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Investigation and Analysis of College Students' Consumption Structure

First of all, in terms of learning, try to get some qualifications to prepare for work after graduation. Secondly, actively participate in student union work, community activities, and part-time work outside the school, and want to accumulate certain experience, so this ensures that the use of the student union to promote the school publicity and make full use of part-time high-quality cheap labor is possible.

(2) It can be seen from the above research results that the basic living consumption and psychology of college students are realistic and reasonable as a whole, but the discrete trend is obvious and the individual differences are large. Mainly summarized as the following aspects:

1. College students' consumption has its irrational side. College students have no economic source, economic independence is poor, and consumption has no foundation. The economic non-independence determines that college students have less experience in self-consumption and cannot rationally measure consumption value and cost. College students did not form a complete and stable consumption concept, and their self-control ability was not strong. Most of the consumption was caused by media propaganda or random consumption caused by the influence of their classmates, and impulsive consumption. This is also the result of the demonstration effect of college students' consumption. In terms of mobile phone products, at present, some of the college students with mobile phones have the need for communication, and the family economic conditions permit; the other part has communication needs, but the family economy can not afford to “pre-event” consumption; Part of it is “luxury” consumption that has no communication needs and no burden on family economic conditions. The "luxury" consumption is caused by the demonstration effect of college students' consumption.

2. College students are highly loyal to the brand. College students will believe in their true experience to a certain extent. If a certain brand product is used to produce a good experience, it will be used consistently, so as to gradually form a fixed preference and eventually form a habit of use. Good loyalty to this product. For example, shampoo, sensational scent, good quality, and obvious effects will prompt them to continue to use it.

3. College students are more focused on fashion consumption students, active in thinking, have a strong desire for new things, like to pursue new trends, and dare to innovate, the convergence of consumption is strong, and entertainment consumption accounts for a large proportion of total consumption. For the enterprise, China Mobile has done a better job. They used the fashion spokesperson Jay Chou to cheer for the “m-zone”, and at the same time, they used the students' pursuit of high quality and low price to launch the student card, which earned a lot of performance.

(3) Some suggestions for the merchant:

1. In order to avoid the unreasonable charges of unified purchase of books by universities, the State XX stipulates that students are not forced to purchase books through the school channels. Therefore, the vast majority of students order through the class collective at the bookstore, and the price is 8.5 fold. I think this provides a good opportunity for booksellers and online bookstores. If at the beginning of the school, booksellers can go to colleges and universities to contact the students through the student union, and they can get a lower discount, which is bound to be profitable and ultimately Realize mutual benefit between students and businesses. Similarly, major online bookstores still need to be improved in this regard. The channels are not transparent enough and the information is not clear enough, which seriously hinders sales.

2. Through the survey, it can be seen that college students have a large proportion of consumption of daily necessities, especially shampoo. Major shampoo merchants should pay attention to this special consumer group of college students, and pay more attention to the differentiation and specialization of their own products, such as the production of shampoo brands that are conducive to sober brains and concentrated spirits.

3. Open chain fast food restaurants around major universities in a region, and provide special meals for students. With good and fast service, the clean and tidy dining conditions will surely win the favor of the majority of students.

In short, the group consumer market is gradually expanding, and people's attention is gradually on the agenda. Therefore, the college student consumer market will become a must for businesses, and all enterprises and businesses should expand their consumer markets in depth and seize the opportunity.

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