Inspirational story

Because I am afraid of losing, I will not try it?

Lily sister is the red guy of our company, but everyone has been very strange. She is not tall when she is tall. On the appearance, she doesn’t figure out the crowd. Usually, she doesn’t see how close she is to the boss, but she doesn’t know what she uses. The way, always get the weight, with three years of promotion and salary increase have her share.

A few days ago, she took me to see a customer, and there is nothing important, just daily relationship maintenance. After the seat, the coffee came up and sneered at each other. The customer accidentally said that he was busy talking about a cooperative project recently. After the other party finished, Lily’s sister asked the time and did not lose the grace. Has the contract been signed? Is it possible to hand it over to our company?

The customer hesitated a moment and said that there is already an intentional unit and it is almost the same, so I am sorry, this time may not work. Sister Lily did not give up, continue to say, I just want to know how to make it impossible.

After eating the buffet with the customer, Lily didn't go home, drove back to the company all the way, wrote a detailed plan for the night, and took me to the customer the next morning. The other party still received us with enthusiasm and courtesy, but after seeing the plan, it was still a bit difficult to say, maybe this time it will be a bit difficult...

Lily, who was barely sleeping, had a consistent smile on her face, making it hard to notice a trace of tiredness. She took the tone firmly and said: It doesn't matter, we are here to solve these problems. You just need to tell me how to make it. Even if I still can't cooperate in the end, at least I have won it.

After repeated discussions and revisions, Lily’s sister came to the top and grabbed the list from many competitors.

On the day of signing the contract, she invited me to dinner, and it was a small celebration. I asked her where her enthusiasm and tenacity can be so persistent. She said that whether you want to get something or realize a dream, there will always be such difficulties and obstacles. How many people’s first reaction is since The overall situation will be fixed, then give up, next time you have a chance to say. However, there is such a good opportunity. I just asked more than others, "Is it possible to change?", as long as there is a little hope, I want to try.

"The original odds are not big, you have to be able to do it. If you fail, you will lose more." I blurted out.

"Dare to try, this is young capital, what can be shameful. Have you heard the sentence, the most painful thing in life, not failure, but I could have, but not." Lily said, She just didn't want to regret herself for not doing her best.

So, I understand, why is it always her weight?

Looking at my face with a look of admiration, Lily sister took a glass of wine and touched me, saying that in fact, her courage is not born. In her college days, she also felt inferior. The school organized a volleyball match. She clearly practiced in middle school. She felt that she was not tall, and she was afraid to be jokes. There are too few girls in the class. It is really difficult to get together a volleyball team. The squad leader talked to her twice. She finally reluctantly agreed to be a substitute. She played in the last few minutes of the game. She even scored a few points. The classmates cheered and waved. She suddenly realized that she was obviously able to do so. Why was she afraid of shrinking before?

In fact, such an example is really too much in our lives. You want to raise a pot of green plants, but you have never raised them. If you think about some difficulties, forget it. If you want to take a postgraduate degree, you may not give up after thinking about it day after night. You will give up; you I want to run, but I worry that I don't have a scientific method. If I run for a few days, I can't reduce the fat, so I will do it. The leader gives you a new job, you have never done it, for fear of making mistakes, and then pushed away...

All the efforts that might make you better are killed by you in the first place. If you have not tried to take the first step, how can you master the method of cultivating green plants, how can you enjoy the sweating after running? Is it afraid that you have no experience, fear of sudden changes in the middle of the road, fear of the last thing? Still not satisfied with the ending, or just afraid of losing, afraid of being laughed at, wouldn’t you dare to try?

In fact, there are too many similar examples telling us that many times, those difficulties are really not as difficult as they might be. As Lily sister told me, "I told myself many times, try again. If this can't be done, give up. But every level is so over. The hardest thing is that you need to try. The first step."

I remembered seeing Yang Lan’s interview in the book about her interview with Michael Jordan. The great athlete who is known as the “flying man” said: “I have at least 9000 shots, and I have lost no more than 300 games. There are 26 times people expect me to win a goal and I am mistaken. I have failed one after another in my life, which is why I can succeed. I have never been afraid of failure, I can accept failure, but I can not accept no Try.” Jordan said that in the face of all the pains and dilemmas, his magic weapon is the phrase that parents have taught him since childhood: “Whoever encounters bad luck, your task is to find a way to turn bad things into good things.”

And this is actually a lifelong lesson for each of us.

Each of us has our own dreams, all of which have the goals we want to achieve, and all have hopes of becoming like them, but in the process, there will always be various disturbances. Instead of shrinking, why not be young and young, try it boldly? Many things are not because people can't do it, they lose confidence, but because they lose their confidence, they become difficult to do.

The distance between you and your success may sometimes be that you tried it more than others.

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