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Computer Science and Technology Graduation Thesis Opening Report

First, the source of the thesis topic:

1: Changchun Radio and Television University graduation design topic.

2: Jilin Province Forest Industry Group information development prospects and planning.

3: Jilin Province Forestry Design Institute network center network transformation and development planning.

4: Construction of the ecological information highway of Jilin Province Forestry System.

Second, the purpose of thesis writing and design research:

Following the birth of the first computer in the United States in 1946, human civilization developed into a new era. Especially in the last 10 years of the 20th century, with the rapid development of computer networks, we entered the information age. People's life and work gradually With information as the center, the information age is even more inseparable from the Internet. Any large-scale enterprise especially depends on the Internet, and there is no network enterprise to face backwardness.

The forestry distribution in Jilin Province is very extensive. The forests with Changbai Mountain as the main vein are widely distributed with various forest resources. As a forestry and forestry environment, forestry ecological information is a much larger system, fast, accurate and reasonable. Collecting, processing, analyzing, and storing this information is a very real problem before us. In this world of information exchange, information is like goods, we need to handle these goods reasonably, of which hardware-based The computer network system is the "road" and "processing plant" for the exchange of these goods. I am doing this topic, which is to draw a blueprint for it and a number of "processing methods".

Because of the specific enterprise such as Forest Industry Group, the first one is a unified management enterprise with group characteristics, and the network construction is unified. Second, it is geographically a decentralized enterprise, network. Points are also dispersive. However, the dispersion also has a concentrated feature, and its network system design should be plated. From the information point of view, there are many types of information, and various information is collected and transmitted. Not the same, we must not only consider the hardware layout of the hardware in the design process, but also consider the cooperation of the software platform.

No best, only better; update ideas, make great strides forward. I believe that under the careful guidance of the mentor, through my efforts, I will create a flat, wide "highway" for them.

1, the object of the research:

The development of a forestry system based on the forestry system in Jilin Province, with the basic needs of forestry network services as the basic needs, the network topology as the design direction, and the software integration as the application method to develop and design a complete enterprise network based on the distribution group enterprises. system.

2, the paper research is expected to achieve the goal:

Through design, the writing of the thesis is expected to achieve the goal of comprehensive network design, rationalization of software integration, optimization of network performance, minimization of capital application, and minimization of engineering cycle.

3, the content of the research:

a), the main problem:

Designed to address network geostaties and the use and development of existing network resources.

Design and solve the unified network deployment of centralized units.

Designed to solve the interface deployment of multi-type networks.

Designed to solve the problem of access to distributed network users.

Design and solve the problem of rationalizing the price of the remote thin user network scatter point.

Designed to solve the problem of automated information collection for targeted input devices.

Reasonably deploy the network balance of the network service center.

Optimize the network service system and create a reasonable network platform.

Network security issues.

10, the basic application of software integration issues.

b) The part of the paper contains:

1, the integration of geographic models and network models.

2, the internal network design of the centralized department.

3, the company's internal decentralized unit network design - overall dispersion.

4, the company's internal decentralized unit network design - remote nodes.

5, the company's internal decentralized unit network design - mobile nodes.

6, enterprise network window design.

7, enterprise network center, service platform design.

8, the enterprise network basic application software structure design.

9, enterprise network specific terminal contact design.

10, enterprise network integration design.

5, the experimental methods and reasons for the paper:

Since the design process is not the construction process of the project, it is definitely difficult to go to the site construction in detail during the design process, and it is not very feasible. Then we should carry out simulation test and scientific calculation at the design stage. Steps, through the small network test software platform, the second step, build multiple small networks to build a global network simulation environment, the third step, build interference sources using small network aggregate simulation test.

6, the paper implementation schedule:

1. The first week of the thesis stage: study and study of relevant theories, read the reference literature, formulate the implementation plan of the research, prepare the experimental hardware and software to form the test schedule and test rules.

2. The second week of the thesis phase: start the first round of experiments, conduct small network construction experiments, simulate network service centers, simulate regional sections, simulate remote and mobile networks.

3. The third week of the thesis stage: the interface simulation test, test the software application platform, and improve the research project.

4. The fourth week of the thesis stage: complete the first round of experiments and submit the interim results.

5. The fifth week of the thesis stage: carry out the second round of experiments, simulate the environmental experiment, and submit the experimental report.

6. The sixth week of the thesis stage: complete the completion report and form the paper.

Third, the paper implementation tools and reference materials:

Small network environment, simulated interference environment, software platform.

Wu Qiyuan "Computer Network".

Zheng Jizhen, "Computer Network."

Chen Jizhen Dan Qing and other "Computer Area Network and Enterprise Network".

Christian huitema "Internet Routing Technology".

[US] othmar kyas "Network Security Technology - Risk Analysis, Strategy and Firewall".

Other related equipment, software instructions.

1. Innovations in the thesis:

Efforts to achieve a comprehensive application of network resources, get rid of the simple network hardware design as a model of enterprise network design, boldly practice the network design method that integrates software deployment and hardware design phase.

Feasibility statement and expected results:

2. Feasibility note:

Because the topic combines "Jilin Province Forest Industry Group Information Development Prospects and Planning" "Jilin Forestry Design Institute Network Center Network Transformation and Development Plan" "Jilin Province Forestry System Ecological Information Expressway Construction Project", the topic is closely integrated Production practice, so the "enterprise network design - based on integrated network design of distributed enterprises" has practical significance.

3. Expected results:

Formed the paper "Enterprise Network Design - Integrated Network Design Based on Distributed Enterprises" to complete the experimental evaluation report.

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