Work Plan > Kindergarten Work Plan

Kindergarten Safety Education Week Work Plan

The new "Outline" clearly states that " Kindergarten must put the protection of the lives of young children and promote the health of young children at the top of their work." This requires that kindergarten education goals must be based on young children, and education should be implemented from the needs of children's healthy growth. In the current semester, we have developed the following plans based on the actual situation of the kindergarten :

Class staff do:

1. Class education personnel must establish a "safety first" consciousness in their thinking, do the work in place, always pay attention to the children's activities, do not leave the children, and take a series of measures to do security work.

2, insist on daily morning inspection. Ensure that children do not bring dangerous goods into the park, if they want to recover. Strict child safety system to prevent burns, trauma, drug poisoning, prevent foreign bodies from entering the ear, nose and trachea, and prevent children from being lost.

3. Ensure the ventilation and cleanness of the classroom, ensure the safety and hygiene of the corner materials, and regularly disinfect the toys.

Safety Education Week's plan

4, timely prevention of the occurrence of infectious diseases, to ensure that one person a towel.

5, strengthen children's name work, and do a good job, find problems in a timely report, and call in time to visit home to understand the reasons.

6. During outdoor activities, the teacher carefully checks the safety of the event venue, promptly eliminates unsafe factors, ensures the safety of the child, and does not forget the child's items after the event.

7. Cultivate children's self-protection ability, work closely with parents, strengthen prevention awareness, and let young children remind themselves or others to pay attention to safety on the basis of safety awareness.

8. Strictly implement the rules and regulations for kindergarten transportation. Bring the child to the hands of his parents. There are special circumstances that must be used to pick up a note or a valid certificate.

9. During the lunch break, organize the children to sleep quietly, reminding the children not to cover their heads, not to lie on their heads, to suck their fingers, and to enter the bedroom without toys. The teacher strengthened the inspection and found the abnormal situation to report in time.

10. Introduce the importance and training methods for children's self-protection training through parent clubs and home contact columns, so as to conduct daily education or take children out to random education and take positive guidance.

In the aspect of young children:

1. In order to strengthen the routine, it is orderly and requires children to consciously queue up for washing hands, drinking water, urinating, etc.

2. Ensure the safety of the upper and lower buildings. Young children can do not push and pull, do not jump steps.

3, the young child knows not to go with strangers, not to eat strangers. Understand that you can't just leave an adult or a group.

4, the child knows not to put his hands between the doors, between the tables, between the chairs, so as not to be injured.

5, outdoor activities when playing large toys, do not push or squeeze, children supervise each other, help each other when taking equipment to ensure the safety of young children.

6, know that you can not touch electric sockets and other electrical appliances, pay attention to safety when playing scissors, know the correct use of scissors.

7. Know that you don't put paper balls, buttons, etc. in your ears or nose, and you can't put foreign objects in your mouth.

8, teach children some necessary fire protection knowledge, such as: how to escape when the fire, the fire alarm is "119" and so on.

The above is the safety plan of the class. The various activities will be carried out naturally in the daily life, education and teaching activities and games of the kindergarten . Through various activities, the children will understand the simple knowledge and methods of self-protection. In order to truly ensure the safety of young children. In the future work, we will firmly establish the awareness that "safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai", and firmly tighten the string of safety to prevent it from happening. Strive to create a stable, safe and harmonious education environment.

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