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The opening report of the "Professional Development of Teachers under the New Curriculum Concept"

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First, the question is raised

Since the end of the 1980s, in order to overcome the shortcomings of exam-oriented education, China’s China Xiaozheng vigorously advocated “quality education”. To improve the quality of students, it is necessary to improve the quality of teachers. Therefore, in recent years, teacher professionalization and teacher professional development are increasingly becoming the focus of education theory workers, education policy makers and teachers. The new curriculum reform advocates the establishment of an evaluation system that is conducive to the promotion of teacher development. Its purpose is to promote the professional development of teachers and the professional development of teachers through the reform of the teacher evaluation system. To this end, we discuss and study how to promote the development of teachers' individual professionalism. The experimental subject established by our school is “Building a Teacher Education System and Promoting Teacher Professional Development”. The experimental time is XX years – 2019 years. Second, the research goal XX years - 2019, based on teacher development, to promote the professional development of teachers, to focus on building a lifelong education system, with the new curriculum training as the entry point, to improve the quality of teachers' education and teaching The center uses information technology as a means to provide full-training as the main line and establish a learning organization for all-member learning and lifelong learning. Goal 1: Establish a common vision to promote teachers from “adaptive learning” to a higher level of “innovative learning” and lead teachers to professional development; strengthen weekly business learning, clarify content, strengthen measures, and ensure professional development of teachers The direction. Goal 2: Establish a team learning community to promote teachers from a realistic person to an ideal goal, achieve self-transcendence in the learning process; strengthen the collective preparation and self-learning of teaching and research groups and preparation groups, and provide organizations for the professional development of teachers. Guarantee. Goal 3: Establish a learning organization to create and provide a democratic, equal, two-way communication learning atmosphere for each teacher, laying the foundation for teachers' lifelong learning and sustainable development. Adhere to the post training, carry out various teaching and research competitions, and combine scientific research with teaching practice. Third, the research content to build a teacher education development system 1, explore and find effective models of teacher education development training, establish an effective teacher education development mechanism, basically form an open teacher education development system, and promote it in practice. 2. Explore effective school-based training models and strategies. 3. Explore effective modes and strategies for integrated training in research and development. Promote the professional development of teachers 1. Explore the training content of teachers and new courses, and build an open "people-oriented" training content system. 2. Explore the training content of teachers' domestic demand training and build a content system for teachers' lifelong learning. Fourth, research focus 1. Strengthen school-based teacher training. School-based training, that is, training from “from school to school”. The problems that arise in schools are the starting point for training, and the home of training is to solve these problems. Strengthen teacher training in the use of information technology and remote online education. Education informatization poses a severe challenge to teacher education informationization. Teacher education must accelerate the development of information technology, strengthen the training of teachers' information technology, vigorously develop modern distance education, and promote comprehensive quality training programs and new courses. The continuous development of the project and new curriculum subject training programs. 2. Teachers must become organizers, participants, guides, and facilitators of learning. With the continuous development of society and the development and deepening of basic education reform, the role of teachers has also changed quietly. The new curriculum emphasizes that teachers are the collaborators, guides, and participants of student learning, which means that teachers must change the image of the original authority with knowledge, from "knowledge occupants, imparters" to "student development organizations." The transformation of the person, the instructor, and the facilitator, focusing on the organizational guidance of the learning process and timely reflection and research on their own teaching practices, has achieved better educational and teaching results.

Teachers themselves must become learners. The new curriculum reform is another historic change and advancement in China's education. It poses great challenges to teachers' teaching concepts and teaching methods, and also gives teachers a valuable learning and development opportunity. The implementation of the new curriculum is itself a process of continuous learning and continuous improvement. In this process, teachers should actively change their concepts, adapt to the needs of educational development, conscientiously understand new educational concepts, strive to become conscious research and innovation, practitioners of lifelong learning, pay attention to specific educational and teaching situations, and apply teaching theories to Educational practice, and in practice, sublimate some successful experiences into teaching theories, promote the quality and level of teaching, continuously improve their curriculum literacy and promote professional development in practice, in order to meet the requirements of social development and knowledge innovation, and meet the new curriculum. The development needs of reform.

2. Change the past education and teaching activities with the teacher-oriented thinking, adhere to the student-oriented, respect the students' individualized learning rights, and give full play to the students' main role. The new curriculum standards are for all students, with a view to cultivating students' aspirations and abilities for lifelong learning, mainly to cultivate students with patriotism and team spirit; to cultivate students with initial innovative spirit, practical ability, scientific and human qualities, and Environmental awareness; basic knowledge, basic skills and methods to adapt to lifelong learning; healthy body and good psychological quality, that is, to enable them to have the basic ability to survive in China and the world in the 21st century, and know How to expand this ability. Therefore, students are the most basic objects in education and teaching activities, and are the main body of education and teaching activities. The role of teachers should also be from the authority of knowledge to the study of equal participation of students, from a simple knowledge transferer to a designer of classroom teaching, an organizer of learning process, a guide and facilitator of student learning. Therefore, the new curriculum reform pays more attention to the improvement and cultivation of students' comprehensive quality. Transforming students' learning styles and establishing curriculum concepts that are beneficial to changing learning styles to promote students' harmonious, balanced and individualized development has become the main task facing teachers.

Therefore, in the process of education and teaching, focusing on the organization and guidance of the learning process, creating conditions for students' self-directed learning, changing the students' previous "I want to learn" as "I want to learn", asking students to learn why, whether they can learn, The questions of learning and how to learn have conscious awareness and reaction, and are embodied in the students' self-planning, self-adjustment, self-direction, self-reinforcing, special emphasis on the autonomy of learning, and change the simple acceptance of the past. Learning, proactively completing learning tasks, cultivating students' self-awareness and self-monitoring of learning, encouraging students to conduct exploratory learning, consciously and actively transforming past passive and passive learning, and discovering and exploring in the learning process The activities have emerged, making the learning process more of a process of discovering problems, asking questions, analyzing problems, and solving problems. Of course, this also requires teachers to change the way of teaching in the past, from teaching with a single classroom-led teaching to advocating. Explore and guide the discovery of teaching.

3. Correct the attitude of teachers who are good at cooperation.

People's ability to cooperate has been increasingly valued by the world.

In today's society, any scientific invention is no longer likely to be done entirely by individuals, but must rely on the entire research team—that is, it must rely on the power of the collective. The same is true for education, so the ability of teachers to cooperate is particularly important in the context of the new curriculum.

The ability of teachers to cooperate is first reflected in the cooperation between teachers. Collaboration between teachers requires our teachers to have the qualities and abilities to communicate well, and to have the qualities of self-importance and compassion for others. Secondly, teachers should also strengthen cooperation with education administrators. Teachers should often report to the manager and explain some of their own attempts and confusions in implementing the new curriculum to get support and help from the school.

The new curriculum also requires cooperation and communication between teachers and students to jointly build, advance, and generate courses. Cooperation should start from improving the relationship between teachers and students. The role of teachers is to mobilize students' subjective initiative and positive factors, so that students can fully realize the joy of cooperation and sense of accomplishment. In addition, it is particularly important for teachers to publicize the educational philosophy and educational methods of the new curriculum and to seek parental recognition of the new curriculum.

In addition, teachers should strengthen their cooperation with education administrators. Teachers should often report to the manager and explain some of their own attempts and confusions in implementing the new curriculum to get the support and help of the school.

4. Encourage teachers to actively reflect on their enthusiasm.

Teaching reflection is the basis for teachers to participate in educational research. The new round of curriculum reform emphasizes the improvement of teachers' level and the professional development of teachers. It is proposed that teachers are not only the guides of students' learning, but also become researchers. How can I become a researcher? How to improve, how to develop? Since the 1990s, a formula has been proposed internationally: teaching experience + teaching reflection = career development. The formula embodies the process of teacher professional development is a process of summing up experience, capturing problems, and reflecting on practice.

There are three major characteristics of teacher teaching: first, the uncertainty of teaching situation; second, the complexity and difference of teaching objects; third, the unpredictability and non-repeatableness of teaching decisions.

There are differences among students. Different students have different ways of treating them. This is the creative part of teacher work. The creative process relies on its own experience. There is no fixed model for teachers to work, so teachers must be able to adapt, which depends on their own experience.

Where does the experience come from? The teacher's experience is mainly from practice, and it is the teacher's experience in practice, thinking and thinking.

American scholar Posner believes that the experience without reflection is a narrow experience, and at most it can only form superficial knowledge. Only after reflection can the teacher's experience rise to a certain height and have an impact on subsequent behavior. We believe that teacher's teaching reflection is an important part of teachers' cognitive activities. It has been suggested that learning design in teaching reflection; learning to communicate in teaching reflection; learning teaching in teaching reflection. This shows that teachers should not only teach, can not only write the teaching plan in detail, satisfied with "I finished the class today, changed the homework, completed the teaching task." And should always reflect on the income of the teaching process. Lost, thought, thought, and enlightenment, constantly innovate, constantly improve themselves, and constantly improve the level of education and teaching. Through reflection, we strive to develop our profession and become the research-oriented teacher required by the new curriculum.

The four relationships and four emphasiss in the new curriculum are: a. Emphasis on respect and appreciation in the relationship between teachers and students. b. Emphasize help and guidance in dealing with teaching. c. In the treatment of self, emphasize reflection. d. Emphasize cooperation in dealing with other educators. Therefore, reflection is the need of a new curriculum reform.

A teacher does not lie in how many years he has taught, but in how many years he has taught him. "Careful" teaching, recording educational phenomena, recording your own feelings, recording your own thinking, will not be repeated, will continue to summarize, and constantly reflect. This is the beginning of education and scientific research, and the basis of education and scientific research.

V. Research methods

The subject experiment mainly adopts the action research method, the literature research method, the questionnaire method, and the natural experiment method of speech to supplement the practical research.

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