Inspirational story

Perseverance and hard work will be the biggest criterion for your success.

The power of determination

An old-fashioned big belly stove was used for heating in rural school buildings. A little boy gets to the school every morning to make a fire, and the room is warmer before the teachers and students arrive.

One day, when they arrived at school, they found that the school building was swallowed up by raging fire. They rescued the unconscious boy from the fire, and he was dying. His lower body was severely burned and they sent him to a nearby village hospital.

The boy who was severely burned and unconscious was lying on the bed and vaguely heard that the doctor was talking to his mother. The doctor told his mother that his son could not escape death - it was already compassionate - because the terrible fire had burned his lower body.

But the brave little boy doesn't want to die. He is determined to survive. Somehow, to the doctor's surprise, he actually survived. When the dangerous period passed, he heard the doctor whisper to his mother: Because the fire devours many of the muscles of his lower limbs, if he is really dead, he is destined to be a disabled person for a lifetime, he can no longer move him. Legs.

This brave boy made up his mind again. He does not want to be a blind man. He has to walk. But unfortunately, he can't move below his waist. His thin legs were swaying there, but he was not aware at all.

He was finally discharged from the hospital. Every day his mother has to massage his legs. But he is unaware. However, his determination to stand up again is still so firm.

In addition to being in bed, he was sitting in a wheelchair. On a sunny day, his mother pushed a wheelchair and let him go to the yard to breathe fresh air. On this day, he was no longer in a wheelchair, but he used his upper body to throw a wheelchair. He dragged his legs and crawled on the grass.

He climbed to the fence of the yard. He struggled to grab the fence and let his body stand upright. Then, a railing followed by a railing, he began to pull the fence to drag himself forward, while thinking that he would definitely go. He began to exercise like this every day until a small path was pulled out of the fence of the yard. He was thinking about his ability to walk again.

Finally, with his daily massage and steel-like perseverance and determination, he was finally able to stand on his own, and then he could walk on his own - and then - he could run himself.

He started walking to school, then running to school, and he was running purely out of the joy of flying. In college, he was elected to the school track and field team.

Later, in the Madison Square Garden, this determined young man who did not expect to survive, certainly can not walk, not to dream of running, Dr. Gran Cunningham, broke the world record of a mile!

Story of a frog climbing a tower

One day, a large group of frogs played outside, playing and watching, and saw a towering tower. So some people suggested: If you can climb to the top of the tower, how beautiful it is! Other frogs also find it very reasonable. If you look at the scenery on the top of the tower, the feeling is definitely different. So they echoed this call and climbed up to the top of the tower. It was huge and full of momentum. Climbing and crawling, the sun frogs panting and thirsty, so some people doubted the original idea and said, "We are stupid, why are you climbing? Why bother and suffer, why bother? Don't climb up Isn't it the same?” The frogs think that is also what we mean by climbing up. Many frogs have retired one after another and started to laugh at their original thoughts. It’s really silly, why? We are so small that it is impossible to climb up. Why is it so self-sufficient? Everyone feels that the decision to retreat is wise and correct.

But there is only one small frog, no matter how other small frogs talk about and how to yell, it still continues to climb to the top of the tower at a slow speed, as if it were not heard. Finally, this little frog succeeded. He climbed to the top of the tower smoothly and enjoyed the scenery that other frogs could not see at the top of the tower. Every frog admires it, and it has become an idol of many frog worship. When some frogs ask it: What kind of force is it that causes it to climb to the top of the tower. The answer is unexpected. It turned out that this little frog is a blind man. When everyone talked about it, it didn't even hear a word. Everyone thought that everyone was climbing, so they climbed up and climbed to the top of the tower.

This little frog is not the most powerful or the most intelligent, but it is based on its strong beliefs and tenacity, it excludes the interference from the outside world, constantly strives toward the dream of its own heart, and finally succeeds. Created a miracle. The same is true of life. Although, as the saying goes: "Listen to people to persuade, eat enough." But we must pay more attention to not easily give up their dreams and goals because of some people's arguments. "Go your own way, let others say go!" There is some truth. With tenacious beliefs and a spirit of never giving up, miracles will be created.

Only you can fight yourself if you can save you.

If your cow is trapped in the ditch, even if it is so cold that even the eyeball will split, or it will rain, or whether you like it or not, even if you are not comfortable, you must always pull the cow up.


Donald thinks that mom is a great woman. When his father died of a heart attack, he was only 21 months old and his brother was 5 years old. Although she has no skills and no education, she still takes responsibility for raising two children.

When Donald was 9 years old, he found a job selling the Jacksonville Daily on the street. He needs the job because they need money, even though it is a little bit of money. But Donald was scared because he had to go to the downtown area to get the newspaper and sell it, then take the bus home when it was dark. When he went home after selling the newspaper in the afternoon of the first day, he said to his mother, "I will not sell the newspaper again."

“Why?” she asked.

"You won't want me to go, Mom. The people there are very rough and rough. You won't want me to sell the newspaper in that kind of ghost place."

"I don't want you to swear," she said. "It's a matter of people's rough hands. You don't have to learn from them."

She did not tell Donald to go back and sell the newspaper, but the next afternoon, he went. Later that day, Donald was dying in the cold wind blowing over the St. John River. A well-dressed lady handed him a $5 bill and said, "This is enough to pay for the rest of your newspapers; Go home, you will freeze to death outside." As a result, Donald did what he was convinced that his mother would do too - thank her for her kindness, and then stayed on and sold the newspapers before returning home. He knows that winter freezing is a matter of expectation, not a reason to stop.

When Donald grew up, every time she went out, she would warn him: "To learn well, do it right." What you might encounter in life, almost all of this sentence.

Most importantly, she taught him to work hard. She would say: "If the cow is trapped in the ditch, you have to pull it out."

No one will come to save you like a miracle. It is only your hard work and determination to fight you who can save you.

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