Work Plan > Training Work Plan

Experimental country small young pioneers cadre training program

In order to further strengthen the school's moral education, strengthen the ideological and political education of the Young Pioneers and train the socialist qualified builders and successors, our school takes the construction of the Young Pioneers' cadres as the starting point, vigorously develops the school moral education activities under the new curriculum, and continuously improves the team cadres. Quality and management organizational skills.

Training objectives:

Through training , improve the quality of the Young Pioneers cadres, have a correct outlook on life and world view, further improve organizational skills and management level, and lay a solid foundation for better carrying out the work of the Young Pioneers. Make it a competent assistant to the class teacher and counselor.

Training content: low to medium section

1. Party flag, national flag, military flag, motherland map, group flag, team flag meaning education;

2. Chinese youth vanguard charter;

3. The glorious history of the Young Pioneers;

4. The duties and requirements of the Young Pioneers.

Middle and high section The glorious history of the Young Pioneers;

2. Communist Youth League and communist ideals;

3. The quality and ability of team cadres;

4. The environment is cultivated with our character.

specific methods:

1. Concentrated training combined with squadron practice;

2. Schools, brigade departments, and squadrons coordinate and cooperate;

3. Segmented according to age characteristics;

4. Printing materials in the middle and upper grades;

5. Understand the situation of team cadres;

6. Conduct practical ability testing;

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