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Kindergarten management system

A ## city nursery school living system is a reasonable living system is an important factor to ensure children's physical and mental health, is conducive to the normal development of children's nervous system, protect the function of the digestive system, and cultivate children's good habits. A scientific and rational living and rest system is a prerequisite for completing educational tasks and is conducive to children's physical and mental health.
Reasonable arrangement of daily life schedule
1. The younger the age of sleep, the longer the sleep time, the more the number of times, the sleep of 3 days in early childhood, the sleep of the preschool children 2 nights, the nap time is about 3 hours in summer, the winter is about 2 hours, and the nighttime sleep time is not less than 10 hours. .
2, eating 4-5 times a day in early childhood, "three meals a little" in the pre-school period, the interval between two meals should not exceed 4 hours, at noon between the lunch and dinner at about 3 pm.
3. The development of children's attention in preschool age is still unintentional attention, and the stability is poor. After 5 years old, the intentional attention will be gradually developed. The attention can be concentrated. The small class is 10-15 minutes per class. 20-25 minutes, big class 25-30 minutes, 9-10 am morning, the youngest child's mind is the most clear, energetic, usually two morning homework classes should be arranged in the morning, games or outdoor activities should be arranged in the afternoon, 10-15 minutes between classes Rest time, let the eyes and brain get enough rest, eliminate fatigue, small classes should be 1 class per day, gradually transition to 2 classes, 2 classes per day in the middle class, 2 classes per day in the big class.
4, outdoor activities Time depends on the season of the region, at least not less than 2 hours a day, of which 1 hour is a sports activity, so that children can fully contact nature, to prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections, rickets, strong body and body, is of great significance.
Example of daily life schedule

Time content
7 : 30
8 : 00
8 : 20
8 : 40
9 : 00
9 : 30
10 : 00
10 : 40
11 : 20
11 : 30
12 : 00
12 : 10
2 : 30
2 : 50
3 : 05
3 : 20
3 : 40
4 : 10
4 : 50
5 : 00
5 : 30-6 : 00

Entering the gym, exercise, breakfast, free activity, teaching activities, teaching activities, middle games, game activities, self-selected activities, finishing lunch, walking, nap, getting up, noon, noon, free time, teaching activities, game activities, finishing dinner, leaving the park.
3-7 years old children's life schedules According to the different ages and seasons of children, each park has a daily life and rest system. There must be sufficient outdoor activities, pay attention to the combination of movement and static, and the main content of children's daily life such as sleep and meal. Reasonable arrangements are made for the time, sequence, number and interval of activities, activities, games and assignments.
Second, ##市托托生机构食食食管理
1. Children's food should be responsible for special personnel, democratic management, establishment of a meal management committee, regular meetings, listening to opinions and research to solve a food problem, and continuously improve quality.
2, a group of food expenses should be dedicated, careful calculation, planning expenses, reasonable arrangements, a meal cost of less than 2%.
3. Make a meal plan every month. According to the seasonal supply situation, formulate recipes every two weeks, replace them regularly, and carry out regular nutrition calculation according to the requirements of grade kindergartens to ensure children's various nutrient intakes, meet the supply requirements, and meet the growth and development. need.
4, on time to open the meal, do not delay in advance, children should not eat less than 20-30 minutes, to ensure that children eat comfortably and happily, it is strictly forbidden to reprimand children when eating.
5, accurately grasp the number of children attending, to make the main and non-staple food per day according to the amount of people, do not eat the rest of the day.
6. The food is purchased by the special person according to the actual needs. The purchased food requires fresh and high quality, and is checked and accepted by a special person every day, and an acceptance book is established.
7, the main food inspection income library, inventory should not be too much. All kinds of food should be collected according to the required amount, and the inventory of the chassis per month. The warehouse is kept by a special person, and the inbound accounts are established. The warehouse is kept clean and tidy. The containers need to be covered, and the warehouse must have anti-rat facilities.
Nutrition management establishes a nutrition management system to provide children with reasonable nutrition. A nursing room should be set up in the garden where the baby is taken, and a milk bank can be set up to ensure breastfeeding. Add supplementary foods in time to ensure children's dietary balance, meet their normal growth and development needs, and carry out nutritional calculations and analysis on a regular basis.
Dietary hygiene
1. Strictly implement the Food Sanitation Law. The kitchen deli utensils and utensils are disinfected and scrubbed regularly, and the rags are boiled and disinfected once a day. Disinfected utensils are kept safe from contamination. The pool of meat, vegetables, bowls, and mops should be separated and marked to keep the kitchen clean and clean.
2, do not buy, do not process spoiled food. The cooked foods that are bought must be heated and burned before being eaten. Cooked foods and beverages cannot be stored directly in plastic drums or lead drums. Food preservation requires fly-proof equipment.
3. Children should wash their hands with soapy water before eating and when preparing meals for children. The table should be disinfected with disinfectant.
4, cultivate children's good eating habits that are not picky eaters, not partial eclipse.
5, the fruit should be washed first with water, peeled or peeled and then eat.
6. Before the cook is on the stove, wash the hands with soapy water before touching the cooked food, and wear a mask, a hat, no long nails, no wearing measures, and no smoking during operation. Take off your work clothes before going to the toilet, then wash your hands with soap. Take food clips or chopsticks for cooked food, and do not use your hands.
Third, ## city care institutions physical exercise system
1. Organize games and sports activities that are suitable for infants and toddlers in an organized manner. In particular, pay attention to physical exercise for infants under one and a half years old, and do one to two passive exercises and active and passive exercises for infants every day. Gymnastics or active games.
2, in normal weather, there must be sufficient outdoor activities, adhere to more than two hours of outdoor activities every day, strengthen winter exercise.
3, physical exercise should be combined with life, games, gymnastics, etc., to create conditions, make full use of natural factors such as sunlight, air, water, etc., plan to exercise children's physique.
4, physical exercise should be prepared, pay attention to preparation activities before exercise, and finishing and relaxation activities after exercise, exercise carefully to observe the child's reaction.
5, exercise should be regular and gradual. The amount of exercise and exercise should be appropriate for each age group. Special care should be given to individual frail young children.
IV. ##市托生生机构健康检系统Children entering the physical examination system Children entering the nursery school, kindergarten requirements:
1. Children entering kindergartens and kindergartens must go to the health care institutions designated by the health administrative department for health checkups; the medical examination units should carefully fill out the “Children's Health Care Archives for Children in Zhejiang Province and Kindergarten Children's Health Archives” and sign medical opinions.
2. When receiving children, nurseries and kindergartens should check the “Zhejiang Children's Nursery School, Kindergarten Children's Health Archives” and the 0-2 year old children's health system management summary or the province's “Infant and Child Health Book”. Only qualified students can enter the park. . The admission and physical examination results are valid for 30 days. When children enter the park, they must also collect the Zhejiang Provincial Nursery School, Kindergarten Children's Health Archives and the Vaccination Record Card.
3, physical examination found that B liver surface antigen positive and e antigen positive or alanine aminotransferase increased temporarily will not enter the park, the hospital, after treatment, liver function tests every 3 months, 3 times in a row You can enter the park and the place.
4. Children who have left the park, have more than one month of history, or have a history of hepatitis contact should be quarantined for 42 days. They must be confirmed by physical examination before they can re-enter the park.
5. Children must be re-examined when they transfer to the park, or when they enter the kindergarten from the nursery.
The regular health check-up system for children conducts regular health checks and establishes child health records. Infants within 1 year of age have a physical examination once a quarter, 1-3 years old children have a physical examination every half year, children over 3 years old have a physical examination once a year, visual acuity and body length are measured once per semester, body weight is measured once every quarter, and the results are recorded in the provincial health department. Designed "Zhejiang Nursery School, Kindergarten Children's Health Archives".
Morning inspection system
1. Health doctors should work closely with the insured staff to adhere to the daily morning check to prevent sick children or healthy carriers from entering the kindergarten and ensure the health of the group children. The morning check-up time is for children entering the park from 7:15-8:00 in the morning, at the entrance to the morning or at the main entrance of the kindergarten.
We must conscientiously follow the requirements of the morning inspection and do a good job; second look; three questions; four checks. This is the basic content of the morning inspection, and new content can be added according to the actual situation of each park.
2. Children with infectious diseases or suspicious persons found in the morning check should refuse to enter the hospital. The parents should take them to the hospital to confirm the diagnosis or leave the isolation room for observation. For general minor injuries, children's activities may not be restricted, and drugs will be returned to the class. The nurses will take medication and care. For the class in which the child diagnosed with the infectious disease is located, medical quarantine and disinfection should be carried out.
3. Fill in the morning inspection record in detail after the morning inspection. Patiently and enthusiastically answering parents' health advice and introducing kindergarten health care work.
Midday, evening patrol and full-time health watch system
1. Health doctors should conduct full-time health observations for young children. Visit the entire park several times a day and observe the children carefully. Listen to the teacher's introduction, find out the sick children in time, and isolate the treatment as soon as possible. And in the inspections to correct and eliminate behaviors that do not meet health care requirements and insecurity.
2. Midday inspections focus on children's meal hygiene. The requirements are: children wash their hands before meals; meals are divided into one dish, one bowl and one spoon per person; 30 minutes before meals, no vigorous activities; meal time is not less than 30 minutes. It is necessary to pay attention to the dining civilization, eat and chew slowly, do not rudely urge the children, or fill the duck-style feeding. The dining environment should be beautiful and pleasant, and playing light music between meals can help increase appetite and digestion and absorption of food.
3. Another important aspect of the midday inspection is to check the child's sleep hygiene. The requirement is: put down the bedroom curtains and create a good sleeping environment and atmosphere. Every child has a pillow and crosses to avoid flying infection. The bedding is required to be light and soft, the indoor air is circulated, and the temperature and humidity are suitable.
Boarding kindergarten children routinely brush their teeth and wash before going to bed at night. It is not advisable to do intense activities 30 minutes before going to bed, or watch stimulating film and television programs to avoid children's nightmare or night terrors.
Children's Pre-Parking Inspection System Full-time kindergarten children should leave the park every afternoon and health practitioners should strengthen the number and scope of health visits. Because at this time, children's emotions are especially excited and excited, and it is easy to cause accidents. Teachers and parents should cooperate with the publicity and education of children to leave the park safely, and discover and deal with accidents that may occur in time.
Staff health check-up system Nursery, kindergarten staff health check requirements:
1. Nursery and kindergarten staff must go to the maternal and child health care institutions at or above the county for a health check every year. The health check-up unit should fill out the “Zhejiang Nursery School and Kindergarten Staff Health Checklist” item by item. New recruits must undergo a health check before taking part in the work.
2. After the medical examination of the staff is qualified, the health inspection unit will issue the “Zhejiang Nursery School and Kindergarten Staff Health Certificate”, which is uniformly printed, and will be certified.
3, the state of the legal infectious disease, trichomonas and fungal vaginitis, suppurative skin disease, mental health care workers, cooks, before the cure, may not engage in the work of the education, the work of the cook.
4, found dysentery, typhoid, viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases, must leave the treatment. Suspected hepatitis cases should be temporarily removed before they are diagnosed. After the hepatitis patient has obtained the hospital's recovery certificate, it must be observed for half a year, during which the liver function test is performed every 3 months, and the work can be resumed after three consecutive normal operations.
The symptoms of the patients with dysentery disappeared. Three days after stopping the drug, the stool was cultured for 3 consecutive times to resume work.
5. If the staff member leaves the post for more than one month due to illness, he or she should be examined again by the maternal and child health care institution at or above the county level to obtain a physical health certificate before returning to work.
V.##市托托生机构 卫生卫生与消毒隔系系统
1. Child care institutions should pay attention to sanitation and disinfection work, determine a head of the hospital, health care doctors to conduct business guidance, strengthen supervision and inspection, monthly summary, check and appraisal before the end of each semester, reward lazy, reward and fine.
2, to establish a sound indoor and outdoor environmental cleaning system, a small sweep every day, a large sweep every week, should be wet cleaning. It is necessary to eliminate pests such as mosquitoes and cockroaches.
3, keep indoor air circulation, sunny, at least open the window every day in the winter, 10-15 minutes each time, indoors must have anti-grave, fly, heatstroke and heating equipment, play teaching aids, etc. should be regularly disinfected, overhauled, updated .
4, the toilet should be clean and ventilated, regularly cleaned and disinfected. The potty for infants and young children should be dumped immediately after use, brushed clean, and soaked daily with disinfectant. Children over 4 years old use a squat toilet seat.
5. Cleaning appliances are reserved for each shift and kept clean.
6, the height of the table and chair should meet the requirements.
Personal hygiene
1, children's daily necessities should be dedicated to special personnel, and do a good job of disinfection.
2. Children should wash their hands with soapy water before and after meals.
3, children over the age of 3 use the correct method to brush their teeth in the morning and evening, and gargle after meals.
4, boarding children should wash their hair regularly, take a bath, wash their feet and wash their ass every day. The washing of the buttocks is divided, and the towels are disinfected every week. Cut your nails once a week and cut your toenails once every two weeks.
5, children's clothing should be kept clean, clothes, sheets should be washed frequently, bedding every two weeks.
6, to maintain children's vision, indoor lighting should be noted, lighting meets the requirements. When watching TV, the distance between the child and the TV should be 5-7 times the diagonal of the TV. The time is not more than 30 minutes at a time, and the height of the TV set is parallel to the line of sight.
7. Develop good hygiene habits for children. Do not urinate and spit, do not litter waste, etc. When taking a nap, take off your coat, take off your shoes, and correct bad sleep habits such as hooding, eating your hands, and eating horns.
The personal hygiene of the staff keeps the instrument clean and tidy, does not wear a ring during working hours, does not wear heavy makeup, does not wear high heels, does not spit, does not smoke.
Disinfection isolation
1. Preventive disinfection and cultivation of children's good hygiene habits, develop hand washing before and after meals, diligently cut nails and other personal hygiene and public health habits.
The canteen hygiene should implement the "Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China" and strictly implement the "May 4th" system. Kitchen utensils should be cleaned frequently, disinfected once a day, and utensils, napkins, etc. should be disinfected.
Environmental sanitation should be institutionalized. Take a combination of special person cleaning and collective cleaning on a regular basis. A small sweep every Monday and a big sweep every month. Zoning and filming, responsibility to people, regular evaluation, rectification within a time limit.
Indoor sanitation is a small sweep every day, sweeping a week. Make the window clear, no mosquitoes and rodents; diligently play the window to keep the air fresh. Indoor air disinfection, at least once a week. Objects that are in constant contact with caregivers and children should be cleaned and disinfected, such as towels, teapots, faucets, health cards, cups, cup holders, teaching aids, tables and chairs, door handles, etc., disinfected once a day. The indoor floor is towed 1-2 times a day, and the bedding should be exposed frequently, once a week, often keeping the floor clean. Sheets and quilt cover are changed once every half month. Immediately after use, the toilet should be rinsed, then immersed in the disinfectant and reused after 1 hour. The shelf of the toilet is disinfected 1-2 times a day with disinfectant water. The toilet should be cleaned with the disinfection water every morning and evening, so that it is free of dirt and odor.
2, isolation disinfection of each park to set up the isolation room, the last two or more, according to different diseases for medical observation and disinfection and isolation. For isolation room supplies, the following items must be provided; isolation bed, treatment table, thermometer, tongue depressor, stethoscope, syringe, basin, towel, flashlight, cleaning utensils, treatment and disinfection drugs.
Found infectious diseases to register the disease. Report to the local epidemic prevention department and the maternal and child health care institution in a timely manner, assist the epidemic prevention department to do the disinfection at any time or at the end, and make a good record of isolation. The patient must return to the park or return to work after the quarantine period has expired.
In the event of an infectious disease in the park, children and staff members who have been in contact with the patient should be medically quarantined, isolated and observed, and disinfected at any time. During the quarantine period, no new students will be accepted, and children in the park will not be mixed and do not commute. Daily necessities and tableware are stored separately from other classes and cleaned and disinfected separately. After the quarantine period, asymptomatic people can be quarantined.
After the child leaves the park for more than one month or returns, he should ask the parents if they have a history of contact with infectious diseases. If there is: quarantine is required, and the doctor can prove that he is healthy and can enter the park until the quarantine period expires.
6.## City nursery institutions disease prevention and control system
1. Health care for child care institutions should implement the “precaution-oriented” health work policy, and under the guidance of the higher-level health department, do a good job in the prevention and prevention of health care for collective children.
2. Do a good job in preventive vaccination. The child care institution should closely contact the local epidemic prevention department to keep abreast of the epidemic situation. Vaccination is carried out for young children by age, season, time, full, full, and standardized to improve the overall immunization level, and various vaccination rates require more than 95%.
3. Strengthen the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Through morning check and full-time health check, you can keep abreast of the incidence of young children in the whole park. Early prevention, early detection, early isolation, early treatment. Eliminate the source of infection as soon as possible, cut off the route of transmission, and protect susceptible children.
4. For children or suspected infectious diseases, they should immediately go to the isolation room to observe or inform the parents to take them to the hospital for treatment. Thorough terminal disinfection should be carried out on the child's class. People who have close contact with children should be medically quarantined and prevented with drugs.
5. Strengthen the prevention and treatment of common diseases in children. Reduce the incidence by taking comprehensive measures. Pay attention to the project management of the frail children and strengthen the individual key health care.
6. Carry out health education, use various forms to publicize health knowledge, teach common sense of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, improve children's education personnel's understanding of health science, and improve the level of health care. It is also necessary to strengthen home contact, strive for parental understanding and support, and jointly promote children's physical and mental health and reduce disease.
VII, ##市托托机构 Institutional health care system eye care system
1. Establish a regular eyesight examination system. At least one eyesight and eye position examination should be performed every year for children over 4 years old, using a national standard eye chart or a logarithmic eye chart. Children with abnormal vision were found early and given positive correction.
2, to maintain vision related measures indoor light should be sufficient, try to use natural light, indoor lighting meets the requirements: children do not read or write in the light too strong or too dark environment; continuous reading, writing time no more than half an hour; training children good Reading and writing, the distance between the eye and the book is 30-35 cm, the book is 30-40 degrees from the tabletop; when watching TV, the time should not exceed 30 minutes, and the distance is greater than the diagonal of the TV. 5-7 times; educate children not to rub their eyes with their hands, pay attention to eye hygiene; prevent the occurrence of eye trauma in children.
Oral health care system
1. Establish a regular oral examination system to conduct an oral examination of children every six months and find that the dental caries are treated in time.
2, health care measures after eating mouthwash, brush your teeth in the morning and evening; use health care toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste; control the intake and intake of sugar and sugary foods; topical fluoride.
Hearing care system
1. Establish a hearing test system to conduct a hearing test when a child enters the park, and review children with high risk factors and objectively poor reactions every year.
High risk factors for hearing, meningitis, JE, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, rubella, mumps, measles, malaria history;
Suffering from acute, chronic, suppurative, non-suppurative otitis media and repeated attacks;
Use ototoxic drugs: such as gentamicin, streptomycin, card oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol, quinine, etc.;
Have a history of epilepsy, convulsions or high fever of unknown origin;
History of head trauma: falls, bruises, bruises;
Living or living in a noisy environment for a long time.
Objectively ill children begin to learn to speak later than 11 months;
The spirit is not easy to concentrate, and the response is slow;
Unclear, language development lags behind children of the same age.
2, preventive measures to actively prevent risk factors that can cause deafness.
VIII. ##市幼托机构 disinfection and isolation work Conventional kindergartens and nurseries are places where infants and young children are concentrated, and they are in close contact with each other. Once the infectious disease is introduced, it is easy to spread. Therefore, strict disinfection and isolation of child care institutions is of great significance to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases.
First, basic health requirements:
1. The health room should be set up, and a special person is responsible for the health care work. The health care teacher must receive the professional knowledge training of the maternal and child health care institutions in the city and above, and pass the examination and pass the qualification certificate.
2. Establish an isolation room as a temporary isolation observation for patients with infectious diseases.
3. Kindergarten and nursery staff should conduct regular health checkups. Those suffering from acute and chronic infectious diseases and pathogens should not engage in direct contact with food, utensils and infants. After recovery, the health certificate of the maternal and child health care institution above the county level can be resumed.
4. New children must undergo a health check before entering the park. They can enter the park after passing the examination. Children in the park and children should have regular health checkups.
5, holding the "Zhejiang Children's Vaccination Certificate", and according to the regulations, those who are vaccinated can enter the park.
6. Strict morning inspections and full-time health observation systems, health check systems, disinfection and isolation systems, absentee home visits, and parental contact systems must be established.
7. When an infectious disease occurs in a class, the infectious disease registration report should be done, and the health and epidemic prevention station, the maternal and child health care institution at the place where the child care unit is located should be reported in time, and the patient should be isolated in time. Medical observation of the child's class, no part-time and new students during the observation period.
8. When the infected person is found in the staff or the child's home, the director of the park should be reported. If necessary, the work of contacting food and children should be temporarily removed.
Second, disinfection and isolation work requirements:

1. Health teachers should be responsible for the disinfection and isolation of the park, and be responsible for the disinfection technical guidance of the class and nutrition room.
2. It is necessary to do a good job in preventive disinfection and sanitation work. In the event of infectious diseases, disinfection and isolation should be done in a timely and strict manner according to different disease types. The disinfection method shall be carried out according to the requirements of the attached table, and shall be subject to the supervision, monitoring and business guidance of the local maternal and child health care institutions.
3. Tableware, towels, toys, indoor air, etc. in the child care institution must be disinfected regularly according to the regulations, and the relevant hygiene requirements must be met.
4. Accept the regular supervision and monitoring of the local maternal and child health care institutions.
Third, the nutrition room disinfection and health work requirements:
1. The layout of the dining hall should be reasonable, clean and harmless. The tabletop, tableware, and cabinets should be kept clean, and meals should be disinfected one meal at a time. Non-canteen staff and supplies should not be placed or stored.
2, the staff should do a good job in personal hygiene, earnestly do three white, four diligence, wash hands before and after work.
3, food purchase must have an acceptance system, do a good job of food quality preservation, fresh food, raw food should be stored separately, the food should be cooked and cooked, now burned, eat the food, eat the food, do not eat overnight leftovers Leftovers; food tigers must be cooked and cooked separately, and the cooked food containers need to be disinfected before use. Cold and cold vegetables should not be served.
4. Conditional child care institutions and newly built or expanded units should set up cooked food establishments. Small nursery institutions must have a deli cabinet.
Fourth, isolation observation room disinfection requirements:
1. The isolation observation room shall not be located in a room close to the classroom or canteen and a place accessible to children.
2, the two diseases can not be isolated at the same time, the children must be thoroughly disinfected after leaving the room.
3, the isolation room must be equipped with the following items: isolation clothing, thermometer, tongue depressor, syringe, basin, towel, soap, flashlight, toilet, disinfection drugs, cleaning utensils, medical records.
4, indoor items must be dedicated, and disinfected as required, without

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