Work Plan > Training Work Plan

Hospital supply room nursing staff training assessment plan

In order to improve the quality of the supply room work in this year, improve the quality of business, and strengthen the mastery of professional knowledge and skilled application of all nurses, we have made the following nursing training program, which is a new step in the supply room work.

Nurse and Supervisor Training Program:

Training objectives:

One. Proficiency in departmental expertise, proficiency in using and strengthening technical skills. Handle difficult and error incidents and respond to emergencies.

two. Have the ability to teach and teach. Independently writing a thesis, has a certain management ability and scientific research level.

Training plan and content:

One. Organize a professional and up-to-date knowledge every quarter and have the opportunity to apply for a more advanced disinfection and sterilization concept.

two. The assessment is arranged once a month and the results are archived.

See the table for details.

All nurse training programs:

Training objectives:

One. Proficiency in the knowledge of the professional application of the undergraduate room, from the use of the package to the work, has a great help to improve the quality of work.

two. Can respond to ordinary emergencies in a timely manner, report to the head nurse and the higher authorities in time to ensure the normal operation of the department, and do not delay the work before.

Training plan and content:

One. Organize four times a month to receive the latest knowledge, expand your knowledge, and have the opportunity to apply to a higher level hospital.

two. Monthly assessment, verify learning effects, strengthen learning awareness, and consolidate learning knowledge.

See the table for details.

The same subject article of the hospital supply room nursing staff training and evaluation plan: experimental middle school distance education teacher training program
2019 cadre education and training work plan
2019 Elementary School Training Program
2011 school year teacher training work plan teacher modern education technology and curriculum integration training program
2019 Party Member Education and Training Program
2019 Summer Teacher Teacher Training Program Party Member Education and Training Work Plan

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The rapid development of computer-based information technology has caused a profound change in the field of education. The application of information technology in the field of education is to transform traditional educational thoughts and concepts, promote the reform of teaching models, teaching systems, teaching content and teaching methods, accelerate the modernization of educational methods and management methods, and implement quality education to promote the reform of basic education. And development, comprehensive improvement of education quality and efficiency, are of great significance. At present, in the process of promoting education informatization, it is the key to train teachers in all aspects of information technology. In this year, our school should further strengthen the training of teachers and improve the computer application level of teachers, so that each teacher can better implement effective teaching in combination with his own work in education and teaching, and apply modern distance education network to improve business ability. , update the concept of education, and integrate the new curriculum concept into the classroom teaching. The training program for distance education teachers in this semester is as follows:

First, the purpose of training and training content

Training purpose

To enable teachers to understand the status and role of distance education in modern society, especially in the field of education, to establish the awareness of applying information technology for teaching reform; to master the basic knowledge and operational skills of distance education, and to equip distance education resources into education and teaching. The ability to establish scientific, modern educational ideas and concepts based on distance education resources, and to master the ability to continue to learn new information technology.

1. Computer network foundation through training

Make all teachers proficient in the basic use of IE browser. Master the operation methods of browsing and searching online information resources and master the method of applying for free mail. Master the method of sending and receiving emails by using the application mailbox.

2. Web page production

Through training, all teachers can master the operation methods of common office software, and can correctly edit documents, draw tables, and apply formulas.

3. Powerpoint courseware production

Through training , the whole school teachers are proficient in the basic knowledge of powerpoint, main functions, window composition and operation interface, creation of documents, editing of documents, formatting of documents, processing methods of pictures in documents, adding multimedia processing methods in documents, and demonstrating Set and other operations.

4. Through training , teachers can regularly apply online resources for teaching, write a modern experience of distance education, and each teacher builds and enriches their respective teaching resources.

Training content

According to the actual situation of our school, teachers' distance education training is divided into two levels: ordinary class and improved class.

1, ordinary class:

Mainly learn the operation and use of multimedia teaching platform, operating system, text entry; word processing, Internet; access and use of remote resources.

2. Improve the class:

On the basis of mastering the primary, increase the following to learn:

Presentation production, spreadsheets; courseware production, multimedia courseware production.

Second, the way of training

1. Adopt a combination of centralized training and decentralized training , the principle of combining theory with practice. Pay attention to the planning, pertinence and practicality of training teachers to apply distance education resources. Organize key teachers and academic leaders to conduct training in a flexible and diverse form from the actual situation of our school faculty, with special emphasis on the advantages of distance education. To ensure the quality and effectiveness of the training .

2. In the training process, adhere to the principle of teaching on demand and organize training activities according to different objects. It is mainly based on independent learning and supplemented by lectures.

3. Distance education and training combined with educational and teaching activities, focusing on updating educational ideas and concepts, strengthening the cultivation of information technology capabilities, enabling teachers to apply what they have learned, changing traditional teaching models and methods, and actively using multimedia technology in their respective subjects. Computer-assisted instruction, optimize the teaching process, and improve teaching efficiency and quality.

Third, the specific arrangements

Persistence every Friday from 19:00-21:00

1. Operational use of multimedia teaching platform

Target: All teachers

Location: Microcomputer room and multimedia classroom

2. Basic knowledge of information technology, operational skills and auxiliary teaching, etc.

Target: All training teachers.

Location: Microcomputer room

3, teaching design

Object: teacher

Location: Multimedia Classroom

4. Assessment: At the end of the period, the school will assess the training of teachers, unified evaluation, rewards and punishments.

Fourth, personnel arrangements

The lecturer is responsible for the long-distance education and the technical staff is counseling.

The same subject of the distance education teacher training program in the experimental middle school: 2019 school-based school training program | 2011 school teacher training work plan | teacher modern education technology and curriculum integration training program | 2019 party member education and training program Painting | 2019 Summer Teacher Teacher Training Program | Party Member Education and Training Program | China Small Teacher National Training Program | 2011 First Semester School-based Training Program |
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The general idea of ​​cadre education and training in 2019 is: adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents" as the guide, study and implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, and take the scientific development concept as the guide. Taking reform and innovation as the driving force and improving the quality of training as the core, we thoroughly implemented the "Regulations on Cadre Education Work" and the "Regulations on Party School Work", earnestly implemented the training plan for cadres' lessons, and earnestly grasped a new round of large-scale training of cadres.

Seriously do a good job in the study and training of the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, and arm the cadres with the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Focusing on unifying thoughts, uniting strength, guiding practice, and promoting development, adopting various forms, focusing on the scientific development concept, building a socialist harmonious society, strengthening the building of the party's ability to govern and building advanced nature, and building a new socialist countryside, etc. Study and training of strategic thinking, and further grasp the theoretical armed work of party members and cadres.

In combination with the actual situation, we will earnestly grasp the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up, and the Central Economic Work Conference. The Party School of the County Party Committee organizes key teachers to conduct seminars, determine the teaching topics, conduct intensive tutoring for each student in each class shift, and implement the learning propaganda into each training class of the party school.

Further promote reform and innovation, and continuously improve the quality of cadre education and training

First, constantly update and improve the training content. Based on the basic content stipulated in the Regulations on Cadre Education, carry out training needs survey and analysis, innovate training content, improve curriculum setting, and timely incorporate knowledge of public crisis management, modern finance, situation judgment, and investment attraction into training content. In order to truly meet the needs of the county's economic and social development, what should be focused on training , and what should be done by the cadres, so that the cadre education and training work can be better adapted to the overall development of the county and combined with the growth needs of the cadres.

The second is to further improve the training method. On the basis of improving the quality of teaching and teaching, strengthen the research and application of training methods such as research, case, simulation, experiential and situational, so that training is closer to reality and close to cadres, and further improve cadre education and training . Targeted and effective.

The third is to further integrate training resources. The Party School of the County Party Committee should earnestly strengthen the construction of the "three systems and two libraries", namely, the project bidding system, the teaching admission system, the training menu system, the project library, and the lecturer library. Actively introduce a competitive mechanism, focus on optimizing and integrating training resources, and achieve quality training resources such as training institutions, teachers, training materials, and information technology to build and share high-quality training resources for the majority of cadres. Continue to do a good job in the central party school c-level website teaching special lectures.

The fourth is to effectively grasp the construction of the study style. We must conscientiously implement the relevant spirit of the central, provincial and municipal committees on highlighting the construction of the style of study, and educate and guide party members and cadres to adhere to the theory and practice in the study and training , and strive to improve the ability to use Marxist positions, viewpoints, methods to analyze and solve practical problems. Effectively strengthen the daily management of the main class of the Party School of the County Party Committee, strictly enforce the discipline of study and training , and resolutely resist the bad atmosphere. Party school teachers should put the requirements of theory and practice through the teaching process and continuously improve the teaching level.

The fifth is to study and solve the key and difficult problems in the education and training of cadres. Take a variety of methods, conduct in-depth investigations and studies, and carefully analyze and solve the new situations and new problems that have arisen in the current cadre education and training work. To mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres to participate in the school, and to implement the management of party members and cadres education and training .

Actively promote a new round of large-scale training of cadres

In accordance with the overall requirements of “continuing large-scale training of cadres and greatly improving the quality of cadres”, we will actively carry out a new round of large-scale training of cadres. On the basis of soliciting opinions from relevant units, formulate and implement the annual training plan.

1. Village party organization secretary training class Training object: The county village, the party organization secretary and director, the training time is 3 days, and the training number is 200.

2. County-level local talent training course Training target: The fourth county has a top-notch talent, with a training time of 2 days and a training of 50 people.

3. Training courses for young and middle-aged cadres Training targets: deputy-level cadres who have been promoted in recent years but have not participated in training , county-level organs, and outstanding young and middle-aged cadres in townships and villages. The training time is 2 months and the number of trainees is 45.

4. Training courses for activists in the party Training target: Acting as a party activist in the county government, training time is 3 days, and the number of trainees is 60.

5. Special training courses for investment promotion Targets: Economic management cadres of township and county direct economic departments, with 40 training personnel and training time of 3 days.

6. Village Finance and Economics Committee Training Course Target: The county financial department and discipline inspector, the training time is 3 days, and the number of trainees is 200.

7. Training course for village family planning women's committee Training target: Family planning and women's committee of the county committee, training time is 3 days, and the number of trainees is 200.

8. Training course for directors of farmers' professional cooperatives Training target: Chairman of the county's rural professional cooperatives, training time is 3 days, and the number of trainees is 50.

9. Public subjects training courses for professional and technical personnel Training target: Professional and technical personnel of institutions, with a training of 1,500 people.
2019 cadre education and training work plan related articles:
2011 school year teacher training work plan teacher modern education technology and curriculum integration training program
2019 Party Member Education and Training Program
2019 Summer Teacher Teacher Training Program Party Member Education Training Work Plan China Small Teacher National Training Program
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2019 teacher training work plan

View more>> Training plan I, guiding ideology

We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Regulations on the Continuing Education of Chinese Primary Teachers" and the "Outline of the Basic Education Curriculum Reform". In accordance with the unified requirements of the Regional Education Bureau and the County Education Bureau, we will actively explore the school as the main training base and the principal as the first training. The school-based training mode of the responsible person gives full play to the training functions and advantages of the school, realizes the school-based content of the training content and training mode, promotes the professional growth and vitality of teachers, and strives to create a good pattern for lifelong education and sustainable development of teachers.

Second, the training objectives

1. Establish a teacher training system that actively participates, is open and efficient, and satisfies teachers' self-selective learning needs, so that the school-based training of our school is gradually scientific, standardized, and serialized.

2. Renew educational concepts and strive to build a team of learning teachers with high morality, excellent business, reasonable structure, full of vitality, scientific research ability and innovative spirit, and train a group of teaching and research in the theory and practice of curriculum reform. Research-oriented teacher of ability.

Third, the training object

All in-service teachers are required to participate in training and assessment.

Fourth, training hours

The total duration of the semester training is not less than 45 hours.

V. Training content

1. Teacher's training

Guided by Deng Xiaoping's "three-oriented" education thoughts and the "three loves" education as the main line, teachers' political and ideological education, mental health education, legal education and professional ethics education will enable teachers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. And the teacher's professional outlook, improve ideological and moral cultivation and psychological quality. Establish a new type of teacher-student relationship, strengthen teachers' self-cultivation, and create a good image of teachers. Based on the deeds of excellent principals and outstanding teachers, combined with the deeds of excellent teachers as a living teaching material, learning and reflection, improving the spiritual quality of teachers' love and dedication.

2. Modern education theory training

Seriously study the theory of education, combined with the guiding ideology of the new curriculum reform, reform goals and related policies. Focusing on the teaching and research group as the core unit, taking the curriculum reform as the core content, taking the study of the Basic Education Curriculum Reform Outline, the Subject Curriculum Standards, and the research on the problems in the new curriculum reform teaching, collect and organize relevant curriculum reform information. Organize learning, discuss and exchange, combine theory with teaching practice, promote teachers to internalize advanced concepts into teaching behaviors, and promote teachers to study and master effective teaching methods and means to implement new curriculum in teaching practice.

3. Education and teaching skills training

Training of modern teaching skills among all teachers, including case study ability, teaching design ability, scientific use of teaching evaluation ability, teacher-student communication ability, problem reflection and problem solving ability training . Especially for new teachers in three years, we must increase the intensity of training .

4. Education research training

Educational and scientific research ability is an important content of school-based training . Teachers are required to gradually establish teaching and research and scientific research awareness. They should focus on the implementation of the new curriculum, combined with classroom teaching, and carry out training on the basic methods of education and scientific research to gradually improve the level and ability of teachers' education and scientific research.

5. Training of modern information technology knowledge

Through training , teachers are required to have a general grasp of modern educational information technology. The main content is related to office software and courseware production.

6. Special training for young teachers

Promote the improvement of the skills and level of young teachers' business through competitions, lectures, and teacher-student pairing. The trainers are young teachers who have been working for nearly three years.

Sixth, work arrangements:


1. Teacher information technology training activities.

2. Mentoring and pairing activities.


l, sub-disciplinary lectures

2. Organize young teachers to participate in the school training course in the prefecture.

3. Class teacher training .


l, teacher's moral training : learn the professional ethics of the national primary school teachers, and write experience articles, organize communication.

2. Case exchange.

3. School-level training .


1. Organize teachers to observe the top talents presentation class and write after listening.

2, teacher teaching design evaluation.

3. Organize teachers to participate in continuing education exams.


1. Continuing education assessment. 2, data sorting

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First, the guiding ideology:

In accordance with the unified requirements of the Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Training School, actively explore the school-based training model with the school as the main training base and the principal as the first training responsibility, give full play to the school's training functions and advantages, and actively develop teaching methods and learning methods. The research, in-depth play the role of key teachers, and strive to build a team of teachers with high morality, excellent professional quality, and basic teaching skills, and strive to create a good pattern of lifelong education and sustainable development of teachers.

Second, the training objectives:

1 Strengthen the construction of teachers' morality, strengthen the construction of the style of work, and cultivate a team of teachers who are dedicated to dedication and dedication.

2. Strive to build famous teachers, academic leaders, backbone teachers and excellent teachers, and play their role as role models.

3. Renew educational concepts and strive to build a learning team with noble morality, excellent business, reasonable structure, full of vitality, scientific research ability and innovative spirit.

Third, the training content:

1. Teacher's training

Guided by Deng Xiaoping's "three-oriented" education thoughts and the "three loves" education as the main line, teachers' political and ideological education, psychological education, legal education and professional ethics education enable teachers to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values ​​and Teachers' professional outlook, improve ideological and moral cultivation and psychological quality. Establish a new type of teacher-student relationship to strengthen the self-cultivation of teachers and create a good image of teachers. Based on the deeds of six outstanding principals and outstanding teachers in the five cities, combined with the deeds of five outstanding teachers in the town as living teaching materials, learning and reflection, improving the spiritual quality of teachers' dedication and dedication.

2. Modern education, curriculum reform theory training

Seriously study the theory of education, combined with the guiding ideology of the new curriculum reform, reform goals and related policies. Each school takes the teaching and research group as the unit, changes the course to the core content, deepens the teaching of “Yangsi curriculum reform teaching method”, deeply learns the new curriculum standard, updates the teacher teaching concept, and takes independent learning and inquiry learning as the breakthrough point of classroom teaching, and advocates cooperation. The independent, inquiring learning style reflects the diversity of teaching democracy and encourages teaching methods, and promotes teachers to internalize advanced concepts into teaching behaviors and promote effective teaching methods and means for teachers to implement new curriculum in teaching. Thereby establishing a new democratic and equal teacher-student relationship.

3. Education and teaching skills training

Training of modern teaching skills among all teachers, including case study ability, teaching design ability, ability of teacher-student communication, problem reflection and problem-solving skills. We will do a good job in building the teaching staff, strengthen the tracking and management of teachers' business, and actively encourage young teachers to become famous teachers and teaching backbones.

4. Education research training

Educational and scientific research ability is an important content of school-based training . Teachers are required to gradually establish teaching and research and scientific research awareness, and carry out training on the basic methods of education and scientific research based on the implementation of new curriculum and classroom teaching, so as to gradually improve the level and ability of teachers' scientific research work.

5. Training of modern information technology knowledge

Through training , it is required to focus on the central small country, and all teachers in radiation should generally master modern educational information technology. The main content is related to office software and courseware production. Actively organize teachers to participate in the discipline training and computer training organized by the Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Training School on time, clarify the purpose of training , ensure the training time, and truly enable the teachers who participated in the training to cultivate income and gain a certain amount of learning.

6. Specialized training for young teachers

Promote the improvement of the skills and level of young teachers' business through competitions, lectures, and teacher-student pairing.

Fourth, specific work and measures:

1. Taking classroom teaching as the main position, focusing on the training of the new curriculum reform teacher of “Xue Yangsi”, the training of Yangsi teaching concept and teaching mode is the core of the school-based training of this semester. All schools must organize all teachers to complete the training tasks.

2. Create a learning and research-oriented teaching team. This semester requires teachers to choose a good book for themselves. The school organizes teachers to exchange and learn from each other, and adopts a combination of long-term planning and short-term goals. The key point is to guide teachers and students to turn books into personal conscious behaviors and life. A great pleasure, to create a learning atmosphere of teaching and learning, teaching and learning, so that reading becomes the main body of teacher teaching activities.

3. Extensively carry out the series of educational activities of the "Ten Learning and Becoming Advanced" teacher-education series. Through the excellent teachers around me, the teacher's sentiment is cultivated, which influences and drives the teachers' positive and dedication and dedication.

4. Encourage teachers to write teaching reflections, after-school lessons, and teaching notes. Teaching reflection must have "thinking", remembering, writing in the reflection of teaching, and writing in the process of transforming poor students. According to the actual situation of education and teaching, the teaching notes can record the moving fragments in a timely manner, the exploration of educational teaching methods, the flashing points of students and the insights between teachers and students.

5. Relying on school-based training , comprehensively improve the overall level of the school's faculty. Through multi-channel, multi-level and multi-angle school-based training , we must create an innovative team of teachers with new ideas, fine teaching skills , and rich development, and strengthen the school-based training . The principals and directors of each school should be based on the actual situation of teachers. Training sessions are organized in a step-by-step manner, and lectures can be organized around a topic. Strive to solve a teaching problem suitable for the school every semester, so as to achieve a comprehensive work of one school, build the training characteristics of each school, and do a good job of material accumulation and record during the lecture.

6. Internal tapping potential, teacher-teacher interaction project. Enable the backbone teachers with rich experience and high theoretical level as the teachers of school-based training , and play their role in radiation and demonstration, so that they can undertake school-based training tasks, which can not only carry out lectures to teach classroom teaching experience, but also demonstrate teaching through demonstration classes. Skills really benefit young teachers.

In order to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the integration of modern education technology and curriculum integration at the autonomous region level in Guangxi secondary vocational school teachers in 2019, this training program was specially formulated.

First, the training object

The training targets are the backbone teachers of Guangxi Secondary Vocational School recommended by the local city education bureau and the district direct vocational school.

Second, the training objectives

Through training and learning, the trainees master the basic theories and methods of modern educational technology, the general methods and processes of informationized instructional design, the process and technology of digital teaching resource development, the theory and method of modern information technology and curriculum integration, and the information technology promotion teachers. The theory and methods of professional development enhance the awareness of the professional development of students.

Through targeted instructional design, courseware development, lectures, assessments and corresponding educational technology application practices, students can skillfully engage in informational instructional design and digital teaching resource development, and can apply advanced education and teaching theories and information technology. In teaching and development practice, form your own teaching style, and can guide and demonstrate the role of other teachers.

The trainees understand the new trends and new achievements in the integration of modern educational technology and curriculum at home and abroad, master the norms, methods and techniques of modern educational technology research, and lay the foundation for becoming a “research-oriented” teacher.

Participants learn how to use information technology to improve their network learning and personal knowledge management capabilities, thereby promoting their professional development and enhancing their confidence and ability in professional development.

At the same time, the training course will form the following training results:

1. An informational instructional design for a 45-minute class.

2. A 45-minute class of multimedia courseware, online courseware or a special website.

3. Use a teaching design, courseware or special website to conduct a simulation teaching or develop an information professional development plan that meets its own characteristics.

4. Create a teaching blog.

5. Publish a series of training diaries, learning experiences, technical summaries, class reflections, and teaching narratives on the blog.

Third, the training content

Theoretical module

1. Basic theories and methods of modern educational technology;

2. General methods and processes of informational instructional design;

3. The process and technology of digital teaching resource development;

4. Theories and methods of modern information technology and curriculum integration;

5. Theories and methods of information technology to promote the professional development of teachers;

6. The norms and methods of modern educational technology research and essay writing.

Practice module

1. Informatization teaching design practice;

2. Multimedia courseware, online courseware or special website design and development practices;

3. Informatization teaching practice;

4. Teaching blog development and blog circle management practices;

5. Teaching and research and essay writing practice;

6. Networked learning skills and personal knowledge management practices.

Fourth, training methods

In view of the pragmatic and practical characteristics of secondary vocational schools, it is proposed to adopt a training strategy of “trained students as the main body, close integration of theory and practice, personalized, networked, efficient and flexible”. Adhere to the combination of learning and use, study and research, and adopt the training mode of "theory teaching + teaching practice + teaching research + development practice + technology research + teacher professional development".

Strengthen the hierarchical, order-based, and thematic teaching so that the students can take their own needs and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. Strengthen the teaching at different levels, and properly grasp the depth and breadth of training for students of different foundations.

Technical training , educational theory guidance and professional development lead the way.

Innovative teaching model and evaluation model. The theoretical teaching adopts the teaching strategy based on the teaching method, case analysis and interactive dialogue, and strives to broaden the knowledge and vision of the students in the modern education technology and curriculum integration, information technology and teacher professional development theory and practice in a short time. At the same time, combined with living cases, strengthen the image, vividness and fun of language. Technical training mainly adopts “double master” teaching mode and diversified training methods including task-driven, case teaching and group cooperative learning, mainly focusing on task-driven and case-based teaching, namely “example demonstration → appreciation and evaluation → learning Learning → basic skills training, imitation → technical research → transformation, improvement → innovation, the classroom teaching model, theory, ideas in living cases, lesson cases, courseware examples and production examples. Carefully select teaching cases, develop curriculum teaching resources, and design different learning interfaces for different types of students with different basics and different subject backgrounds. The teaching evaluation is led by the electronic portfolio, and the teacher-sheng and the students-student reflect together. The self-evaluation of the students, the teacher's comments and the mutual evaluation of the students are combined to establish a learning community based on teacher interaction, teacher-student interaction and interaction.

People-oriented, strengthen class management and humane care, coordinate the relationship between trainees, lecturers, tutors, class teachers and other aspects to make them together.

Give full play to the advantages of information technology and strengthen guidance. Establish a training public mailbox, qq group, blog circle, and form a learning community through network interaction.

V. Training time and place

Our hospital is scheduled to conduct 13 days of training from July 14th to July 27th, 2019. The students will report on July 14th. The location of the training will be located in the Changchun Campus of Guangxi Normal University.

6. Training funds

According to the requirements of the Notice of the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Region on the Implementation of the Training of Teachers' Autonomous Region Level Training in Secondary Vocational Schools in 2019, the expenses for accommodation, travel expenses, training materials and materials during the training period are the responsibility of the unit where the students are located. In order to facilitate management, the student's accommodation is in principle contacted by our hospital.

Seven, training organization and management

In order to ensure the quality of training , a management model combining project management, hierarchical management and collaborative management is implemented. The specific measures are as follows:

The training unit organizes the assessment. The learning outcomes of the participants after the intensive training are assessed by the training unit to organize theoretical knowledge testing and practical assessment.

Send a school to build a growth file. The school where the students are located adopts the “growth file” management method for the students' work, and promotes the students to conduct online learning and carry out school-based practice training to achieve independent development.

In combination with the comprehensive assessment of the students' concentrated training , on-the-job practice training and final summary, the qualified students will be awarded the "2019 Guangxi Secondary Vocational School Teachers Modern Education Technology and Curriculum Integration Autonomous Region Training Certificate" and the continuing education credit certificate.

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In the new year, the Party branch of our school will conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, and policies under the direct leadership of the party committee and the town party committee; hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts; and further implement the party's The spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the rural work conferences in districts and towns; taking the promotion of education and teaching reform, comprehensive implementation of quality education, improvement of school-running level and school-running efficiency as the fundamental starting point, strengthening the self-building of party branches and improving the ideological, political and comprehensive qualities of party members, To give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, we have formulated the following study and education training work plan:

First, the guiding ideology:

Hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, take the important thinking of the "Three Represents" as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the spirit of the rural work conference, carry out the "three represents" important ideological education activities, and earnestly improve the party members' thinking The political quality guides the majority of party members to work hard to achieve the goal of building a well-off society.

Second, the learning and education system:

1. Adhere to the "three sessions and one lesson" system. In order to improve the party members' ideological and political qualities and enhance the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the party branch, the party branch of our school must insist on holding at least one branch committee and branch meeting every month, convene a democratic life meeting every year, and organize party members and cadres to watch at least 6 times 10 pieces. The above audio-visual films about advanced cases, anti-corruption and other aspects of the organization organize the last party class every two months.

2. Party member training system. Party members will conduct regular training , rotation training, study party affairs knowledge and the relevant archives spirit of higher party committees and governments, and in conjunction with electrification education, party members will be trained for not less than 7 days each year.

3. Implement the name system. Party members and cadres who are often absent and have no leave are given a limited time correction.

Third, study and education methods:

Study the relevant archives of the town party committee; organize the viewing of audio-visual films; participate in various theoretical training classes and party knowledge training classes organized by the town party school; organize party classes , discuss and write learning experiences; learn relevant newspapers and magazines; organize party members to learn some advanced Typical examples, etc.

Fourth, study and education content:

Study Marx, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; the spirit of the important speeches of the CCP and other leading comrades; study and implement the spirit of the county and town rural working conferences; The various routes, guidelines, policies and resolutions; learning the basic knowledge of the party; learning the spirit of the party committee and government archives at a higher level. Watch the videobooks and organize all party members and cadres to discuss, post-view and write learning experiences.

V. Learning and Education Objects: Party members, probationary party members and activists who join the party.

In order to further standardize the education and teaching behavior of all faculty and staff, and strengthen the construction of teachers and teachers in the teaching staff, according to the overall deployment of the special training of the summer teachers in the 2019 summer education bureau, combined with the actual situation of the school, the school committee will study this topic. Training activities and development of special training programs.

First, the guiding ideology:

Adhere to the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the scientific outlook on development as a guide, closely focus on the requirements of comprehensively promoting quality education, and adopt the principle of "learning as a teacher and behaving as a model" to improve teachers' ideological and political quality, professional ideals and occupations. The moral level is the focus, actively promotes the noble morality, exercises the moral standards, strengthens the moral education, and creates a team of teachers who are satisfied with the people.

Second, the training object:

In-service teacher

Third, the leadership mechanism:

In order to successfully complete the special training tasks for teachers and teachers in this period, adhere to management and education, and manage the system, specially set up a summer teacher's special training leading group:

Team leader:

Deputy head:

Group member:

Fourth, the training content:

In combination with the in-depth development of the "Cultivating Talents and Pioneering Pioneer" initiative to create excellence and create learning-type party organization activities, vigorously promote the spirit of "dedication, love, dedication", and constantly enhance the social responsibility of teaching and educating people and teaching.

Studying the Ministry of Education's "Several Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Chinese Small Teachers' Professional Ethics" and "China's Small Teachers' Professional Ethics", and combining the actual situation with the people around them, the typical deeds of the things around them, practice and improve the professional ethics.

Study the "National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan", "Zhejiang Compulsory Education Regulations" and other educational laws and regulations, and strive to improve the ideological and political and policy theory of the staff.

Combining the theme of “turning to work style and excellent environment”, we will promote the new style, resist the evil spirits, and create an excellent team of teachers who are willing to contribute to the future.

Fifth, the form of learning

In the summer of 2019, the teacher's moral training was combined with theoretical study and exchange seminars. The model demonstration and problem rectification were combined, and the combination of concentrated learning and decentralized self-study was carried out to achieve practical results.

Sixth, training requirements

1. Establish a leadership team and unify requirements. Establish a leadership training group for teachers and teachers headed by President Yin Xueda. All in-service teaching staff must participate in the special training of teachers and teachers. Through training , we will further improve our ideological understanding, correct learning, and realize the combination of theory and practice, and improve teachers' moral cultivation and education.

2. Reasonable arrangements to ensure quality. In the process of concentrating the education of the teachers and teachers, according to the requirements of the Education Bureau and in combination with the teachers and teachers of our school, the work is carried out creatively, which is both targeted, theoretical, and realistic. Strictly ensure quality and quantity, make reasonable arrangements, properly organize centralized counseling and self-study by teachers, and ensure the time and quality of training .

3. Strictly trained attendance system. Each teacher must attend the teacher's moral training on time, strictly abide by the training system, earnestly take study notes, and complete training requirements such as teacher's moral analysis. Strictly do the attendance work, teachers who really can't participate in the training should go through the formalities of leave.

4. According to the requirements of the archives of the Education Bureau, the teacher's teacher's moral training and learning will be used as one of the basis for the future re-employment, dismissal, assessment of rewards and punishments, evaluation of teachers' individual titles, and promotion of positions; if the teacher's moral assessment fails, one vote will be rejected.

5. After the teacher's study and training , write the learning experience.

The same theme article of the summer teacher teacher training program in 2019: China's small teacher national training program 2011 school year first semester school-based training program 2019 teacher training work plan class teacher training program school teacher development training program Chemical Stratification and Training Work Planning Village Science and Technology Training Work Plan National School 2019 School-based Training Program
View more>> Training and planning Party members' education and training work is a basic project of party building and an important strategic task put forward by the Party's 17th National Congress. According to the requirements of the Implementation Opinion of the Education Committee of the Xiamen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Implementing the National Plan for the Education and Training of Party Members in 2011-2019, this work plan was formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' as the guide, thoroughly implement the scientific development concept, and thoroughly study and implement the party's 17th in accordance with the requirements of strengthening the party's ability to govern and the construction of advanced nature. The spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session unified the thoughts and actions into the central decision-making and deployment, and provided strong ideological and political guarantees and organizational guarantees for the sound and rapid development of the city's educational undertakings.

Second, the training principle

Adhere to the principle of linking theory with practice and applying what it is. Arming all party members with the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, guiding party members to connect with reality, learn from others, and unite party strength and improvement.

Adhere to the principles of education and training and development. Hierarchical classification

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