Work Summary > Class Work Summary

2014 fourth grade class work summary

Summary of the fourth grade class work

The ordinary class teacher's work is a glorious and meaningful work for students to improve their ability, develop habits, and shape their personality. It is trivial and busy. Therefore, it takes a lot of energy and effort to do this work well. I summarize the work of this semester as follows: First, often grasp the routine management, and initially develop good habits. Students can search for more articles about the work of the fourth-grade class teacher and the summary of the work of the national class teacher from the morning.

Summary of the work of the fourth grade head teacher

The ordinary class teacher's work is a glorious and meaningful work for students to improve their ability, develop habits, and shape their personality. It is trivial and busy. Therefore, it takes a lot of energy and effort to do this work well. I summarize the work of this semester as follows:

First, often grasp the routine management, and initially develop good habits

Students go to school from morning to school, whether the routine of the day is normative and civilized, affecting the formation of a good collective and the development of all aspects of students. In the work of the class teacher, I mainly started from small things, grasped the routine management, cultivated students' good study and living habits, and created a harmonious and clean learning and living environment for the students. At the beginning of the semester, I defined the person in charge of each position according to the actual situation in the class. Such as: red scarf wearing inspectors, two inspectors, class health inspectors, desk inspectors, sanitary cabinet inspectors, discipline inspectors. At the same time, I use the team and the morning meeting to let the whole class discuss and determine what the primary school students should do and what they can't do. I also organized students to summarize and evaluate each week, and praised the students with good daily behaviors, rated them as the winners, and posted their photos in the glorious column to continuously strengthen and help students to develop good study and living habits.

Second, select good cadres and play the role of small cadres

As the saying goes: the train must run fast with a headband. In the same way, to bring a class, the role of the class cadre can not be replaced by the teacher. Therefore, I pay special attention to the selection and training of class cadres in the class management. In this semester, I adopted the post appointment system and first showed it. Job title and job responsibilities, then let students voluntarily sign up for the campaign. After the class cadres were born, I and they often held class cadre meetings, asking them to strictly demand themselves in all aspects, clarify their responsibilities, and do their own work. The class cadres thus elected are proactive in their work and work well. Every once in a while, I will call a class cadre to have a meeting, let them talk about gains and losses, and plans for the future. In this way, both the cadres of the class have been instructed and their work enthusiasm has been improved.

Third, carry out various activities to improve the quality of students

During the semester, the school launched an activity to create a happy squadron. In order to make the event more in-depth, more specific and more comprehensive, I encourage students to participate, cooperate with each other, and combine with the activities of the competition to mobilize the enthusiasm of student activities. Together, create a true happy squadron. In the skipping competition held by the school, I used the team class and the spare time in advance to evaluate them one by one, and the qualified sports medals were issued. The winners of the sports chapter compete again, and the winners represent the class to participate in the competition. As a result, my class won the first goal of single jump and the second goal of double flight. In addition, we have organized activities such as staging chapters, health chapters, and safety chapters to create a variety of exercises for students, show their opportunities, and improve the overall quality of students and classes.

In the education of individual students, I always use my spare time to talk with them, to resolve the gaps in their hearts, and to make students feel the care and love of the teachers, so that they are willing to show them to the teachers in their own good aspects.

The work of the class teacher is busy and cumbersome, but at the same time it provides me with more opportunities to interact with students and make my teaching life more colorful.

Summary of the fourth grade class work

It has been more than a few months since the time passed. Under the guidance of the school leaders and the joint efforts of the teachers and teachers, my class has achieved gratifying results in many aspects. The class style is basically demonstrated and very gratifying. Just make a brief report on the situation in the past few months:

First, approach the students, understand the class situation, and establish a personal image and style. At the beginning of the succession, I found a number of students to talk, to understand the family, study, life, character and other details. Established a detailed analysis table. In addition to the usual observation of the class situation, I have established myself. Management ideas: care for students with family difficulties, such as Peng Guiqiang, Liu Xiaohong, etc.; actively encourage students with poor academic performance to find their position in the class; strictly manage students with problems, persuade ideological education, step on progress The method must be praised, so that they can find strong expression desires, such as Gao Jian, Wang Jiashan and so on. "To know ourselves and know each other, we can win every battle." This laid the foundation for the development of my class work.

Second, strive to create a class environment and create a learning atmosphere. The phrase "near Zhu Zhe Chi, near ink is black" profoundly explains the impact of the environment on people. Especially for students in the national stage, it is more important. First of all, in the middle of the semester, under the unified arrangement of the school, our class also established the class culture construction with the characteristics of this class, adding the eight-character training of “unity, progress, diligence, and good thinking”. Pointed out the long-term goal of my class. A hundred windows of knowledge were set up to showcase the encyclopedic knowledge collected by the students themselves and enrich the limited knowledge structure. The establishment of the Hall of Fame is to fully demonstrate the skills of the students, so that students can find their own bright spots and actively develop their own strengths. Thus, a preliminary model for multi-angle cultivation of materials is established. Through the establishment of these, the original dead classroom has become colorful and colorful, and the learning atmosphere is tense. Students live in a happy and comfortable environment, not only enjoy the beauty, but also get the culture.

Third, strengthen the ideological and moral education for students and cultivate students' good quality. The phrase “not good learning is a defective product, bad moral character is a dangerous product” profoundly explains the important position of moral education in education. The class teacher in the class is the center of moral education and the center of moral education. Therefore, I feel pressure in this area and I have done a lot of hard work. First of all, I especially took a look at the time of the morning morning class. I established a day of a theme of moral education. Take safety, health, health, study, life, and values ​​into account. Some representative themes have been selected, such as: "The value of life lies in sports" "Civilized language is around" "Politeness to others" "Respect for others is to respect oneself" "Safety keeps in mind" "Small and hard not working, the boss is sad" "A few winter diets" and so on. Secondly, the class team class is also a favorable opportunity for moral education. There are teachers to choose the topic and guide, and the students choose the mode of processing. In this issue, we have successfully carried out class activities such as “showing ourselves” and “we are friends”. Almost all the students participated in the whole class, and they showed positive performance and high interest. Through their own in-depth process of material selection, processing, and performance, knowledge is mastered, ability is exercised, emotions are sublimated, and moral qualities are highlighted. Once again, combined with the work of the Young Pioneers, the students will cultivate their sentiments through activities. In this issue, a poetry reading contest entitled "I hope that the Chinese dragon will take off forever" will be held. After the game, this class will be used as an opportunity to hold a group-based "speaking contest of the motherland in my heart" with outstanding results. And in the 12, 9 red songs sung in the actual results, won the third-class high-level awards, to achieve class breakthroughs. Through these forms, class cohesion is enhanced and team spirit is significantly improved.

Fourth, strengthen class management and cultivate excellent study style and class style. The class committee is the mainstay of the class, and it is the bridge and link between the teacher and the student. During this semester, I carefully selected and trained the members of the class committee: first, vigorously praise the merits of the class committee, help the small class committee to establish prestige; secondly, encourage the class committee to work boldly, point out their working methods, and strictly demand the class committee. Individuals have made greater progress in knowledge and ability, and set an example in discipline, and strive to give the whole class an exemplary role in all aspects, that is, to take the lead in the face; once again, to foster the spirit of unity and cooperation of the class committee, through the small group of the class committee Correct and healthy public opinion drives the evaluation system of the entire class and forms a collective organization, discipline and enterprising spirit. Judging from the effects of this issue, these new class committees can effectively travel their responsibilities. In terms of sanitation, classroom discipline, and bedroom discipline, it is basically possible to achieve the effect of having no teacher in this place.

Fifth, coordinate the educational forces in all aspects and play a good role in the supervision of the ties. There are 38 people in this class. It is very difficult to manage them by one person alone. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a multi-faceted educational force. First of all, cooperate with the teacher in the class to coordinate the curriculum, coordinate opinions, exchange views, discuss the class situation and deal with them. In particular, Teacher Zhao, who teaches mathematics, is responsible for his work. Many things help the agency, regardless of you or me. Secondly, the parents' support, cooperation and understanding are obtained. At the beginning of my succession, I established a series of letters, telephone calls, and door-to-door interviews to understand the situation of students. Fight for their support and cooperation in education. By the end of the current period, I basically realized that in a different way, I had a conversation with the parents of the students. It turned out that the effect was obvious.

In short, in this semester, under the guidance of the school leaders, and with the active cooperation of all parties, through the above efforts, the class work has been greatly improved, and the overall quality of the students is constantly improving. Class features will also be increasingly formed. But in many ways, I also clearly recognize the shortcomings. First, although the class's style of study has been paid attention to, but the involvement is not deep. Second, the formation and implementation of the class rules have not been implemented. Third, the student's education evaluation system has not been finalized, and a perfect class evaluation system has not been formed. These indicate that the management of the class has a long way to go, and there are many aspects that need to be learned and guided. I believe that with my limited ability and unlimited enthusiasm, do your own business!

Summary of the fourth grade class work

Students are the living body with infinite vitality, which is the starting point and destination of education. Facing the students, the future of the motherland, we have to be a truly meaningful head teacher. Quality education requires us to face all students and serve the students well, so that the students' ideological and moral, cultural science, labor skills and physical and psychological qualities are fully harmonious. Development, how should our class management read individual students and improve the quality of students' life and life? In the past semester, our class was under the joint efforts of the school's unified organization, leaders and students. With the strong support and cooperation, all the work has been carried out smoothly, and the safety, study, work and other aspects have achieved outstanding results. Some of the work I have done is summarized as follows:

First, do a good job in the students' ideological work, cultivate students' good moral qualities, purify the students' minds, and strive to cultivate talents with all-round development in moral, intellectual and physical development.

Doing a good job in the students' ideological work starts from two aspects. First, pay attention to weekly class meetings and open class classes. Second, pay attention to the exchange of ideas with students and talk more with students. Pay attention to the class meeting and open a good class meeting, in order to form a correct public opinion orientation in the class, form a good class style, study style, provide a good environment for students, and pay attention to the commonality of students. In line with the implementation of the school's various tasks, our class has actively carried out many activities that are conducive to the healthy development of students' physical and mental health, so that students can understand things and have long-term knowledge in the activities. Students' self-esteem is also very strong. The direct criticism may be rebellious. The advantage of using class lessons to educate students is to avoid the monotonous and repeated criticism and teaching, which is aroused by students and easy to accept for students. Students clarify the fuzzy understanding of the mind and improve the students' ideological realm. However, the opening class does not have to wait until the fourth quarter of every Tuesday afternoon. It can also achieve good results by using some small and timeless classes that do not affect the subject learning time. It is not necessary to make a long story. The head teacher pointed out that the signs of bad thoughts discovered in time have been pointed out. The warning education is not correct for people who are not right, and often can eliminate some bad ideas that affect the style of work and study style in the bud. Pay attention to the exchange of ideas with the students, talk more with the students, and pay attention to the students' individuality and teaching according to their aptitude. I often use my spare time to talk with my students and educate students in a timely manner. Conquer students with personal charm and infect students with their own enthusiasm and vitality. It is reflected in all aspects of learning and life. To do anything, we must consider it from the perspective of the students. For the benefit of the students, the students are easy to accept. At this time, I was their good friend, trying to solve problems for them, and because of this, I got the love and trust of most students in the class.

Second, strengthen class management, cultivate excellent study style, class style, in-depth and comprehensive understanding of students, and strive to cultivate a "united, strict, lively, and progressive" class collective.

The fourth-grade students' thoughts, psychological development, and changes are fast. Therefore, the ideological work of students is particularly complicated and important. In this semester, my class management work is mainly implemented from three aspects: On the one hand, I have mainly increased the intensity of self-care ability of students, and through various means, not only to guide students to self-education, but also to make students self-conscious. On the basis of creating an enterprising spirit, gradually forming a good quality of thought and behavior; also paying attention to guiding students how to self-manage, cultivating their multi-faceted ability, letting students design themselves, organizing various educational activities, and educating and entertaining activities. Incorporate into one; also pay attention to cultivating students' self-service ability, let students learn to plan, cook, regulate themselves, so that they become the builders of the class collective in the collective, rather than "burden." At this point, it is particularly worth mentioning that the selection of class cadres is an important way for students to autonomy. The management of the class teacher is the management of the school. No matter how the class teacher and the Yan Yue color have unquestionable authority, and it is inevitable that they will not be understood and accepted, the coordination of the class cadres can often achieve unexpected results. The class cadres started to assist the class teacher in managing the class. They received the guidance of the class teacher and promptly feedback the class situation and the students' thoughts and dynamics to the class teacher. They divided the management of the class and were also a united and cooperative whole. Choosing good class cadres is not only beneficial to class management, but also beneficial to the common development of all students. Training students as class cadres is a very effective way to cultivate students' ability and improve their quality, such as cultivating their organizational, management, social, and language skills. They can also cultivate their concern for the collective, caring for others, and dedication. Excellent thinking and other excellent thinking qualities. More training cadres are conducive to the overall development of most students. Through the class management class, students can take care of themselves, train and train students' management and self-control ability. At the same time, do a good job in the regulation of the giants, do a good job in the leadership of the class, lead the way, put a good direction, lead students to continue to advance, continue to develop, promote their all-round development, healthy growth. Make class management work in a healthy direction.

Third, actively carry out the transformation work of the undergraduates, and strive to make the late-born students come with the losers and the winners.

The education and management of the undergraduates have always been the difficulty of the work of the class teacher, but it is also a vital part that affects the overall quality of the education and teaching of the class. Every student has the basic right to be educated and exercised. Paying attention to underachiever is an important embodiment of respecting students' enjoyment of these rights. In this respect, as the head teacher, I first treated them with a correct attitude, thoroughly investigated the bottom of the investigation, and figured out why they became poor students. They have taught students in accordance with their aptitude, treated them with sincerity, and patiently helped them. Intimate friends, the most reliable friends; timely psychological counseling to help them eliminate or alleviate all kinds of psychological concerns, let them realize their value. At the same time, try to dig out the "glow points" on them, mobilize their positive factors, cultivate their sense of ownership, and make their internal potential fully utilized. In addition, I also created conditions and opportunities for the underachievers to demonstrate their strengths and strengths, and to praise them in time for them to taste the joy and joy of success. On the one hand, students who can change their education and do not change can choose some class cadres who can distinguish between right and wrong, ability and familiar with them to remind and help them; on the other hand, the main aspect is the class teacher's patient education. "Frozen three feet is not a cold day", it is not impossible to thaw the heart of a latent student, nor is it something that can be done in a day or two. Only the teacher's understanding, respect and sincerity, sincere warmth to them can dissolve the ice. Indeed, the teacher's concern, care and care is the golden key to open the door of the students' minds. The teacher actively communicates with the underachievers, learns more about their state of mind, cares and helps them with sincerity, they know and understand. It will eventually be touched. The class teacher firmly believes in this and strives to implement it. After the transformation, the student will have a successful turn.

Fourth, actively carry out extracurricular cultural and sports activities, do morning exercises, inter-class exercises, eye exercises, protect students' vision, enhance students' physical fitness, and improve students' learning efficiency.

High school students have a heavy learning task. Carrying out appropriate physical activities is not only beneficial to the improvement of students' physical quality, but also conducive to the improvement of learning efficiency.

5. Proactively contact teachers of various disciplines, coordinate the educational strength of all aspects of the school, and play a good role as a bridge. In the interaction with the teachers, I respect their opinions, and at the same time regard them as the masters of the class, as their partners and confidants. Everything is actively negotiated with the teachers to listen and adopt their opinions. The relationship between students and classroom teachers can be handled cautiously. When dealing with the contradiction between teachers and students, try to avoid intensifying contradictions. In this regard, I usually pay more attention to educating students, let students understand courtesy, respect the teacher's labor, concentrate on listening to the class, earnestly complete homework, establish the prestige of the teacher, and enhance the friendship between teachers and students.

Sixth, do a good job in safety. Safety maintains the lives of every household, and I always do it, safety first, prevention first. On the one hand, we use the weekly meetings, team meetings, talks, home visits, etc. to do thoughtful and meticulous ideological work, and on the other hand, formulate practical and feasible security measures. There was no safety incident during the semester.

In short, in this semester, through the above efforts, the class work has improved considerably, and the overall quality of the students has been continuously improved, and the tasks have been successfully completed. I will continue to work hard to sum up lessons and lessons in a timely manner, and strive to achieve more brilliant results.

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