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Thesis writing theory

First, the importance of theoretical preparation before graduation thesis writing

Because the graduation thesis has a high academic value, it is a comprehensive answer to test the degree of knowledge acquired by students in the years of learning, and the ability to use the knowledge to analyze and solve problems. Therefore, the theoretical preparation before the graduation thesis is very important.

First of all, the theoretical preparation before the graduation thesis is the basis for the graduation thesis writing. If you choose the title of your graduation thesis, you must make theoretical preparations. Otherwise, accumulating information, forming arguments and arguments will lose your way. For example, in the article "Thinking about the development and improvement of the construction market," once the topic is determined, it must be followed by theoretical preparation. What is the market? What is the construction market? What is the status and role of the construction market? Development and improvement of the building What are the conditions and foundations of the market? Wait, you must first answer the theory, then collect the information according to the theoretical ideas, and then form arguments and arguments. Some people think that this practice violates the practice that "the conclusion comes from the end of the investigation and research". In fact, the students choose the topics that are familiar to them and have a considerable degree of emotional contact, from the existing perceptual knowledge. Rising to rational understanding, this is an important step in the writing of graduation thesis. Only in this way can we verify the correctness of this rational understanding in the later stages of investigation and research and data collection.

Second, the theoretical preparation before the graduation thesis is a guide to accumulating information. What information should be accumulated in the writing of graduation thesis? This is the biggest problem encountered by most students who have no experience in writing graduation thesis. There are many students who collect data blindly, but once they want to use the information, they find that the existing information is useless. If you want to collect the information to be used, the time is not allowed. The problem is that there is no rational understanding. Data collection is only a blind collection. For example, there is a thesis entitled "On the improvement of the quality of laborers". Because the author's understanding of the quality of laborers has not risen to a high level of rationality, the authors only collected the physical qualities and culture of the workers who have the most contacts and the most attention. The scientific quality of the materials, but not the collection of deep-level information on the ideological and moral qualities of the workers, led to the one-sidedness in the collection process.

Finally, the theoretical preparation before the graduation thesis is a necessary condition for the formation of arguments and arguments. Determining the thesis only establishes the central argument, and must also propose corresponding subordinate arguments so that the central argument can be developed. To this end, it must have rich theoretical knowledge, including political, economic, social, and even natural science knowledge. Otherwise, only I can write an article on the work report of the work, such as the author of the graduation thesis "Several Issues Concerning the Relationship between Urban Renewal and Landscaping". Since there is no theoretical analysis of the relationship between the two, there is no deep understanding of the relationship between the two. It is a major issue of how to coordinate the population, economy, society and environment, and how to make the whole society sustainable. Although there are a lot of first-hand information, it is limited to the general general discussion and how to do a good job in urban greening. The report is too low.

Second, the scope of theoretical preparation before the graduation thesis writing

To write a thesis, you must master a relatively broad theoretical knowledge. Only with a wide range of knowledge and profound knowledge can you be able to make a difference in the writing of the thesis, and it is very handy and shows great initiative. If the knowledge is narrow and the bottom is very thin, it will often be greatly limited in the writing of the thesis. The written papers are either empty, or there are mistakes and jokes. Therefore, theoretical preparation must be made before the graduation thesis is written to accumulate knowledge. So, what aspects of theoretical knowledge must be in writing a thesis?

In terms of economics papers, we must first grasp the Marxist political economy. Marxist political economics is a science that studies the laws governing the production and exchange of material living materials in human society. It points out the general laws of social and economic development and is therefore the theoretical basis of all economic disciplines. It is particularly important at present to grasp the theory of socialist market economy. It is an important part of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, a new development of Marxist political economy in the socialist era, and a guide to the socialist economy. The basic theory of construction. Therefore, to write a variety of economics thesis must first be guided by Marxist political economy and the basic principles of socialist market economy theory. It is the most important basic theory that must be mastered when writing economics thesis.

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Second, we must also apply economics knowledge, including industrial economics, agricultural economics, business economics, finance, foreign trade economics, finance, business management, and so on. The regularity problems studied in these disciplines are much more specific than political economy. They involve not only the improvement, adjustment and reform of production relations, but also the rational allocation of productivity. They not only study economic laws, but also study management methods, which are highly operable. Features that can be applied. Therefore, it has a more direct guiding significance for studying real economic problems. For example, if you write a thesis on "Improving the quality of laborers", you must master the knowledge of population economics. Any demographics of population economics has no exceptions to indicate the quality of workers. In fact, it is the conditions for people to understand and transform the world. And ability, the main fundamental quality is the physical quality, ideological and moral quality and cultural and scientific qualities of the population. Many textbooks also put forward some quantitative indicators for the quality measurement of these three aspects. If students master these rational knowledge, they will not make the jokes mentioned above, and the importance of applying economic knowledge can be seen.

Third, we must also master the methodological knowledge necessary to study economic phenomena. This mainly refers to the basic knowledge of quantitative analysis methods such as economic mathematics, statistics, accounting, and electronic computer application techniques. Any economic phenomenon is manifested in the unity of quality and quantity. Therefore, in-depth analysis of economic issues can not only stay on the qualitative analysis, but also must analyze the quantity. Otherwise, the research can only stay in the shallow stage. A common problem in the writing of graduation thesis is full theory, but not empirical analysis. If there are, there are some viewpoints plus examples. In the absence of sufficient conditions, exemplification analysis is not eye-catching, because under different conditions, the same case can convey different information, and some modern quantitative analysis methods can avoid similar errors. Therefore, many people think that it is very difficult to succeed in writing economics papers without mastering the basic methods of quantitative analysis.

In addition, you must master some theoretical knowledge of other disciplines related to the economy. The current era is an era in which the knowledge of all disciplines is greatly integrated. It is difficult to overcome the social and economic problems by relying on the knowledge of a certain discipline. Only by using the comprehensive power of multiple disciplines can this task be accomplished. For example, in addition to having a solid economic basic theory, the study of economic issues must also have general natural science knowledge, especially to understand the profound impact of the development of contemporary natural science on social and economic development, because the development of productivity is inseparable. The use of natural science and technology science. In addition, the changes in production relations are subject to a variety of social conditions. Therefore, the authors of graduation thesis should also master other social science knowledge such as politics and history.

Third, the basic method of understanding and correctly applying basic theories

In order to understand and correctly apply the basic theory, we must pay attention to the following points:

First of all, the classic works and important articles related to the topic should be read and understood. Graduation thesis authors should select classic works and important articles closely related to the thesis, read them repeatedly, and read and think until they understand and figure out the theoretical problems related to the thesis, and avoid understanding or one-sided understanding. In order to deepen understanding, the best way is to make reading notes, extract the theoretical points and warnings related to the topic, and have the experience to write a book. If it is your own book or newspaper, magazine, you can make a brow, or Doubtful and difficult points are marked on the above for further study.

Second, to master the theory scientifically, we must be good at connecting. The first is the objective conditions formed by the connection theory, which can help us understand the content of this theory more accurately. For example, to write "Thinking about cultivating and improving the construction labor market", it is necessary to consider the preconditions of market formation and master the general preconditions for market formation. Naturally, it also introduces the preconditions for the formation of the construction labor market: First, the institutional conditions; second, the relevant market conditions 3, the third, the special conditions of employment in the industry. The second is to contact the theory related to it, which can help us further grasp the essence of this theory. Still taking the above as an example, to reveal the objective inevitability of the construction labor market, we must not only master the theory of socialist market economy, but also master the relevant theories, such as philosophical principles. Marxist materialist dialectics believes that things are universally connected. The production of a thing is always the result of its role. From this principle, we realize that the reason why the construction labor market can emerge in modern China is that there are inevitable preconditions for it to produce it, which drives us. To explore the "his things" that motivate the construction labor market.

Finally, creative thinking must be carried out under the guidance of theory. Writing a thesis must have theoretical guidance, but theory does not provide a ready answer to the problem. Therefore, reading classic works and important articles must not only accept passively passively accept some of these conclusions, but also create ideas for the land, and strive to seek some inspiration from the knowledge of predecessors to guide themselves to explore the current problems. . For those who have not been suitable for the reality in the conclusions put forward by the predecessors, they have to dare to raise questions and dare to propose new ideas. This is not like what some people think is “unreachable”, as long as we study and think about problems, Learned from the predecessors, use the practice to test it, divide it into two, blame it, distinguish the correct mistakes, and separately line up the research, naturally will produce their own opinions, to the predecessors If the views are supplemented, played, corrected, and refuted, they will naturally form their own new ideas and produce their own graduation thesis. When historian Zhang Yinlin was still in Qinghua Middle School, he went to the university to listen to Liang Qichao’s lecture. He listened to different opinions and wrote a rebuttal article. The quality of the article was very high. After publishing in the magazine, the editor thought it was written by the professor. The draft fee is sent to the Tsinghua professor dormitory. Liang Qichao appreciated his talents and carefully cultivated him. As a result, Zhang Yinchang

In his twenties, he became a professor of history. What a teenage middle school student can do, our 20-year-old college students, adult college students in their 30s and 40s, why can't they do it through hard work? Moreover, the society is constantly developing, the theory put forward by the predecessors Those problems that are not involved will inevitably become more and more. We must be brave in thinking and dare to open up new fields.

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