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English paper opening report

I. Thesis topic: classroom interaction and oral english teaching

Second, the research status:

For the relationship between classroom interaction and oral English teaching, domestic research mainly focuses on: constructivism model, which is an interactive model based on constructivist theory. Si Honghai is in the "constructivist theory and oral English teaching" Start with the "reflection" of the existing teaching model, and explore the necessity, feasibility, significance and role of introducing constructivism into English classroom teaching. In the "Constructionism and College English Speaking Classroom Teaching", Lu Yanchun and Lu Yaqin started with "Building a View of Knowledge", "Building a Learning View" and "Building a Teaching View", emphasizing the student-centered initiative and constructiveness. Role-playing mode Xu Zhimin and Wang Wei focus on the role of teachers in the interactive teaching of role-playing in the role-playing of interactive teaching in college English classrooms, which is of great significance for guiding teaching practice. Huang Yulan explored the purpose, steps, advantages and disadvantages of the role-playing teaching method from the role-playing role of "playing into the professional oral English teaching". The student-centered model has been studied separately. Huang Yingqiu advocates “student-centered” in the “Exploration of the effect of improving the oral English classroom teaching with students as the center”. "To achieve the "bilateral interaction" between teaching and learning. It also expounds how to use other "teaching strategies to improve the teaching effect of oral English" to promote the improvement of students' communicative competence. In Liu Lan's "Talking about English Speaking Classroom Interaction", it is proposed that interaction can create a "student-centered oral classroom and overall group work mode" to improve oral communication skills. The study of cooperative learning model is more common and prevalent. It emerged from the United States and was a teaching theory and strategy that made substantial progress later. Huang Yan puts forward the following cooperation modes in the "Cooperative Learning in the English Classroom of University", so that the advantages of this model are. Gu Xiaole proved the effectiveness of cooperative learning from the perspective of emotional drama performance in "Cooperative Learning and Melodrama Performance". Xiao Qiaoling explores the principles that should be noted in cooperative learning through the practice of cooperative learning in oral English teaching in the "Collaborative Learning in College English Speaking Teaching". In the article "Characteristics, Objectives, Contents and Practical Strategies of Cooperative Learning", Mu Dongwen treated the new ideas and guided oral English teaching with the principle of "humanistic spirit and equal democratic cooperation". Scenario setting mode It is mainly based on the linguistic situation of gillian brown & george yuled. The study of communication tension and anxiety of second language learners indicates that the oral situation setting is inappropriate, which will affect the students' communication with the target language, and then emphasize the oral teaching situation. The importance of setting. Zhang Sheru and Sun Bianqi discussed in the "Scenario Setting of Oral English Teaching" that we should pay attention to the "principles to be followed in situational interactive teaching" and how to set up two small aspects of "formal setting in English oral teaching". Sexually explored the interactive mode of scenario setting. In the "Situational Teaching of English Speaking Lessons", Sun Jiurong classifies the situation setting model from the giant view, and then draws "open scenes" and "closed scenes", which opens up a study for the context setting interaction model. Small field.

Third, the purpose and significance of the research:

Through the induction of several interactive models that have been developed and matured: the interactive model of interpersonal interaction has been studied separately in the current interactive research, and has not been applied as an independent model. In the English oral classroom teaching, it is more often penetrated into several other interactive modes. Therefore, this topic believes that it has room for further research.

Fourth, the theoretical basis and research methods of research:

Based on the theory of educational psychology, this thesis will be based on the theory of interaction and constructivism, and use the method of summarization to summarize the existing research, which will lead to the topic of this paper, and analyze and verify the interpersonal The interactive mode has important significance for improving the effectiveness of oral English teaching in the classroom.

V. Outline:


Chapter one definition and theoretical basis of interaction

1.1 definition of interaction

1.2 theoretical basis of interaction

1.3 some main interactive modes in the present classroom

Chapter two the necessity and the principles of following interaction-teaching mode

2.1 the disadvantage of traditional oral english teaching mode

2.2 the necessity and merit of taking interaction-teaching mode

2.3 oral english interaction-teaching mode should follow the principles

Chapter three personal interaction in the oral english teaching

3.1 the relationship between the teacher and students

3.2 two types of personal interaction

3.3 classroom climate

3.4 classroom size

Chapter four the evaluation of the interactive oral english teaching mode

4.1 some principles should follow when evaluating

4.2 the concept of evaluation

4.3 the technology of evaluation



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Lu Yanchun, Lu Yaqin. “Constructivism and College English Oral Teaching.” Frontier Magazine. 11:98-100.

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Fan Xiongfei, Huang Yulan. "Introducing role-playing into oral English teaching." Reading and writing magazines. 9:35-37.

Xu Zhimin, Wang Wei. “Exploration of Role Play in College English Classroom Interactive Teaching.” Foreign Language Research. 8:56-57.

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Gu Xiaole, Huang Furong. “Cooperative Learning and Melodrama Performance.” Foreign Language Teaching. 2 : 55-56.

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