Secretarial knowledge > Conference speech

Reflection material on maintaining the advanced nature of party members

Maintaining Party Member's Advancement Education Learning Reflection Materials

In accordance with the unified arrangements of the Party Committee of the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and under the meticulous organization of the company branch, I conducted in-depth study on Comrade Hu Jintao and Comrade Zeng Qinghong's important speeches, and made a profound analysis based on their own ideas and work. Now the results of personal learning and reflection are reported as follows :

First, through study, I deeply understand the significance of the central government's education on the advanced nature of party members in the new era.

Advancement is the fundamental feature of Marxist political parties, and it is also the life and strength of Marxist political parties. The construction of advanced nature is the fundamental task of the Marxist party's own construction. Grasping the construction of advanced nature, it also grasps the fundamentals of party building and grasps the key to strengthening the party's ability to govern and consolidating the party's ruling status. Carrying out the educational activities of maintaining the advanced nature of party members with the main content of practicing the "Three Represents" as the main content of the whole party reflects the consistent policy of our party to strengthen its own construction and is a major strategic measure to maintain the long-term stability of the party and the country. It is our party. Correctly responding to the realistic needs of complex and multi-deformation is an important guarantee for the comprehensive realization of the historical revitalization of Shenyang's strategic position, and an urgent requirement for effectively solving the outstanding problems in the party members. Therefore, we must profoundly understand the historical background and significance of the advanced nature education activities, and consciously unite our thoughts and actions into the central decision-making and deployment.

Second, to maintain the advanced nature of party members, educational activities put forward new standards and new requirements for the company's development and branch construction

Comrade Hu Jintao put forward the clear requirements of "six persistences" to maintain the advanced nature of party members, namely: upholding ideals and convictions, unswervingly striving for building socialism with Chinese characteristics; persisting in diligent study and improving practice in a down-to-earth manner Representing the "essential ideology"; upholding the party's fundamental purpose, always making the party for the public and governing for the people; persisting in diligent work, conscientiously creating first-class work performance; adhering to the party's discipline and practicing the party's Unity and unity; adhere to the "two musts" and keep the political qualities of the Communists. This "six persistences" is not only a new summary of the advanced nature of party members in the new era, but also a new requirement for the party members to maintain their advanced nature. It is also a new requirement for the company's work and branch construction. Therefore, we must closely understand and grasp the spirit of Comrade Hu Jintao’s "six adherences" from the close integration of the company's current development environment and development goals, especially in light of the 2005 work objectives, and study and propose the spirit of the times. Reflecting the willingness of all employees and the specific requirements and standards for maintaining the advanced nature of the company's Communist Party members in accordance with the actual conditions of reform, all party members have a standard in the analysis and evaluation of educational activities, and there are directions when rectification and improvement, and there are norms of normative behavior in daily work and life. In the face of the test, there is a standard of distinguishing between right and wrong, fully demonstrating the spiritual outlook and good image of the Communists in the new era.

Third, there is still a certain gap between the current development of the company and the construction of the branch and the requirements of my personal thinking and work and advanced education.

In contrast to Comrade Hu Jintao's "six persistences", I found that there is still a certain gap between the current development of the company and the construction of the branch and the requirements of my personal thinking and work and advanced education. Specifically in:

1. There is still a certain gap between our market awareness, competition awareness and risk awareness and the requirement to maintain the advanced nature of party members. The ability to control the market economy is still not strong. We need to further strengthen market awareness, cultivate the ability to take the initiative to find and develop new markets, form the advantages of self-operated projects as soon as possible, and continuously develop new economic growth points and profit growth points.

2. Our ability to manage, optimize the structure and layout, and the requirements to maintain the advanced nature of party members still have a certain gap. After more than half a year of hard work, the company's various businesses have been on the right track and are in a period of rapid development. It can be said that our team and our branch are strong in combat and are a pioneering and innovative team. However, the reform of state-owned enterprises is a new, challenging and exploratory work. The reform of the state-owned assets management system and the continuous deepening of state-owned enterprise reforms have prompted us to constantly strengthen our study and training, and to fulfill the duties of the funders as soon as possible. With the professional skills and knowledge, we constantly improve our ability to cope with various complicated situations and heavy work, and strive to build the company into a learning-oriented enterprise, truly fulfilling the three requirements of “excellent quality, high ability, and exemplary behavior” required by the party secretary of the higher level. standard.

3. As far as I am concerned, there are mainly two gaps. First, since the work of Hengxin Company, due to more transactional work and more work pressure, Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the study of the three important ideas have been relaxed, and attention has been paid to the work of the branch. Not enough, not fine enough; Second, for the same reason, the time for deepening grassroots investigation and analysis and solving problems in the work is relatively small, and the care and guidance for grassroots party members and comrades need to be further strengthened.

4. In response to the gap, the specific rectification measures to be taken in the next step

1. Reinforce learning and highlight a "true" word

According to the requirements of the Secretary of Xiangxiang: To carry out advanced education activities, we must thoroughly study and carry out the whole process of education activities. Through learning, we can truly understand the great significance of education. This is the premise and foundation for carrying out advanced education activities. In contrast to the instructions of the Secretary of Hunan, both the branch and myself must make strengthening theoretical study the top priority of advanced education activities. On the basis of ensuring learning time, content and personnel, we must focus on two aspects of in-depth study. First, we must strengthen the theory of communism and the study of the party's various principles and policies. We should familiarize ourselves with the party constitution, relive the pledge of joining the party, and constantly strengthen the ability of all party members to understand the profound meaning of advanced education. Second, we must focus on improving party members' awareness and focusing on solving problems. Improve work ability, solve problems of ideals and beliefs, and effectively achieve the goal of armed thinking and quality improvement.

2, deep into reality, highlighting a "first" word

First, we must conscientiously connect with the actuality of thinking, truly put ourselves in, strengthen the training of party spirit, further clarify the connotation of the advanced nature of party members in the new era, and figure out what can and cannot be done, what must be adhered to and what must be opposed. Enhance political immunity. Second, we need to get in touch with the actual work, go deep into the people, go deep into the grassroots, and seriously carry out investigations and studies. We must pay attention to finding outstanding problems in the construction of advanced nature, and pay attention to discovering specific problems in actual work and linking the two problems. Thinking. Third, we must solve the outstanding problems as an important criterion for testing the effectiveness of educational activities. We must pinpoint the issues that the people and the grassroots are most concerned about and most urgently need to solve, and promptly resolve and timely rectify them. Make sure to learn, think, check, and improve.

3, physical practice, highlighting a "band"

First, we must take the lead in taking part in the study, take the lead in class teaching, take the lead in soliciting opinions, take the lead in guiding the work, give full play to the exemplary role of the head of the branch, use the driving effect to mobilize the majority of the party members, and strive to prevent "hot and cold, ensure The advanced nature education activities will not go through the scenes and grasp the actual results. Second, we must further strengthen the leadership of the branch work, and gradually improve the ability of the branch to promote enterprise development, ideological and political work, training and using talents, and management of party members' education, in a down-to-earth manner. The work has driven all party members to set an example of "the true thinking, the true understanding, and the true use of the three representatives."

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