Inspirational story

Can stand the test of adversity

In life, there are often countless blows from the outside, but how these blows will affect you, the final decision is in your own hands. ——Peterson

Grow like a mushroom

Jiang Qinfeng

Ziyan is a newcomer to a real estate company. The trial period is three months, and the salary is doubled after the official recruitment. From the day she received the offer, she developed an ambitious “five-year plan”: a one-year salary increase, three years as a business backbone, and a department manager within five years.

On the first day of work, after she went to the Ministry of Personnel, she was placed in the administrative department. Colleagues saw that she was only faintly beating, and they were busy with each other. Purple smoke has nothing to do, and my heart feels a little lost. The next day, she took the initiative to go to the manager to ask for a battle. The answer was: "You came to work, mainly to learn more. Now there is nothing special for you. You will see the opportunity." In the days, the purple smoke gradually became busy, and finally realized that the so-called "seeing the opportunity to act" turned out to be a mixed errand. After a while Zhang San said: "Ziyan, help me to make a copy of the material." After a while, the phone rang, Li Si said: "Ziyan, go to pick up the phone." After a while, the office's pure water is drunk, she has to contact Water company. Operators, typists, transceivers, cleaning staff... Everything is dry, and it’s a good job to say that it’s a good job. The time is not long, the purple smoke is very cold in the heart, so I am also a graduate of the university, and they are actually called as a ring, they are simply dark!

Purple smoke never imagined that the more "dark" days are still behind. That day, the manager handed her a printed notice of the meeting and let her communicate immediately. Purple smoke called the department manager to meet at 11 am tomorrow. At 10 am the next day, the purple smoke was called to the conference room. There are only a few people sitting in the conference room, and the CEO is also present. In front of everyone, the manager violently thundered, "10 o'clock meeting, how do you inform people to meet at 11 o'clock, even a sentence can not tell, what else can you do?" The kind of arrogant posture, can not allow her to distinguish, purple smoke Cried and left the meeting room. In fact, yesterday’s notice was indeed 11 points. Obviously, it was a typist's mistake. The purple smoke was received by the generation and was worse than Dou.

A hope that the company has donated is about to be completed. At the completion ceremony, the CEO will make a 10-minute speech. A few days ago, Ziyan issued a "tofu block" in the evening newspaper, which happened to be seen by the boss. The CEO gave the task of writing the speech to the purple smoke, and specially approved that she did not have to come to the company to work in three days, just concentrate on writing a good manuscript. It can be seen that the boss attaches great importance to this matter. Ziyan knows well that this is an excellent opportunity to change the status quo, so he did his best to learn from his life, and his manuscripts were finally released, and thousands of words were sprinkled. The CEO looked very satisfied and did not change the word. That night, Ziyan specially watched the completion ceremony in front of the TV. The CEO’s speech was very successful and was interrupted several times by warm applause. From the face of the boss's beaming eyes, Ziyan also saw his hope. But she was too optimistic. From then on, the boss saw that she was still as usual, just nodded in a courtesy manner, and never mentioned the speech.

The three-month trial period is coming to an end. Purple smoke is still a "handyman" and the outlook is bleak. The previous ambitions were thrown into the sewers early. Which company is willing to pay for a dispensable person? Obviously, my life in the company is only 90 days.

On the last day, Ziyan was depressed and was sorting out personal items, preparing to go home, and the boss called her to the office. "I have been observing you for a long time. I am missing an assistant, and you are the most suitable candidate. Little girl, do you have confidence?" The boss's words were concise, and he had extended his hand to her passionately. Purple smoke was not prepared for thought, and the sudden "change" caused her to be overwhelmed. In the panic, she even extended her left hand to the boss.

Ziyan just walked out of the office, the boss suddenly stopped her, "Do you know how the mushroom grows?" This seems to be out of the blue, and the purple smoke shook his head in confusion. The boss went on to say: "First of all, put it in a dark corner, then pour a large dung, then ignore it and let it die. Only the mushrooms that grow in this environment are the best." Cheerful, my heart has been hoarding for a long time, the depression has been swept away, and I walked out of the boss's office easily.

Many people have experienced similar "mushrooms". Newcomers are often placed in dark corners, placed in departments that are not valued, errands, sometimes blamed, and they are not blamed. Guidance and support. When newcomers first enter the workplace, they are mostly energetic and motivated, but often too idealistic. It is not a good thing to do "mushrooms" for a few days, because no matter how good you are, you can only start from the simplest things. This will help the newcomer to eliminate some unrealistic fantasies, temper the will, and thus grow down on the ground.

You have to pursue work, don't let the work pursue you. - Franklin

The value of life, the meaning of life, and the way in which it is embodied, many advanced figures have set an example for us. Even if you look at the mountains and rivers, you still have to think about the peaks and turns. Without a bit of hardship, what is the plum blossom? Adversity gives people valuable opportunities for tempering. Only those who stand the test of adversity can become true powerhouses. Human life, like a flood, is not rushing to the island, the reef, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves.

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