Work Summary > Teacher Work Summary

2014 teacher's annual thought work summary

Teacher's annual ideological work

First, the ideological side:

In the past year, I have studied the basic theories and important works of the party earnestly, especially studying the important thinking of the "Three Represents", constantly improving myself, enriching myself, and strictly complying with the requirements of party members. Self, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, strengthen communist ideals and socialist convictions, and strive to train yourself into qualified Communists in the new era.

As a probationary member, I realize that I still have a lot of deficiencies. I always pay attention to learning from other comrades, obeying discipline, and uniting comrades in my daily work. The purpose of education is clear, the attitude is correct, the business is studied, and I work diligently; especially to outstanding party members. . I usually pay attention to actively helping other comrades to do what they can, and they are getting exercise in the process of doing it, increasing their knowledge and improving their ability to work. I believe that in the future work and study, I will overcome the shortcomings and make greater progress through the efforts of the party organizations and with the help of my colleagues. I will work hard, study hard and make myself truly a member of the Communist Party who has withstood any test.

Second, teaching

At the beginning of the school year, I actively participated in the teaching and research activities organized by the teaching and research section. Under the guidance of the school's teaching and research staff, we conducted group preparations, carefully listened, carefully remembered, and understood the essence of the spirit. Then, according to the requirements, prepare the class two weeks in advance and write the lesson plan. Usually do the lessons before the week. During the preparation of the class, seriously study the teaching materials, teaching ginseng, learn the outline, and learn from the teachers of the same year. Strive to thoroughly understand the textbooks, find the key points, difficult points.

The premise of a good class is to prepare for the class, not to be unprepared. Seriously lecture during class, strive to grasp the key points, break through the difficulties, and concentrate on refining. Using a variety of teaching methods, starting from the students' actual situation, pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm and creative thinking of students, so that students have the ability to give inferences and develop students' interest in learning.

I use the spare time to tutor the students, do not understand the patient explanation, and timely check for missing traps. According to the requirements of the burden reduction, some initiative and creative work that is conducive to the development of students' ability will be properly reserved.

Love students need to understand students, including a deep understanding of the student's physical condition, family situation, knowledge base, academic performance, hobbies, personality temperament, friendship, joys and sorrows. This is a prerequisite for avoiding blind spots in education and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. It is also a necessary condition for improving the level of education management and improving the quality of education and teaching.

Love is the "lubricant" of education and a necessary condition for education. When teachers are fully caring for, caring, and helping students, and being a close teacher of students, teacher love becomes a huge educational force. It is because of the teacher's love that teachers can win the trust of students, and students are willing to receive education, and education can receive good results. Teacher love should be comprehensive and fair, learn to love, learn to love in general, and love in learning.

Respecting, understanding and trusting students is the basis for eliminating blind spots in education. Respect students to respect the personality of students. Although teachers and students are in different positions in the process of education and teaching, they should be equal in personality; understanding students should start from the psychological development characteristics of adolescents, understand their requirements and ideas, trust their potential ability, let go Students exercise in practice and grow up in tempering. Only in this way, students can narrow the psychological distance with teachers, and students will have a sense of dependence on teachers.

I am more deeply aware that teachers should love every student, especially to treat the undergraduates with more warmth, change them with the word "love", understand and respect them. Love students are to strictly ask students to make mistakes in their shortcomings, not tolerate, tolerate, and not let go. Teacher's love contains both strong emotional color and profound reason. It not only focuses on the students' current gains and losses and bitterness, but also pays attention to the future development and future of students.

As a first-grade teacher, I have the responsibility to lead them into the hall of knowledge and learn more; I have the responsibility to lead them to open the ideal sail and sail to the other side of the dream; I have the responsibility to lead them to insert wisdom. The wings are soaring in the endless sky.

Teachers' responsibilities are not only to teach students knowledge, but also to guide them to learn the basic skills of life and survival, and to be the basic code of conduct for people.

Third, personal learning:

Actively study various educational theories to enrich themselves so that they can be guided by solid theories in their work and better educate and teach. Actively carry out academic study and study, and strive to win undergraduate courses within three years. I also use my spare time to study computer knowledge carefully, learn to make multimedia courseware, serve for teaching, and actively write educational teaching papers.

Fourth, the direction of efforts:

1. Strengthen the training of basic skills, concentrate on the classroom, and pay attention to the cultivation of students' abilities.

2, more care for poor students, more love, more patience, so that they have made greater progress in all aspects.

3. Use various methods to train students to improve and concentrate.

4, work hard in teaching, and strive to make the grades of class students have more progress on the basis of the original.

Education is a constant and never-ending job. The society is developing, the times are advancing, and the characteristics and problems of students are constantly changing. As a responsible educator, it is necessary to discover, research and solve new situations and new problems in the education and management of students in a timely manner with high sensitivity and consciousness, master its characteristics, discover its laws, and do its due diligence. Work to complete the sacred historical mission we shoulder.

A Chunhua, a Qiu Shi, I was sweating and tears on the road of teaching and educating people. However, what I harvested was the fullness and the heavy emotion. I use my heart to teach my students. I use my feelings to nurture my students. I am worthy of my heart. I have no regrets about my career. Let me turn my life-long education into a fire that loves students, and dedicate our most precious love to the students. I believe that today's flower buds will be blooming, and tomorrow will be able to bloom beautiful flowers.

Teacher's annual ideological work

First, use the German law.

I love and loyal to the party's education, consciously abide by the teacher's professional ethics, and cultivate high-quality construction talents and successors as their unshirkable duties, be a gardener, achieve education peace of mind and concentration, and serve the education cause wholeheartedly. Love your job, work hard, not chasing fame and fortune. In order to meet the needs of the development of the times, diligent study, painstaking research, timely update of knowledge, and constantly improve the level and ability of teaching and research. Explicitly learn the teaching methods and teaching skills from experienced teachers and listen carefully to their teachings. Take each class with a serious and responsible attitude. Care for the students with full love, care for the growth of the students, actively do the ideological and political work of the students, follow the guidance and discipline, and teach and educate the students, and treat the students equally. Be able to reach out to students, solve problems for students, and do more practical things for students. During the semester, I did not have a class for students due to personal personal matters. Can actively and conscientiously obey and cooperate with the work of the leaders at all levels of the school.

Second, study hard.

"Shoushan has a road to work, and there is no end to learning the sea." Learning is endless, living to the old, learning to be old. Teachers must constantly update and enrich their knowledge. It is of course important for every teacher to be knowledgeable. Because we are the educators who directly face the students, students will ask questions and often “break the casserole and ask the end”. Without extensive knowledge, we can't solve the "confusion" of students well and pass it on to people. Therefore, during this semester, I can seriously participate in various activities carried out by the school, especially in the continuing education, and actively seek opportunities for learning. Every time I go to the city to attend classes for training and learning, I am striving to have a good seat to see clearly, so that I can better record, study other people's advanced teaching experience, change old teaching concepts, and apply new teaching concepts. On top of my own education and teaching.

Third, use love to educate people.

The educational thought of cultivating all the members has been firmly rooted in my heart. I often teach students to love school, love class, love teachers, and love classmates. If you can't even love people and things around you, why do you love the motherland and love the people? Therefore, I often take the opportunity to seize all available opportunities to conduct regular education for students, behavior habits, civility, and thoughts. Characters and other aspects gradually infiltrate the education of love. When students encounter small things to fight, I will take the initiative to educate them and tell them to learn to care for others. Once I found a discarded food bag in the aisle with the students. I didn't ask the students to go to the squatting. Instead, I personally bent down and picked up the discarded food bags and threw them into the trash. For students who are lagging behind, I have not given up on them. I often encourage and help them solve the learning difficulties so that they can continue to learn. I use my heart to teach my students. I use my feelings to nurture my students and use them to set an example for them.

Fourth, use the heart to teach.

The famous modern educational psychologist Bruner said: "Cognition is a process, not a result." Therefore, he stressed that "teaching a person's subject is not to write down some results, but to teach him to participate in the knowledge. The process of building up."

In the teaching of classroom teaching, I correctly handle the relationship between "teaching" and "study", "study" and "guidance", focusing on teaching and learning on "learning" and focusing on "guidance" in teaching methods. Based on student development, students' curiosity is stimulated, and students are encouraged to actively explore and actively participate in the process of cognitive structure, so that students can learn, learn, and learn. I asked them to express their opinions in the exchanges. The students have unique opinions. I gave proper affirmation, established the students' self-confidence, and inspired his interest in learning. Suhomlinski once said: "If teachers do not want to try to make students have a state of high emotions and intellectual inspiration, they are eager to spread knowledge, then this knowledge can only lead to an indifferent attitude. Without emotional brain power Labor will bring fatigue, and without rejoicing, learning will become a burden for students to learn. Therefore, the first job of my class is to make students "moving" and let students actively participate in learning with a quick heart. Come in. For example, when teaching "decimal plus or minus", I created a virtual situation for shopping in the mall, letting students move. I cut the product pattern and price on the store express, and sent it to the group of four as a product. Then I asked the student to buy two items each time and calculate the amount of money that the two items should pay. Horizontal and vertical are listed on the homework. Compared with one, who has the most calculations, and is right, who is the big winner. The students were excited, they used the class as a supermarket, and they were very interested in buying goods while writing the calculations. I saw the enthusiastic scene of [FS:PAGE] active participation, and even students who did not usually write homework were actively involved in the activity. The new syllabus proposes: The important goal of the reform of mathematics teaching in small and medium-sized schools is to change the way students learn. It is necessary for students to actively explore, find ways to solve mathematical problems, discover the laws of mathematics, teachers should change roles and become true organizers. ,Guide. Let students actively mobilize relevant knowledge, positive thinking, and self-learning to solve problems independently. I am working so hard to achieve this goal in mathematics classroom teaching.

In short, I carefully prepared each lesson. In the lesson preparation, I seriously studied the teaching materials and teaching books. Learn a new syllabus and learn from others' advanced experience with humility. Strive to thoroughly understand the textbooks, find the key points, difficult points. Seriously lecture during class, and strive to grasp the key points and break through the difficulties. Use a variety of teaching methods. From the reality of the students, pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of students.

Teacher's annual ideological work

In a blink of an eye, I have been working in China Telecom's Broadband Maintenance Department for a year. During this year, I learned a lot about broadband. In order to better complete the work, sum up experience, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and improve their business skills, the work is summarized as follows:

I. Work report

Since I started working on December 26th, 200*, I have completed my work earnestly, studying hard, thinking positively, and gradually improving my work ability. When I first entered a new job, in order to cooperate with the binding work of adsl and the connection, I worked with the staff of the company to the user's network card mac address. In order to ensure the correctness of the connection, the accuracy of the data is laid, which lays a solid foundation for the smooth connection of the future connection.

Then I did some work on the resources. This includes the establishment of the module office and the interconnection and external connections of the dslam device. These jobs make them more skilled in using the customer service system. Moreover, the computer room equipment has a certain understanding, so that they have a more sensory understanding of the upper equipment.

When the branch moved to a new office, the company's internal office network was handed over to us. In order to open up each information point, I learned more about the Internet and improved my practical ability. At the same time, in order to ensure the timely and normal use of each information point, the leaders of the company and each comrade will be put into the work in the new office environment as soon as possible. I and several colleagues in the class completed the work overtime. Hard work.

After investing in a new office environment, I also started a new job - fault pre-processing. This work allowed me to master the basic adsl technology. Can handle most of the client side failures. In order to solve some problems that the outside line can't handle, I work with the outside staff on the computer room and the client side. In the user's home, every sentence represents the company's image. Therefore, in the actual work, I strictly demand myself from time to time and be cautious.

In addition, the train ran fast by the headband. Due to the recent work, there were many deficiencies in terms of business ability and thinking. In these respects, I have been properly guided and helped by the department heads and the old staff of the department, which has enabled me to improve my work ability, clear direction, and correct attitude. Thus, it laid a good foundation for my development.

Second, work feelings

After entering a new job, after a year of training, I have gained a deeper understanding of the job. Everyone has a different understanding and feeling about work or career, and I am the same. For me, I usually grasp my own thoughts from two angles.

The first is the mentality, applying Milu’s words “attitude determines everything”. With the right attitude, you can use the right approach to find the right direction and get the right results. Specifically, my attitude toward work is to choose what I love, and then do my best for my love. I always think that work should not be a task or a burden. It should be a kind of fun, a kind of enjoyment, and only if you are interested in it and completely fall in love with it, you can fully appreciate the happiness. I believe that I will find the pleasure of my work in the exploration and discovery of this business, and I can do my best for it without reservation. It can be said that knowing how to enjoy the work, you know how to succeed, and you can't be forced to do so during the period.

Second, it is the ability problem, which can be divided into professional ability and basic ability. I can use a simple example to understand this problem: in the case of a camel, professional ability determines that it can survive in a desert environment, but basic capabilities, including fitness, perseverance, nature, alertness, etc. It determines how long it can survive in a desert environment. Specific to people, professional ability determines that you are suitable for a certain job, basic ability, including self-confidence, collaboration, ability to take responsibility, risk-taking, and development potential, will directly determine the vitality of work. A person who succeeds in business must be a person who can coordinate the development and operation well.

III. Work Objectives In the future work, I will redouble my efforts to learn professional knowledge, master more business skills, and lay a solid foundation for future work.

In the style of work, we can obey the rules and discipline, unite our colleagues, be realistic and realistic, and be optimistic, always maintain a rigorous and serious work attitude and meticulous work style, diligent and diligent, and work hard. In the life, we will carry forward the fine tradition of hardship, simplicity, hard work, and helpfulness. We will always be honest, diligent and diligent, work hard and simple, always remember our responsibilities and obligations, and strictly demand ourselves, at all times. Work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the leadership.

With the deepening of the binding work of the connection and the unfolding of the new work content, we can expect that our work will be more arduous, the requirements will be higher, and the knowledge to be mastered will be higher and wider. To this end, I will work harder, study hard, and strive to improve cultural quality and various work skills, and make due contributions.

In the future, I will devote myself to work with a new spirit, study hard, improve work efficiency, and be proficient in business. Actively resound the company's measures to strengthen management, abide by the company's rules and regulations, and do its job well.

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