Work Summary > Summary of School Work

Summary of school work in the next semester of 2012-2013 school year

In the first semester, our school is based on the actual situation of the school , focusing on the future awareness and overall planning of the school, pioneering and enterprising, and bold practice. Under the direct leadership of the County Education Bureau, the school fully implemented the party's education policy and actively invested in the implementation of the new curriculum. In the implementation process of the new curriculum, the educational concept is continuously updated, and the county government's decision on “improving the quality of teaching and accelerating the development of education” is conscientiously implemented. The education of teachers' morality and ethics is continuously strengthened, the teaching management is emphasized, and the quality of teaching is strived to be improved. The faculty and staff of the whole school will take care of each other and work together to ensure that the county education supervision and evaluation work is done. Through a series of activities, the school 's moral outlook has undergone major changes, and the quality of running schools has improved significantly. This year's senior high school entrance examination basically achieved the goal set at the beginning of the school year. The basic grade examination results were outstanding and achieved certain results. The relevant work is reviewed as follows:

First, strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and improve the overall quality of teachers.

1. Conducted the construction of teachers' morality and style, and promoted love, dedication, and dedication. Resolutely put an end to teachers' corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment students, teachers prepare in advance in class, attend classes on time, and attend classes on time.

2. Continue to improve the quality of teachers' business. During the semester, our school continued to implement the policy of “please come in, go out” and organize teachers to participate in learning exchange activities in provinces, cities and counties. The school sent teachers Deng Guangping, Hou Jie, Li Hai, Xiao Xiang, Chen Chunlai, Zhang Quanqi and many others to increase production of small schools and chemical schools. School-based training was carried out 8 times, which further improved the professional level of teachers.

4. Organized more than 40 teachers from all over the school to participate in computer-level training. Most of the teachers mastered the technology of distance education.

5. Encourage teachers to participate in various types of educational competitions at all levels, and make great achievements in the evaluation of various papers, lectures, and class competitions. For example, the school's Deng Guangping “anti-xx” essay contest won the national award; Tang Jiebin, Jiang Dongqin and other teachers were awarded the prize contest and the quality class competition.

6. Investigate the teacher's morality, diligence, ability, and performance through the student representative symposium, the form of parent conference, and the democratic evaluation method for all students, and evaluate the teachers' morality. Teachers who are fully affirmed by students are commended, and teachers who have poor feedback are assisted.

Second, highlight the teaching center and improve the quality of teaching.

1. Regularly implement the teaching and improve the ability of teachers to improve their business.

In teaching, the curriculum plan formulated by the Ministry of Education was carefully implemented, and each course was opened. In particular, the quality of teaching management and the goal of benefiting from the four kinds of benefits were put forward. We have consistently implemented the "Teacher's Monthly Teaching Inspection System", which prepares teachers for classes, classes, homework corrections, unit tests, has implementation, has inspections, has appraisals, and has feedback, quantifies the content of assessments into small projects, assessments, evaluations. To the group, to the people, to ensure that each class allows students to learn and have income. In the management, we pay close attention to the construction of the “Five Winds” and actively carry out the activities of excellent teachers on demonstration classes and ordinary teachers on reporting classes. Each teaching and research group conducts 8 business learning activities in each phase, learns the theory of education and teaching, and delve into the teaching business. Adhere to the school leadership listening system, leaders randomly go to the first line of the classroom to understand the teacher's teaching situation, grasp the teaching direction, propose teaching strategies, and constantly improve the teaching ability of teachers. At the same time, the teacher's business files are carefully filled out, and the teaching management is on a normative and scientific track.

2. Carry out various forms of activities to promote the teaching level of the school .

For the first grade mathematics, English, the second grade mathematics, physics, English and other subjects to conduct the sampling test, for students who have excellent scores in the sampling test, give a general report.

The monthly examination system will be implemented for the third grade, and the mid-term and final exam systems will be implemented for the first and second grades. Each examination is carefully organized, so that single-person single-table, disrupt the class to arrange the examination room, the teacher cross-invigilation, and grasp the examination style. After each examination, the summary and commendation meeting will be held in grades in a timely manner to encourage advanced and spur progress.

Use the morning and evening free time to organize the third graders to do early morning and evening exercises.

Actively carry out extracurricular activities to enrich students' after-school life and give full play to their specialties. Such as billiards, billiards, etc. during the semester.

Carefully organize the entrance examination and the entrance examination test, the entrance examination physical examination and the entrance examination examination, so that students can play a normal level in the examination.

Third, the solid development of the exhibition, the safety work is more important than the mountains.

1. Strive to do a good job in moral education for students.

Use class meetings and two exercises, radio stations, blackboard newspapers, etc., to educate students, and insist on weekly conduct and safety education for each student.

Conduct daily inspections of classes, and select "civilization and health classes" every week, so that class work and students' words and deeds have a measure and achieve better results.

Various activities such as the flag-raising ceremony, "learning Lei Feng Spiritual Activity Month", "donating to Sichuan earthquake-stricken areas", "knowing honor and disgrace, building a new style, and practicing morality" have strengthened the patriotic education and life for students. The education of the students has enhanced the sense of ownership of the students, which has greatly improved the students' ideological consciousness and significantly reduced the number of students who have seriously violated discipline.

2. Pay attention to safety, actively prevent and ensure the safety of one party.

The school arranges special daily teachers and supervised teachers every day to comprehensively supervise the comprehensive situation of the school . A system of duties for teachers on duty and a system of duties for teachers in charge are established.

In accordance with the actual situation of students, strengthen the traffic safety education of students, and arrange the teachers to inspect the river heads every day until the students leave school.

Attach importance to health education, strengthen the prevention work and publicity work of infectious diseases, actively cooperate with epidemic prevention stations to do vaccination against measles, mumps and hepatitis B vaccine, and find out that the epidemic situation is reported and isolated in time. At the same time, the small stalls near the school will be treated to prevent students from buying snacks and eliminating potential safety hazards.

The students have implemented safety education such as fire prevention, waterproofing, electric power prevention, lightning protection, and prevention of corridor congestion, which greatly improved students' self-protection awareness.

We have formulated and improved various safety systems and emergency plans, and conducted a safety hazard investigation on various facilities on campus every two weeks to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents.

3. Strive to do a good job in all aspects of work.

Daily hygiene, general cleaning, blackboard newspaper, character evaluation, etc., timely inspection; timely praise for students who do good deeds, timely criticize the fight, Internet and disciplinary students; Hand over materials.

Fourth, establish a service and education thinking, and do a good job in logistics support.

1. Insist on the institutionalization and regularization of school production management. During the semester, the General Affairs Office of our school has formulated a more detailed school management, public property inspection, public property inspection and public property damage compensation system in combination with the actual situation of the school, which clarifies the responsibility. It is often kept by some people; it is broken when someone reports it; some people are compensated; some people find it.

2. Strengthen accounting management and do a good job in finance. The finance and accounting personnel of our school strictly implemented the state's fiscal regulations, and earnestly fulfilled the "Accounting Staff Responsibilities", so that the accounts were clearly consistent, and the accounts were clear. Standardized the management of funds, serious financial discipline, and adhere to various expenditure accounting and reporting systems. Received unanimous praise from the superior authorities.

3, pay attention to student life, do a good job in the bedroom. The Logistics Department has formulated the "Standards for the Management of Student Dormitories" and the "Regulations on the Daily Management of Student Dormitories", and arranged for the inspection team to inspect and rate the students' dormitory every day. The student's bedroom is regularly disinfected every month.

In short, in the past year, the school has achieved certain results in all aspects of work, but there are still many shortcomings. In the new school year, we must learn from experience, find deficiencies, overcome difficulties, improve teaching quality, and comprehensively improve the quality of teachers and students. , Strive for the good tomorrow of our school! Finally, I will send you a sentence: a piece of chalk, a life without regrets, a three-footed platform, a patriotic pride, a red heart, and a dedicated ambition.

Yingde County Mingde Complete Primary School <br>July 8, 2009

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