Secretarial knowledge > negotiation skills

Experts also said that foreign trade negotiation skills

The most common way to trade in foreign trade is to talk about buying and selling in the Canton Fair, the fair, and the trade fair. 1) Preparations before the foreign trade negotiation interview a) Customer survey. Mainly to find out the other party's credit status. That is, the customer's reputation, funds, etc. b) Commodity research. Mainly understand the customer's requirements, prices, shipping costs, etc. c) Negotiation plan. According to the conditions that the other party may propose and accept, and the maximum acceptable trading conditions and minimum concessions that we have determined, combined with the specific situation of the customer and the development trend of the international market, we will formulate several sets of negotiation plans and do a good job. Preparation for the price comparison. d) Negotiating members. The main speaker must be a person who is proficient in foreign trade and professional technology. 2) Foreign trade negotiation skills a) The theme of the negotiation should be clear, and gradually push forward to the predetermined negotiation objectives in the negotiation. b) The negotiations began with the implementation of our draft. c) Find out the other party's intentions. d) Analyze the conditions of the other party, those who can agree, those who can not agree. e) Pay attention to the way of speaking. Don't simply answer the other person with “row” or “no”, you can answer why “walk” or “no”. Explain in professional jargon, this will have a multiplier effect. f) Pay attention to the confidentiality of the reserve price, try not to let the other party know; for the other party's price, don't use the simple "impossible: to answer, ask the other party what price, what kind of quality, what kind of standard ... to find out the loopholes in the other party's price, give the other party a description of the situation, which requires the main talker must be proficient in professional technology. Sometimes foreign businessmen only know some fur. 3) Foreign negotiating styles a) Japan: Japanese business is very Pay attention to face-to-face contact and negotiation, not accustomed to telegraph, telex, telephone-type contact. If the middleman has a certain status, after the introduction and face-to-face negotiation with Japanese businessmen, the effect will be better. Japanese business attaches great importance to interpersonal relationship. At the beginning of the meeting, if you use a nod or a slight sigh, you will receive a better effect than shaking hands in Japan. The Japanese often say "Hay", only that he understands what you said, does not mean that he agrees with you. You don't misunderstand what he promised you. In business negotiations, Japanese businessmen pay attention to the other's feelings, tone, tone and other subtle changes and reactions, which will avoid the positive side. Disputes or embarrassing situations will use indirect statements to disagree with your views. They will not easily agree to sign the contract before they can find out the true intentions of the other party. The Japanese foreign trade is generally subject to collective agreement. They are used to Engage in long-term, reliable and comprehensive contract terms. Once an agreement is reached, it is accustomed to solve problems on the matter and solve problems privately. It does not advocate to solve the problem by the notary office. b) United States: Americans like to talk while eating, generally negotiate business, best Start at breakfast. Talk to Americans about business, don't have too much etiquette. Americans are generally energetic, outgoing, enthusiastic, confident, and decisive, in the trade negotiations, to achieve maximum benefit. In addition, Americans are good at bargaining, And it can naturally lead the topic to this aspect. Americans are very interested in packaging. When negotiating, they attach great importance to packaging. Because in the United States, packaging is very important for the sale of goods. My American friends have a small package problem. Talk to me for a month and a half. c) Britain: British people are not like Americans, they The preparation work is not very full, but it has its own characteristics: etiquette, friendship, good at communication, and makes people feel happy. There are three taboos for talking with the British: First, don’t wear striped tie, second, don’t want to be in the UK. The royal family's private affairs are the topic. The third is not to say that they are British. To say "Great Britain", this will make them very happy. d) France: The French do not like you to ask too many personal problems, especially private matters. When doing business, try to avoid the above topics. French people like to use French as a negotiating language, prefer to reach an agreement on the main terms of the transaction, then talk about the contract provisions, and repeatedly mention all the terms of the transaction in the negotiations. e) Germany: The Germans are very rigorous and rarely bargain with you. Once they bid, they don't like to make a counter-offer. They are less flexible and will not make major concessions. The Germans focus on choosing the right negotiating object and are very good at it. Work with you to solve problems. Pay attention to decent and pay attention to form. For a businessman with a title, he must call his title. Also, shake hands with them when you meet and say goodbye. f) Northern Europe: Some businessmen in the Nordic countries are much quieter than American and French businessmen. At the beginning of the negotiations, I often speak silently. After listening to what you have said, I will raise his questions, talk frankly, and be good at discovering and grasping the opportunities to achieve business. Value the old company, if your company is established for a long time, don't forget to tell them. g) Canada: Their businessmen do not like to do small profits but quick turnover business, do not like the price to change, like long-term cooperation. h) Australia: Merchants like people with decision-making power to negotiate with them. They don't like the price change. Once the price is determined, the price issue will not be discussed. The above is my little experience, for your reference, welcome criticism.

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