Work report > opening report

How to write the opening report

After doing all the preparations, the comprehensive practical activities are faced with the problem of opening the topic. How to open a question? In fact, the most important task of opening a question is to write a report on the opening of the question, and write a report on the opening of the question. The task of opening the question is basically completed. What is the opening report?

The opening report is the topic selection plan approved by the project leader on the basis of investigation and research after the subject direction is determined.

How to write a report on the opening?

First of all, we need to sort out the materials collected in the preparation work, including the name of the project, the content of the topic, the theoretical basis of the topic, the participants, the organization and division of labor, the estimated time, the estimation of the funds, and so on. Then we can start writing the opening report.

The first is the formulation of the title: our topic has been established in the preparation work, so the title of the opening report is not a problem, just write the subject of your research directly. For example, I have instructed a group of students to study the culture of Lunjiao, such as "Lunjiao Cake", Lunjiao Woodworking Machinery, and Lunjiao Cultural Relics. The proposed title is "Research on Lunjiao Culture".

Of course, I have to master some basic skills. First, the title should not be too long, and should be concise and clear. Second, it must be accurate and simple. It cannot be made for the sake of good-looking, but it is unintelligible. Third, the language should be standardized. In order to be sensational, people intend to use some plausible vocabulary in the title, or simply move some new slogans, and the results are not correct.

The second is the writing of content. The main contents of the opening report include the following parts: 1. Background of the research.

The so-called subject background mainly refers to the reason why this topic should be studied. Therefore, some topics simply refer to this part as "proposing the problem", which means why the question is asked, or the subject is raised. For example, a topic I have been guiding, "Research on Lunjiao Culture", in the background section, is that in the wave of reform and opening up, Lunjiao, as a corner of the Pearl River Delta, has developed rapidly in the economy, what is its cultural development, and what achievements? What impact on residents and what to improve. Of course, there is a lot of content in the background, which can be either a social background or a natural background. The key is what we are identifying. Second, the content of the research.

The content of the subject research, as the name suggests, is what our subject is to study. For example, the topic of “Foshan New Eight Views”, which is directed by Mr. Huang Wei of our school, is: “With Foshan’s new eight scenes as the focus, we will investigate the historical, cultural, and cultural development of Foshan’s history and culture, and combine the development trend of Foshan’s economy. Develop a feasibility report and development plan for cultural tourism with new Foshan, new eight scenes and new weather."

Third, the purpose and significance of the research.

The purpose of the research should be to describe the situation you want to achieve in this study or the results you want to achieve. For example, the research topic of “Re-taking the Long March” guided by our teacher Ye Shaozhen is described in the column of research objectives:

1. Reappearing the long march, reminiscent of the great achievements of the Red Army soldiers, and have a deeper understanding and understanding of the Long March general situation, the difficulties and obstacles encountered during the Long March, and the long march spirit.

2. Through the division of labor, cooperation, exchange, display and explanation among the group students, cultivate the spirit of cooperation and self-display.

3. Through this activity, the information technology of the students will be improved and the information literacy will be further improved.

Fourth, the method of research.

In the section on "Methods of Project Research", we should present the guidelines or procedures for solving this problem. In general, research methods for research-based learning include: field survey methods, questionnaire survey methods, person interview methods, and literature methods. In the research of the subject, it is necessary to propose relevant research methods based on the actual situation of the subject, and it is not necessarily comprehensive, as long as it is practical.

Fifth, the steps of the research.

The steps of the research project, of course, are the steps that the subject is going to use to achieve the purpose of the research. So the problem that should be considered in this part is that your subject is probably ready to be completed in a few steps. In general, the basic steps of the research are nothing more than the following aspects: preparation stage, data review stage, field investigation stage, questionnaire survey stage, interview stage, data analysis and collation stage, summary and reflection stage of the subject.

6. Participation of the participants and organization of the project.

This is a management area for the research of this topic, but it cannot be ignored. Because management is not in place, students can't clarify their responsibilities, sometimes they are lazy or push each other, and sometimes they do repetitive work. Therefore, the division of labor of the participants of the project is indispensable. It is best to divide all the students involved in the research into several groups. Each group selects the group leader through democratic elections. The group leader is responsible for the task assignment and implementation of the group. Then, according to the situation of the subject, the relevant research tasks are divided into several parts, and one group is responsible for one part. Finally, the group leader organizes the personnel to summarize and organize.

7. Estimated funding for the project.

If a topic is to be carried out, it will inevitably require some funds to start. Therefore, we should finally estimate the amount of funds needed for this topic, such as how much money is needed to collect the materials, the out-of-office expenses of the field investigation, and the cost of printing and distributing the questionnaire. The site fees to be occupied by the research team, some topics need to purchase some related materials, printing reports such as report and other information. The so-called "the army has not moved, the grain and grass first", there is not enough funds to back up, the subject research is bound to be difficult, stretched, and even halfway. Therefore, the funding of the project must be estimated at the beginning of the opening of the project, and it is necessary to plan for the best of this topic.

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