Work Summary > Summary of School Work

Summary of the "Sports Month" work

In November 2019, the third sports month of our school was successfully and successfully concluded. With the guiding ideology of "I am healthy, my sports, and I am happy", this sports month is a sports event that is well organized, grand and enthusiastic, and successful. The teachers and students of the school are enthusiastic and active, reflecting the high level of sports literacy and competition. It can be said that the school provides a stage for the students, and the students fully demonstrate their vitality and sports talents on the stage; the school creates a festive atmosphere, and the students truly enjoy the wonderful and fun learning of sports during the sports month. This is the enthusiasm of all the teachers and students of our school for sports, and it is the best embodiment on the fertile soil of Wuquanguoxiao.

First, the leadership attaches great importance to the cooperation between teachers and students.

The school leaders paid great attention to the holding of this sports month and studied the sports month work many times in the administrative meeting. In September, the Sports Month Preparatory Leading Group was established, and several meetings were held to listen to the report. In order to set the level of the sports month and develop the characteristics, from the formulation of the sports monthly plan to the development of various activities, everything is concerned, everywhere Implementation; the team leaders and class teachers of all grades can cooperate with the sports team to actively carry out various activities; the relevant departments of the school have given strong support from the aspects of propaganda and logistics; all the teachers of the sports team have worked together and cooperated with each other to The attitude of the master is actively and seriously invested in the organization and guidance of the sports competitions and school fun games of all grades. The success of the sports month is the result of joint efforts.

Second, ready to operate fully and orderly

The campaign was well-planned and organized. In early September, the “Five Springs Small Sports Month Work Program”, “Fun Sports Games Competition Rules” and “Radio Competition Competition Rules” were issued to all classes in the school. Each class has sufficient preparation time. The school sports work leading group has held the mobilization meeting of the grade leader, class teacher and the Young Pioneers Brigade. The school 's special blackboard newspaper, poster design, school radio station, etc. have played an active role in publicity. The responsible personnel of each activity project are in place, especially the leader and class teacher of each grade. After receiving the notice of the sports month, they can use the activity time and rest time to actively organize the students to strengthen the training; Each action from the field to the exit and each session can emphasize the requirements and correct them one by one. The spirit of the class teacher’s competitive spirit inspires students and greatly stimulates the enthusiasm of students to participate in sports. The level of the broadcast exercise in the sports month and the mental outlook of the athletes have reached a new height. Since the sports month has been paid attention to by the school leaders, the sports month can be carried out in an orderly manner in the organization and operation, and finally the various tasks can be successfully completed. This fully demonstrates the spirit of unity, progress, hard work and hard work of our teachers and students.

Third, the results show a remarkable style

This sports month is the third sports month held by our school. Under the leadership of the school leaders, the teachers and students are enthusiastic, active, and work in an orderly manner, and have worked hard for the success of the sports month and achieved remarkable results. The opening ceremony of the Games is nothing new and exciting. Admission to the class of students uniform, the pace is neat, spirited, and entered in order, showing the style of Wuquanguo primary school students. In this sports month, teachers and students have a strong sense of participation. More than 96% of the students in the school participated in the broadcast gymnastics competition. The students' earnest efforts, full of energy, and neat and coordinated movements really made people feel the vitality of youth. The fun games have nearly 900 schools. Many people participated in the competition for each individual item. Under the leadership of the school leaders, the competitions were in full swing, and the students’ strong participation in the competition created a wonderful picture for the sports month. Whether in the competition or off-site, you can see the intense scenes of the students fighting hard and the excitement of cheering and cheering. The students constantly cheered and cheered, and the sound of the movement was pushed to the climax. This sports month also held a fun faculty program, where teachers and students compete on the same stage. The teacher's skipping and basketball games show the spirit of teamwork and progress. It can be said that during the sports month, the sweat and tears of the students on the campus are the most. The laughter and the cheering sound are the loudest. The consciousness of unity and cooperation and the first is also the strongest. The sports spirit of "I am healthy, I am exercising, I am happy" has been fully reflected in the current sports month. The athletes in this sports meeting performed well, the competition was fierce, the scene was wonderful, and the results were greatly improved compared with last year. A group of sports seedlings with great potential emerged, which laid the foundation for the preparation of the track and field games and basketball games for the primary and middle school students next year. Good foundation. The teachers who participated in the refereeing of this sports meeting were serious, responsible, fair and just; they set a good example for the student referees. The logistics team and the planning team of the conference have done a lot of work. In order to timely award the prizes to the athletes, the teachers responsible for the awards have worked tirelessly and carefully.

The activities of the Games provided a platform for teachers and students to show themselves. It also issued a mobilization order to strengthen physical exercise to promote the healthy development of the body and create a harmonious society. There are also deficiencies in the development of the Games. For example, some work is not done, the organization is not in place, etc. In the future work, we will strengthen the internal and external publicity of sports work. Various fitness promotion activities are carried out in a planned manner. Use a variety of activities to continuously improve and strive to make people's sports work better. Let more teachers and students participate in physical exercise to promote the comprehensive development of quality. In the future, we will also draw more experience and learn lessons with greater enthusiasm, and look forward to another grand event in the coming year.

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