Secretarial knowledge > negotiation skills

Nine tips for business negotiation

Business management experts have consistently emphasized that successful business transactions rely primarily on the art of negotiation, and that most successful businessmen are negotiators, making it easy for them to complete a transaction. Listening to a negotiator usually asks a very sharp question and then listens patiently to the other person's opinion. Business experts say that if we learn how to listen, many conflicts are easy to solve. The key to the problem is listening to the art that has become forgotten, and many businessmen are busy determining if others are hearing what they are saying, rather than listening to what others are saying to them. Adequate preparation To achieve the success of commercial negotiations, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible beforehand. For example, what is your customer's needs? What choice do they have? It is essential to do your homework in advance. Merchants with high goals and high goals do better. The more you expect, the more you get. The seller's offer price should be higher than they expect, and the buyer should still have a lower price than they are prepared to pay. Patient management experts believe that whoever has the flexibility to schedule time has an advantage. If the other party is in a hurry, the patience can have a huge impact on them. Satisfied If you are satisfied with the other party during the negotiation, you have already succeeded in half. Satisfaction means that the basic requirements of the other party have been met. The best way for the other party to first find out if the negotiating party is eager to achieve is to persuade them to speak first. They may hope for something lower than what you want to give. If you open your mouth first, you may pay more than you actually need. Do not accept the first bid for the first bid. If you accept it, the other party will think that they can actually press the price again and make a decision before the counter-offer. Concessions in commercial negotiations, do not make unilateral concessions. If you give up something, you must get something from the other person accordingly. If you don't do this, the other party will ask you for more. Leaving If a transaction is not going in the direction of your plan, you should be ready to leave. Never negotiate without a choice, because if you negotiate in this situation, you will put yourself at a disadvantage. Source: Sohu

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