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Logistics opening report

Graduation design topic: Design and content of logistics warehousing information management system with intelligent cargo management function:
This graduation design mainly designs the logistics warehousing information management system with remote maintenance and intelligent cargo position management function through the analysis of the current domestic and international logistics warehousing information management system and the logistics enterprise food warehouse management. Finally completed the graduation thesis.
The research of logistics and warehousing information management system involves the whole process of inventory management, including receiving, warehousing, inventory, picking, delivery, settlement, customer management, reporting, inventory statistics and so on.
Unloading management Unloading management refers to the unloading operation of goods transported by trucks, trains, ships and other means of transport during the logistics process, and the removal and movement of the unloaded goods, and preliminary classification.
Inbound management Inbound storage management refers to detailed tally finishing of goods that have been unloaded according to the standards of variety, product name, material, and customer unit. The goods are placed in a certain order in the warehouse in a certain order for stacking operations.
Inventory management inventory management refers to the management of goods stacked in warehouses, including tally, palletizing, and shifting.
The outbound management and outbound management means that the goods to be picked up are transported from the warehouse and loaded to the trucks, trains, ships and other means of transport out of the warehouse according to the customer's delivery requirements. Includes handling and loading operations.
The billing management collects the inventory fee and other expenses according to the weight of the goods to be picked up and the storage time, including the warehousing fee, the warehousing fee, the pressure deposit fee, the transfer fee and the like.
Going out the inspection management to check the goods on the loading vehicle, and if the check is correct, release it. This includes checking the quantity, weight and delivery procedures of the goods.
Combined with the analysis of the logistics company warehousing system process, the specific contents of the warehousing logistics management system are as follows:

Warehouse logistics system process structure diagram This system is completely based on the Web, developed in the Microsoft Visual Studio integrated environment, with Access database system as the background data management tool, combined with the use of XML implementation, which ASP technology in the database dynamic query The field has been widely applied, in addition to being simple and flexible, it also has the following characteristics:
1) Use Jscript, Vbscript and other easy-to-understand scripting languages, combined with HTML code, to quickly create a website application.
2) Compile without Compile, easy to write, and can be executed directly on the server side.
3) Regardless of the browser, the client can browse the webpage designed by ASP by using a browser that can execute HTML code.
4) ASP is compatible with any ActiveX Scripting language. In addition to Jscript or VBscript language design, you can also use other scripting languages ​​provided by third parties, such as Perl, Tel, etc., through Plug-in. The script engine is the COM object that handles the program.
5) The source code of ASP will not be transmitted to the client browser, thus avoiding the plagiarism of the written source program and improving the security of the program.
6) The script on the server side can be used to generate the script of the client.
7) ActiveXServer Components are infinitely scalable. Can use Visual Basic,
Java, Visual C++ and other programming languages ​​to write the required ActiveX server components.

The main steps to implement ASP dynamic database operations are as follows:
1) Set the database source name. On a Windows 9X or Windows 2000 system, run the Console // ODBC Data Source Administrator and add the System DSN as prompted.
2) Create a database connection.
Set Conn=Server.Create0bject.
3) Call the Open method to open the repository. Such as: Conn.Open "data source name".
4) Create a data object. Such as: Set rs = Conn.Execute
5) Perform various operations on the database.
6) Close the library objects and connections.

The function of the logistics warehousing information management system with intelligent cargo space management is to establish an internal and external information communication platform, realize workflow automation, and realize document management.
As far as the needs of social information construction and economic development are concerned, strengthening the construction of logistics and warehousing information management system has considerable practical significance and development prospects. Specifically, there are mainly:
1, can greatly improve work efficiency: the computer can do a lot of complicated labor instead of labor.
2, save operating costs: including time and paper.
3. Standardized unit management: Make some unregulated workflows orderly.
4. Improve the competitiveness of enterprises: It can improve the cooperation efficiency of trading partners and optimize supply channels.
Information has become another major resource after labor, land and capital. The more information that is controlled, the more efficient the use of information resources, who will have a place in all aspects of competition, who will have more advantages.
The material supply department is the bridge and link between the enterprise and the production unit, and is the material security department for the normal production of the enterprise. Just because the supply department is a key transit link, the establishment of a material management information system is of great significance for how to effectively supply the production materials required for production in a timely, quality and quantity. Microscopically, the establishment of a material management information system can speed up the turnover of materials and improve production efficiency, thereby strengthening the informationization means of management and improving the economic benefits of the unit. From the perspective of the giant view, it conforms to the informationization and socialization trend of the society and shortens the cycle of the entire socialized production.

Design plan and schedule:
March 12th - March 15th, discuss the overall goals and general framework to be realized by the system, divide the specific work, and arrange the work progress. Write the opening report, task book.
March 16th - March 22nd, find the information, find relevant documents according to their different functional parts. Choose to install and familiarize with the development environment, install the development software and database software, write system analysis reports, and be familiar with the basic process of the system.
March 23rd - April 20th, continue to find relevant information, draw data flow chart, analyze each functional module, modify and improve functional modules and data flow diagrams, design database, input and output design and code design . Improve the database and unified database and code format. Write a literature review and foreign language translation.
From April 21st to May 30th, find the data writing program, debug and run during the production process, view each function module, and improve the incompleteness. Analyze the situation of each module, further improve, and wait for the program to accept. According to the program writing the paper, determine the writing specification of the paper.
From May 30th to June 5th, the paper will be further improved in the later period, waiting for the thesis to reply.

Main reference materials:
[1] Zhou Nan, Ma Yunlong. Design and implementation of warehouse management information system based on B/S mode. Journal of China Agricultural University, 2002, 7: 68- 71.
[2] Zhang Wei. One of the key technologies of logistics modernization - Electronic Data Interchange. Logistics Technology and Application, 1998, 3:17- 21.
[3] Zhong Jiaming. Design and Implementation of Management Information System Based on ASP. Modern Computer. 2002, 5:96- 97.
[4]Janak Singh. The Importance of Information Flow with in the Supply Chain. Logistics Information Management, 1996, 9:28- 30.
[5] Mei Xiaoyong, Sun Jianping, Xiao Zhenghong. System Design and Implementation Based on Dynamic Rule Construction[J].Microcomputer Development,2002,:12214.

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