Work Summary > Summary of School Work

Care for the work of the next generation working committee

Children and adolescents are the reserve forces of the motherland. Being concerned about the next generation of work under the new situation is the practical action to practice the important thinking of the "three represents," and is the hope of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In recent years, our school's youth is the future and hope of the motherland. It is the main force for building a well-off society in an all-round way and promoting socialist modernization. The next generation of work is under the leadership of the town party committee, government and higher authorities to earnestly study and implement the CPC Central Committee. Guided by the State Council's "Several Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors", focusing on the requirements of the Central and County Education Bureau on strengthening the ideological and political construction of minors, further giving play to the educational and cultural advantages of school work for young people. Carry out ideological and moral education, legal education and science and technology education, and do a good job in caring for the next generation. Through the implementation of thematic education activities, behavioral habits education, scientific and technological activities, poverty alleviation and other work, we do everything possible to do practical things for the healthy growth of young people, have achieved satisfactory results, and made positive contributions to the realization of the "two leading" ambitious goals. . In the past two years, our school is concerned about the next generation of work as summarized below:

First, strengthen and improve organizational leadership, and actively create a good environment for the next generation of work.

Caring for the next generation of work is an important part of our school's moral education work, and it is an important guarantee for maintaining social stability and promoting social development. Improving the quality of young people in an all-round way and caring about educating the next generation is an important job responsibility of our school and a need to build a well-off society in an all-round way. In recent years, the administrative team of our school has always insisted on caring for the next generation of work as a boosting project for the construction of spiritual civilization in schools and the future project of building a well-off society in an all-round way. We established the secretary and president Wang Yongcheng as the leader of the party and the work. And the leaders of the functional departments such as the Young Pioneers and other members of the team care about the next generation of work leading groups, relying on the faculty and staff, put the next generation of work in an important position, into the agenda of the school work, adhere to the symposium to discuss the next generation in the administrative team meeting Work, fully deploy the school to care about the next generation of work. Clarify the work objectives of each functional department and put the care of the next generation into practice.

To do a good job in the school 's work, it is inseparable from a team of experienced and methodical moral education workers. At the beginning of each school year, the school leaders must adjust the team concerned with the next generation work in a timely manner according to the changes of personnel, and cooperate with the team to further improve the network. We must conscientiously grasp the construction of teachers' morality, organize the teachers of the whole school to carry out political theory studies in the teachers' meetings, regular meetings of class teachers, and lecture lectures, learn the spirit of outstanding teachers and morals, actively carry out discussion on teachers' morality, and strive to improve the political quality and moral cultivation of teachers. Establish a concept of “everyone is a moral education worker” among all the teachers in the school, and create a good environment for educating people to care for the next generation.

Second, strengthen education and strive to improve the ideological and moral quality and legal awareness of young people.

1. Holding a theme education event

At the beginning of each semester, the school has to develop monthly theme education activities for students to receive in the theme activities.

educated. We launched a special campaign on environmental protection, “protecting the ecological environment, caring for campus greening”, and promoting the promotion of reading activities such as “promoting the national spirit and building a harmonious campus”. In April, the second series of environmental education series “Water, Source of Life” and legal safety education series activities were held: “Love life, stay away from drugs” education; prevent AIDS education; traffic safety education. Organized the environmental education series "Love the Environment" special event.

Our school focuses on the theme, according to the characteristics of our school and the psychological characteristics of students, we have arranged a wealth of moral education activities.

Such as: "protecting the ecological environment, caring for campus greening" painting and essay competition activities, please the vice president of the legal system to make legal lectures, fire knowledge lectures, "let the world full of love - build a harmonious society together" reading activities and reading knowledge contests, learning "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" elementary school students' essay writing activities and "eight honors and eight shame" song singing competitions, etc., combined with the theme of moral education to arrange monthly morning meeting classes and team classes. The counselors work together to improve the quality of education and education.

2. Strengthen the construction of moral education positions and give play to the educational role of moral education positions.

Every semester, the school must standardize the management of the team, improve the organization of the Young Pioneers, give full play to the functions and functions of the team, and make it a good assistant for the school . Grasp the logo, supplies management and use of the Young Pioneers to make them play a good role.

A solid flag-raising ceremony every Monday

The school will meet every Monday to hold a flag-raising ceremony. We recommend the glorious flag-bearers from all classes, prepare speeches, and hold ceremonies. We always have a purpose, that is, the topic of the students around us is the topic of subtlety, and the non-marking education is subtly implemented. Every time you raise the flag, you must give a speech under the national flag and educate the students on compliance, obedience, patriotism, ideals, integrity, safety, and environmental protection.

3. Carry out legal education and improve the concept of the legal system.

4. Build a social, family, and school synchronous education network

The work of the work is inseparable from the cooperation of the society and the family. For this reason, the school actively builds a network of moral education work in the community, family and school . In order to feedback the situation of school moral education to parents, teach moral education information, guide parents to carry out parenting education, and close contact with parents through telephone and other means. During the semester, a school opened a school to organize a “teacher-wide family visit”. All the teachers walked into the student family to understand the real situation of the students at home, and let the parents understand the learning and behavioral habits of their children, and strengthened the teachers. Cooperate with parents in moral education.

Third, strengthen the training of behavioral norms and change the mental outlook of students

Good daily behavioral norms are the foundation of good ideology and morality. Each semester, the class teacher and counselor make full use of the morning meeting class and the class team class to positively publicize and educate the students' behavior habits. The moral education team and the brigade department take the "five regular competitions" such as outwork, discipline, and health as the starting point, and urge students to develop good behavior norms.

1. Carry out the idea of ​​experiencing education and regard fostering education as the focus of moral education.

Each class teacher makes full use of Morning Week to strengthen daily behavioral education for students. The Young Pioneers Brigade called on all young pioneers to pay attention to civilized etiquette and maintain campus environmental sanitation. The brigade department strengthened inspections by organizing “civilized class collectives” appraisal activities, so that daily results were announced in the brigade newspapers, and a number of “civilizations were selected each month. The class collective, with this education, guides the team members to develop good civilized etiquette habits in their daily study and life, and to be a good boy who is civilized, polite and disciplined.

2. Taking important holidays, anniversaries and major events as an opportunity to carry out ideological and moral education activities, improve the moral quality of the team members and enhance the pertinence of the work of the Young Pioneers.

3. In order to strengthen students' good traffic behavior habits, students will consciously abide by traffic rules, maintain traffic order, enhance traffic legal awareness and safety awareness, improve self-protection ability, effectively avoid traffic accidents, and promote minors. grow healthy. Every semester, schools must organize “Student Traffic Safety Education” activities. Specifically, it includes: sending a “Grate for Parents” to all parents, advocating parents to strive to be a civilized traffic model in the minds of children, and to play the role of “small hand and big hand” and “big hand holding small hand”, “educating students and driving parents At the same time, we must inform the parents of the traffic organization opinions at the school gate and obtain the understanding and support of the parents. A traffic safety knowledge publicity window has been established in the school to regularly replace traffic safety knowledge content. Organized a class-based traffic safety knowledge blackboard review ratio. In the upper grades, a traffic safety essay competition was held with the theme of “Caring for Life, Safe Traveling” and “Contributing to Civilized Traffic Participants”.

Fourth, attach importance to daily safety education and establish a sense of safety protection

1. Conduct safety self-examination frequently. Safety is no small matter. The school leaders attach great importance to the safety education of students, and regard it as the primary task of moral education in schools. The school administration will have research and deployment for the second time. The teacher will have the inspection arrangement last time, which has formed a responsibility for safety work. And grasp the situation of co-management. The General Affairs Office of the school effectively repairs school buildings, facilities, equipment, etc., inspects and reinforced sports equipment and other open-air facilities, actively eliminates safety hazards on campus, and guards against the occurrence of campus safety stories.

2. Regularly carry out safety publicity and education. In order to effectively eliminate the occurrence of campus safety stories, the school's work committee and brigade department actively carry out safety education work based on standardizing students' daily behaviors, so that campus safety must be discussed at every meeting. The teacher insists on maintaining the discipline on the job, preventing students from accidental accidents, and making the safety education content deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In order to strengthen traffic safety education, the Working Committee and the Young Pioneers actively carried out legal education and discussed specific methods of legal education.

5. Holding moral education activities to promote campus culture construction

Receiving education in activities is the characteristic of moral education in small schools and the basic method of moral education. In order to improve the effectiveness of moral education, this school, the school moral education team, the Young Pioneers team to promote the construction of campus culture through the holding of rich and diverse moral education activities.

Reading education activities. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors", build a loving world and build a harmonious society. Building socialist spiritual civilization and developing advanced socialist culture. From the 9th to the 11th of this semester, the patriotic reading activities of “Let the world be full of love – build a harmonious society together” were organized throughout the school. Including a primary school reading essay competition with the theme of “Let the world be full of love – building a harmonious society together”, organize a primary school calligraphy and painting competition with the theme of “Let the world be full of love – build a harmonious society together”.

Efforts should be made to train students to become good children in the family, good students in the school, good teenagers in society, good friends in nature, and further improve the ideological quality of minors. In the first semester, there was no crime in the school.

Looking back on the next generation of work in this semester is to do better in the future. We are determined to continue our efforts in the future work, pragmatic and innovative, and further improve the effectiveness of the work of the Commission.

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