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Tourism Service Market Research Report

Report Name: Tourism Service Market Research Report
Location of investigation: Beijing
Survey Method: Telephone Access
Survey time: At the end of February XX
Interviewee: Urban residents between the ages of 18-60
Sample size: 201
Investigation agency: Beijing Kesi Ruizhi Market Research Company
Report source: Beijing Kesi Ruizhi Market Research Company

Content of report:

Tourism has gradually become an indispensable part of people's entertainment life. In addition to enjoying the comfort and relaxation in the process of tourism, people are actually more about life. However, as tourism gradually deepens into life, complaints about travel are also common in newspapers. According to a recent survey, one in five respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the tour, and the reasons for dissatisfaction were mainly from tour guides and travel agencies. For those who did not travel with the group, travel expenses and the credibility of travel agencies are still the main influencing factors.

The survey was conducted by Beijing Kesi Ruizhi Market Research Company in Beijing at the end of February XX. The survey used telephone interviews to complete 201 valid questionnaires. The survey was conducted between 18-60 years old and there was a telephone at home. Beijing residents. The results of the survey can infer the residents of Beijing who have telephone calls.

Travel with group: not satisfied

Tourism services have always been known for their disputes. From the results of the survey, people's evaluation of group travel is not high. One-fifth of the respondents with group travel experience expressed dissatisfaction with their recent group tour, and only one-third said they were satisfied. Nearly half of the respondents indicated that the service was average.

The main reasons for the dissatisfaction of the respondents were “the tour guide’s unfulfilled duties” and the travel agency’s “reduction of the grade standard”. The ratio of these two items reached 30.8%. Secondly, “unauthorized change of travel arrangements” accounted for 23.1%, and “support facilities were not perfect” accounted for 15.4%.

Throughout the travel process, visitors and travel agencies have more contacts in the pre-trip registration period. On the way to travel, the tour guide is a large representative of the travel agency. Visitors' dissatisfaction with the travel agency service can easily be turned into dissatisfaction with the tour guide after they are not properly handled by the tour guide.

Researchers at Keith Ruizhi believe that tourism as a service industry, consumers pay for the services provided by travel agencies and tour guides. The level of satisfaction with the service is the key to maintaining repeat customers. For travel agencies, the services they provide are not short-term benefits of killing chickens and taking eggs, and the return should be long-term gains. With the accession of the WTO, the entry of foreign travel agencies into competition will inevitably change the structure of the travel agency's source. For those who are willing to taste new, or more trust in foreign goods, it is not a small temptation to participate in a foreign travel agency. Domestic travel agencies may find that the problem they face is simple, that is, competition for service quality.

Cost and credibility: the main obstacles to the tour

Among the respondents, 70% did not travel with the group. Among them, nearly half of the people were “no time”, and about one-third of the respondents were “higher”. Another 7% of respondents said that they did not travel with the group because they "do not trust the travel agency." From this result, the cost and the reputation of the travel agency are important factors that hinder people from participating in the tour.

From the cross-analysis, the higher the household income, the greater the proportion of people who have travel experience with the group. When the family monthly income is less than XX yuan, about 90% of the people do not have the experience of travelling with the group. When the monthly income of the family reaches 5,000 yuan or more, more than half of the people have the experience of traveling with the group. It seems that although the room for adjustment of the price of the travel agency is not too large, the general working-class support ability for tourism expenses is still limited.

Perhaps in the case of achieving economies of scale, the price can be adjusted appropriately. After all, at present, price cuts are still a magic weapon for people who are trying to stimulate demand. However, for the issue of credibility, establishing a good image and reversing the ideas that have been formed in people's minds can be achieved in a short period of time, because people are more willing to accept opinions that are similar to their own ideas.

Holidays are released, and travel is best

The survey shows that consumers are becoming more rational when choosing when to travel, and it may be a lesson learned from the Huangshan massacre during the 11th period. Forty percent of the respondents indicated that they are willing to travel during the summer and summer vacations of the students. 20% of the respondents will use the unit to take a vacation, and still hope that less than 15% of the respondents will travel during the Spring Festival, May 1st and 11th.

Other relevant analysis shows that consumers of different ages have significant differences in the choice of travel time.

Report Name: Tourism Service Market Research Report
Location of investigation: Beijing
Survey Method: Telephone Access
Survey time: At the end of February XX
Interviewee: Urban residents between the ages of 18-60
Sample size: 201
Investigation agency: Beijing Kesi Ruizhi Market Research Company
Report source: Beijing Kesi Ruizhi Market Research Company

Content of report:

Tourism has gradually become an indispensable part of people's entertainment life. In addition to enjoying the comfort and relaxation in the process of tourism, people are actually more about life. However, as tourism gradually deepens into life, complaints about travel are also common in newspapers. According to a recent survey, one in five respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the tour, and the reasons for dissatisfaction were mainly from tour guides and travel agencies. For those who did not travel with the group, travel expenses and the credibility of travel agencies are still the main influencing factors.

The survey was conducted by Beijing Kesi Ruizhi Market Research Company in Beijing at the end of February XX. The survey used telephone interviews to complete 201 valid questionnaires. The survey was conducted between 18-60 years old and there was a telephone at home. Beijing residents. The results of the survey can infer the residents of Beijing who have telephone calls.

The second is the "explorer", which is mainly composed of adventurous students and young people. Their income is high or low, but they love nature. They like to walk and sleep between the wild mountains and mountains, and look forward to the legendary colors of Tibet and Xinjiang. Area. They are full of energy, rich in travel knowledge and experience, and a tourist instructor for many people around. Self-help travel and chain student hostels are their favorite. In fact, the vast majority of student travel belongs to this category.

The third is the “photographer”, composed of the main newlyweds and young partners. Their purpose of tourism is very clear, that is, scenic spots, wherever they go, wherever they go. As a symbol of the commemoration day, taking pictures is essential. For this reason, he often wears high heels and cheongsams to wading through the mountains. They basically choose to participate in group tours in China, which are sensitive to price and service. Shopping is also a major theme in the tourism process.

The fourth is "family joy", which is basically a collective action of the whole family. On the one hand, it reflects the filial piety of the elderly, on the other hand, it can broaden the horizons for the children. This group is not much with the group, basically arrange accommodation and transportation by themselves, and tends to borrow relatives and friends. Its consumption power depends on the total income of the family, but the traditional concept of “poor family wealth” makes it a considerable amount of total consumption of supporting services in tourist attractions. If the travel agency can give this family-friendly traveler a competitive price and good service, then this market potential is huge.

In response to the results of this study, Mr. Zhang Chi, a researcher at Keith Ruizhi, pointed out that in the dramatic social and economic changes, people's lifestyles and attitudes have changed a lot, and people have turned from hope to future and next generation to more attention. Your own life experience. On the one hand, after the basic needs of life have been met, tourism is recognized by more and more people as an important consumption to improve the quality of life. On the other hand, Chinese people traditionally regard “traveling famous mountains and rivers” as a kind of personal cultivation. The way, therefore, tourism is a necessary investment in the process of child development by many parents who are not wealthy.

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