Inspirational story

A national middle school student struggles from a monthly salary of 800 to an annual salary of 400,000.

I met her in 08-09, when I opened a technical consulting company with my friends. Later, a website that did points and found us, saying that their system stability is too bad, ask if we can solve it. When the company was close to my home, it was my responsibility.

There are quite a few people in the company, but there are only a few people who do the technology. The main contact with me is my ex-wife and another young man. After talking about the program for a while, I started to intervene in their development process. At that time, my ex-wife was responsible for the most content, so I dealt with her a lot.

Her code was a bit messy, so I asked her what she was. She said that she graduated from a university and later went to the training class of Beida Jade Bird.

We generally like to laugh at the students in the training class for several reasons:

1. Job resumes are written exactly the same. The first time you receive the resume of a student in a training class, you may feel pretty good, know a lot of things, and participate in the project is also a bit interesting, and the words are also the head. Then, when you find that the next 30 resumes are almost exactly the same, you will want to say that I don’t want one of the resumes.

2. Lack of self-learning ability. Many people went to the training class because they felt that they did not have the ability to self-learn. After I went there, I felt that the task that I learned was the teacher. Such a student, even if he finally learned everything the teacher taught, is often abolished, because something that changes a little bit can't be learned.

3, many teachers and training institutions in order to pursue employment rates, teach a variety of resume interview skills, and even help students cheating. Unified teaching, so resume and speech are a taste.

4, because of ignorance and arrogance.

I personally never despise any student who comes out of the training class. However, for this phenomenon, there is naturally no respect for those who cannot jump out. She is a little different, very polite to me, asking everything, wanting to know anything. I am very kind to anyone who can learn with humility and have a certain understanding.

I found out that her biggest problem is that she doesn't understand the coding habits at all. Even to the extent that it is basically completely unnecessary. She was writing ASP at that company, the code was noodle code, a page can go to thousands of lines, but none of the functions. Naturally encountered problems and do not know how to solve, there is no simple debugging skills. More importantly, problems have been found and problems have often changed.

So, I began to teach her what is a function, what is abstraction, why the code should be neat, why should indent alignment.

After she learned these things slowly, the quality of the code improved a lot, and the problems were less and less.

She is very happy and said to invite me to dinner. I had a lot of income at the time, and of course I wouldn’t let the girl invite me to dinner, so I asked her to eat. Later, more and more contacts were slowly formed, and later they were together.

After she was together, she told me a lot of her previous stories.

Her hometown is in a rural area, her parents are farming, her sister has been working in Beijing since childhood, and her brother is also working outside. Her national performance was not bad. When she arrived in the middle school, she didn’t have any thoughts in school. As a result, the middle school did not finish school and dropped out of school. Help parents to cook, put sheep, and do some farm work. When she was 16-17 years old, when her sister returned to her hometown, she said that when she was so small, she would be abolished at home. If she didn’t go to school, she would go to Beijing to work.

She came to Beijing like this. Her sister just married a local man and gave birth to a child. Her first job in Beijing was to help her sister bring her children. One year later, the child went to kindergarten. She and her sister were at the small restaurant at the door, working in the guest house, serving dishes, washing sheets, laying sheets and so on.

Later, her sister felt that she had to learn a craft, so she went to the barber shop to work. Because her sister learned very quickly, and she will come to the event slowly, she became the pillar of the barbershop and became a good friend of the female boss. Then one day, the female boss of the barbershop asked her sister if she wanted to open the store herself. Her sister actually agreed with her ambitions. She went home and made some money. I borrowed some money and took the store down.

Then she went to school with her sister to learn about haircuts.

This is a small barber shop in Beijing Hutong. The clients are all neighbors, and the grandfather is the master. She is an apprentice in such a barber shop. The monthly salary is 800 yuan and she lives in her sister's house.

One day, a young man had a haircut. The young man was wearing a suit and carrying a clean briefcase. It looked very spiritual. She rarely sees such customers and talks about it. The young man said that he graduated from Beijing University of Technology. After graduation, he went to a Peking University Jade Bird Learning Program. Now he can write 8000 for a month. She was stupid at the time. The entire hutong was full of Beijing's rough men. They all did some nonsense. She had never seen a young man who was working hard and earning so much money.

She asked a question that changed her life. She asked, can I go to school programming without graduation in China? The boy said yes.

So, although she never touched the computer, although she didn't know what programming was, she already had an ideal, that is, she was a programmer, earning 8,000 yuan a month.

She talked with her sister, her sister said, you have not graduated from the middle of the country, your brain is not good, you can't learn, the programmers are all smart people. She didn't really know if she could learn, but 8,000 yuan was too tempting, and she continued to hang around her sister.

Finally, her brother-in-law asked how much it would cost to learn from Beida Jade Bird. She said that it takes 8,000 to buy a computer and 10,000 to learn. Her brother-in-law said that the money we have, since Shantou has this idea, let her try it. If we don't learn the computer and don't ruin it, we can keep playing games and watching movies . Her sister did not agree with the two men and finally agreed.

So, I bought one at home and signed up for the Beida Jade Bird.

She said that when she was in class for the first time, the teacher said after class, please copy the information of today to the u disk, and then shut down the class. She was bored for a day and finally said two words to the person next to him. One sentence is asking what is the u disk, and the other is asking how to shut down.

Half a year later, after the training ended, she began to look for work . She worked hard and found the first job of 1800. She was fired in less than three months because there were not too many things. The second job, 2000 yuan, did not finish three months. When I met her, this was her third job, and she barely did it. Although the code was not well written, it was not fired. At that time she earned 2,400 yuan a month.

I asked her at the time, 2400 is more than 800 dollars, but as an apprentice to eat and pack, 800 does not cost much, and after more than one year and two years, the salary can rise to more than 2-3000. The programmer is actually okay.

She said that when she found her first job, she bought a white shirt, trousers, and small leather shoes, feeling that she was a white-collar worker. In the past, haircuts and trays were like waiting for people to live. Moreover, she feels that she is not doing a good job now, earning less reason, and she will earn 8,000 yuan in the future.

Later, her company was in trouble with our company, and wanted to rely on the consulting fee, and even took me and her to talk about things. My partner went to sue the company, we won, and got the consulting fee. I told her that the company was too nonsense and that she had a good job and let her resign.

Later, I told her that PHP is bigger than the ASP market. She started learning with me for a while, then found a new job and earned more than 4,000 a month.

Later, we got married, she was pregnant, and gave birth to our little baby, Hao. After weaning, she wants to go to work, hoping that I can help her find a level of work that can be raised and can be exercised.

I asked my friends at the time. I have a good friend, Lao Liu, who was responsible for technology at a certain company. He just missed someone. I told him about my ex-wife's situation. He said that although our relationship is good, can you frankly say what the level of your wife is. I said that PHP is a beginner. I have written ASP for a few years. The level is average and the experience is not enough, but the benefits are very smart and very willing to learn.

Lao Liu said, let her come, but I will explain it first, even if it is your wife, I should criticize it and it will not be soft. You have to think clearly, don't be crying when I am, and go away, it will waste everyone's time and energy.

I explained the situation with my ex-wife. Lao Liu is very good at technology and very strict with people. He will grow up very quickly under his work, but his temper is very straight and will not take special care for you because of our relationship. If you If you can't work hard, you probably won't be able to stand firm.

As a result, she promised to be full of confidence.

Then she got off work on the first day. When she got home, she cried and hugged me. I said it was awkward. She said that the old Liu Wei was too embarrassed and asked too much. She cried all day.

I said, then forget it, where can't find a job.

She said, no, I think Lao Liu is right, so I strictly demand that I will grow very fast.

So, every day, going home is crying, but the more you cry, the less you cry.

One day, I called Lao Liu and asked her how she did it. Lao Liu said that the foundation is really bad, but people are really eager to learn. How can they just cry, never lose their temper, cry out and do things seriously, and then go. After turning positive, she was paid 6,000.

Today, Liu and my ex-wife are still friends.

After another year or two, my business in Beijing failed and I wanted to go to Shanghai for a grand job. She also wants to go to Shanghai with me. Lao Liu, the company, was very reluctant to give her, and even gave her permission to continue working remotely. However, due to the problem of network delay, it was very inconvenient to work, and finally resigned.

After she had no work, her mood was very bad and she was often bored. We often quarreled. I just discussed with her. Instead of looking for a job now, I would like to take the opportunity to learn iOS development. The industry is starting, there are many opportunities, it is easy to get a high salary, and now I can stand on the same starting line with many senior programmers. It is very cost-effective.

She later listened to my study at home, but it may still lack the environment and lack of confidence in iOS. She learned very slowly.

Later, once again, a friend asked me to drink tea, and I took her. That friend complained to me with enthusiasm, iOS programmers are not easy to find, the price has been opened to tens of thousands, and no programmer has been found. We talked about this project together, the project itself is very interesting, but because we can't find the right person, we basically stop working and idling. I secretly pinched her hand.

Then, I said, my wife is doing iOS well, but I have been helping a friend's outsourcing project recently, and can't walk away, or let her help you after the project is over a month later. That friend is very happy. I will continue to ask, if she comes over, how much can you open. He said, you say a price. I said 12,000. That friend promised.

Going home, I asked her, 12,000 a month, double the salary, do you have motivation to learn?

She said that too much, I promise to learn.

A month later, she went to work and was elated. But when I got back from work, she said that the project was complicated and I didn't know if I could get it. I am also a bit worried. After a few days, she said, our boss wants to invite you to dinner. You will pick me up after work this evening. Let's have three meals together.

My heart said, is it bad to do it, is it to be fired?

When I got there, I whispered a few words, and I asked awkwardly, how was she doing? Her boss is very happy to say that it is very good. Something that has not been progressed for a few months before, and now all move, it is my savior.

Later, after more than a year, our two feelings became worse and worse, gradually drifting away, slowly feelings are not in the end, and finally divorced.

After the divorce, she returned to Beijing. Under the introduction of a friend, she entered 360 and earned a monthly salary of 15,000. At that time, 360 of her department, most of them were from Microsoft, at least 4-5 years old programmers. She is the worst in technology, but she has a good relationship and is very good at learning. She quickly gained a foothold.

More than a year later, many colleagues jumped into the slot and pulled her. Finally, she followed a wave of colleagues to another company that is currently in full swing, with a monthly salary of 19,000.

Later, after more than a year of work, she moved to another BAT-level company with an annual salary of 400,000.

In the first few days, after I joined the job, she forwarded the email to me. It was her letter to HR. The content is:

I sent you a resume saying that I graduated from a certain university, but in fact my highest education is in the middle school and I have not graduated. I have been self-study for many years after the training of Beida Jade Bird, but I used to serve 360 ​​and a certain company. My colleagues in these companies know that my academic qualifications are very low, but they can prove my ability to work. I gave you a fake resume before I was afraid to brush it off when I first screened it. Now that I have passed all the written interviews, I don't want to deceive you. If you feel that my qualifications are unacceptable, please take back the offer. If you feel that you can accept it, I will be able to apply for the job immediately.

Finally, the company's HR reply sent her to work as soon as possible.

After working in the company for a few weeks, she was already the backbone of her team. Later, the department leader also looked for her and thought that she did a good job. She hoped that she would switch to the team leader of this group, but she felt that she should still study in the technical field for a while and temporarily refused.

I have seen many and many examples, so I see that people never look at the starting point and only see if one person is working hard.

I am very embarrassed to list her salary at each stage. In fact, I want to say that this is a slow process from a monthly salary of 800 to an annual salary of 400,000. It is very simple to say, but there are actually countless hardships.

I used to tell this story to a lot of people. Some people said that she was lucky and met me. I am also very contented that during her growth, I helped her a lot. However, I think that what I can do is only the role of the catalyst. The essential reason is that she is a right person. When I meet someone like me, I can accelerate my growth. If I don’t meet me, maybe I will grow slowly, but I will grow up.

People are the greatest animals in the world. The reason is that, from a physiological point of view, we are actually not much different. Everyone is similar. However, in spirit, each character is very different, and everyone is born with unlimited potential. Every soul who wants to constantly improve itself and hopes to keep moving forward is great.

There is no end in front, everything has its possibilities. I believe that most readers of this article have a higher starting point than my ex-wife. She does not have any talents, but she is persistently pursuing her own happiness and growth.

Although we finally chose to separate, I have always admired her beliefs. I believe that the majority of my readers will far exceed my ex-wife and far beyond me. Because you are younger and have a chance to know a lot earlier, I have only learned the truth today. You are also promising, don't let down my good wishes.

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