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English undergraduate thesis opening report

1. Sources of research and its significance: For a long time, due to the entrenched traditional methods of teaching language, the teaching of high school English reading has largely escaped the main task of "cultivating reading ability" and became a test-oriented test. The sentence-by-sentence translation of the service and the cumbersome syntax analysis. The status quo is mainly as follows: reading class pays too much attention to the grammar and vocabulary knowledge, but ignores the cultivation of students' practical language ability; emphasizes the teacher's orientation, and the light student's subjectivity and humanistic spirit. As a result, not only the neglect of the role of classroom questioning in reading teaching, students swallowing in the classroom, rote memorization, simply imitating sentence patterns, and students generally have a comprehensive understanding of the whole article, reading speed is slow, Lack of analytical problems, the ability to solve problems, and the interest to actively participate in reading teaching, the reading classroom presents a tedious phenomenon. This status quo has hindered the further development of reading teaching. According to the spirit of the new curriculum standard, the purpose of English teaching in high school is to develop the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing on the basis of Chinese and English teaching; focus on cultivating reading ability and the newly edited high school English textbook in reading The center highlights the central position of reading teaching in high school and embodies the principle of "English teaching in high school focuses on cultivating reading ability". It can be seen that English reading teaching is the focus of high school English teaching. Its purpose is not only to let students learn language knowledge, to obtain the information provided by the article, to understand the connotation of the article, but more importantly, to enable students to master the methods and skills of reading. Gradually cultivate language learning ability. The questioning in the classroom is related to the quality of English reading teaching, which is the key to the smooth progress of the reading teaching process. Classroom temperature is a process of teaching activities. It is usually the teacher who asks questions, guides students to use the knowledge they have already learned, answers the questions raised by the teachers, improves the analytical ability, and thus acquires new knowledge. It is the most frequently used teaching method in reading classroom teaching. This is exactly the same as advocated in the new curriculum standard, focusing on quality education in reading teaching, encouraging students to actively participate in teaching activities, and completing reading teaching through activities such as perception, experience, practice, participation and cooperative inquiry. Tasks and achieve English reading teaching goals. At the same time, the use of classroom questions in reading teaching also fully reflects the basic concept of reading teaching "student-centered teaching ideas, highlighting the subject of students, respecting individual differences." According to this, in order to change the mode of traditional reading teaching, when we are reading the classroom teaching, the teacher can ask a series of questions before reading, so that students can solve their curiosity and curiosity with the purpose and purpose of reading. Their reading ability. The articles provided by sefc textbooks are extensive in content and rich in genre. Among them, narrative and argumentation are the main ones. Teachers should design different problems according to different styles and reflect the characteristics of different genres. Teachers should also take the classroom as the stage for students' English practice activities, and use the content of the text as a topic to organize students to discuss, discuss, evaluate, extend and learn from the speech practice activities, so as to give play to the main role of students in reading teaching and cultivate their positive. Thinking ability and creativity.

Moreover, some foreign linguists explored the process of reading a second language from different angles in the early 1960s, and created and enriched the theory of foreign language reading teaching. The linguist Luria believes that "complex reading comprehension has at least three links to form the exact meaning of the word; grasp the syntactic relationship between words and words and the complex structure composed of words." His words pointed out the process of reading comprehension The importance of Chinese language knowledge. In 1967, Goodman proposed a new reading theory with the help of psycholinguistics. He believed that reading is a complex process of psychological language activities, which is the result of the interaction of author, language information and readers. With the development of psychology, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics and textual linguistics, people's discussion of reading theory has deepened. In the early 1980s, Carrol et al. proposed the "modern schema theory." It emphasizes the role of the reader's cultural background in the process of reading comprehension. At present, people have different views on the study of English reading teaching in China. Especially in the reading teaching mode, there are mainly two different opinions: one is the "bottom-up" mode, and the basic way of reading teaching is to teach words first, then to sentences, and finally to the full text. The other is the "top-down" model, emphasizing "reading is a psycholingual guessing game". In addition, the domestic reading teaching theory also believes that the reading process is an active, purposeful, creative psychological process. Advocating teachers should keep students in a proactive state in reading teaching. Through the overall grasp of the whole article, the article information can be obtained, the language knowledge can be mastered, and the reading ability can be cultivated. With the continuous deepening of the reading teaching process at home and abroad, the importance of reading teaching in English teaching will become more prominent. How to stimulate students' interest in reading in reading teaching, how to make it creatively solve the problems closely related to real life caused by text topics, so as to improve students' reading level, and change from examination to quality education will become a common concern. A big problem that needs to be addressed.

This topic intends to explore how to use the classroom questioning skills in the context of foreign language teaching methods. On the one hand, students can grasp the comprehensive understanding of the article faster and more accurately according to the problem, and get a better understanding of the internal information of the article. On the other hand, because the content of this topic appears very little in the current English reading teaching, and the research of this subject will make up for this deficiency, and also the teaching skills adopted by teachers in reading teaching. A reference is provided. Its theoretical and practical significance will be very significant.

2. Research goal: According to the different content of the text, carefully design the questions in the various aspects of reading the classroom teaching, in order to guide the students to actively participate in the reading teaching, so that they can read the article with questions and provide as many students as possible. The opportunity to use the language directly, allowing students to answer questions, analyze problems or discuss a problem, help students to maximize the intrinsic information of the article in a limited classroom, improve their reading speed, analyze problems and solve problems. To improve the quality of reading classroom teaching.

3, the content of the research: mainly explore how to design classroom questions in all aspects of reading classroom teaching to attract students' reading interest, guide students to become passive as active, actively participate in reading teaching, and improve in an active classroom teaching environment. Students' reading ability.

The research of this subject mainly solves the following problems:

Analyze the current situation of reading classroom teaching and propose the necessity of improving reading teaching by carefully designing classroom questions.

According to the actual situation in the process of reading teaching, explore and summarize the skill characteristics of classroom questions suitable for reading teaching.

Summarizing and exploring the appropriate use of classroom questioning techniques in reading classroom teaching can help to optimize the various aspects of reading classroom teaching.

4, the methods and means of research:, methods: investigation method, summary method, illustration method, teaching observation method, access to literature data method. The research methods of the subject are mainly based on actual application, and the theoretical research is perfected.

5, the progress of the study: in accordance with the arrangement of the department leaders and instructors, and in conjunction with the actual situation of thesis writing, carefully complete each step of the paper collaboration.


1. Cheng Xiaotang, Zheng Min. English learning strategy [m]. Shanghai: Foreign Language Education and Research Press, XX

2. Gui Shichun. New psycholinguistics [m]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, XX

3. Hu Chundong, Wang Cairen. English reading theory [m]. Nanning: Guangxi Education Press, 1998

4. Shu Dingfang, Zhuang Zhixiang. Modern foreign language teaching---theory, practice and method [m]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1st edition, October 1996

5. Shi Jianping. Five questions in high school English reading teaching [j]. Chinese English Teaching and Research, XX: 41.

6. Chi Kexiao. Designing innovative issues to optimize teaching links to foster innovative thinking [j]. Journal of Guangxi Education College, XX: 128.

7. Shen Zhengnan. A preliminary study on "open" classroom teaching in high school [j]. Chinese small foreign language teaching, XX: 11.

8. He Wenqin. A preliminary study on the art of high school English class [j]. Chinese small English teaching and research, XX:18.

9. Yang Lihua. Problem design in high school English reading teaching [j]. Tianjin Education, XX: 54.

10. Fan Yuhua. Carefully design classroom problems to improve classroom teaching efficiency [j]. Chinese small foreign language teaching, XX: 22.

11. Yu Bingqing, Xie Jianzhen. Make full use of new textbooks to develop students' reading ability [j]. Chinese small foreign language teaching, XX: 21.

12. Sun Manli. High school reading class introduction and summary of innovative teaching design [j]. Chinese small foreign language teaching, XX: 21.

13. Zhou Chunmin. Talk about high school English task-based classroom teaching design [j]. Chinese small English teaching and research, XX: 20.

14. Lin Songqing. Create a teaching activity situation to train students to create personality [j]. Foreign Language Teaching Research in Basic Education, XX: 56.

15. Ge Wenshan, Zhu Junshuang. Talking about the setting of problems in text teaching [j]. Chinese small foreign language teaching, XX: 6.

16. Zhu Huifang. Study the "English Curriculum Standards" and adjust the reading teaching strategy [j]. Chinese English Teaching and Research, XX: 24.

17. Du Xing. The use of discussion-based teaching in sefc textbooks [j], Chinese English teaching and research, XX:13.

18. Rufenfen. High school English reading lesson teaching [j], Chinese small foreign language teaching, XX: 17.

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