Inspirational story

The poorest is to ask for food, not to die will eventually come out. (too classic)

Money can't keep you forever.

Beauty can't show off for a lifetime.

The poorest is to ask for food, and you will always be in the first place.

Whose life dares to say that everything is perfect,

Whose life is not so sweet and bitter,

Who can guarantee that life is always aspirations.

There are also cold and bitter people behind the scenery;

People who are happy again have a hard time in their hearts.

Whose life is not easy, respecting others is to respect yourself.

If you want to be expensive before you, you have to suffer from sin.

- Dedicated to all those who have ideal struggles!

Two stories I like very much: "Change" and "On the Road" to share with everyone


The monkey wants to be a human. It knows that to become a person to cut off the tail, the monkey decides to cut off the tail. The monkey was trapped by three things before the start:

1. Will it hurt when cutting the tail? [Change is a certain pain]

2. Can the body still maintain flexibility after being cut? [Change will have certain risks]

3, lived for so long, has been with it for a long time, followed for many years, can not bear to abandon it [change will be a little emotionally uncomfortable]

Therefore, today's monkeys have not become humans! To accomplish something, you must abandon something else! If you don't want what you have, you won't get better!

Change, maybe it will be painful for a while! If you don't change, you may be suffering for a lifetime! Don't think that you have to change yourself if you want to change your destiny.

"On the road"

A monk wants to travel to the school.

The master asked: "When did you leave?"

"Next week. The road is far away, I asked someone to play a few pairs of sandals, and I will leave after picking up the goods."

Master Shen Shen for a while and said: "It is worse than this, I will invite the believers to donate."

Master did not know how many people were told. On that day, dozens of believers sent straw shoes and piled up the corner of the Zen Room. The next morning, someone brought an umbrella to the monk.

The monk asked: "Why are you sending an umbrella?"

"Your Master said that you have to travel far, and there is a heavy rain on the road, asking if I can send you an umbrella."

But this day, more than one person came to send an umbrella. At night, nearly 50 umbrellas were piled up in the Zen room.

After the evening class, Master stepped into the Buddhist monk’s Zen Room and said, “Is the sandals and umbrellas enough?”

"Enough is enough!" The monk pointed to the hill-like shoes and umbrellas piled up in the room. "Too much, I can't bring it all."

"How is this going?" Master said: "There are unexpected circumstances. Who can expect how many roads you will take, how much rain? If the sandals are worn, what should I do if the umbrella is lost?"

Master said: "You will certainly encounter a lot of streams. Tomorrow, I ask the believers to donate the boat. You will bring it..."

The monk understood Master’s intentions and he said, “The disciple is leaving now, nothing!”

To do one thing, the important thing is not whether the things outside the body are complete, but whether there is determination! Have the determination, set the goal, and everything is not a problem! Please bring your own heart, the goal is in the distance, the road is at your own feet! Taking a step is a little bit of gain! With your heart on the road, everything is natural enough!

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