Work Summary > Summary of School Work

Create a safe campus work summary

In order to more effectively implement the overall requirements and deployment of the Ping An Campus issued by the Education Bureau at the beginning of the year, under the direct leadership of the School Safety Work Leading Group for one year, with the joint efforts of the teachers and students of the school, in the construction of a safe campus I have achieved gratifying results. It is summarized as follows:

First, the leadership attaches great importance to

On the issue of creating a safe school, the leadership team attaches great importance to this issue, especially to strengthen the responsibility management of each position of the school . It is the highlight of campus safety and safety education. The team has held several meetings to study this issue. They clearly recognize the students. The quality of safety and teaching is the lifeline of school education. For this reason, they demand that safety be placed first in all positions, truly implement the requirements of the "three represents," and earnestly carry out "cherishing life, loving my campus, "Love my students" theme of campus culture construction, the school adopts different methods to supervise teachers' job responsibilities, and conducts civilized and disciplined education for students. Students are consciously a good student at school, a good boy at home, and a good teenager in society. The crime rate of our students is zero. Earnestly implement the Law on the Protection of Minors and the Outline of Citizens' Morality, conscientiously implement the spirit of the State Council's "Several Opinions" and strengthen the work of ideological and moral construction of minors.

Second, improve the post responsibility system

In order to further improve the original comprehensive governance working group, a leadership group for campus safety order was established. One leader per day made a total value, and the value of the weekly teacher value Zhou Sheng together to maintain the safe order of school education and teaching. On this basis, the school signed a safety responsibility with the teachers. The teacher's responsibility for the safety of the students is linked to the post-year management evaluation of the post, so that the system can be implemented without leaving the form. Summer education students should not go to the lake and the river to play. Teachers should do patient education to the students. On major safety issues, the school leaders can make corresponding countermeasures as soon as possible, and an open letter to the parents. The seal is a letter about the problem of flood prevention. The teacher in charge of the class gets in touch with some parents who have water near the home. Parents should pay attention to the safety of the child. A letter is a question of safety. At the same time, the school hired a traffic police. The school explained the importance of traffic safety and how to abide by the traffic rules. The students also visited the “traffic accident” drawing board to give students a vivid education class. We first learned through the parent school and parent committee, and learned through the side. At the same time, our school has a team of teachers with a sense of professionalism and responsibility. The teachers have a legal awareness of legally teaching to create a safe campus learning and living environment. Our practices are recognized by parents and the community. They are with us. It’s because we work hard and care for our children. So, my school no case of similar incidents.

Third, grasp the routine management

Strengthening moral education and legal education for students is a routine education for students in schools. The implementation of police schools and schools, and the safe environment of schools and surrounding areas are the conditions for us to maintain normal teaching order. We regularly educate students on daily behavioral norms. Education students master some common sense of fire prevention, anti-theft and waterproof. For example, in mid-November, the Department of Political Education and Education led an emergency evacuation drill, which was very effective. In strengthening the ideological and moral construction of students, we call on students to stay away from xx, advocate science, and use the seventh and eighth classes of double Thursday afternoons to read science knowledge and enrich students' cultural activities.

In addition, we have also signed safety responsibility for the guards, canteens, and student dormitories, and carried out management inspections according to the responsibility system, implemented at various levels, and implemented by various departments to make the responsibility to the head, and the work of the gatekeepers is tighter. All outsiders are not allowed to enter the teaching building. The superiors inspect the work. The guards must get in touch with the office building in advance. After the leaders agree, they can be placed. Parents will find teachers and wait until after class to talk to the mail room. Registration of the school visitors, strengthening the value of the work and departmental prevention work.

Our construction of a safe campus has just begun, and there are still some problems and deficiencies that need to be continuously improved and strengthened in the future work. Make due contributions to the education that the people are satisfied with.

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