Work Summary > Class Work Summary

Class summary

Article 1:

In the past year, under the leadership of the Youth League and the class committee, under the leadership of the Youth League and the class committee, we have worked hard in the classroom system construction, ideological construction, class style and style construction, and collective activities. All have achieved excellent results. The report is as follows, and it is expected to be investigated and approved.

In terms of class system construction, we fully promoted democratic centralism, and successively formulated class election system, class decision-making system, class financial system, class meeting system, and class value day system. In the class work, we strive to be institutionalized, standardized, and scientific, and converge the entire 112 classes of information into a united and united group. The class committee strives for each classmate to understand the work in the class. On the one hand, it can help the class committee to do a good job, on the other hand, it can cultivate the sense of responsibility and ownership of the class service, and improve the cohesiveness of our class. The class has always maintained a positive development posture.

Thought is a banner. In terms of ideological construction, we mainly have two ways: First, we will hold a meeting of ideological work, such as learning three representatives. Second, the student cadres of the class committee and the league branch should be united with everyone, understand the ideological dynamics, do a good job in the ideological work of the students in a timely manner, and report the situation to the counselor and teachers at any time, so as to strive to maintain a high degree of consistency with the national policy forever. The students are actively concerned about national events and actively ask to join the party. Twenty-two people in the class submitted their application for joining the party. Four groups of fifteen people participated in the school's party school training and graduated with excellent results. In the past two years, two of our class have been developed into the probationary members of the Chinese Communist Party.

In the construction of class style, we have developed a class training: “praise the collective, appreciate the individual. Be prudent and be serious in learning.” While carrying forward the spirit of team spirit, give full play to the individual talents of each classmate and show the talents of each classmate. . In the past year, my classmates have achieved outstanding results in various aspects such as study, cultural and sports competitions, and social work. At the same time, a large number of advanced figures have emerged. For example, in the mathematics competition of the school, one of our classmates won the third prize, and the two men won the first and third prizes in the physics competition. Under the active leadership of the class cadres, our class has formed a good atmosphere of unity, forge ahead, enthusiasm and innovation. The whole class is in a good relationship, and the students are like brothers and sisters. The class also organized several group outings to allow students to have more contacts and improve their friendship.

In the construction of the style of study, after experiencing the confusion of entering the university, the students began to have targeted, scientific and effective investment in the intense university study. Self-positioning, self-selection, self-cultivation and self-discipline have all been Great improvement. Everyone is accompanied by self-study, discussing problems together, encouraging each other, and constantly learning and learning. In the two years of study life, most of the students have made gratifying progress. All the students came out of the dilemma of not learning and not adapting to the new learning mode when they first entered the school, and adapted to the unique learning style of the university.

While doing a good job in class construction, we have not neglected to carry out extracurricular activities. Enrich the students' spare time and broaden their horizons. The class cadres regularly convened the class to conduct a number of cultural and sports activities. During the event, the students were highly motivated and enthusiastic. For example, we regularly organize some dormitory basketball matches, table tennis friendly matches, and sometimes invite students from outside classes to conduct class friendly matches, so that all students can participate in class activities. This series of activities enhances the cohesiveness of the class. Played a big role. In the future, we will continue to do a good job in these activities to further enhance the team spirit and class spirit of the students.

In the past year, our class of 30 students have worked together to achieve the above achievements. Of course, we have also encountered some difficulties, but we firmly believe that with our active efforts, we will certainly overcome all difficulties and create new achievements and make them even higher. If we win the honor of the excellent class, everyone will be confident and full of enthusiasm, and move towards the goal of renewal!



Article 2:

Since the semester, through unremitting efforts, we have finally completed the task of education and teaching. In order to better carry out the work in the future, the following is summarized as follows:

First, do a good job in classroom teaching and improve classroom efficiency

1. Developed the enthusiasm of students to participate in music and art activities, most students can imitate with their own voice or musical instruments.

2. Cultivate students' ability to distinguish between beats and listen to different melody's height, speed, strength and weakness, and use body and line to respond.

3. Trained students' singing ability, able to sing songs with their own facial expressions, and understand the national and folk music styles of China and the world.

4. Developed the ability of students to create, stimulated the students' imagination in the activities, and cultivated students' sentiments and positive and optimistic attitudes towards life.

5. Developed the ability of students to work with others in music practice activities.

6. In the teaching, on the basis of careful preparation of lessons, using the style of fan singing and the artistic image of music, infecting and inspiring the artistic image of students, so that they can sing emotionally, and complete the ideological education through the infection of artistic image. .

Second, according to the age characteristics of students, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude

For the sixth grade students, abstract thinking has gradually increased with age. The music tracks that are in contact need to be richer, the style of music, the form of music performance, and the knowledge of music also need to increase the content. In teaching, I try to adopt novel teaching methods to cultivate my musical interest, thus guiding students to develop innovative thinking. Introduce music theory. In the teaching of songs, I often encounter some marks, such as: repeated marks, lift marks, upper slides, glide sounds, rests, and sounds. Their role is deeper for primary school students. I use the image as a childlike language. To express the use of symbols, students will not be as boring as they are. Integrate teaching methods in other disciplines into teaching. In teaching, I first let the students perceive the music as a whole, talk about the feelings after listening, which phrase do you like the most? Find the same phrase. On this basis, the audition, sing, sing, and song teaching are targeted in the teaching, the difficulty of learning is reduced, the efficiency is improved, and the interest is more intense.

Third, there are problems

Most of the sixth grade students have some music foundations, which is an excessive period of perceptual knowledge to rational understanding. The students' concentration time is long, most students have strong desire for expression, the sense of collective cooperation is enhanced, experience and exploration are created. The ability to move is enhanced. However, some students still have the timidity to "before", especially during the changing period, many students dare not sing.

Fourth, take measures

On the basis of the strong knowledge of most students, the focus is on cultivating students' various abilities so that they can prepare for the transitional period and prepare for the mentality. The main points are as follows:

1. Prepare lessons carefully, do a good job in preparation and re-preparation, and prepare students for good classes. Pay attention to the new curriculum standards when preparing lessons, and pay attention to students.

2. Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, different students should pay attention to adopt different teaching methods, so that students can fully develop.

3. Design the introduction of each class to improve students' interest in learning.

4. The classroom form is diverse in design, full of knowledge, fun, exploratory and challenging. 5. Maximize the enthusiasm of students.

6. Make them learn the most and master the skills. And pay attention to taking certain forms in the classroom to cultivate students' ability of unity and cooperation and innovation.

7. Read more and listen to the courses of other schools and implement them in the school to broaden your horizons. The teacher sums up the experience.

Fifth, the test method is flexible:

In order to make music exams not old-fashioned and rigid, so that students can express music more naturally, express their understanding of music, and let me have a basic understanding of each student, I have adopted this semester music exam. : Let students freely combine groups and arbitrarily choose a performance mode, namely singing, playing, dancing, etc. Let students have a broader space for self-expression and self-expression.

One semester is coming to an end, recalling the bits and pieces of a semester. Although there have been many achievements, there are still many gaps. I will carry forward the advantages in the future, overcome the shortcomings, and strive to achieve better results in the next semester. .

Article 3:

In a blink of an eye, it was a semester, and the sour and bitterness of the class teacher came to my heart. I love this profession, so I always feel happy. Even if it is a lot of trouble and sadness, it will be a sweet memory later.

This semester, I was the head teacher of the sixth grade graduating class. I have found that my children are more knowledgeable and have a deeper understanding of the social and family environment. It is really not easy to be a good teacher. I worked hard to get close to them and integrate myself into the world of children. So, I built a deep relationship with my students. I like this group of children. They all have different characteristics. Some are quiet, some are lively, some are unique, some are knowledgeable, some are helpful, some are broad-minded, some are mischievous, some care about others. ...... In order to be a good class teacher, to be precise, in order to live in harmony with the students and learn together, I carefully plan the project, from the perspective of the children, give the children free space and let them get more exercise.

First, use the propaganda position to induce.

The newspaper is the most effective and direct way to promote. I handed the board to the students, organized a group of students who were capable and liked to publicize the work, taught them to develop their strengths, arrange the layout reasonably, and report the board well.

Originally, we used the class as a teacher's instructional class. The students received the instruction and then prepared for the day. Now, we know that blindly speaking can't make a difference. I often lead students to talk about things from the side, let them analyze right and wrong, and solve their own contradictions. More often, I use the class to ask students to tell the story of the hero, tell the story of historical figures with traditional virtues, and let the students get the education in the subtle.

Second, pay attention to the cultivation of students' good behavior habits.

Respecting the discipline is our traditional virtue. How to honor the teacher to see the teacher, of course, good. But just that is not enough. We need to train students to have the correct concept of respecting the teacher, such as: active speech in class, brainstorming; homework is done seriously, do not understand to ask; format is correct, layout design is reasonable; care about class hygiene, love the property around. This includes the cultivation of good habits in all aspects. Obedience is not limited to sitting upright, but can follow the rhythm of class, clear thinking, and answer questions in a timely manner. I also like students to interject, and insert the mouth at the appropriate time to receive the expected results. Do not throw things anywhere, take the stairs to pay attention to civilization, not loud, good behavioral norms, everyone must abide by, and I think these are the performances of respecting discipline.

Third, mobilize the enthusiasm of the small assistant.

In my class, there are a lot of small assistants. Each classmate has his own ability to help the class and help the teacher. So every effort is made to make the students find the position that suits them and make a good place for others. Bring honors. Class cohesion is also stronger. If I don't have a school, the class representative will organize the students to study, arrange the homework, and sometimes modify some of them to make the study orderly. Every time there is a bad phenomenon in the class, the class cadres can take the initiative to investigate, discuss and discuss, and propose solutions. Managing yourself and playing our abilities is the style of our class.

Sixth grade students have strong self-reliance. If everything is prepared for them and everything is arranged, the children will lose their original curiosity, lose their passion and explore the spirit. Therefore, only by letting go of their hands and feet will they be enterprising and will innovate.

Fourth, talk about the law.

As a class teacher, you should know that your child needs encouragement and needs confidence. In comparison, each student is a treasure in the family. They need love, they need motivation, they need praise, I don't want to praise their own praise, so I generously give praise to every student, even if he is in the class. Learning the worst. Of course, things are not absolute, but relatively speaking. I am not blindly praised and tolerant, and sometimes severe criticism. This is the measure of grasping the heart. In particular, students who make serious mistakes should let him know the consequences of their mistakes and encourage them to make up their minds to correct and give them confidence.

In this school year, I am a class, although learning is not among the best. However, in all kinds of competitions, certain achievements can be achieved. The purpose of my education is to let the children be independent and let the children go out. Every opportunity to exercise, I will not give up, competition, debate, investigation, every opportunity will find new things, students also have an exercise, and an accumulation.

Looking back at the work of a semester, there are sweet and bitter, mixed emotions, which makes my life colorful and makes me feel good. It has enabled me to accumulate experience and understand the importance of the work of the class teacher. I will continue to work hard and earnestly. I will be a class teacher who is a favorite of my students. I will do my duty and do my duty, and everything will be for the students, so that the relationship between teachers and students will develop in a healthy and harmonious way.


Summary of the teaching of the sixth grade of Chatang National Primary School

The National Primary School is a teaching and emotional course. "Exciting, rational, and guiding" is the three elements of the teaching of ideological and moral education, and passion is an important factor. Therefore, the ideological and moral lesson should abandon the empty preaching, pay attention to emotional teaching, guide students to participate in all aspects of teaching with positive emotional experience, learn, master and deepen moral understanding in a happy state of mind, and develop good moral quality and behavior. habit.

In teaching, based on the characteristics of teaching and the actual situation of students, I use the factors in the teaching materials to stimulate students' emotions, and strive to introduce the lessons ingeniously, novelly and interestingly, to achieve fascinating effects, and to make students' learning emotions continue to rise.

Learning to understand is an important teaching link in the ideological and moral class. I mainly learn the texts, analyze and summarize, let the students realize the truth, and initially form the moral consciousness, and the emotions are generated in the understanding of the objective things, "the deep knowledge, the beginning of the beginning", and thus form in the process of students learning civilization Before and after moral understanding, the students' moral emotions are stimulated by the situation. For example, carefully designing some inspiring questions to guide students, and using the psychological experience of hypothesis, association, imagination, color, role exchange, psychological shift, etc., to combine learning and understanding, knowledge acceptance and emotional recognition. Combined.

It is very important for students to turn the moral understanding formed in the study of civilization into the moral knowledge in concrete practice. Based on the students' cognitive level and the difficulty of teaching materials, I designed some thought-provoking, inspiring and guiding questions to guide students to analyze the right and wrong and improve their moral judgment.

Pay attention to the evaluation criteria of effective emotions. Due to the influence of age, family and the surrounding environment, primary school students are inevitably one-sided and limited in their moral evaluation criteria. Therefore, the teaching of the guiding stage first uses the teaching materials to explain the moral concepts, moral behaviors and non-standards of socialism from the perspective of rationality, but only these rational standards are not enough, and must be established in the emotional world of students. Emotional evaluation criteria. By introducing some heroes or older generations of revolutionaries and other noble and moral people and things, students are really aware of what is noble, what is the role model that they should learn. When guiding students to learn hero characters, not only let students understand the noble qualities of heroes, but also let students remember the main deeds of heroes and some touching details. Let the students feel the greatness of the hero from the living and authentic examples, and thus create a passion for heroes.

Use emotions and analyze the guides. I follow the actual situation and seek truth from facts, and use the guideline to let the students take the conviction and enter the brain. For example, there is a clarification: "Domestic things are not as good as imported things." The students are very heated. In the end, I glory from the domestic famous products for the country. The fake and shoddy products have lost their reputation. The foreign things are not all good. These three aspects stimulate the emotions of the students' patriotic products and guide the students to clarify their thoughts and unify their views. Received very good teaching results

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