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New school year news agency new member training program

News agency new member training program

1. Regular training to improve the professional level of new members.

2. Regular meetings around twice a month to exchange questions encountered during work.

3. Take the old and new, and help the new members get into work as soon as possible.

Writing department training program

1. Writing training . The team leader will issue materials to explain the basic common sense of the press release; communicate with the old members and conduct a series of lectures.

2. Compare the manuscripts and manuscripts written by the members, find problems from them, and solve them.

3. Simulate news events and practice the interviewing ability of members.

4. Communicate with the students of photography, to achieve a news event, and to complete the photo and writing work independently. Communicate with the students of the camera, you can cooperate with the camera to do interviews, and learn to write a video of the broadcast.

5. Cultivate people who are good at writing video copywriting and planning video topics.

Film department training program

1. Initial training . Introduce detailed introductory training for new members from three aspects: photography, videography, and non-linear editing.

2. Regular meetings will be exchanged. Every two weeks or so, the new members' work will be analyzed to exchange photography and camera technology in various situations. Each issue of "News Online" and each video production will be opened for analysis.

3, from time to time outside the plan. From time to time, new members are organized to conduct out-of-the-box creation activities on certain topics.

4, with the old with new. In the initial tasks, the old members were brought to 2-3 new members to complete the work.

Broadcasting Department Training Program

1. Broadcast basic skills training . The leader prints the materials, explains and exercises, and checks the results of the exercises at the next meeting; the old members explain the broadcasting skills and the knowledge of the reporters.

2. Comment on the dubbing of the recent "News Online" or other programs.

3. Discuss the concept of online radio programs and draw up plans. Exchange members' new good ideas and discuss feasibility.

4. Learn the audio processing software and learn to edit the audio you recorded.

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