching design pays more attention to the students' psychology, ability and construction, and can use the three main modes of constructivist teaching more skillfully. Carrying out teaching ensures the students' need to construct knowledge and develop individuality, and at the same time ensure that teachers can freely and smoothly interpret the art of the classroom, the art of communicating the soul and the art of using the media. The complexity and immediacy of monitoring and evaluation in online teaching make the teacher's educational art more innovative, agile and human. The diverse perspectives of students will inevitably stimulate the potential sensibility and rational reserve of teachers. Presupposition and subversion will inevitably stimulate the richness and profoundness of teaching generation. In such forging, the potential of the teacher is fully mobilized or it is inevitable to conduct in-depth research and interpretation.
In short, from the experimental results, the language teaching practice based on the network environment has made both students and teachers more ideally developed, especially the students' language literacy and personality shaping have been better improved.
Eight, the analysis and conclusion of the subject research For an ordinary middle school language teacher, to undertake such a topic and want to come up with some convincing research results, it is not an easy thing. Because of the difficulties, I have invested heavily in experiments, constantly drawing on fresh nutrition, constantly revising the original idea, constantly improving the experimental design, and finally insisting on the final stage in the difficult exploration. Looking back now, I deeply feel that there are some places in this subject that are worthy of chewing and worth analyzing. This is also the final confession of the subject.
1. The reason why both sides of the teaching will have a benign presentation in the research results is mainly because the two sides have changed their understanding of teaching and learning, and they have achieved improvement and improvement in various aspects at the new level of understanding. Teacher change is paramount, and student change is key. The teacher's philosophy, the change of role, the change of teaching mode, teaching design and teaching strategy, in a sense, it conveys to students the important signals that must be changed in learning philosophy, learning style and learning psychology. In the face of this signal, students are understandable from the initial wait-and-see, suspicion, or later understanding, input, and strong desire, but in the end he must change and must abandon the old learning model and conservative learning expectations. Only when these two shackles are turned together, it is possible to change the status quo of teaching. It is possible to develop students' unique personality and improve their language literacy. In a certain sense, constructivism first requires the teacher and the student to change the role orientation. The teacher has the confidence to let the students let go, the students have the confidence to let the teacher get rid of the hand, and the student's self-construction has space. Middle school Chinese teaching and learning is not the enlightenment of the national stage, nor the free state of the university stage, but the transition from conscious to free. The middle school language teaching and learning is no less than the game stage of the national stage, and it is no more than the creative stage of the university stage. It also has very utilitarian and very realistic requirements, and teachers and students' understanding of teaching and learning is particularly difficult and at the same time particularly important. Specifically, in the five stages of the research, students have a very obvious adaptation process for the changes in the new learning style. It is not difficult to make students feel online, but let him understand that the Internet can be used for learning rather than pure entertainment. They dare not accept it, fearing that this learning method is not practical. When the experiment goes to the special stage, the students feel that the role of the Internet is not only for casual reading, but also for the "classroom learning" tool. So they have their name "Xue Xue, will the future class be like this?" Ask a topic post. This question should not be underestimated. It is really a big step in the change of ideas and understanding, which will be enjoyed for them for life.
2. The use of advanced educational theories, the establishment of scientific educational concepts, and the rational reform and exploration are important guarantees for the successful implementation of the subject experiment and the ultimate success. At the beginning of the project conception, the author was influenced by the constructivist thoughts, and had the courage and confidence to re-examine the status quo of Chinese teaching, and always insisted on theoretical study to the end, and internalized into self-concept and subject teaching thought. It can be said that every stage of the experiment is guided by constructivist theory and tested by constructivism. Although the five stages of the author's experiment seem to be gradually asymptotic to constructivist theory, in fact, the theory of constructivism runs through the experiment. Consistently, the learner-centered view of students in the subject research and the teaching concept that promotes students' active development are the essence of constructivist theory, although not every stage uses a constructivist teaching model. Moreover, it can be said that the experiment at each stage and the advancement of the whole process are actually a faithful construction of the constructivist theory in the understanding and practice of the author. In this process of construction, the author has a deeper understanding of this original strange and powerful theory: among the many educational theories, only the constructivist theory places special emphasis on the learner's independent construction, independent inquiry, independent discovery, and requires this. Autonomous learning and context-based collaborative learning, combined with problem-based research-based learning, are particularly conducive to the cultivation of learners' innovative consciousness, innovative thinking and innovative ability. For the middle school Chinese teaching that undertakes the important task of cultivating students' humanistic spirit and improving students' language literacy, let students learn in a relaxed way, let students experience in context, let students communicate in harmony, let students grow in freedom, constructivist thinking It has become an indispensable weapon. In the course of this subject, I spoke about the school-based curriculum "Appreciation and Creation of Internet Literature." When I was presiding over this course, I did not choose the classic works of classic writers as in the traditional classroom, but adopted the teaching method of “presentation-guidance-thinking-communication-construction-feedback-reconstruction”. With the train of thought, the students read themselves, and they deeply indulge in the works, discover problems, discuss exchanges, and construct their own views on online literature. The debates and group discussions that we organized gave them more space to construct and the necessary pointers and wisdom to construct. When they were confirmed by the discussions with the experts of the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they were delighted by the results of their thinking, and I was more happy that they could learn more and understand more deeply after they changed their learning philosophy. .

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