Work Summary > Summary of School Work

School military training summary

Article 1:

Undoubtedly, military training is the first lesson for freshmen to enter the university. It is the starting point for the transformation of the role of middle school students to college students. It is to enhance the awareness of competition and cooperation in national defense, cultivate military skills, the quality of will, and develop good health habits and civilized lifestyles. Very important ways and forms. Although the military training activities that have lasted for more than ten days have come to an end, further summing up the experience will certainly play a favorable role in promoting future work. I. Overall planning and careful organization

At the beginning of the military training, our regiment coordinated the military training work according to the unified deployment of military instructors. First of all, to strengthen the system construction, our group not only announced the various systems of the military instructors, but also formulated the "Military Training schedule", "consultation scoring standards", "content inspection scoring standards", "military training discipline", etc. for the actual situation of our regiment. The system guarantees that military training, internal affairs and other aspects have rules to follow; secondly, establish an organization, and actual division of labor and cooperation. Our regiment has established a military training group, an internal affairs finishing group, a propaganda agitation group, and a logistics support group. The responsibilities of each agency are clear. For example, the logistics team is responsible for arranging the life of the instructors, officers and men's medicines, domestic water, site sprinkling, vehicle deployment, etc. Hanging banners, running newspapers, and printing briefings. Each group of personnel consists of academic cadres and freshmen counselors, who are responsible for them. At the same time, all staff members do not divide their work. The above measures have improved the efficiency of work and enabled the military training work to be carried out in an orderly manner.

Second, close cooperation, integration of strength

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the instructors and class teachers, and form a pattern of military training and joint management, our group has taken the following measures: First, the new class teacher is required to guide the new military training, carry out ideological and political work, and regularly work on his work. an examination. Second, strengthen cooperation with the trainees to achieve consistent goals and emotional integration. In view of the previous training and training of the training and the tendency of light internal affairs, we have strictly regulated the number and standards of internal cleaning activities, and have achieved the approval of the other party and reached an agreement on the military training objectives. We often go to the officers and men's residence to greet the officers and men, exchange feelings, and close the military-civilian relationship. Our group of cadres and cadres have won the trust of each other with a high sense of responsibility and pragmatic work style. The head of the group----comrades repeatedly said: "The hospital provides us with quality services. The spirit of leadership and teachers has also inspired the fighting spirit of our officers and men. We have no reason not to strive for advanced." The officers and men are rigorous and high-spirited. The fighting spirit also deeply affected the cadres of the school. During the entire military training period, the military and the land cooperated with each other and laid a solid foundation for the smooth development of military training.

Third, pay attention to propaganda and encourage morale

"The morale should not be vented." Good looks and high morale are the powerful spiritual power of military training. Our group pays attention to the role of propaganda and ideological work. First of all, pay attention to the creation of public opinion atmosphere. During the military training, our group hoisted four banners, held more than 20 exhibition boards, compiled the "Military Training Briefing", clarified the significance of military training work, and reported the advanced figures and advanced examples emerging in military training. The participants' experience in participating in military training activities. Second, conduct daily comment activities. Our group conducts daily reviews on military training, housekeeping, and ideological outlook. In the early stage, we spurred the main focus, and later focused on encouragement. Pay attention to the reality in the propaganda work. First, combine the students with Xu Zhiwei's deeds, inspire people with heroic deeds, shape people with heroic sentiments, and create a learning atmosphere that is aligned with heroes. The second is to combine the students with the advanced students around them to create an advanced and advanced competitive atmosphere.

Fourth, strict management to improve quality

During the entire military training period, strictly in accordance with the requirements of the "Syllabus for Military Training of Colleges and Universities", strict management, strict requirements, and strict training were carried out to ensure safety and stability during military training. First, pay attention to the style of work and discipline. According to various management methods, the students' style of work has been strengthened, the students' organizational discipline concept has been enhanced, and the students' awareness of all actions and listening to the command has been cultivated to achieve the purpose of combining training and training. The second is to establish a new military training time sheet. Register before the operation every day, register the attendance situation, no special circumstances can not take time off. From training to daily management, the instructors are strictly following the requirements of military training. The above requirements are determined to be done well. Those who do not meet the requirements are determined not to do so, and the students' time concept is enhanced. The third is the management of strict training grounds. From the first day of military training, whether in training or during rest, whether it is sunny or rainy, it is strictly required to do on time, exercise on time, rest on time, and get on time. The fourth is to unify the house. Organized the classmates to organize the internal affairs, unify the standards, and carried out inspection and evaluation, and standardized the internal order of the students.

V. Training has been effective and has achieved remarkable results.

This military training has a hot climate. The students are unfamiliar with the content they are learning, but each student can correct their training attitude and use this military training as a learning opportunity to improve their own quality, exercise themselves and challenge themselves. Train, calm down and think with questions. During the day, on the high-temperature training ground, under the fiery sun, the students carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of suffering, not afraid of being tired, sweating every day. In the evening, I also wrote a military training experience. The students wrote in the military training experience? "Military training is a good opportunity to improve national defense knowledge and enhance their own quality. Through military training, our spiritual outlook is completely new, our patriotic enthusiasm is inspiring, and our will is tenacious. Military training is like A whip always spurs us forward. Military training is like a ruler. It always regulates our behavior. Military training is more like a torch. It shines in front of us. Since the military training, I have deeply felt the joy of military life. With hardships, realizing the importance of military training, and recognizing the importance of national defense forces for national security and social stability, this military training has exercised my will and perseverance.” The general feelings of the students are: the joy in the bitterness, the tiredness Laughing, I learned a lot of knowledge that I couldn't learn in class. Some students are still in good health and still insist on training, not to delay their legs; some students do not affect the honor of the class, the honor of the department, they work overtime to add some training, this kind of training strength, can be seen everywhere in military training, has become a common practice, has been persevere until the end. It is because of this spirit, this kind of ethos, this passion has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of all students for military training, and laid a solid foundation for the safety, victory, and successful completion of military training tasks.

Under the unified deployment and organization of military trainers, with the cooperation of Wuhan-------- School, our group achieved good results in military training and was once again rated as ------unit.

Article 2:

This morning, all military training students performed a performance, which was very effective. On behalf of all the teachers and students of Shantou Middle School, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the leaders and all the instructors of the military training base! I sincerely congratulate all the students for their wonderful performances!

The military training of students is to further enhance students' political awareness, stimulate students' patriotic enthusiasm and train students to listen to the call of the motherland and sacrifice their lives for the motherland. It is an important measure to further strengthen the concept of national defense, organizational discipline and collective honor. .

The seven-day military training activities exercised the will of the students and cultivated the spirit of hard work, daring to face difficulties and overcoming difficulties. Through military training, the students' patriotism and national defense concepts have been further strengthened. They have truly understood what is called "discipline" and what is called "military order is like a mountain." They understand how to obey management and follow instructions. Through military training, the students loved the collective, and the spirit of unity and friendship was further cultivated. The initial ability to obtain independent living has laid the foundation for self-care for future follow-up learning. Through military training, the students' awareness of hygiene, courtesy and etiquette, and normative awareness have been further strengthened.

The seven-day military training activity is short, but the harvest is great. I believe that the students will not forget this rare military training activity. A military training will benefit for the rest of your life. The military training activities are about to end, and the students will return to their schools and invest in intense study. For this reason, I would like to ask the students all the following:

1. Seriously sum up the results of military training activities, bring the strong will quality cultivated in military training, good courtesy etiquette, strict organizational discipline and collective honor concept and self-care norms back to the school, keep it, and consolidate the military training. Results.

2, to become a talent, first adult. I hope that in the future life path, students should strictly abide by the daily behaviors of middle school students, develop good behavior habits and noble moral sentiments, be compassionate to others, care for the motherland, learn to be grateful, be willing to help others, truly learn to be a person, and be a society, A person who is useful to the motherland, be a noble person.

3. Learn to learn. The main task of the student is to learn. To do a good job requires a strong will, a spirit of hard work and the courage to overcome difficulties. It is necessary to have a good learning method. I hope that the students will not be afraid of suffering, not afraid of being tired and face difficulties in military training. The spirit of overcoming difficulties is applied to the study, painstakingly studying, striving hard, learning the basic knowledge of culture, and laying a solid foundation for further study in the future and the construction of the motherland.

Classmates, during the seven-day military training activities, the leaders of the military training base and the instructors of the military have made great contributions to our military training work, the cultivation of perseverance and the guidance of living internal affairs.

Finally, we once again express our heartfelt thanks to them with warm applause.

My speech is over, thank you all.

Article 3:

The **** freshmen of our school are nervous, and the happy and fulfilling military training life is coming to an end today. The performance of the briefings just held is the best summary of this military training activity. The neat team of each class is healthy. The pace, the loud slogan, the full spirit, show us the spiritual outlook and good quality of the contemporary young teachers. Uniform, natural, orderly, clean and elegant dormitory housework, reflecting the students' good ideological cultivation and etiquette, all of which fully prove that our military training activities are complete and successful!

First of all, on behalf of the school leaders and all the faculty and staff, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the instructors who have worked hard for this military training event! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the 21 teachers who care about the students and live in the middle of the classmates! The classmates expressed their warmest congratulations!

Compared with previous years, this year's military training work schedule is relatively tight, with heavy tasks, large capacity, and a large number of people. Class 11-23 students participate in training at Jiefang Road Elementary School. In four days, the instructors, teachers, and classmates overcame many difficulties, and the students were exposed to high-intensity military training. From training to internal affairs, from early morning to early meal to sleep, the daily life is strictly regulated, subject to strict discipline training, and strict training of rigorous internal training. Initially, the students of the PLA were strictly disciplined, resolute and vigorous, and all the actions and listening to the commanding style. We are delighted to see that no matter whether it is training or gathering, the students can basically behave in a dignified manner, full of spirit, and the attitude of the soldiers who stand like a bell, sit like a bell and walk in the wind, and have a demeanor in the classmates. The embodiment. This is very happy. The short military training life left us with beautiful and unforgettable memories. We can't forget the intense and strict line-up training. We can't forget the serious and responsible attitude of the instructors during the housekeeping. I can't forget the students who rushed to the first floor of the audience last night. A sing and dance party. The military training life, which is always filled with tension and serious and lively atmosphere, will become a common memory of our teachers and students.

I like to see the fruitful results of military training. Every teacher and student knows very well how hard the PLA instructors have paid for this. Our instructors come from the heroic Wang Jie troops, and they have a high sense of responsibility for their work. Not afraid of the tired work spirit, they are worthy of being heroic soldiers of the heroic army. They are worthy of being a steel great wall with political qualifications, excellent military skills, fine work style and strict discipline. I hope that the students can bring the good thoughts and good style of the comrades of the People's Liberation Army to your work and students. Every time you strictly demand yourself, and wholeheartedly serve the group for others, and be a student who can work hard and work hard. Over the years, the military training work of our school has been strongly supported by the Wang Jie troops. It has won the first place in the Xuzhou Intermediate Learning Competition for four consecutive times and won the honorary title of the Jiangsu Military Training Work Unit. The achievement of these achievements all embodies the hard work of the officers and men of the Wang Jie army!

Teachers, classmates: The short and unforgettable military training life is coming to an end. When the instructors who are about to get along with the day and night are giving up, let us use the warmest applause to support the leaders of the **** forces. Express your heartfelt thanks and your highest respect.

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