Secretarial knowledge > negotiation skills

How to negotiate with American businessmen

Due to the status of the United States in international trade, the characteristics of American culture brought to the negotiations are compelling. In general, Americans' personality is usually extroverted. Therefore, some people have summarized the characteristics of Americans as: exposed, frank, sincere, enthusiastic, confident, and endless, pursuing material practical interests. To do business with Americans, "yes" and "no" must be kept clear. This is a basic principle. When you are unable to accept the terms proposed by the other party, you must clearly tell the other party that you cannot accept it, and not be vague, so that the other party has hope. Some people do not lose the opportunity to continue to negotiate, they will be ambiguous in answering the intention to accept, or promise to answer later and actually do not answer, will lead to disputes. In the event of a dispute, we must pay more attention to the attitude of the negotiations. We must be sincere and serious, and never laugh. Because in the eyes of the Americans, when there is a dispute and there is a dispute, the two sides are in a bad mood, and the smile must be pretending, which will make the other party even more angry, and even think that you have already claimed it. Negotiate with Americans and never name someone. It is absolutely impossible to accuse a client of a company's shortcomings, or to use something that has previously been rubbed with someone as a topic, or to expose the shortcomings of a company in a competitive relationship to depreciation. This is because when Americans talk about third parties, they will take care to avoid hurting each other's personality. This must be kept in mind, otherwise it will be despised by the other party. Americans pay more attention to the packaging and decoration of goods. This is because in the United States, packaging and decoration have an important impact on the sales of goods. Only novel packaging and decoration that conforms to international trends can stimulate consumers' desire to purchase and expand sales. In the United States, the cost of some daily necessities spent on packaging is a large percentage of the cost of goods. There is an incorrect understanding that Americans are very rigid in doing business, and they are not at all human. In fact, Americans are a melting pot of people. The American tradition is that people who are engaged in business, especially Jewish descent, have the strengths of doing business.

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