Work report > conclusion report

Chinese topic report

First, the topic of the proposal.

1. The curriculum standard proposes that the compulsory education stage should complete the reading task of 4 million words, and its small stage in China should complete 1.45 million words. According to the spirit of the curriculum standards, enrich the accumulation of Chinese language and develop extracurricular reading ability, so as to comprehensively improve students' language literacy and comprehensive quality.

2. Expand reading through the class, expand the amount of extracurricular reading, cultivate students' good sense of language, improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, cultivate sentiment, cultivate humanistic spirit, and accumulate national culture.

Second, the basis for the proposal.

1. Influenced by the test-oriented education, in classroom teaching, teachers are often limited to the cumbersome analysis of teaching materials. Some parents are more willing to let children do all kinds of papers, and they are not willing to let them read extracurricular books.

2. The curriculum standard stipulates that the reading task of 1.45 million words will be completed in the national stage. The basic goal of the experiment is to develop an extracurricular reading plan through the construction of teaching materials, strengthen the extracurricular reading guidance, and make the requirements for extracurricular reading in the curriculum standard be implemented.

Third, the significance of the research

1. Further study and master the current system of extracurricular reading in small Chinese languages, and formulate the training objectives for extracurricular reading in all grades of each grade.

2. Explore the basic principles, basic approaches and basic experience of extracurricular reading.

3. Explore the relationship between extracurricular reading and Chinese teaching activities, and study the mode of extracurricular reading.

4. Study the role of extracurricular reading on student growth and cognition, and develop students' ability to read outside the classroom.

5. Through the experiments of this subject, we will promote the quality of our national small Chinese education and promote the improvement of children's overall quality.

Fourth, the content of the research

1, the basic principles of extracurricular reading, the basic approach.

2. The basic characteristics of extracurricular reading and the exploration of classroom teaching and mode.

3. Complement each other in and out of class.

4. Exploring the methods of reading outside the classroom.

5. Creative extracurricular reading teaching.

V. Method of research

1. Literature method.

2. Investigation method.

3. Questionnaire method.

4. Detection method.

5. Comparison method.

6. Comprehensive method.

Sixth, the steps of the research

1. Strengthen learning and training to improve theoretical understanding.

The research work of the subject can be carried out smoothly, and the key is to rely on teachers. Therefore, strengthening the training and learning of Chinese teachers is the focus. Starting from the project application, we will organize teachers to carefully study the opening report, check relevant materials, actively write study notes according to the overall situation of the project, and gradually improve the theoretical knowledge of experimental teachers in modern education through continuous learning and training. improve. In the course of research, we often organize teachers to carry out some knowledge and scientific reading knowledge contests. In order to allow teachers' extracurricular reading reserves to be continuously injected into the source of living water.

2. Emphasis on project management and standardizing project behavior.

According to the regulations of Yangzhou City Group Management, we attach great importance to the management of the subject. In the process, according to the "opening argument - mid-term evaluation - final identification" implementation. In the course of the research, we made the following requirements: the article you are browsing is organized, and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source.

Task group regular meeting system

Our research group holds regular meeting meetings to conduct research on relevant subject experiments, exchange work practices and gains.

Adhere to the monthly report system

At the end of each month, the moderator will fill in the monthly report on the amount of work done and the experience gained this month.

Fill in the Subject Experiment Manual

According to the regulations of the school's teaching and research management, the research team requires each experimental teacher to carefully fill out the "Experimental Manual of the Project", generally fill out the plan at the beginning of the semester, fill out the special seminars or activities plan in the middle, and finish the summary at the end of the semester. , writing experimental papers.

Seven, the general framework of the subject research.

1. Develop an extracurricular reading plan.

According to the specific practice of the school, we will formulate practical and extracurricular reading plans, and take clear and specific plans and measures from the objectives of reading extracurricular reading, reading content, reading amount, reading activities, reading style and so on.

2. Create conditions to promote "reading."

In-class reading extension.

It is allowed to read extracurricular books during “early reading” or “self-study”, and take one hour a week to concentrate on the instruction of extracurricular reading.

Assigning homework to inspire students to understand the relevant content plots in the book, and learn the main methods, thus increasing the interest in extracurricular reading.

Recommend reading and paying attention to reading notes. Teachers must do a good job in reading and reading books and books, and use books resources to conduct reading widely.

3. Introduce methods and guide “read”.

Combine reading teaching and introduce some effective reading methods. Such as: reading method, browsing method, intensive reading method, reading method.

4. Carry out activities to strengthen "reading."

Talking about the heavens for three minutes, each section of the language class begins with oral communication with famous people, new things and new things.

Conduct an extracurricular reading competition. Excellent review notes, reading and essays.

Organize various language activities, such as "Idiom Competition", "Ancient Poetry Reading" and so on.

Eight, the experimental steps and schedule of the research.

Experimental procedure

1. Set up a research group to discuss the issues, formulate plans, and define the division of labor.

2. Complete the investigation and demonstration work in the early stage of the project and declare it to the Municipal Education Commission.

3. The members of the research group will focus on the teaching plan, carry out one-person and one-class activities, and implement the plan.

4. Conduct phased testing and write experimental reports and papers.

5. Summarize the materials, complete the experiment summary, and meet the acceptance test.


1, 2001.8 - 2001.10 Established a research group.

2. 2001.11——2002.1 Opening, review and revision.

3, 2002.2 - 2003.2 experiment, clear requirements.

4, 2003.2 - 2003.4 preliminary summary.

5, 2003.5 - 2004.12 Inductive mode.

6,2004.1 -2004.6 compiled into a book, the results show.

Nine, the initial results of the research

Classification of results:

In the past three years, we have achieved fruitful results and are classified as follows:

1. Exceeded the extracurricular reading task of the national junior stage.

The curriculum standard proposes that 1.45 million words should be completed during the national junior stage. Since the implementation of this topic, our students have exceeded the amount of extracurricular reading.

2. Basically determine the extracurricular reading content of each grade.

After repeated research by the members of the research team and feedback adjustment from practice, we have defined the content of extracurricular reading according to the grade, there are steps, plans, and series of students to guide the extracurricular reading, enrich the accumulation of students.

3. Teaching students how to read outside the classroom.

Through the subject experiment, we teach students a number of effective methods, such as reading, browsing, intensive reading, reading, and teaching students to extract, cut and search, and many other methods of accumulation.

4. Let students learn the language at the event.

In the experiment, we carried out many reading activities, such as “Talking for 5 minutes”, “Essay Competition”, “Idiom Competition”, etc.

5. Formed a set of extracurricular reading teaching mode.

For extracurricular reading, we guarantee that during the class, teachers are required to prepare lessons in class and study the teaching mode. Many teachers continue to explore, so as to constantly update the teaching model and improve the effectiveness of extracurricular reading.

6. Improve the theoretical quality of Chinese teachers.

The research of the subject is under research and the thinking is important. Many teachers are diligent in summing up, diligent in reflection, diligent in exploration, improve their self-cultivation, and have written many excellent papers.

7, pay attention to the students' psychological will quality.

Through a variety of activities, mainly speech contests and other forms, we strengthen students' impressions of key people in the articles they read, so as to guide them through the spirit and improve their self-cultivation through reading.

Student reading analysis:

Grade reading

20 ancient poems, 10 articles, 40 idioms

15 ancient poems, 4 idioms, 50 or so, 20 articles

34 ancient poems, 35 articles, 9 idioms, 30 sentences of famous sayings

10 ancient poems, 10 articles, 3 idioms, 10 essays

20 ancient poems, 20 articles, 6 idioms, 30 famous sayings, 20 sentences after the break

There are 30 ancient texts, 33 ancient poems, 30 articles, 16 couplets, and idioms after the break.

Reading surface analysis

By referring to the "Reading Cards", "Teachers' Notes", etc., the students currently participate in extracurricular readings up to 1000%, and the amount of reading for the extracurricular readings in each grade reaches 100%.

X. Reflection suggestions for research

1. The research of the subject will eventually form the school-based textbook "Zhongzha Guoxiao Extracurricular Reading Materials".

2. It is necessary to further reform the existing number of class hours to ensure the time and effect of students reading outside the classroom.

3. Intensify research on the combination of reading in and out of class, and truly achieve the purpose of improving the language ability of students by extracurricular reading.

4. It is necessary to further integrate educational resources, especially the content and resources of textbooks inside and outside the Chinese language curriculum, to enhance students' interest.

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