Work Summary > Summary of School Work

Summary of business inspection in the national period

On November 2nd - November 5th, four days of the teacher's lesson plans, assignments, lists, records, and notes were systematically checked. The overall situation was better. Except for tiered operations, the remaining twenty items are not falling, and the content is detailed and standardized. Details are as follows:

First item: lesson plan

The progress of the teaching on the title page is completed, and the remarks are also stated. The date and serial number of the lecture are all and timely. The second lesson preparation can be combined with the actual situation to modify, adjust, from the goal to the link, to the summary of the book, some are refined on the original basis, some are to delete the original to add new content, big changes, small adjustments and reorganization make the teaching design closer to The student's reality highlights the rationality, interest and effectiveness. It reflects the people-oriented teaching philosophy.

After the class, everyone's reflections on the content are slightly different. Basically, starting from the teaching content, according to the content and the difficulty, what method is used for teaching, then how to improve the teaching effect, how to improve the thinking, and improve themselves The role of quality.

Second item: homework

This item covers a total of six small items. The completed projects include: homework, workbook, accumulation, and diary. The above four items are not falling, and all the batches have been fully reformed and have encouraging and guiding evaluations. Everyone's work is indeed done more carefully. Pre-study assignments are also available and comprehensive. But losing its effectiveness, stratification is basically blank. Li Yinli’s completion of the above two major items

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