Work Report > Internship Report

[Boutique] College Student Internship Report Format

Part 1: College Student Internship Report Format

1 format basic requirements

1. The requirements are clear, the arguments are detailed, the rules are clear, the text is concise, the format is standardized, and it has distinct pertinence and innovation. The number of positive characters is generally not less than 2000 words.

2. Preface to the content outline:

Purpose of the internship;

internship period;

Place of internship;

Internship units and departments, production work status, management status and requirements for employees;

Internship content: Internship projects, procedures, methods, calculation results and schematic diagrams are written item by item according to the internship order;

Internship summary: use the knowledge learned in the internship to analyze the problem, the experience of the internship, opinions and suggestions;

Advice on internship work.

3, format

Title: The title should be accurate and concise. It can summarize the main points of the article. Generally, it should not exceed 20 Chinese characters. If necessary, add sub-topics. Non-publicly known abbreviations, characters, codes, and structural formulas and formulas should be avoided in the title. The hierarchical title of the text should be short and clear. Do not exceed 15 words. No punctuation is used. The division and numbering of the levels in the text are always in the order of "1, 1,".

Text content: font type - Song body, size - small four, 1.5 times line spacing, left and right margins: automatic table should use three-line table, can be added to the auxiliary line.

Illustration: The illustration should be made by computer. The illustration and the name of the figure should be indicated below the illustration. The picture should have a clear theme, a clear level, a good contrast, and a proper cut.

2 writing points

1. How do you contact the internship unit?

This is a starting point and an important factor. If you are looking for it yourself, then this will be a valuable experience. You will gain experience in your real job search. Maybe you have already got a formal job from this internship. jobs;

2. What company is your internship unit and what do you want to do?

A person who has just started to work must be clear about two points, the nature of the company and his duties. Don't think that the internship is a mixed matter. It should be regarded as a probationary period, and work hard, because often the company will observe a person's professional quality through internship. Work attitude, no company will miss the excellent staff;

3. Tell the most memorable thing about your internship, because this is the most you get from it;

4. Summarize the feelings and sentiments brought to you by the internship, tell your views on the internship, and make your own plans to find out what you have done well, not good;

This is to analyze yourself through words and sensibility, to clearly understand yourself before going to work, to understand the difference between work and study, the difference in employee and student status, and to remind yourself of what professional qualities you have for your own planning.

Part 2: Student Internship Report

I. Internship purpose

Internship is a comprehensive and social activity. It is a link from the school to the society and a major module for the transformation of school learning into social work. It is very important to do a good job in social internship. It is very important for a student. From the growth process of a student, he has experienced a childhood that has nothing to do, to the busy school age in school, and then to the future. The social work stage, while the internship is like a chain connected to study and work. Internship is a process in which students apply their knowledge to practice. The purpose of learning is to use, that is, to guide the work, and the internship plays the role of the correct application of the learned cultural theory knowledge. We must use theory to guide practice and use practice to prove theory. The knowledge that is learned can only be reflected in its practice. Internship is a platform for exercise and a stage to showcase your abilities.

Through internships, we must strive to improve the ability to do it, find out the shortcomings in the process of practice, and then feedback to the learning, will be able to improve their ability. Journalism, which is mainly a practice-oriented discipline, requires extremely strong hands-on ability. The objects it touches are all-encompassing, unique, real and fresh. Reality is the life of news. Internship provides a chance for beginners to exercise. Internship teaches a reporter how to observe things, how to capture valuable news information, how to speak with facts, and how to make news timely. Only in the internship can you deeply understand what is the "live fish" and "grab" news. Internship is the first step from the classroom to the society. If you can take the first step well, you will naturally learn to use Netcom.

To the internship in the news unit, it is mainly to exercise your own news interviewing and writing skills, master the basic methods of interviewing, master the basic process of news and TV program production, and learn from experienced reporters and editors to exchange experiences. Go deep into the scene to interview, get close to the people, come from the people, and go to the people. Deeply understand and write lively news works with true feelings.

2. Internship content

The internship content of journalism mainly includes the following aspects:

Field interview

Only by going deep into the field to do actual investigations can we write meaningful works, understand the basic process of interviews, and understand what is interviewing. The outstanding features of news interviewing are practical, focusing on application and operation. The field interview is the first lesson of the news. It is the first step in news gathering and news reporting.

2. Post-visit writing

News writing is the second step in news production. It is the process of further processing and producing the information and news facts collected during the interview. It is a further supplement to the interview. I can write some things by myself to better grasp the basic methods of news writing, and strive to "go from the people to the audience", write the spirit of the times into the works, write some valuable things, some ordinary people Concerned about things.

3. Editing

After writing the first draft, editing, organizing and modifying the manuscript is the last link of the news work. As the saying goes: "Wen is afraid of modification", only the revision can be used to write a brilliant article. It is also necessary to refine the news theme, because the news theme is the "soul" of news reports, and the theme can be refined through the selection of materials, the arrangement of structures and the conception of the guides, and the theme can be refined through comprehensive thinking. Secondly, we must write a good news lead, skillfully use the pen style of various news writing, and skillfully use various news languages.

III. Internship harvest

During the short internship period, I went to various places to interview, really exercised my ability to interview, improved my level of questioning, and exercised psychological factors. Really not to be awkward, free to use, flexible on-site processing. After the interview, I wrote a lot of news articles, and I have mastered the writing style of various news styles, especially the writing of news and communication, including various news styles, such as dynamic messages, comprehensive messages, character messages, commentary messages, and close-up messages. , character communication, event communication, work communication, style communication, personal interviews, etc. There is also the writing of TV news, the writing of broadcast news, involving various fields such as economy and society. I deeply realized what kind of elements should I have as a journalist? I realized the role of journalists. How can I achieve the "knowledge", "cause" and "learning" of journalists and realize the relationship between journalists and editors.

Through this internship, my social practice ability has been greatly improved, the ability to adapt to the society has been strengthened, the ability to use language has been enhanced, and the writing ability has improved. It has truly surpassed and took the first step on the news road.

The main problems in the internship

The above is a summary of my internship work. Through internships, I still have a lot of problems, including the lack of cultural knowledge. It is really "there is less hate when the book is used." The learning involved is too narrow, the knowledge learned is too singular, and does not form a good system. The ability to contact the actual is too poor, the knowledge that can be learned can not be applied to practice, there is no knowledge reserve system, and where to learn. In the interview, it is easy to make some low-level mistakes. Some advanced modern equipments are not skilled enough, and the Mandarin level is not high. In the future study, we need to improve our ability in all aspects and improve ourselves as much as possible.

V. Constructive comments on the internship

The internship is mainly a process oriented to the society. The following aspects should be achieved as follows:

1. Let each practitioner go out as much as possible to the first line. Only when you go out can you see far. Only when you go out can you collect more valuable news information. It is the reporter's job to go to the scene.

2. Expand the social contact as much as possible and reach out to the general public. The news reports reflect the problems of the people's lives. What is reported is the concern of the people's crimes. Only by going deep into every level can we write more distinctive works, in order to expand the knowledge of journalists and broaden their horizons. The report is more distinctive.

3. In the series of interviews, writing, editing, etc., practitioners should be taught to use advanced instruments to teach journalists how to grasp the flash of events. The reporter is a miscellaneous family. It should be understood that the use of various tools can improve the efficiency of news production and improve the ability to use high-tech means. The news unit will provide as much exercise platform for each interviewer as possible.

4. Journalists should break the old model in interview writing and be rich in innovative thinking. News organizations should encourage journalists to explore and innovate, not to be bound by some old models, to innovate thinking and update their views.

5. The news unit should provide each journalist with an opportunity to do their own hands-on operation as much as possible. Beginner journalists have insufficient experience and should be more exposed to the production process of some news. When applied to practice, they should be more hands-on.

Internship is a very important step. It is very important to improve your ability during the internship. It is very important to study internships. It is the key to grasping the internship. This step is the prerequisite for step by step. News is an objective subject of reporting facts. It has authenticity and freshness, a discipline with strong timeliness, and journalism is a discipline that emphasizes practice. Therefore, we should grasp every link in the internship, deeply understand and study hard.

Part 3: Student Internship Report

Internship is an inevitable experience for every graduate. It enables us to understand society and consolidate knowledge in practice. Internship is a test of the professional knowledge of every graduate. It allows us to learn a lot in the classroom. The lack of knowledge not only broadens the horizons, but also grows insights, which lays a solid foundation for us to truly move toward society, and is also the first step in our journey to work.

I. Overview

Basic situation of the internship unit:

Internship description:

Second, the main body

Introduction to the internship process:

Understanding the process

At first, when I first entered the workshop, everything in the workshop was strange to me. The working environment in the workshop is not so good, and the scene in front of people is inevitable, and it will be a little sorrowful in the harder environment. When I entered the workshop on the first day, the team leader and technician of the team arranged the task for me. The task assigned to me was to simply process a product called black casing. I started the operation tool according to the method taught by the technician. Gradually learn to process the product, pay attention to the operation process and related precautions while processing. On the first day of my graduation internship, I processed the products in this first job and experienced the feeling of working in the society for the first time. Gradually familiarize yourself with the working environment of the workshop while working.

As a student who first came to work in the society, the understanding of society and the understanding of all aspects of the work unit are rarely strange. At the beginning, I didn't know much about the rules and regulations in the workshop, the safety production procedures and the related precautions in the work. So I read the employee handbook issued by the internship unit and asked the staff and colleagues in the group. Understand the relevant matters of the work, through their help, I have a certain understanding of the situation of the workshop and the production of products and processed products. The work of the workshop is carried out in two shifts. The working hours of the two shifts are from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm and from 8:30 pm to 8:30 am. All employees in the workshop must abide by the system of going to and from work.

Groping process

After getting familiar with the environment in the workshop, some nervous hearts began to calm down. Every day during the work, I went to work at the factory on time every day. Before going to work, I went to the designated place and waited for the team leader to gather the staff to meet the work. At the same time, assign us work tasks. After clearing the work tasks, I would do some preparatory work before the work, so I went to the tool storage area of ​​our team to find some related tools that I needed to use. In the position of the machine, according to the operation procedure on the employee's work instruction manual, I use the tools required for the work to process the products produced by the machine, and store the packaged products in the designated product list. s position. In addition, at work, the products produced by the machine sometimes have abnormalities. When the above situation occurs, the team leader and technician should be informed in time to help them solve the problems. The team leader and technician can restore the normal production of the products through the adjustment of the machine and meet the requirements of the inspection.

Some products are difficult to process during work. It is really tricky to start processing, the processing efficiency is not high, and the quality of the processed products is not so good. It was distressing, so I talked to the staff and colleagues in the group and asked them for simple and quick processing methods and techniques. Use the techniques and techniques they introduced to learn to process this difficult product and experience the effects of processing the product. At the same time, selecting the appropriate processing tool in the process is also beneficial to improve the efficiency of the work. In the usual work process, we must constantly explore effective methods and techniques for producing and processing products. Sometimes when the switch machine is producing and processing products, I don't understand how the product should be packaged. At this time, I will learn from the employees and colleagues, ask them the correct processing and packaging methods, or ask the evaluation, according to the evaluation. Production, processing and packaging products are required.

Actual operation

After a period of time to start production and processing packaging products, I have a more detailed understanding and familiarity with the whole process of production, processing and packaging of workshop products. It is also familiar with some of the products that are often processed, and the recognition of defective products has also improved, and the efficiency of producing and processing products has also been continuously improved. During work, follow the arrangement of the team leader, accept the tasks assigned by the team leader, and work carefully in your own work area. When there are some small problems and difficulties, try to solve them first. When the problem is bigger and you are difficult to solve on your own, report the situation to the team leader and technician and ask them to help solve the problem. With their help, the problems that arise are quickly solved. I sometimes learn to use their methods and techniques to deal with some simple problems and slowly improve their ability to solve problems. In the process of solving the problem, we also constantly explore ways to solve the machine glitch. This will increase my self-confidence at work and increase my enthusiasm for work.

In the case that the machine to be opened does not have a major failure, on the basis of ensuring the quality of the product, we will do our best to improve the efficiency of the work. Try to get the number of products produced to meet the requirements of the class to complete the production task. Before each shift, clean the hygiene in your work area, put the garbage in the garbage bag and put it in the appropriate position, and put the work table and the items on the ground in the house. In this way, all the work content of the day will be completed, and this task is also arduous!

Internship experience:

During the internship, I fully understood the importance of practice. Through study, a more detailed and profound understanding of your major is also the consolidation and application of the knowledge acquired by the school. From this practice, I realized that the actual work is at a certain distance from the knowledge in the book and requires further study. Only by combining the theoretical knowledge we have learned with the specific practical work can we better serve the company and the society.

Suggestions for setting up a course for the school:

Students in school often attach importance to the study of theoretical courses, while ignoring the cultivation of practical hands-on skills, schools should strengthen various experimental classes, practical classes, and enhance students' practical ability.

Third, summary

Evaluation of the current teaching methods, curriculum, and management of the school

School education, the education of theoretical knowledge is very rich and perfect, but in practice and operation, there is a lack of in-depth, systematic education, so that students' hands-on ability is not very strong, schools should be perfect in this regard.

Internship harvest:

During the internship, I had a complete understanding and familiarity with the entire operation process of the production and processing of packaging products in the injection workshop of the internship factory. During the internship, I broadened my knowledge and learned a lot of knowledge outside the school, even things that were difficult to learn at school. I learned how to use the knowledge I have learned to solve the simple problems and techniques, and learned the effective ways to communicate with my colleagues. I have accumulated experience methods to deal with interpersonal problems. At the same time, I have experienced the hard work of social work. Through internships, I have honed myself in society, exercised willpower, trained my hands-on ability, and improved myself. The practical skills have accumulated a simple experience of social work and laid a foundation for future work.

Part 2: College Student Internship Report Fan Wen

I. Internship purpose

This internship is a comprehensive internship before we graduated. In order to expand our knowledge, expand our contact with the society, increase our experience in social competition, exercise and improve our ability, so that we can really enter the society after graduation, and can adapt to domestic and foreign The economic situation changes, and can handle all aspects of life well in life and work. The school allows us to find internships based on the knowledge and hobbies we have learned, and further use the knowledge we have learned to analyze and solve practical professional problems. Improve our practical work ability and lay a good foundation for graduation internships and post-training.

Second, preparation before the internship

Because the school allowed us to find internships ourselves, we kept searching for information on all aspects of the week before the internship. Still can't find a suitable one, it feels that it is really not easy to find a good job. Just when we were about to give up, we saw the recruitment information of the Sichuan cuisine restaurant, because we were internships, short-term, afraid that the boss did not need us, so I went to the trial mentality, I did not expect the boss to talk, The boss is very happy to hire us. After experiencing the frustrations of countless job-seeking failures, we ourselves said that this time we must do a good job.

Third, the content of the internship

“Chuancaifu Restaurant”, as its name suggests, is a restaurant. It is located in Zhuoda Trade Plaza, Yingying South Street. The scale is small and medium-sized. There are three floors: the first floor lobby, the second floor card room, and the third floor. There are one to four seats in the lobby and card rooms, and eight to fourteen seats in the elegant room.

And Xiaoqi and I are doing the waiters here. Here is a brief introduction to our work content and the rules and regulations of obedience: We are working with the chefs at 9:00 in the morning, cleaning up after work, and then cooking at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock, we are welcoming at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It is also the time for us to eat. We go to work at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. After work, we also cleaned up the guests. We ate at 9 o'clock in the evening and got off work at 9:30. Waiters, passers-by and bar counters belong to the front hall, and the chefs belong to the kitchen. Among them, we have a shift in the front hall for three days. The two are on duty. There must be one person in the lobby. Those who are not on duty can get off work when they arrive. The person on duty has to wait for the guests to rest before they can rest. There must be a person in the hall during the break. This is our duty system. Because we have three floors, the waiter is not fixed on that floor, and it is also three days.

The specific work of the waiter: clean the floor responsible for each work after work, set the tableware, set the hot water, wait for the customer after packing, the customer will pour the tea after ordering, and when it comes to ordering, now the hotel is generally a little scale With a la carte treasure, of course we are no exception, he is similar to a mobile phone, very good to learn, can learn in a few minutes. After ordering the dishes, I will wait to pass the vegetables and pass the dishes. I will see them and pick them up. After the dishes, if they are not very busy, they can take a break. Then, after the guests have finished using the meal, they will pay for the meal. It’s just like collecting, withdrawing, and setting up a table.

Fourth, the internship experience

Internship is to apply the theoretical knowledge we have learned in school to objective reality, so that the theoretical knowledge we have learned can be useful. If you only learn not to practice, then what you learn is equal to zero. Theory should be combined with practice. On the other hand, practice can lay the foundation for finding a job in the future. Through this internship during this time, I learned something I couldn't learn at school. Because of the different environments, people who come into contact with things are different, and what they learn from them is naturally different. Learn to learn from practice and practice from learning. Moreover, China's economy has developed rapidly and joined the WTO. The domestic and international economies are changing day by day. Every day, new things are emerging. When there are more and more opportunities, there are more challenges. The day before yesterday, I just learned. The knowledge that has arrived may have been eliminated today. The more China's economy is connected with the outside world, the higher the demand for talents. We don't just learn the knowledge we have learned in school, we must continue to live from life. In the practice of other knowledge in the middle school, we will continue to arm ourselves from all aspects in order to stand out in the competition and express ourselves.

I have benefited from the short one month work process. Not only has it broadened my horizons, but the most important thing is to understand how to do things better. Today's society has been in an accelerated development and change, so the requirements for talents are getting higher and higher. When we look at problems with a developmental perspective, we must constantly improve our thinking and self-improvement.

The work in the past month has made me grow a lot. I have a lot of sentiments from it. Here is my little experience:

The first is to be sincere: you can pretend your face and your heart, but you can never ignore the power of sincerity. I remember when I came here on the first day, I was in doubt some doubts in my heart: I don’t know how the boss is, what should I do, what to do, etc. After I stepped into the door, I saw only a few strangers with inexplicable doubts. Looked at me. I smiled and greeted them, and the embarrassing situation was immediately relieved. Everyone smiled friendly and welcomed us. From that day on, I developed a habit. Every morning I saw them and smiled and said: "Early", that is my sincere greeting. I always feel that there are often some subtle things that are easily overlooked by us, such as a soft greeting, but it expresses the respect for teachers and colleagues to respect their friends, and also makes others feel valued and cared for. In just a few days, I was able to mingle with my colleagues and communicate with them very well. I think it should be my sincerity and exchanged their trust in me. Also, for our waiters, it is more sincere to communicate with the guests. After the guests come, they will first say hello to them, then ask a few, take the guests to the corresponding floor, and then order the food more carefully and sincerely, ask if the guests have Taboo, can you eat spicy, etc. Only in this way, the guests feel that the service is good, the next time they will care, the business will be good, the business is good, the boss is happy, and our days will be better.

The second is passion and patience: passion and patience, like fire and ice, seemingly two completely different things, but they can collide with the most beautiful sparks. As a waiter, please introduce the dishes according to the preferences of the guests or the enthusiasm, or wait patiently after the menu is finished.

The third is "active attack": when you can choose, hold the initiative in your own hands. During the internship, I will take the initiative to help my colleagues clean up, take the initiative to help the boss to do what I can, and will actively find the right time, ask the boss for questions, communicate with the boss like a friend, talk about life and future. Work, through these I am very close to the boss and colleagues, in the internship, they will teach me how to do things, see what kind of people say what, so that I get a lot of gains and get along with them very happy.

The fourth is to feel the distance between the school and the society.

In school, there is only a learning atmosphere. After all, school is a place for learning. Every student is working hard to achieve higher results. And here is the place to work. Everyone will work hard to get more rewards. Whether they are studying or working, there is competition. In the competition, they must constantly learn the advanced places of others, and they must constantly learn how others behave. To improve my own ability! I remember that the teacher once said that the university is a small society, but I always feel that the innocence of the innocence on campus, that sincerity, even in colleges and universities, students still retain the identity of students. Into the enterprise, contact with a variety of customers, colleagues, bosses, etc., the relationship is complex, have to face everything that has never been faced. I remember that one of the problems reflected in the job fair held at our school is that there is a certain gap between the students' practical ability and the theoretical study at school. In this practice, I feel very deep about this. In school, there are many theoretical studies, and they are multi-faceted. They are almost all-inclusive. In actual work, you may encounter books that you have not learned, or you may not use the knowledge in books. Happening. Perhaps the only problem that is used in the work is a simple task, as long as the formula can be used to complete a task. Sometimes I will complain, the actual operation is so simple, but why does the knowledge in the book make people learn so hard? Is this society and school derailed? Maybe the teacher is correct, although the life of college students is not like entering the society, But it is finally part of society. This is an undeniable fact. But sometimes I also want to thank the teacher for teaching tirelessly. Some problems have been digested in the classroom, and I have to supplement my usual work. I have a higher starting point than a person, and I have more knowledge to deal with various tasks. The problem, as a college student in the new century, should know how to interact with people from all walks of life to deal with all aspects of society, which means that college students must pay attention to social practice and social practice is indispensable. After all, after three years of college, I am no longer a college student. I am a member of society. I want to communicate with the society and contribute to society. I only know that it is far from being able to talk on paper. The journey of life in the future is long. In order to train myself to become a qualified and useful person for the society, it is necessary to have more contact with the society. Many people who study at school say that they would rather go out to work and do not want to study at school; people who are already in the society would rather go back to school. What I want to say here is that we go to school and learn advanced scientific knowledge, so that we will enter the society in the future and sacrifice our own strength. We should try our best to master the professional knowledge today, and tomorrow will be better for the society. service.

Looking back at the internship life, the feelings are very deep and the harvest is fruitful.

"There is a glimpse of the paper, and I know that it is going to be done." During the short internship, I deeply felt the superficiality of my knowledge and the lack of knowledge in practical use. I feel very sad that I feel that I can’t do anything about my work and I’m so overwhelmed. I always thought that I learned well in school. Once I came into contact with reality, I realized that I knew how little I knew. At this time, I really realized the meaning of "endless learning."

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This month's short and substantial internship, I think it has played a role in building a society. The role of the transition is an important experience in life and an important step. It will also be of great help to get into the job in the future, and can avoid the phenomenon of low eyesight after graduation. To others humbly ask for advice, to abide by organizational discipline and unit rules and regulations, and to communicate with people and other basic principles of human life must be carefully implemented in real life, good habits must be continuously cultivated in real life. Most of the experience and knowledge I have learned during this period comes from the teachings of my bosses and colleagues. This is a valuable asset in my life. This internship also gave me a deep understanding that it is important to maintain a good relationship with colleagues at work. To do things first, you must learn to be a human being. It is necessary to understand the truth of being a human being. How to get along with others is one of the most basic problems in the modern society. For a college student who is about to go to the society, there are many things to learn, many...

Internship is an experience that every college student must have. He taught me to understand the society in practice. I learned a lot of knowledge that I couldn’t learn in class. I also broadened my horizons, grew my knowledge, and went further to society in the future. lay a solid foundation. Finally, I sincerely thank the school for providing us with this valuable internship opportunity.

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