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Basic requirements for graduation thesis writing

Graduation thesis has certain requirements in terms of content or form, which is also one of the basic basis for assessing the results of the thesis. The specific requirements for the writing of graduation thesis will be discussed in detail in the relevant chapters. Here, I will talk about some of the principle requirements for the writing of graduation thesis.

First, adhere to the principle of linking theory with practice

To write a thesis must adhere to the principle of linking theory with practice. Theoretical research, especially the study of social sciences, must serve the reality, serve the socialist modernization drive, and serve the construction of two civilizations. The theory comes from practice and counteracts practice. Scientific theories have a guiding role in practice and can be transformed into enormous material forces through people's practical activities. The task of scientific research is to reveal the regularity of the movement of things, and to use this regular understanding to guide people's practice and promote social progress and development. Therefore, graduation thesis must pay attention to the reality of socialist modernization construction in the topic selection and viewpoint, and pay close attention to the new situations and new problems that appear in social life.

Adhere to the reality of theoretical research, and to achieve a theoretical and practical connection, we must take a deeper foot and go deep into reality to conduct social investigations and studies. This is also the basic way for us to correctly understand society. People only go deep into the real world, have extensive contact with objective things, obtain a large amount of perceptual materials, and then use scientific logical thinking methods to carry out roughing and refining of these materials, and to use them to process and produce them. I found new topics that are practical and suitable for my own research. In the practice of China's reform and opening up, new situations, new problems, and new experiences are emerging one after another. The problems that need to be studied are spread all over the society. As long as we have strong interest and sensitivity to real problems, we are good at capturing those vivid and typical. Through in-depth thinking and research, we can draw a regular understanding of socialist modernization and improve the value of graduation thesis. Of course, the topics that can be selected for writing a thesis are very broad, and they are not limited to real-life problems. They can also study basic theories of the profession, comparative studies between China and the West. However, no matter what research topic is chosen, it is necessary to implement the principle of linking theory with practice, to make the ancient use for the present, and to use it for the Chinese. From the historical research, draw lessons and lessons that are conducive to the development of the real society, and learn from the success of foreign studies. Lessons from experience and failure, or provide some basis for our foreign policy.

To implement the principles and methods of linking theory with practice, we must study hard and master theoretical weapons. Comrade Li Ruihuan pointed out: "The emphasis on connecting with reality does not mean negating the importance of reading. On the contrary, it is necessary to read it carefully, read it over and over again, and study hard, so that it can be read and understood. Otherwise, there is no theory. How can we talk about the theory and practice?" Serious study includes two aspects, one is to learn professional courses and have professional basic knowledge. This is the premise and necessary condition for writing a graduation thesis. Experience tells us that only by having the corresponding level of knowledge accumulation can we understand a certain depth of academic problems; at the same time, only when we have a specific knowledge structure can we study the problems in a certain subject. As Hegel said, before discussing academic issues, it is necessary to “have a certain degree of knowledge first.” Otherwise, “there is no basis for discussion. Therefore, they can only be confused with vague and meaningless situations. in". Second, we must conscientiously study the basic principles of Marxism and learn to use Marxist positions, viewpoints, and methods to analyze and solve problems. Marxism correctly reveals the most general laws of nature, human society and the development of thinking, and becomes a powerful ideological weapon for the proletariat and the revolutionary people to understand the world and transform the world. Marxism, as a great cognitive tool, does not directly provide answers to various specific problems, but it provides correct positions, viewpoints and methods for how to correctly identify problems, analyze and solve problems. Therefore, college graduates When writing a thesis, you should study and master the basic theories of Marxism, and consciously use Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods to guide the writing of graduation thesis.



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With newer theories and newer methods, the problems in actual production and life have been solved to a certain extent, and certain effects have been achieved. Or provide new ideas and data for solving practical problems.

The theory of the relevant discipline is used to better propose and solve the problems in the discipline to a certain extent.

Use newly discovered materials to prove proven points.

The creative requirements in scientific research do not blindly follow the existing conclusions of the predecessors, but must be good at independent thinking, dare to present their own independent opinions, and dare to deny those old and outdated conclusions. This must not only have a diligent learning attitude, but also must pursue The spirit of truth and innovation. To properly handle the relationship between inheritance and innovation, any innovation is not out of thin air, always based on the results of previous people. Therefore, we must seriously study, research and absorb the achievements of our predecessors. But this kind of learning is not to be swallowed and lived without analysis, but to inherit and criticize and develop.

Third, the arguments should be informative and the arguments should be strict

The argument is to be informative

It is not enough to have a good graduation thesis with only a good theme and viewpoint. It must also be supported by sufficient and informative arguments. The side-by-side quotation and multi-party evidence are the distinct features of the graduation thesis that is different from the general essay. In general papers, the author has to prove a point of view. Sometimes it is only necessary to analyze one or two arguments, and the thesis must use a large amount of argument material as the basis and the pillar of its own opinion. Every time the author establishes a point of view, he must consider: what material is used as the main card, what material is the circumstantial evidence; whether there are different opinions or negative opinions on his own opinions, and how the objections held by others should be interpreted or refuted. The graduation thesis requires the author to put forward the opinions and opinions that are actually their own, and

In order for your opinions to be recognized by others, there must be a large number of sufficient and persuasive reasons to prove that their views are correct.

The arguments for graduation thesis should be sufficient and must be applied properly. It is impossible and unnecessary to extract all the research work in a paper. The facts, incisive discourses, all practical data, observations, and survey results of ancient and modern China and foreign countries are all quoted, but they must be taken as necessary and discarded. There are no ones. Argument as an argument service, the simple accumulation of materials can not only prove the argument, but also strongly explain the arguments, but instead give people the feeling of a kind of article, advice, chaos, and no need. It is therefore important to choose the necessary arguments in the large amount of material that has been collected. Generally speaking, it is necessary to pay attention to the novelty, typicality and representativeness of the arguments, and more importantly, whether it can strongly explain the viewpoints.

The materials and data cited in the thesis must be correct and reliable, and can withstand the scrutiny and verification, that is, the correctness of the argument. The specific requirement is that the referenced material must be verified repeatedly. The first-hand materials must be fair, and they must be verified repeatedly. They must remove their personal likes and dislikes and take their assumptions and retain their objective truth. The second-hand material should be rooted, the original source should be found, and the meaning should be deepened, and it should not be taken out of context. The reference to other people's materials is for their own argumentation, and should not be used as an embellishment. When citing other people's materials, it is necessary to make the next screening and identification work to be accurate. Writing a thesis should be based on as much evidence as possible by citing your own practice data and survey results. If the content of the article argument is the result of the author's own practice, then the value of the article will increase many times. Of course, for college students who have limited knowledge and few practical opportunities, it is inevitable to repeat other people's labor in the first scientific research. It is inevitable to quote other people's practical results and data in the graduation thesis. But if the content of the whole article is a combination of indirect things, and there are very few things that you get by yourself, then you completely lose the meaning of writing a thesis.

Argument should be strict

Argumentation is the method and process of using arguments to prove arguments. The argument should be rigorous and logical so that the article can be convincing. From the overall situation of the article, the author asks questions, analyzes problems and solves problems, conforms to the laws of objective things, conforms to people's understanding of objective things, and makes people's logic programs and cognitive programs unified, and the whole article forms a logical whole. From a local point of view, for the analysis of a certain problem, the interpretation of a certain phenomenon should reflect a more complete process of concept, judgment, and reasoning.

Graduation thesis is based on logical thinking. It appeals to the understanding of the use of scientific language. It reflects the nature or law of things through concepts, judgments, and inferences. It is known from the unknown. All kinds of graduation thesis adopt this. a form of thinking. Social science papers often use known facts and take the form of inductive reasoning to obtain an understanding of the unknown. To make the arguments rigorous and logical, we must do the following: the concept judgment is accurate, which is the premise of logical reasoning; it must be hierarchical and systematic to clarify the process of understanding the objective things; it should be based on the theory, the combination of the virtual and the real, reflecting From "real" to "virtual", from "things" to "reasons", from the perceptual knowledge to the leap of rational understanding.

In addition, writing a thesis should also pay attention to the clarity and standardization of the style. Academic papers, survey reports, popular science books, feasibility reports, and publicity outlines all have their own characteristics, and they cannot be mixed with each other in writing methods.

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