Inspirational story

Dedicated to your life

On the occasion of high school graduation, Bill Lafite decided to do business. His father is a senior staff member of the Rockefeller Group, and his father's life has inspired young Laford. Rafford’s father discovered that his son is very talented in business, smart and decisive, and dare to innovate, but he has not experienced hardships, no experience, and lack of knowledge. So, Raf and his son made a long talk, jointly developed a plan, and painted a blueprint for his son's career. Rafford listened to his father's advice. When he went to school, he did not go directly to the trade profession. Instead, he chose the most common professional machinery manufacturing in engineering.

This move is very good, because it must have certain professional knowledge to do business. In trade, industrial goods occupy the vast majority. If you don't understand the performance and manufacturing of the products, it is difficult to guarantee the profit of trade. Therefore, having the basic knowledge of a certain engineering is a prerequisite for doing business. Moreover, engineering study is not only the cultivation of knowledge and skills, but also helps you to establish a rigorous and realistic thinking system, train your reasoning and analysis skills, and give you a down-to-earth work attitude, which is very helpful for business.

Bill Lafford spent four years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is not particular about the profession and has extensive exposure to other courses. After graduating from college, Bill Lafite did not immediately enter the business sea. According to the original design, he began to study for a master's degree in economics. Under the conditions of a market economy, all economic activities are carried out through commercial activities. Without understanding the laws of the economy and not learning the knowledge of economics, it is difficult to establish a foothold in the commercial field. During this period, Bill Lafford mastered the basic knowledge of economics, deeply understood the economic laws, understood the social status and role of business activities, and clarified many factors affecting business activities. He also deliberately studied the management knowledge of relevant economic laws and microeconomic activities. Therefore, Bill Lafford is also proficient in accounting and financial management. In this way, in a few years, he has fully possessed the qualities of doing business in terms of knowledge.

After Bill Lafford got his master's degree, he still didn't participate in the business world. Instead, he took civil servants and went to work in government departments. It turns out that his father, the veteran business activist, knows that business must have strong communication skills, interpersonal relationships are extremely important in business activities, and in order to succeed in business, you must know the rules of life. Bill Raffo is in the government department for five years. In the past five years, he has grown from a young and enthusiastic young man to an old-fashioned civil servant. In addition, through the work of the government agencies over the past five years, he has met a large number of people from all walks of life and established a network of relationships. This helped tremendously in his subsequent commercial success.

After five years of government work, Bill Lafite has all the necessary conditions for a successful businessman, and the wings are full. So he resigned to the sea and went to the general company that his father introduced him to be familiar with business. After two years, he has mastered the business and business skills and achieved outstanding results. At this time, he no longer delayed the time, rumors declined GM's high-paying retention, independently opened the Rafford commerce company, began the dream business career, officially implemented the plan many years ago.

Twenty years later, the assets of Raffles have grown from the initial $200,000 to $200 million, and Bill Raffo himself has become a miracle.

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